Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,118

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[to Kit] Your Majesty, I'm no princess. I have no carriage, no parents, no dowry. I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does Will you take me as I am? A good honest country girl who loves you.

Prince Charming:
Of course I would. But only if you'll take me as I am, an apprentice still learning his trade. Please...

[Prince Charming invites Ella to sit on a nearby chair as the Grand Duke watches in fear, the Captain looks on with a smile as he places the slipper on Ella's foot. It fits perfectly! He takes Ella by the hand and is just about to kiss her when the Stepsisters burst into the room.]

[apologetically] Cinderella!


My dear sister! I'm sorry.

So very sorry! [they curtsy at and Ella and Kit]

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[to Prince "Kit" Charming] Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[to Lady Tremaine, after having her foot fit in the glass slipper] I forgive you.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Prince Charming:
Even if she doesn't want to be found, I have to see her again.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Fairy Godmother:
I'm your Hairy Dogfather... Oh! I mean, your Fairy Godmother.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Fairy Godmother:
And so Kit and Ella were married. And I can tell you, as her fairy godmother, that they were counted to be the fairest and kindest rulers the kingdom had known. And Ella continued to see the world not as it is, but as it could be, if only you believe in courage, and kindness, and occasionally, just a little bit... of magic.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lady Tremaine:
[to Cinderella, after she, Drizella, and Anastasia tear Cinderella's mother's dress] You shall not go to the ball!

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lady Tremaine:
[holding the glass slipper] Are you looking for this? There must be quite a story to go with it. Won't you tell me? Hm? Very well, I shall tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who married for love. And she had two loving daughters. All was well. But, one day, her husband, the light of her life, died. The next time, she married for the sake of her daughters. But that man, too, was taken from her. And she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child. She had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful, stupid daughters to the prince. But his head was turned by a girl with glass slippers. And so, I lived unhappily ever after. My story would appear to be ended.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Ella's Mother:
[to young Ella] I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. Have courage, and be kind. Ella, you have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in their whole body... Where there is kindness, there is goodness. And where there is goodness, there is magic.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Goose Coachman:
I can't drive, I'm a goose.

Cinderella  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dorothea Fields:
Wondering if you're happy is a great shortcut to just being depressed.

20th Century Women  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dorothea Fields:
Men always feel that they have to fix things for women, but they're not doing anything. Some things just can't be fixed. Just be there, somehow that's hard for all of you.

20th Century Women  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Abbie Porter:
Whatever you think your life is going to be like, just know, it's not gonna be anything like that.

20th Century Women  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
Neatness! It's a good quality! You'll make someone a fine wife! You are Dr. Heywood Floyd?

Heywood Floyd:
Who the hell are you?

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
I'm Moiseivitch. I'm here to discuss your problem.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
I want to play a game with you, Doctor Floyd.

Heywood Floyd:
I don't have time for games.

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
This is a very good game. It's called "The Truth." For two minutes, I will speak only the truth, and so will you.

Heywood Floyd:
Two minutes?

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
Two minutes.

Heywood Floyd:
Make it a minute and a half.

Dimitri Moiseivitch:
One minute and three-quarters.

Heywood Floyd:
You start.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Chandra, I detect strong vocal stress patterns. Is there a problem?

Dr. Chandra:
No, Hal; the mission is proceeding normally. Can you analyze the image on monitor circuit #2?

Yes. There is a circular object near the equator. It is 22,000 kilometers in diameter. It is comprised of rectangular objects.

Dr. Chandra:
How many?

1,355,000, plus or minus 1,000.

Dr. Chandra:
And what is the proportion of the objects in question?

1 by 4 by 9.

Dr. Chandra:
Do you recognize these objects?

Yes. They are identical in size and shape to the object you call the Monolith. 10 minutes to ignition. All systems nominal.

Dr. Chandra:
Is the number of monoliths constant?

No. They are increasing.

Dr. Chandra:
At what rate?

Once every 2 minutes.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Walter Curnow:
Look at it closely. Tell me I'm nuts. Are those cloud formations going toward the spot?

Dr. Floyd:
You're not nuts.

Dr. Vasili Orlov:
It looks like the thing is eating the planet.

Dr. Floyd:
I think it is.

Dr. Walter Curnow:
It's reproducing exactly like a virus!

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[The message is:


[The first 11 words are common to novel and movie; the last 7 appear only in the movie]

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
[referring to Europa] Oh, there's something down there, all right. We all saw it; we read the data; we know it's there. But suppose, just suppose that it had something to do with the Monolith? Now, before you get that look on all of your faces, just listen to me for a minute. We've been sending probes out here since the 1970s. And so have you guys. But none of us have ever encountered even the slightest signs of chlorophyll on any of Jupiter's moons, never. And we certainly were close enough, weren't we? 9 years ago, the Monolith was detected here. Discovery was sent up and everything went wacko. You catching my drift? So here we are, 9 years later, trying to figure out what the hell happened and what the Monolith was all about. And guess what we discover along the way? The possibility of life where it had never existed before. I don't think it was electrostatic anything. I think something wants us to stay away from Europa.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
Dear Caroline: I miss you terribly. The time has come to put ourselves in orbit around Io, which is where the Discovery is. And we don't have enough fuel to slow ourselves down, so we are about to use a technique called aerobraking. The theory is that we will enter the outer layer of Jupiter's atmosphere, using what is called a ballute for a shield. The atmosphere will slow us down, and Jupiter's gravity will grab hold of us and slingshot us around behind the dark side. If all goes well, we'll wind up in a gentle orbit around Io. It's dynamite on paper. Of course, the people who came up with the numbers on the paper aren't here. Since no one has ever done this before, everyone up here is as scared as I am. The difference is they're busy. I have nothing to do but wait for it to happen. And I hope this is all worth it.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
Dear Caroline: The first part of this journey is coming to an end. We are about to rendezvous with the Discovery. The race will be on now. We're going to send a boarding party over to climb inside this 800-foot long shipwreck, which is floating over Io, to see if she can be rescued before her orbit gives out. There are 9 years of secrets inside, including a sleeping computer who knows the answers. My past is also inside, and I want those answers.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
Floyd to Milson: My news is a little better than yours. Discovery has been partially revived. I don't know how much damage has been done, or if we'll be able to bring it back home. Most of that is up to HAL. The drive system could be operated manually, so we were able to pull Discovery away from its decaying orbit around Io. I must say, the farther away I get from Io, the happier I am. It's a violent moon, even for Jupiter. Europa, for all its cold gray, is a lot more comforting. I tell you, Victor, there's some kind of new life down there, trying to get through all that ice. We are 10,000 kilometers away from the Monolith. I can't see it, except I know it's there. I also think it knows we're here. It's time to unleash Chandra. We'll see if our computer brain surgeon and psychiatrist can put HAL back together again. To tell you the truth, I don't know if HAL is homicidal, suicidal, neurotic, psychotic, or just plain broken.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
Dear Caroline: This is finally it. After 9 years and hundreds of millions of miles, we are about to come face to face with the Monolith. The last human being who did that disappeared and was never seen or heard from again. Something truly amazing is going on out here, and I really believe this black giant is controlling it all. We have so much to ask. I have a feeling that the answers are bigger than the questions.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dr. Heywood Floyd:
My dear Christopher: This is the last time I'll be able to speak to you for a long while. I'm trying to put into words what has happened. Maybe that's for historians to do sometime later. They will record that the next day, the President of the United States looked out of the White House window and the Premier of the Soviet Union looked out of the Kremlin window, and saw the new distant sun in the sky. They read the message, and perhaps they learned something because they finally recalled their ships and their planes. I am going to sleep now. I will dream of you and your mother. I will sleep knowing that you are both safe, that the fear is over. We have seen the process of life take place. Maybe this is the way it happened on Earth millions of years ago. Maybe it's something completely different. I still don't know really what the Monolith is. I think it's many things. An embassy for an intelligence beyond ours. A shape of some kind for something that has no shape. Your children will be born in a world of two suns. They will never know a sky without them. You can tell them that you remember when there was a pitch black sky with no bright star, and people feared the night. You can tell them when we were alone, when we couldn't point to the light and say to ourselves, "There is life out there." Someday, the children of the new sun will meet the children of the old. I think they will be our friends. You can tell your children of the day when everyone looked up and realized that we were only tenants of this world. We have been given a new lease and a warning from the landlord.

2010: The Year We Make Contact  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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A Larry Elder
B Barack Obama
C Ron Paul
D Thomas Sowell