Wikidude's Quotes Page #278

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Burns (to Cruz):
I may be young, but Clarence Darrow couldn't convince a jury this was rape.

But it was!

And they took payment for it, never reported it, no rape kit, no physical evidence. I'm gonna DP this case until you can get more evidence.

Third Watch, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Doc, this wasn't Eugene's fault.

Listen, if there's anything that implicates him, I'm writing him up!

Well, I guess you gotta spend your time doing something.

Third Watch, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Chow (to Cruz):
Do we have a deal?



What are you, 15 years old? I'm trying to get a serial rapist and you're holding it up for a prostitution charge?

Oh, it's not just the prostitution. It's insurance fraud, Medicare....

Where are all the real ADAs, huh?

Third Watch, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And then my partner Bosco, he was like Mr. Cool when he got the assignment, he flew right up to anti-crime, you know. He leaves me to bounce around with whoever no body else wants to be with and then when everything goes wrong, who does he come back to? Me, I gotta fix everything. My partner, he dumps me and this upstairs, loud mouth, high riding, corrupt cop turns my partner into a criminal.

Third Watch, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Monroe (to Cruz):
I know that was hard. This was not your fault, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Stop treating me like I'm just another vic. I'm anything but.

Third Watch, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(When Aaron Noble is bleeding from a stab wound)

How's your breathing?

Aaron Noble:
Pretty good, pretty good, yours?

You lose consciousness at all?

Aaron Noble:
Well, once in the 60s. But, ah well, it was the 60s.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Bosco while on a car chase] Don't tell me that was him.

I think it was him.

I said not to tell me that.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Doc (to Alex):
I'm not putting up with an attitude all day. When we get to the scene, you do your job, period. So you got two blocks to get it out of your system.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Cruz (to Noble):
According to this, you and him got a little cozy not too long ago.

It's "you and he" and we didn't get cozy.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Destroying city property, littering, riding without a helmet. It's a one-man crime wave.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

That's just Cruz. It's when she's not bitchy that I get worried. She's insecure, overcompensates, and never lets anyone forget that she's in charge.

Yeah, that's her in a nutshell.

Yeah, but she's weak. And the weak always get what's coming.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yokas (to Emily):
Did you buy the drugs with him?

I already answered this question. No, I did not.

Then he is a liar, Emily. And that is not love. That is somebody who doesn't even like you.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

If Special K didn't work, maybe they'll try X or Heroin and then Eric will start dealing to all the little kids. And then a crew will start coming to Emily because they'll know that she has the hook-up. Then Eric OD's at some unsupervised party, but now Emily's getting a cut. And she just switched from Loehman's to Saks and there's no way that she's going back. So when little Suzy Smith shows up in the emergency room and I get called, Suzy pins Emily for selling her the dope. And then she and Eric end up in Juvie. Only upon their release this one gets knocked up by this mope. And then he decides, to keep her from turning a few tricks every now and again, the two of them will start selling drugs out the back of some seedy club bathroom. And meanwhile, I'm at home, a widow because your father's heart exploded from the stress wondering why I just didn't lock up this skel in the first place!

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I hate working with Levine. She's always talking about her dead husband.

All right, no jokes about her dead husband.

It's kind of hard not to when she carries his ashes around her neck.

I thought that was potpourri.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I was doing research, for a book.

Oh my gosh. You know what? Please accept our apologies. Sarge! Sarge stop searching the car. He was only doing research for a book.

Oh, didn't somebody already write "Dumb and Dumber?"

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Oh, this world would be such a better place without people.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You're a little boy, Bosco. You're a selfish little boy. I used to feel sorry for you, but now I just want you the hell away from me.

Well, why not? That's the way you handle people. Keep them at a distance as soon as they become a problem.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yokas (to Swersky) We got it, sir.

Bosco (to Swersky, sarcastically) We got it sir. (to Yokas) Kiss up.

Shut up!

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kim (to Doc):
How come we never get the overturned armored car jobs?

Because we're lucky.

Yeah, it would be hard not to accidentally let a few bucks fall into our med bag.

That's why we're lucky.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kim (to Aaron):
Why would you leave if you were hurt?

Aaron Noble:
I don't know. I get frequent bleeder miles at another hospital.

Great, more jokes.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yokas (to Bosco):
Nobody should say anything about your little Anti-Crime girlfriend! (pauses) Oh, my God.

What? What?

Oh, my God. She's the girlfriend.


You're lying.

I wouldn't lie.

You already lied.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Davis (to Sully):
I was always pretty happy riding with you. Learning from you, but, uh, I don't know you anymore, man. I tried to help you. I tried to get you to let me in, and you bit me for it, and it's cool. I understand. I understand…I know you've been through the worst kind of hell, but you can't just... Sul, I can't help you if you won't let me. But at the same time, I'm not just gonna stand around and just watch you go down. I can't do it. I can't. I tried. I'm sorry, I can't. So, um, I got to move on. And it's not about being more than the bag. It's not. It's about getting away from you.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Yokas (to Cruz):
You make me sick.

I am the Anti-Crime sergeant. We lock people up. That is our job.

Yeah. Yeah, I've seen you do your job up close. It's very impressive.

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What is this woman, a track star? How'd she get away so fast?

Third Watch, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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