Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess is an American fantasy television series filmed on location in New Zealand. The series aired in first-run syndication from September 4, 1995 to June 18, 2001. It has been praised by critics for its strong female protagonist and has since acquired a strong cult following, attention in fandom, parody, and academia, and has influenced the direction of other television series. The series was created in 1995 by writer-director-producer Robert Tapert under his production tag, Renaissance Pictures, with executive producers R. J. Stewart (who developed the series along with Tapert) and Sam Raimi. The series narrative follows Xena (played by Lucy Lawless), an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent by using her formidable fighting skills to now help those who are unable to defend themselves. Xena is accompanied by Gabrielle (played by Renee O'Connor), who during the series changes from a simple farm girl into an Amazon warrior and Xena's comrade-in-arms; her initial naïveté helps to balance Xena and assists her in recognizing and pursuing the greater good. In 2012 star Lucy Lawless confirmed her character Xena was from ancient Bulgaria, Thrace. The show is a spin-off of the television series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys; the saga began with three episodes in Hercules where Xena was a recurring character originally scheduled to die in her third appearance. Aware that the character of Xena had been very successful among the public, the producers of the series decided to create a spin-off series based on her adventures. Xena was a successful show which has aired in more than 108 countries around the world since 1998. In 2004 and 2007, it was ranked #9 and #10 on TV Guide's Top Cult Shows Ever and the title character was ranked #100 on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters. Xena's success has led to hundreds of tie-in products, including, comics, books, video games and conventions, realized annually since 1998 in Pasadena, California and London. The series soared past its predecessor in ratings and in popularity. In its second season it was the top rated syndicated drama series on American television. For all six years, Xena remained in the top five. Cancellation of the series was announced in October 2000, and the series finale aired in the summer of 2001. On August 13, 2015, NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt said a Xena reboot was in development, with Raimi and Tapert returning as executive producers, with the show's debut sometime in 2016. Javier Grillo-Marxuach was hired as writer and producer for the reboot, but left the project in April 2017, because of creative differences. In August 2017, NBC announced that it had cancelled its plans for the reboot for the foreseeable future.

Director(s): Sam Raimi

[after Tara beats her up and Xena breaks them apart] Xena, I'll understand, just this once if you're so angry, you wanna pummel her for a while...

I'm not gonna do that.

WELL THEN HOLD HER WHILE I DO IT! [charges at Tara but Xena holds them both back again]

You want some more, Blondie? Come on! Huh? Come on!

[grabs Tara] You listen to me, little girl! I've got no interest in making a change. Blondie - Gabrielle, here, is my partner, and that's the way it's gonna stay! So, get lost, huh?

But you don't know how valuable I could be to you!

Take some advice, don't get in our way again, or next time you're gonna get a real beating!

I know who stole Apollo's urn, the Red...

-Valley Gang. They're the only bunch in the area who'd make a move like that. I'm not impressed.

Well, I know where one of their hideouts is!

How do you know that?

I used to hang with some of them guys!

[touches her hurt ear] Figures!

[looks at Gabrielle] Hey, look! I never said I was a goody-two-shoes, but I'm here to turn it around! I wanna be a hero and fight for good, protect wimps and kick the crap out of jerks. [pause] I know I could do it if somebody would just give me a chance! Come on! Let me just show you where their hideout is! [pause] I won't pick on your little buddy anymore!

We don't need your help. [she and Gabrielle start to leave the tavern]

I heard you were pretty bad once upon a time. [Xena stops] Somebody must have given you a chance to turn it all around. [watches as Xena leaves] What a crock!

By holding me here, you're condemning to eternal suffering those who would otherwise find their peace.

Lady, since we last met I've decided you cause a lot more suffering than you end.

Death is nothing to fear Xena, for I only visit those whose rightful time is...

Rightful time? [pause] Who decides when it's the rightful time? You are at the beck and call of every warlord and murderer. [pause] Solan, my only son... his rightful time came when someone else decided it should and you came running, no questions asked! You didn't end the suffering of my little boy, Celesta... [pause] You stole his life! And Marcus, and Lyceus...

Your brother...


Lyceus. Lyceus! He wasn't just a brother he was my best friend. You know, growing up, he was everything to me. He accepted me for who and what I was. And if you hadn't taken him, he would have grown up to be something...

Xena, don't do this.

[crying] What?

She's immortal! She'll never understand the pain of losing someone!

Yes she will. Yes she will... [to Celesta] 'Cause you have a brother, too.

Yes, Hades. He's my only family, the first to accept me for who and what I am. [pause] I may not agree with his recent actions, Xena, but I believe he thinks he's doing what is right. He's always been true to his convictions and, sometimes that makes him a little stubborn, but I believe it is his noblest quality. To lose him, is, unthinkable. [she starts crying]

And what if he lost you? What would he say about that?

[cries] I may never know!

[as Xena wipes her tears away] Death can end suffering, Celesta. [pause] Suffering just begins for those left behind.

[Old Joxer is finished reading Gabrielle's scroll to his kids] What happened, Daddy?

Uh, well it's the end of the scroll, Pumpkin, but it's not the end of the story.

How do you know?

Because I was there...

[Flashback to younger Joxer as he watches Xena and Gabrielle from the woods; they are seen running away towards a beach on carriage with horses. Presumably, the baby Eve is inside the wagon. Athena's archers line up and fire at the wagon. Xena ducks the arrows as Athena appears. Xena rides the wagon through the archers; they retreat. Xena rides the wagon to the cliff, which looks down over the beach and the ocean. She turns and rides along the edge of the cliff] Come on! [Athena's archers are shown lining up near the cliff prepared to fire] Gabrielle! [Gabrielle throws her sais and kills two of Athena's archers. The rest of the archers regroup and form a line in front of the wagon] Whoa! [as the remaining archer's fire, Xena stops the wagon and throws her chakram, knocking out the archers. Athena draws her sword and raises it over her head. It forms a fireball which hits the wagon and detaches the horses from the wagon] GABRIELLE! [Gabrielle is seemingly struck by Athena's fireball and falls backward on the wagon]

It ends now!

Gabrielle! [Athena raises her sword, Hephaestus lifts his hammer and Hades is shown raising his hand. Athena throws her sword, Hephaestus throws his hammer and Hades shoots a green bolt; their powers hit the wagon and seemingly annihilates it, sending the wreckage off the ocean cliff and throwing Xena and Gabrielle out on the sand. Xena rises up from the crash and examines the seemingly dead Gabrielle] Gabrielle? [Gabrielle appears to be dead. Xena walks over to the wagon for baby Eve but the wagon is engulfed in flames] Eve? Eve? Eve? [Xena starts to sob] EVE? Oh!

[Athena examines the crash] The prophecy has been shattered.

[screams] NO!

[Joxer watches Xena from the woods] Oh, no...

[Xena moves to the presumed dead Gabrielle] Gabrielle? Gabrielle? Oh Gabrielle! [Xena rolls Gabrielle over and holds her. She starts to cry]

Oh, Gods!

[Xena sobs and stands as she faces the Gods] Each to his own. [Xena unshields her sword and places it at her chest] YOU TO YOURS AND ME TO MINE!

Ares, God of War:
[as Xena tries to stab herself, Ares appears and takes her sword away from her] No, Xena! Don't... [Xena takes out a tiny bottle and drinks what it appears to be poison]

Ares... you can't stop me this time.

Ares, God of War:

It's over. It's over. [pause] Join your family. Tell them it's a package deal. They get me, too! [Xena looks as she's dead as Ares holds her lifeless body]

[as young Joxer falls to his knees to the wreckage, Octavius rides in with Romans] Unbelievable. Where are they? Joxer, good to see you again. Where's Xena and Gabrielle?

Octavius, they're gone. I saw the whole thing but I was too far away. I couldn't help them...

Joxer, they're *not* dead!

[shocked] What? What? [Octavius motions with his hand and a soldier comes over with baby Eve; she's alive and did not die in the crash. Octavius takes her and holds her in front of Joxer] Eve. It can't be. Eve?

[Old Joxer is then seen again in front of his children] Dad, how was Eve alive?

Okay, okay. Remember back. What did the Fates tell Xena?

That she had to die to save Eve?

That's right. But remember, you can't take what the Fates say literally. They said, "Only...

[in a flashback with Xena talking to the Fates] Only in the essence of death will the child find salvation and the Twilight be set in motion.

You see, Xena never intended to kill death at all. It was Celesta's tears she really needed. The essence of Death... [pause] The only thing Xena realized that could simulate the appearance of their deaths to the Gods, but only after convincing the Gods that Eve had also been killed.

But, Eve was in...

Eve was in the wagon. [flashback to younger Joxer with Octavius] Eve was in that cart.

No, Joxer.

[flashback with Octavius leaving with Eve. Xena places a false Eve in the basket] Eve was safe. The tears were collected. Next, release Celesta without it looking suspicious. [pause] Gabrielle got captured on purpose. Trying to rescue me made her capture look like it was unplanned. Gabrielle revealed Xena's location. [pause] The rest of the plan played out. [pause] The Gods assumed Xena and her child were inseparable. My guess, my hope, was that Gabrielle drank the tears first. [pause] From that point, all they had to do was put on a convincing show. [pause] To the Gods, Gabrielle was killed in the crash, Eve was dead; -consumed in the burning wreckage. [pause] And even if they weren't completely convinced, what better way to solve that problem than by Xena taking her own life? [pause] The effect of the tears would soon wear off with Xena, Eve and Gabrielle presumed dead by all of Olympus, the perfect cover. The perfect advantage.

[Gabrielle barges into her hut. She's frantically looking for Hope, who's going by the name Fayla] FAYLA! [Gabrielle looks around and throws her staff near her, covering her face with her hands; Fayla then enters the hut. Gabrielle grabs her] Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you! You said that you would wait here, remember?

[Hope starts to cry] I'm sorry, but she wouldn't let me! I tried to get away, but she-!

[Gabrielle hugs her] Who? Who... Callisto?

[whispers] Yeah. [pause] I have this power... to move things. I don't know why. She says it's 'cause I'm... evil.

That is a lie. You are not evil. Never believe that!

My mother thought so. She tried to drown me in a basket. [pause] She wanted me dead.

She wasn't trying to drown you. She was trying to save your life...


[starts to sob] I do! [pause] The basket is all there was. I - I had to put you in it or I had to watch you be killed. Now, I had no choice, I LOVED you!

[smiles] You... you loved me?

I - I prayed that the Gods would protect you, and they did. They brought you home.

[they hug] We have to go! I'm sorry, Mommy, it was me; I helped Callisto get out. And now she's coming for the kids. We have to go! Come on, hurry! [Hope starts to leave, but Gabrielle grabs her arm]

No. Wait, wait. Xena has to know this.

No, Xena hates me!

She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't understand. Now, she will see what I've known all along, that you can fight your dark side, just like her!

But I'm scared! If Callisto finds out I told, she'll kill me, SHE WILL!

She will not find out! [pause] I will take you to the safest place there is until we can go. Okay?

[smiles] The safest place? You promise?

I cross my heart. Don't be afraid okay? Now, come with me. Let's go. [Gabrielle leads Hope out of her hut]

[Villagers lie dead in a field. Xena and Gabrielle walk through them] Xena, what kind of animal would do this?

[Michael appears. Xena suddenly draws her sword on him] What do you *want*, Michael?

Archangel Michael:
I sense hostility. I want you to know I'm all right with that.

Well, that is big of you, considering last time you saw me, you tried to have me cast down into *Hell*...

Archangel Michael:
Desperate times warrant desperate measures. [pause] As you see, some new desperate times have arrived.

[referring to the dead innocent villagers] Who *did* this?

Archangel Michael:
Caligula. [pause] You know his reputation.

He's a psycho, a sex addict and a murderer; your run-of-the-mill Roman emperor...

And he thinks he's a God.

Archangel Michael:
No, he *is* a God.

He's immortal? But how did that happen?

Archangel Michael:
I don't know. What's important is that the God of Eli gave you the power to kill Gods. You're the only one who can stop Caligula. He killed Tiberius in order to gain power - murdered every last member of his family. He's slain anybody who won't swear allegiance to his Cult of Blood. He wants to write his name into the history books as one of the Great Gods of the Pantheon. And he'll destroy anyone who won't submit to him.

Including angels, no doubt.

Archangel Michael:
[smirks] And, uh, the followers of Eli.

[pause] If anything's happened to Eve, Michael...

Archangel Michael:
Not yet, but your daughter has the courage of her convictions. She's gone to confront Caligula's persecution.

Eve's in Rome?

[aggressively] If I find out that you're behind *any* of this, Michael, I swear, I...

Archangel Michael:
As you well know, Xena, your daughter obeys a higher power than me.

Michael, don't forget; if I can kill Gods... I can kill angels, too!

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