Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,114

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Bill Clinton:
Until Milosevic does something, we do nothing.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bill Clinton:
Why don't we step outside for a moment.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bill Clinton:
What kind of a king begs others to do his fighting for him?

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
We have learned twice before in this century. Appeasement does not work. If we let an evil dictator range and challenge. We will have to spill infinitely more blood, and treasure to stop him later! This is not a battle for territory! It is a battle for Humanity! It is a just cause!

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
[giving a speech in Chicago] You have seen what was happening in Kosovo can doubt that NATO's military action is justified. And that military action will continue until Milosevic is defeated absolutely. Success is the only exit strategy I am prepared to consider. We are witnessing the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community. Many nations working hand-in-hand, cooperating on issues that confront us all. You are the most powerful country in the world. [Clinton is watching the speech on the TV] Must be difficult occasionally, irritating. The recipient of every demand to be called upon in every crisis. The cry "what's it got to do with us", must be regularly heard on the lips of your people. Yet the nations with the greatest power, have the greatest responsibility. We need you engaged. I say to you: Never fall again for the doctrine of isolationism. The world cannot afford it. And realize that in Britain, you have a friend that will stand with you, and fashion with you the design for a future built on peace and prosperity for all, which is the only dream that makes humanity worth preserving.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
[to Cherie] No point being here if we don't do things. Big things.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
[on Clinton] I believe in what he's trying to do. What we can do. Together.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
I feel I have no option, but to stand by him.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tony Blair:
This could be the end of me.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hillary Clinton:
[to Blair] No, no, no. Bill's right. Because if you don't do it, other people will do it for you.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hillary Clinton:
The best way for us to stop this being personal is to make it political.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hillary Clinton:
[being told about tapes of the Lewinsky affair] That's enough.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jonathan Powell:
Shouldn't we be thinking about taking a step back?

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jonathan Powell:
Infidelity by a president is one thing. Perjury is quite another.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jonathan Powell:
NATO will never commit without Clinton.

The Special Relationship  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sutter Keely:
I liked her... a lot.

The Spectacular Now  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

SpongeBob, you will not believe the size of the ice creams there. I wonder what other giant snacks they have. [gasps] Cotton candy?!

[He and Patrick jump on the Cotton Candy machine]


If you ate all of that, you would have enough energy to run around the whole world.

[SpongeBob and Patrick jump into the Cotton Candy machine and they both twirl around in it as cotton candy forms around them, they soon come to a stop and suck all the cotton candy around them off. The pair start going hyper and begin laughing as they seemly run all over the world although it turns out that they are actually standing in front of a postcard stand with Sandy taking one of the cards out from its rack]

[blocking his head with his hands] Ahh! When is the sugar gonna wear off? [SpongeBob and Patrick fall over on their frontsides]

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sour Note?

[Squidward, a.k.a. Sour Note, takes out his clarinet and extends it. He took a big deep breath and then blows his clarinet, playing horrible music, causing Burger Beard's customers to cover their ears and run away]

My tiny little eardrums!

[as customers run away] Hey, hey, wait! Hold on! Hold on! Wait! Wait! Customers! Wait, please! [angered, he walks toward SpongeBob and the others]

Mr. Superawesomeness, take him down.

[Patrick, a.k.a. Mr. Superawesomeness, scrunches his face and ice cream cones are yanked from beachgoers. In a dramatic gesture, he grabs the cones and holds them up. As the sky darkens and lightning strikes, Burger Beard holds up a pink umbrella. Suddenly, he smiles and licks them]

Mmmmmmm! [giggles]

Uhh, Maybe we should've picked a better superpower for you, Patrick.

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You're not gonna start singing, are you?

? Teamwork! ?

Oh, brother.

? We can do anything when we have teamwork. ? [The word "TEAMWORK" appears] ? Don't you think so, my friend? ?

? No te-am work. It's getting in the way of my sche-am work. ? [Plankton blows up the word "TEAMWORK] ? What don't you comprehend? ?

? But working together is the key. Nothing's impossible when it's you and me! ? [he and Plankton are building a house]

? I'm doing just fine on my own. ?

? Work is no fun when you do it alone! ?

? If I want it done right, I'll do it by myself! ?

? But what if you need something on a higher shelf? ?

[singing fast] ? But I'm the target of a very scary crazy post apocalyptic mob! ?

[using a bulldozer] ? Well, that's exactly why you need a partner helping you with this important job! ?

? I'll be the hammer, and you'll be the nail. ?

? I'll be the boat, and you'll be the sail! ?

? I'm the flower, you're the aroma! ?

? Right now I wish I was in a coma! ?

Come on! ? I'm here for you, and you're here for me! ?

? It's better when you, plus me, equals we! ? [his holes turn into Planktons] ?

? Working together in harmony! ? [SpongeBob and Plankton climbs up a Mountain and puts a flag on top]

? Side by side, we can reach our dreams, cause nothing's impossible, when we're a team! ? [Back in Bikini Bottom]

Put me down! [SpongeBob sets him down on a rock] Well... [sighs] ...that's one minute of my life I'll never get back.

Not without a time machine.

Wait a minute, hold that thought. [SpongeBob grabs a thought bubble with a question mark on it.] Now back up.

enihcam emit a tuohtiw toN. (Translation backwards: "Not without a time machine.")

Slow down.

[slow voice] Not without a time machine.

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[At Taco Haüs]

[From inside] Is this where we're gonna build our time machine?

[Inside the restaurant] Sure. It's got everything we need. A photo booth, a cuckoo clock, [The clock goes off] some day old chips. Now all we have to do is build it.

[SpongeBob plays his pitch pipe again but Plankton takes it into the photo booth]

Oh, no, you don't.

Hey, my pitch pipe.

Uh, I need it for the time machine.

Oh, okay. [Plankton smashes the pitch pipe with a hammer and flushes it down a toilet off-screen]

[walks out of the photo booth] Installed!

[They start building the time machine, Plankton uses a big hammer while SpongeBob uses a small one, then SpongeBob pour a bucket of nuts and bolts into an opening at the top of the photo booth, then he saws a block of wood while Plankton holds on to the other end, then Plankton runs on a screwdriver while SpongeBob pushes it close slowly, they break for lunch where SpongeBob eats a taco while Plankton has a sausage, then SpongeBob tries to loop a pink thread through a needle when Plankton helps him, Plankton signals SpongeBob to install a tube into an opening, then he turns the clock hand backwards and the time machine starts up]

I did it!

No. We did it.

Wait. We did do it. As a team.

A team.


? Working together in harmony! ? [SpongeBob and Plankton pops out of the Peanut Butter and Jam jars]

? Side by side, we can reach our dreams, cause nothing's impossible, when we're a team! ?

[Back at Taco Haüs]

[Carrying Karen into the time machine] Okay, now for the brains.

[Inside the time machine, he pushes Karen into the opening and she powers up]

OK, Plankton, this is it. It's gonna take all my processors and energy to power this time machine. So, if you have anything you wanna tell me, you better tell me now.

Well, Karen. I know I've taken you for granted all these years and I... I just wanted to say... I'm glad you're on my team.

Oh, Sheldon. That's the sweetest thing you've ever s--

[Plankton flips a switch and Karen shuts off and her screen flashes 12:
00 AM, Plankton starts to cry]

Plankton, are you crying?

No, no, no, it's just one of the hazards of having a giant eyeball. [wipes his tear away] There's always stuff getting in there. Anyway, [Clears throat] where were we? [from outside the time machine] Say "cheese".

[inserts a quarter in the coin slot] Cheese!

[They travel through a time space vortex where Squeeze Me by N.E.R.D. plays and they crash through a giant taco leaving their cartoony outlines, The Time Machine take SpongeBob and Plankton to a desert part of Bikini Bottom four days in the future, they step out and explore]

According to my calculations, the Krusty Krab should be right here.

What's that over there?

[Patrick turns around who is now rapidly aged with gray hair, eyebrows and a long beard]

Future Patrick:


Future Patrick:
Is it really you?

Yes, Patrick. It's–

Future Patrick:
Finally! The Great Krabby Patty Famine is over!

Great Krabby Patty Famine? Oh, what year is this?

Future Patrick:
It's Thursday.

According to my calculations, we've only gone 4 days into the future.

Where is everybody?

Future Patrick:
They all gave up on you but not me! 'Cause I'm not very smart.

Where is the Krusty Krab?

Future Patrick:
Right where it's always been.

[The wind blows a bunch of sand away revealing Patrick sitting on The Krusty Krab sign, SpongeBob gasps, then he and Plankton run back into the time machine]

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[At the Krusty Krab two days in the past]

Past SpongeBob:
[walks in, gasps] Plankton?!

Past Plankton:

Past SpongeBob:
[time machine appears and SpongeBob and Plankton walk out] Plankton?! [gasps]

Past Plankton:
SPONGEBOB?! Who are you two supposed to be?

I'm you from the future.

[points to his past self] And I'm him from the future!

Past Plankton:
So you traveled back through time to help me? Great thinking!

Nope. He's helping me.

Past SpongeBob:
[gasps] But he's the enemy.

Was the enemy. Now we're a team.

Past Plankton:
What, a te-am?

A team! All right, go get the formula.

[SpongeBob runs over to the safe]

Past SpongeBob:
What have I become?

All right, Plankton. [tries to grab the secret formula from Plankton's past self]

Past SpongeBob:
Do you have flying boat mobiles in the future?

We only came back from the day after tomorrow, dim wit.

Past SpongeBob:
Are there rocket packs?

[SpongeBob trying to get the formula]

Past SpongeBob:
Did they outlaw clothes in the future?


Past SpongeBob:
Then why are you naked?

'Cause they don't make clothes in my size.

Hold still you! [SpongeBob tries to grab the formula when Plankton's past self runs away]

Past SpongeBob:
If you're from the future, what am I gonna say next?

Something moronic?

Past SpongeBob:

Hey, hurry up over there!

Past Plankton:
[SpongeBob knocks the decoy formula bottle off the pressure plate and the light goes on and it beeps; screams] Uh oh, that ain't good.

Computer Voice:
[as a red light turns on and off] Initiating Lockdown Sequence.

Come on, SpongeBob. We gotta get outta here.

[grabs the fake formula thinking it's the real one] Got it!

Come on!

[SpongeBob runs into the time machine and they return to the present]

SpongeBob and Plankton:
[laughing together]

Oh, that was crazy.

So that's what teamwork is. All those years, I tried to make you mine and I finally did it. I mean, we did it!

[Back with Burger-Beard and the seagulls]

And so, it would seem that our heroes have accomplished all they had set out to do.

[Burger-Beard is seen reading and piloting the ship at the same time. He shuts the book]

Now that's an ending.


The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[As Burger-Beard starts his pirate ship]

Where do you think you're going?

Burger Beard:
[he laughs at Plankton's small stature] Why don't you get going, little fella, before you hurt yourself?

[Plankton slides out of view, then he begins to lift the pirate ship. He is now Plank-Ton the muscular giant]

[surprised] Plankton?

It's Plank-Ton! [to Burger-Beard] Come on down from there, little fella. You wouldn't wanna get hurt. Huh?

[Burger-Beard climbs inside his ship and Plankton growls and he throws the ship into the air, catches it and spins it on his finger like a basketball and he pokes his head into a porthole of the ship]

Come out, come out wherever you are. Huh? [Burger-Beard squirts ketchup in Plankton's face; screams] MY EYE!!

[He drops the pirate ship. It crashes into the street and Burger-Beard climbs out and runs away]

He's getting away!

[he jumps over to the ship] Ready for a Plank-Ton of bubbles?

[Invincibubble smiles at the idea. Plank-Ton picks him up by SpongeBob's legs, takes a deep breath and blows into SpongeBob's bubble wand creating lots of bubbles coming after Burger Beard. The bubbles clear to show Plankton holding Burger-Beard in his fingers and he tries to run]

The formula, please.

Burger Beard:
Come on. Team up with me. We'll be rich and powerful! Huh?

No, thanks. I'm already part of a teamwork.

[Burger-Beard gives Plankton the formula and he kicks him back to Bikini Atoll where he his body is buried in the sand. He mutters nonsense]

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Karl Vandy:
It's easy for you to say, 'Oh, I wouldn't have acted that way, but you don't know. That's - that's the truth. You don't know. And now, I know what I'm capable of, and it hurts.

The Stanford Prison Experiment  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sam Masterson:
Look! I don't like to get pushed around. I don't like people I like to be pushed around. I don't like anybody to get pushed around.

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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