Wikidude's Quotes Page #269

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I didn't want this from you! I came here to be stopped! I wanted Miller to stop me! The best of the best!

You don't want to be stopped, Jeffrey! You think this is a game! And in a half an hour, all you will have done is hurt someone who is weaker than you! And if that somehow makes you feel important, then God… God help you.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miller (to Jeffrey):
You and I…are nothing alike, you rat bastard, son of a bitch. After I bring her home alive, I'm gonna make you real sorry you ever came to New York."

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Capt. Finney:
Sergeant Cruz, you're under arrest for the murder of Donald Mann. Confiscate her weapon. Cuff her.. Now get her out of here.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Cruz (as she is put in jail):
You can't put me in there.

Captain Finney's orders.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

If they both had their stories straight, the investigation was closed. Then what changed?

(Finney walks in)

Yeah, I wonder.


Rat Junior shows up here and a month later one of us is behind bars. Nah, I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I need to call my lawyer and tell her that I'm not gonna be coming back.

IAB Cop:
Look, we're talking about murder, okay? We're talking 25 to life. You better hope that having to postpone your little family court case is the biggest problem you have at the end of this day.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

So, Lieu, what do you know about the new guy?

He needs to buy a vowel for his last name.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Carlos (about Stu):
I know him.

You do?

Well, I don't know him, I know of him. Interdepartmental basketball. He's their center. This is great.

Not for me. I was gonna play center.

It's great because it means he's ugly.

What are you talking about?

Well, excuse me, but some of us are sick and tired of the parade of Joe Hunky Fire Dudes who show up just long enough to get all the women all worked up then slither off into the sunset.

As opposed to someone who just bothers 'em and won't go away.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Prisoner (to Cruz):
Wherever I've seen you, I didn't like you

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You guys got here fast.

We've had an APB out on Councilman all night.

He's a jerk.

Would you stop?

He punched me, on my good side.

You have a good side?

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm just so… tired.

Take a nap. Look, you gotta hang in there and see how things are gonna turn out, 'cause you could miss out on something great just because you gave up on it before you gave it a chance. (Carlos looks at Levine) Gotta give things a chance.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sully (to Finney):
Listen, Junior Hero. I know you think your ass is special because your old man's a honcho. But your old man is a thug, a thief, and a murderer. And nothing you ever do on this job's gonna change that.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sully (to Davis):
I'm gonna tell you this story one time. I'm gonna tell you the "see spot run" version and when I'm done telling you, we're done with it. It was a long time ago. There were a bunch of dirty cops who were taking payoff money from drug dealers. About a dozen or so of them. Some you never heard of… your father and CT Finney. When it became clear that the house of cards was gonna cave in, the rest of the gang had a brainstorm. They'd pin it on the black guy. 'Cause, you know, 'cause that would be an easy thing to do. Your father saw it coming. Decided to head 'em off at the pass. CT Finney got wind of it. You know the rest.

What are you saying? What, Captain Finney killed my father?

Your father was going to IAB the next day. We got a bogus call. Your father ended up dead. A month later, CT Finney's in a nice corner office downtown. You can draw your own conclusions.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yokas (to Cruz):
I can't figure this. Why the hell would you go through all that to protect me?

I don't rat out cops.

Look, we're not friends. I don't even like you.

You know what? I spent the entire day with a bunch of people telling me how much they don't like me. So you wanna fight, let's go. Let's go, let's just get it over with.

I told you that night I didn't want you to be involved.

I was already involved. He was my prisoner.

And I told you that I would face my punishment...

This isn't about you! I don't rat on cops. It makes no difference who they are or whether I like them or not. I don't rat on cops.

I don't owe you anything, Cruz. I didn't want you to do this.

Fair enough.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You know who Cathal Finney is?

Yeah, it's Brendan's Father.

Yeah, um… Sully thinks he killed my dad.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Councilman Daniels' wife has been calling the PC's office off the hook. Husband didn't come home last night.

What's she want us to do?

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Carlos (to Grace):
Girls always want the honey when other bees start buzzing around it. Look, if it doesn't work out, I'll break you off some.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Finney (to CT Finney):
Yeah, I'm learning a lot from Davis too, you know? I was expecting Denzel in Training Day, but, you know, he's nothing like that.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sully (to Davis):
If I had gone up against the department on this, do you think they would've let your mother keep your father's pension? Huh? How was she supposed to take care of you and your sisters? How was she supposed to pay for you to go to Columbia?

Well, that doesn't make it right.

This isn't about being right. This is about what is. I keep trying to tell you we're solving problems out here and that's what I did.

That wasn't enough, Sul.

All right, you know what? You can think whatever you wanna think. I don't give a damn. But don't you ever question my loyalty to your father again. You don't have that right.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It's over. Put the gun down.


Jonathan…don't do this.

I'm not doing anything. You are.

I'm not gonna shoot you.

How can I live with this?!

How's your family gonna live without you? Huh?

Stop talking. Just do it!

You don't wanna die.

I'm dead already.

I know what it feels like. I know what it feels like to…to wanna wash the filth off you.

Pull the trigger.

You think it was hard for you to step up? I'm a police sergeant.

Do it!

I do that, they win. We can't let them win.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Davis (to Morris):
I don't get it, man. 21 years ago, you were begging for somebody to listen to you. Why are you flipping the script now? What's he got on you? Is he sending your mom checks? Kicking you back cigarette money? What?

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Capt. Finney:
You think you're gonna play me?

You wanted to know what happened.

Capt. Finney:
I want the truth.

I told you the truth.

Capt. Finney:
I want the truth. You're a liar. I want the truth and I want it now.

No you don't. You want Cruz. I am telling you the truth. I shot Donald Mann. I did it because I thought he killed Bosco. I didn't care what happened to me. Cruz was trying to protect me.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sully (after hitting the rapist with his car):
You dented my car, moron!

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Finney (to Davis):
I thought you and I were partners. You got problems, so do I.

This ain't Boy Scouts, Fin.

Third Watch, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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A Sigmund Freud
B Albert Einstein
C Al Capone
D Napoleon Bonaparte