[On a look-out post of a ship, a pirate looks through a telescope. He moves upward to get a better look at something. Through the telescope, another pirate rows a dinghy with a treasure chest on it]
[first lines] I got it! I got it! I got it!
Dinghy ahoy. [tells the other pirates] Dinghy off the port bow. Dinghy off the port bow!
Dinghy off the port bow!
[Other pirates say "Dinghy off the port bow". Meanwhile, another pirate knocks on a door]
Captain, dinghy off the…
[Opening the door, the captain, another pirate, slams it into his face]
Captain Bart:
[The captain motions for his friends to get the pirate and the chest off the dinghy and on the ship]
I got it! I got it.
Captain Bart:
Where is it?
It's right here, captain.
[The pirate opens the chest and gold light shines. The captain looks amazed]
Captain Bart:
I never thought I'd seen it with me own eye. [takes out tickets] Tickets to The SpongeBob Movie!
[The pirates cheer]