Found 421 quotes starting with J:

J P Andolan was bogus, Janlokpal movement was a drama, Patel agitation was a dirty game. The protestors leaders were found to be politicians and govt planted people only. This farmers protest is going in the same direction. Poor farmers are likely to feel cheated

– Raneshwar Sing KishanRate it:

j'ai lu une phrase: pouvez-vous me dire si elle provient du Talmud? Tu ne seras pas puni pour les pêchés commis, mais pour touts les bons moments que tu n'as pas vécus

– The TalmudRate it:

J'avais travaillé à l'université de St. Andrews, il ya plus de 25 ans au cours de 1985 à 1988, en tant que membres du personnel académique et chercheur au département de chimie. Ce sont les années les plus merveilleuses et très productifs trois et demi de ma vie. J'ai eu la chance de travailler en association avec l'un des scientifiques de génie au Royaume-Uni (Professeur David Cole-Hamilton) à la plus belle place dans le monde, St. Andrews. Mon travail de recherche a donné lieu à divers brevets et publications, la création d'une marque remarquable de distinction qui fait stll moi extrêmement fiers. Université de St. Andrews est non seulement la plus ancienne université et prestigieux dans le monde, mais aussi la crème de la crème, le meilleur du meilleur, et coupé au-dessus du reste! Mes meilleurs vœux de usa, à l'université de St. Andrews. Merci Beaucoup, Alma Mater.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

J'étais le seul témoin, sur les confessions d’une araignée de l’Isolement.

– Haimer abdouRate it:

J. Jonah Jameson Hoffman, run down to the patent office and market the name Green Goblin. I want a quarter every time someone says it.

– Spider-ManRate it:

J.F.K.--The Man and the Airport

– UnknownRate it:

J.P Morgan, when asked what the stock market will do, replied,

– It will fluctuate.Rate it:

JACK NICHOLSON: My point of view, while extremely cogent, is unpopular. LOS ANGELES TIMES: Which is? JACK NICHOLSON: That the repressive nature of the legalities vis-a-vis drugs are destroying the legal system and corrupting the police system. LOS ANGELES TIMES: Let's talk about acting for a minute.

– Jack NicholsonRate it:

Jack of all trades, master of none Jacking up WISDOM with everyone That was stolen from a little old man Because he thinks everyone's dumb. He's a Doctor and a Faith Healer He's a Teacher and a Cheater He's a PREACHER and a Sinner He's a Musician and a Politician He's a Judge with a grudge He is trying to be an Artist But nobody was pleased. Jack of all trades Speaking highly of his trades But not even a master of one. Records, showed none... A COPY and PASTE TEACHER, And a PAINTLESS PAINTER. Trying to be a motivator, But, avoids his own mirror. Advice foods and health facts, But who's overweight and fat. Words of pretense, But a bad influence. Tried to create more, But achieve worse than before. Kindness is his devotion, But it's the opposite of his actions. Love and peace as problem solutions, But shows love of gun collections. Your virtue of righteousness, Are just a paradox, it is worthless. You're no mystery, But just plain MISERY. Jack of all trades, For sure master of NONE.

– STOOLarts KONCEPTRate it:

Jack was out kissing babies while I was out passing bills. Someone had to tend the store.

– Lyndon B. JohnsonRate it:

jack]tori i like you :) tori]me too] jake] omg i love you tori]but i .....[jake] what worng [tori] i have to leave town jake[`jake] do not leave me he kiss her] the end

– marquis oliverRate it:

Jag uska joh paisa wala ho, Ghaple se mile ya rishwat se(The world belongs to the one who has money, whether you get it by duping or taking bribe)

– Hindi Filmy QuoteRate it:

Jagte Jagte Ik Umra Kati Ho Jaise..

– Ankahi BaateinRate it:

Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more must you have of the former.

– Horace MannRate it:

Jako odpowiedzialni rodzice, musimy uczyć nasze córki starannie odróżnić subtelne różnice między działaniami przez mężczyzn. Powinniśmy uczyć nasze córki rozpoznać różnicę pomiędzy - człowieka, który jej schlebia i człowieka, który ją uzupełnia, człowieka, który wydaje pieniądze na nią i człowiek, który inwestuje w nią, człowiek, który postrzega ją jako swoją własność, a człowiek, który postrzega ją prawidłowo, człowiek, który pożąda jej, a człowiek, który ją kocha, i wreszcie, człowiek, który myśli, że jest darem dla kobiet, a człowiek, który wierzy, że jest to dar dla niego. musimy nauczyć naszych synów się, że prawdziwy mężczyzna, który szanuje kobiety i traktuje ich z godności i równości - zawsze!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Jamais sacrifier vos rêves et de la dignité! Une fois qu'ils sont partis, vous pouvez continuer à vivre, mais cessera d'exister.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

jamerican- the word applies mostly to those from jamaica who has become domiciled in america, and have taken on the american influence whether they are permanent residents or citizens. It also applies to americans who have taken on jamaican domicile and citizenship. Those in canada are called-ja'cans- the cans meaning canada.


James Hansen, one of the most distinguished scientists to warn of the dangers of climate change, once said that being in his line of work is like screaming at people from behind a soundproof glass wall. You’ve written that being an author of fiction who is concerned with environmental questions often feels frighteningly similar.

– James BradleyRate it:

James Madison was 25 when he signed the Declaration of Independence.

– Madison CawthornRate it:

James Scott, ICIT, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology, Cybersecurity , America , Hegelian dialectic style manipulation , society

– James ScottRate it:

James will be die

– Farhan QureshiRate it:

James, you ought to discover some day that words have an exact meaning.

– Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957Rate it:

Jane Austen is the pinnacle to which all other authors aspire.

– J. K. RowlingRate it:

Janlokpal agitation turned out to be a drama secretly orchestrated by Govt and its top committee members who duped citizens are now seen enjoying prized positions in Government only .Hope Farmers protest do not come out in the same way.

– Raneshwar Sing KishanRate it:

Janta mass fooling day

– Indian omiksRate it:

Jantar-mantar of delhi has earned a bad name of being drama centre because often seen that ordinary people are assembled in the name of protest/agitation and fooled

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

January is always cold. A lot of people are broke now, having partied too much on New Year.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Jargon allows us to camouflage intellectual poverty with verbal extravagance.

– David PrattRate it:

Jason Isaacs always looked after me very well. Alan Rickman, Michael Gambon, Helena Bonham Carter - they're all wonderful people and very helpful and inspiring. I bored Alan Rickman for hours about Robin Hood. It was one of my favorite films when I was younger and I asked how he did certain scenes. He was very patient and charming. It took me six years to work up the courage to ask him. Helena gave me advice about crying in a scene. She said tell your brain you're not allowed to cry and then it's more likely to happen. No one was difficult. You hear stories about actors who demand their coffee to be served at a certain temperature but on Harry Potter if you wanted a cup of tea you had to get it yourself.

– Tom FeltonRate it:

Jasprit Bumrah has the best and the most effective yorker among fast bowlers playing international cricket now.

– Wasim AkramRate it:

Jaw-jaw is better than war-war.

– Harold MacmillanRate it:

Jay modi was a god.

– John HumphreyRate it:

Jay modi was a god.

– John HumphreyRate it:

Jazz attracted me because in it I found a formal perfection and instrumental precision that I admire in classical music, but which popular music doesn't have.

– Django ReinhardtRate it:

Je crois que je vais me suicider sur facebook

– Damien LegoisRate it:

Je dénonce les actes de racisme et de haine envers les Noirs en Ukraine et dans le monde.

– Werley NortreusRate it:

Je me demande souvent à propos de la croyance la plus commune que Dieu ne vous donnera rien de plus que ce que vous pourriez peut-être manipuler; surtout quand je regarde autour de réaliser que la vie jette souvent des balles courbes un après l'autre que la plupart des gens trouvent difficile à gérer, physiquement et / ou émotionnellement. Il est vrai que beaucoup de gens sont confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés et les épreuves déchirantes qui incluent le rejet social, les discriminations raciales et sexuelles, la pauvreté déranger, le chômage horrible, les maladies mentales invalidantes, violence extrême, y compris le viol, et les maladies les plus difficiles comme le cancer et ainsi de suite, juste pour nommer quelques-uns. Ma compréhension personnelle est que la vie peut certainement vous combler avec beaucoup plus de défis que vous pouvez manipuler, et qui est la réalité que vous avez à accepter. Cela étant dit, je crois aussi que seul Dieu vous donnera la force - qui est nécessaire pour perdurer à travers ces situations difficiles, et à surmonter les adversités plus efficace. De sorte que vous ne devez pas perdre espoir face aux défis dans la vie, et devrait continuer à avoir une foi solide en Dieu pour le courage, l'endurance et la force qui vous permettrait de surmonter ces difficultés. Et je suis sûr que Dieu prendra soin de vous, comme toujours, au cours de ces phases difficiles dans votre vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Je me efforce toujours d’être spectateur objectif et équilibré de la situation, au lieu d’appliquer mes points de vue personnels à mes lecteurs. je crois que cette approche fait de son mieux justice à sujet. l’objectivité est toujours le paramètre clé et important dans tous les processus de la vie!

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Je me souviens encore deux statues de marbre grandeur nature de deux grands scientifiques dans le couloir de la mairie de la ville de Manchester, qui je l'ai vu il ya plusieurs années. l'un d'eux est de John Dalton, le fondateur de la chimie moderne et la théorie atomique, tandis que la seconde statue est de James Prescott Joule, le fondateur de la physique moderne et le découvreur de la loi de conservation de l'énergie. Je me considère très chanceux d'être l'étudiant de l'Université de Manchester, la maison de grands scientifiques, Dalton et Joule. Et surtout, je suis fier d'être le récipiendaire de la bourse de recherche daltons chimique qui m'a permis d'obtenir mon doctorat Je suis reconnaissant à l'Université de Manchester autant que la fondation de la confiance à John Dalton, pour la plus grande expérience de l'éducation de ma vie.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.

– Blaise PascalRate it:

Je suis extrêmement fier d'être un ancien élève de l'université de Manchester, en Angleterre. L'université m'a donné une excellente occasion de poursuivre mon doctorat par moi attribution de bourses de recherche dalton chimique, l'une des bourses les plus prestigieuses. C'est sûrement la plus grande réalisation et une étape de choix dans ma vie. Mes remerciements et vœux les plus sincères à l'Université de Manchester, l'un des plus grandes universités dans le monde ..... cette année classé 5e au Royaume-Uni et 38e dans le monde entier. Keep it up, mon alma mater.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

je suis une petite DICK!!!!!!!!!!

– Connor McDavidRate it:

Je trouve la chimie des amines très fascinant. Amines ont été intégrées dans plusieurs de mes projets de recherche, dernières publications et de brevets. Ce est Amino World (monde vraiment aminés.)

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Je veux que les paysans mettent la poule au pot tous les dimanches.

– King Henry IV of FranceRate it:

Jealousy - that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.

– Havelock EllisRate it:

Jealousy and envy are the signs of lack of emotional control in your life.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Jealousy feeds upon suspicion, and it turns into fury or it ends as soon as we pass from suspicion to certainty.

– Francois de La RochefoucauldRate it:

Jealousy is a deficiency, of your mind that damages only you, no one else.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Jealousy is all the fun you think they had.

– Erica JongRate it:

Jealousy is considering other person received the thing that you deserved.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Jealousy is such a penalty that one sprays upon itself.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Jealousy is the art of injuring ourselves more than others.

– Alexandre DumasRate it:

Jealousy is the evidence that you haven’t discerned yet your own assignment.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Jealousy is the fuel of relationships and marriage. At the same time, envy kills affection in love.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.

– John DrydenRate it:

Jealousy is the root of all evil.

– CometanRate it:

Jealousy lives stateless, having no language, caste, colour, and creed. It works in the minds, as like a termite, works in the wood, silently and peacefully.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.

– Paul EldridgeRate it:

Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.

– Havelock EllisRate it:

Jealousy/Covetousness is all about being concerned with other people's blessings rather than yours. But may I tell you this. You shouldn't be concerned with anybody's blessing. Yes, because every living human is blessed. Oh! Yes, it's a matter of mentality. Besides, if not for any other thing/reason. At least, the life you are living presently is being denied to many people out there in the mortuary. At this juncture, I hope you've realized truly you are not expected to covet/jealous anyone for any reason. Thus, go ahead and appreciate whatever you've got currently. And do glorify/thank God almighty who is the sole giver and taker of life/grace/wisdom/insight/every other true blessing.

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Jealousy: that Dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.

– Havelock EllisRate it:

Jean Bertrand Aristide Haitian president elected by large majority, twice overthrown by U.S. supported forces. Take my hand. If you see me stumble, hold me up. If I feel you weaken, I will support you. Let us trust one another, keep faith with one another, and never falter. Let us keep the lamp of solidarity lit, and move forward.

– Hannah ArendtRate it:

Jean Paul Sartre says in "No Exit" that hell is other people. Well, our task in life is to make it heaven. Or at least earth.

– Alan Alda, GQ, Summer, 1980Rate it:

Jean Paul Sartre says that ‘Hell is other people!’ In the name of completing this sentence we must also say this: ‘Heaven is other people too!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

jede Erfahrung des Lebens kann uns besser oder bitter. jeder Herausforderung kann entweder uns stärker machen oder brechen uns v

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm.

– Matthew StoverRate it:

Jeeta Hu Magar Jeeta Bhi Nahi.......... Marta Hu Magar Marta Bhi Nahi........... Tere Gam ME Phanaa Hone Ke Liye..... Peeta Hoon Me Zahar...........

– Ankahi BaateinRate it:

Jefferson still survivies.

– John Adams, last words after a lifetime competing with Thomas JeffersonRate it:

Jeffs Bagel Run bagels taste like the definition of what a bagel meant to me growing up.”

– Loren WeismanRate it:

Jenny replied to this with a bitterness which might have surprized a judicious person, who had observed the tranquillity with which she bore all the affronts to her chastity; but her patience was perhaps tired out, for this is a virtue which is very apt to be fatigued by exercise.

– Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingRate it:

Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time.

– Lyndon B. JohnsonRate it:

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3,000 years and it's going to be our capital for eternity

– Naftali BennettRate it:

Jerusalem has been our capital for 3,000 years. Beit El and Hebron have been our land for 3,600-3,700 years. Any Jew or Christian or Muslim can open a Bible and read it. You have it there.

– Naftali BennettRate it:

Jesse has to die in order for him to be immortalised as the young effigy that he is.

– CometanRate it:

Jesters do often prove prophets.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

Jesus Alou is in the on-deck circus.

– Jerry ColemanRate it:

Jesus asked me how much I love Him and I said, This much. I asked Him the same question... Jesus just smiled and walked away. One day, Jesus spread His arms and died for me.


Jesus Christ (the saviour of the whole world) is risen from the dead/grave to die no more. So, may you experience the power of his resurrection in all its ramifications. Happy Easter celebration, anyway. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Jesus Christ is the end of the ages, the axis of time. In him, the salvation which is the future that God has in store for us has already broken into time.

– Francis Cardinal George, OMIRate it:

Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. Thus, as we commemorate his birth. May we spread the peace, hope and true love that his birth brought to humanity. Merry Christmas. -Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Jesus did not come back from the grave as a ghost. Nor was it a simple resuscitation of a corpse. Jesus reversed death.

– Francis Cardinal George, OMIRate it:

Jesus died so young and yet he promised immortality to those who believe in his teachings.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Jesus died too soon. If he had lived to my age he would have repudiated his doctrine.

– Friedrich NietzscheRate it:

Jesus died with nothing at all and preached that the poor are blessed. He condemned those who have riches and are content that others remain poor.

– Francis Cardinal George, OMIRate it:

Jesus himself complained that his apostles kept asking for more miracles or proofs, before they could fully believe him. They were full of doubts and he knew it.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Jesus is the color that creates the light. God is the light that creates the color.” Giovanni Gambino

– Giovanni GambinoRate it:

Jesus is the true Avatar; in his full state, he walked on water, sculpted man from dust, breathed life into our nostrils, and selflessly sacrificed himself to save us from eternal flames. Now that's what I call the ultimate Bender.

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

Jesus loves you, I heard him say so myself . . . at a taco stand in Mexico.

– Tommy ZeganRate it:

Jesus rose bodily from the dead. His whole person is with God, but he is still in contact with the world, with each of us. Jesus is with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but he is constantly acting on us in the world. Free of all the bonds of space and time, the risen Jesus can be wherever he wants to be. And he wants to be with us.

– Francis Cardinal George, OMIRate it:

Jesus said the kingdom of God is at hand. How is this possible? Because it is happening now. It is a state of consciousness, not a destination. Jesus said the kingdom of God is within us. How is this possible? Because we are it. We are one. We are God consciousness. This is why we can create. This is how heaven on earth will be created. We are the ones who will create it.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Jesus said “the kingdom of God is at hand” This is possible because it is happening now. It is a state of consciousness, not a destination. Jesus said “the kingdom of God is within us” This is possible because we are it. We are the kingdom of God. Jesus said “I am in this world, but not of this world” Jesus was referring to our spiritual essence. Although we are temporarily in the human condition, spiritual consciousness is not of the physical world. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the father except through me” Spiritual consciousness is the way to God consciousness, the source from which we all illuminate. Jesus said “and know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time” We are rays of consciousness illuminating from the one reality we call God. We are immortal and collectively of one mind. Jesus said “these things I do, you too shall do, and even greater” This is possible because when we spiritually awaken, we will create heaven on earth. Jesus said as he was dying on the cross “forgive them father for they know not what they do” Jesus was speaking not just from spiritual consciousness, but from God consciousness. God consciousness is understanding the true essence of God, the reality of which we are all a part. Jesus said “a new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”

– H.W. MannRate it:

Jesus said, 'Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.'

– Matthew 1820 BibleRate it:

Jesus was a bachelor and never lived with a woman. Surely living with a woman is one of the most difficult things a man has to do, and he never did it.

– James JoyceRate it:

Jesus was a crackpot.

– Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh - San Francisco Chronicle 12/17/85Rate it:

Jesus was common Jew of his own age with human parents. He was his own male Christ.

– Ileana Adriana StanRate it:

Jesus would be crucified in any age. In a sense, he is crucified in every age.

– Dennis RuaneRate it:

Jesus' ministry was clearly defined, and the alternatives to the illusion and temptations of the desert were spelled out. A choice was made--life abundant, full, and free for all. Make no mistake about it, the day that choice was made, Jesus became suspect. That day in the temple he sealed the fate already prepared for him. How was the world to understand one who rejected an offer of power and control

– Joan B. CampbellRate it:

Jesus, as someone divine, must go.

– Ileana Adriana StanRate it:

Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, great as each may be, their highest comfort given to the sorrowful is a cordial introduction into another's woe. Sorrow's the great community in which all men born of woman are members at one time or another.

– Seán O'CaseyRate it:

Jet Magazine May 3, 1982: Dick "Richie" Allen, who is serving as a Texas Rangers batting instructor, revealing why his sights are set higher than the Hall Of Fame: "The Hall Of Fame? I ain't interested in the Hall Of Fame. Heaven, that's what I'm aiming for. You don't need any votes to get into heaven.

– Dick AllenRate it:

Jews constantly claim that they are not religious but rather scientific and spiritual. In reality, they are still waiting and begging for a saviour or messiah to arrive.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:


– Askia MuhammadRate it:

Jika kita mensyukuri apa yang kita miliki, kita telah selangkah sampai pada kebahagiaan.

– senRate it:

Jindal saw ltd share price is likely to touch Rs.81.55 -83.25

– Lakshheish M PatelRate it:

Jingshen is the Mandarin word for spirit and vivacity. It is an important word for those who would lead, because above all things, spirit and vivacity set effective organizations apart from those that will decline and die.

– James L. HayesRate it:

Jis cheez ko tum badal na sako us k saath compromise kar lia karo, lekin apni kisi khwahish ko kabhi zid mat banaya karo. Zindagi main kuch cheezen hamen kabhi nahi mil saktin chahain hum royen, chillayen ya bachon ki tarah aeriyan rigren. Q k wo kisi or k liye hoti hain!

– Umera AhmedRate it:

Jiska bachpan hi ghar ki ladaaiya dekh guzra ho Woh ab dara sehma sa rehta hain toh zamaane ko malaal kyu

– Wajid ShaikhRate it:

Jive Lady Just hang loose blood. She gonna handa your rebound on the med side.

– AirplaneRate it:


– Nicholas II of RussiaRate it:

Job dissatisfaction is the number one factor in whether you survive your first heart attack.

– Anthony RobbinsRate it:

Job interview is basically a process in which if an interviewee gives all answers honestly to the interviewers, then it is highly likely that they will reject him but not before grilling him with all sort of absurd questions; but when he pleases them with the reasons that they deem it right even if not correct, surprisingly they often select him instantly.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Job interview is often so structured and conducted that when the interviewers want to select a candidate, they even make a good sense out of his most ridiculous answer; but if they get hell bent to reject the interviewee, then even the smartest reply from him is dubbed by them as nonsense.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Job interview is so bogus often in a private organization that it is conducted to merely collect market and competitors’ information with no intention to select the candidate for the vacant position.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Job portals often carry bogus vacancies of the companies as these are never filled up by recruiting the candidates.

– ProbaerbRate it:

Job promotion of an employed person is basically a recognition and ratification of his/her slavery or sycophancy nature in the private sector organization.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Joe Biden's been pimping out his son for years.

– Sidney PowellRate it:

Joe Masaji Klunder is a mix of a new Calfornia identity: half white, half Asian. More than just biology, Joe Klunder wants to stand for American Caucasian optimism and endeavor, coupled with Asian American sensibility and communalism.

– Joe Masaji KlunderRate it:

Joe wants to buy the business that he has been in for all of these years, worked 10, 12 hours a day. And he wanted to buy the business, but he looked at your tax plan and he saw that he was going to pay much higher taxes

– John McCainRate it:

Joel Ed, are you hallucinating Ed Oh, yeah, but not right now.

– Christian WilliamsRate it:

Joel That's the movies, Ed. Try reality. Ed No thanks.

– Ellen HermanRate it:

Joel: Ed, are you hallucinating? Ed: Oh, yeah, but not right now.

– Sy Rosen and Christian Williams, Northern Exposure, On Your Own, 1992Rate it:

Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. If makes it feel needed.

– Charles M. SchulzRate it:

Johannes Meintjes… is one of the more articulate South Africans of his generation. A prolific painter, he is also a fluent author in both English and Afrikaans. With unresting curiosity about South African national and regional history, he seems blessedly free from political or racial bias, and when he writes of nations or persons in conflict is alert to what is good or bad on both sides.

– William PlomerRate it:

Johannes was something of a Renaissance man. First of all, artist. Then author, historian, archivist and even sort-of farmer. Above all, he was a thoughtful, loving and loveable human being who thought very deeply about the human condition

– Tertius MyburghRate it:

John F. Kennedy says: ‘Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.’ I suggest that forgive your enemies and forget their names too! Don’t leave any stone in your head; keep only the flowers, only the names of the good men!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

John Johnson Now this is something the other tour guides won't tell you. In this particular cell-block, Machine Gun Kelly had what we call in the prison system, a bitch. And one night in a jealous rage Kelly took a make-shift knife or shiv, and cut out the bitch's eyes. And as if this wasn't enough retribution for Kelly, the next day he and four other inmates took turns pissing into the bitch's ocular cavities. (short pause) This way to the cafeteria

– So I Married an Axe MurdererRate it:

John Lee Hooker became a friend of mine and I love all of his work. He was truly an icon. He lived the life. I miss him.

– Mick FleetwoodRate it:

John Marshall has made his decision: now let him enforce it!

– Andrew JacksonRate it:

Johnny couldn't read ... for the simple reason that nobody ever showed him how.

– Rudolf Franz FleschRate it:

Johnny Grubb slides into second with a standup double.

– Jerry ColemanRate it:

JOHNNY WAS THE MAN There was a man named Johnny. Who shared with me his true love story. I learned so much from that wise old man. I am out to sing his final glory! Johnny lived to a ripe old age and live by a daily poker winning plan. With an iron fist, his family he did rule! Together they worked hand in hand in that poker playing land. Johnny was the champion, he was the world's best! It was proven day after day, world wide over. Into the eyes of some wicked men he met. His childhood friends and partners for sure on Johnny they would bet. If he ever needed backing. Funds would always be in abundance. For everyone knew. Johnny was always good, loyal, and true. He loved and played poker and was the first in that hall of fame. When he died people forgot about that old man Johnny. But, I will never forget the man who loved and ruled the tables and made Poker the game it is today!

– Hazel ElderRate it:

Johnson himself turned out to be so many different characters he could have populated all of War and Peace and still had a few people left over.

– Herbert MitgangRate it:

Join the company of lions rather than assume the lead among foxes.

– The TalmudRate it:

Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments.

– Isaac AsimovRate it:

Josef Stalin once said that ‘Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.’ Let us correct this: Ingratitude is a horrible disease belongs to the callous rocks! A grateful dog is a being much more developed than an ungrateful man!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Joseph can be referred as a step-father, given that you believe in the miraculous birth of Jesus.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Joseph lost his son and Christ. (Joseph a perdu - Son fils et Jésus.)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Joseph receives little credit in religion while Mary is revered by many. But the Oscar should go to him for believing in his wife and in the miraculous birth of Jesus.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Josh Billings said, It is not only the most difficult thing to know oneself, but the most inconvenient one, too. Human beings have always employed an enormous variety of clever devices for running away from themselves, and the modern world is particularly rich in such stratagems.

– John W. GardnerRate it:

Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.

– Christina BaldwinRate it:

Journaling is a good thing, and it’s a decent idea.”

– Naad-Dre AmosRate it:

Journalism can be expressed in many ways. Broadcasting is not a medium to denigrate anyone. I was part of journalism sometime ago. My purpose of living still remain unchanged -- to stay upright and balanced.

– Clifford V. VillalonRate it:

Journalism is literature in a hurry.

– Matthew ArnoldRate it:

Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.

– G. K. ChestertonRate it:

Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling space.

– Rebecca WestRate it:

Journalism is the most respected activity in the world. It is the profession everyone needs, and arguing against us is a risk

– Mr vybs liveRate it:

Journalism justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgarist.

– Oscar WildeRate it:

Journalism largely consists of saying 'Lord Jones is Dead' to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive.

– G. K. ChestertonRate it:

Journalist: a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by a deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes.

– Karl KrausRate it:

Journalists cannot serve two masters. To the extent that they take on the task of suppressing information or biting their tongue for the sake of some political agenda, they are betraying the trust of the public and corrupting their own profession.

– Thomas SowellRate it:

Journalists cover words and delude themselves into thinking they have committed journalism.

– Hedrick SmithRate it:

Journalists voluntarily fight for human rights and freedom of speech; whereas, they stay silent, for their rights and journalistic freedom, on the will and restrictions of the boss of media. Indeed, it verifies that: The nearer the church, the farther from god.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Journey to any genuine success can be liken to a bone with a marrow, which one enjoys only if he dares crack the bone open. The above principle is equally applicable and obtainable too to journey to any genuine success. I mean, until you are ready to face your challenges fearlessly/unyieldingly, you will never enjoy the reward for perseverance which is genuine success.

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Journey to every genuine success has never been easy. I mean, it has always been demanding and challenging. So, if/whenever things fall apart on the course of your journey to genuine success never quit. Rather than quitting, persist and persevere until you emerge a success story.

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Journey to greatness/genuine success is likely to prove tough sometimes. But you ought not to quit. Rather, toughen yourself. After all, tough time doesn't last long i.e. you can/will outlive it.

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Journeys of love can be stunning and desperately exhausting. Love implies hope, but numerous are the impediments and the road may be covered with shipwrecking obstacles, since love is mystery, doubt, fear, pain and sometimes war or hell. ( " Those journeys of love" - "Cape of good Hope " )

– Erik PevernagieRate it:

Joy and Bliss can come from the little and most unexpected things if only we Program our Mind to enjoy these little things.

– RVMRate it:

Joy and Bliss can come from the little and most unexpected things if only we Program our Mind to enjoy these little things. -RVM

– RVMRate it:

Joy and happiness derives not from receiving but from giving.

– Debasish Mridha, M.D.Rate it:

Joy and heartbeats intertwine; questions and answers finally meet; when melodies touch the dancing feet

– Shah Asad RizviRate it:

Joy can be real only if people look on their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.

– Leo TolstoyRate it:

Joy expressed during a tragedy is, in a way, it's own protest. (In reference to not cancelling the Tony Awards becsuse of the Orlando shootings)

– Leslie Odom Jr.Rate it:

Joy is a choice. Happiness is an emotion. You can still be joyful and be unhappy. When you are content with your life's purpose, nothing can steal your joy.

– TimothyMKRate it:

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

– Mother TeresaRate it:

Joy is but the sign that creative emotion is fulfilling its purpose.

– Charles Du BosRate it:

Joy is food for the heart. Love is food for the soul.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

Joy is like sandalwood paste(chandan), each time you apply it to someone's forehead, your own being gets fragrant with it. So touch everyone's life with happiness and let your joy be maximized, get MickeyMized"" Share this and fill this world with billions of smiles.

– Mickey MehtaRate it:

Joy is not a thing, it is in us.

– Charles WagnerRate it:

Joy is not in things, it is in us.

– Richard WagnerRate it:

Joy is not in things; it is in us.

– Richard WagnerRate it:

Joy is prayer - Joy is strength - Joy is love - Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

– Mother TeresaRate it:

Joy is the natural conclusion to the unfairness of time itself.

– Darren HustonRate it:

Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness -- happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes, when you're lucky. Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.

– Saint Adela Rogers JohnsRate it:

Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us.

– Orison Swett MardenRate it:

Juanita Ooh that boy's a fine piece of work all right. He's a fine piece of ass though, too.

– Billy MadisonRate it:

Judas did not make only one kiss. (Judas n'a pas fait qu'une seule bise)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Judge a man by his ability to ignore how other men judge him

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.

– Francois Marie Arouet VoltaireRate it:

Judge a person not by his ability to make money but by his ability to retain it.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Judge a tree from its fruit not from the leaves.

– EuripidesRate it:

Judge everything not by the eye but by the heart.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Judge no one by how many times he or she has fallen. Rather, always judge him or her by the number of times he or she has risen up after falling or failure. ~Emeasoba George

– Emeasoba GeorgeRate it:

Judge not by the eye but by the heart.

– ProverbRate it:

Judge not the horse by his saddle.

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

– JesusRate it:

Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers.

– VoltaireRate it:

Judge of thine improvement, not by what thou speakest or writest, but by the firmness of thy mind, and the government of thy passions and affections.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

Judge Smails: It’s easy to grin / When your ship comes in / And you’ve got the stock market beat. / But the man worthwhile, / Is the man who can smile, / When his shorts aren’t too tight in the seat.

– CaddyShackRate it:

Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou will judge others with the judgment of charity.

– John Mitchell MasonRate it:

Judge wisely or be judged accordingly

– James Anthony KennyRate it:

JUDGE, n A law student who marks his own papers.

– H.L. MenckenRate it:

Judgement of beauty can err, what with the wine and the dark.

– OvidRate it:

Judgement, not passion should prevail.

– EpicharmusRate it:

Judges . . . rule on the basis of law, not public opinion, and they should be totally indifferent to pressures of the times.

– Warren E. BurgerRate it:

Judges don't age time decorates them.

– Enid BagnoldRate it:

Judges don't age. Time decorates them.

– Enid BagnoldRate it:

Judges only can justify their role in the courtroom, not in the streets where they are just part of the common public.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.

– AnonymousRate it:

Judging from the main portion of the history of the world, so far, justice is always in jeopardy.

– Walt WhitmanRate it:

Judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding.

– Steve MaraboliRate it:

Judging others sucks out the energy from our soul. Estimating others is like taking down our own value. It is not at all worthwhile to fuel these two values.

– Purvi RanigaRate it:

Judging someone without knowing their life experience, without knowing their pain, by their physical appearance, by their social status, from your own belief system, from other people’s gossip, is a very shallow view, and a very shallow opinion.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Judgment is forced upon us by experience.

– JohnsonRate it:

Judgment is more than skill. It sets forth on intellectual seas beyond the shores of hard indisputable factual information.

– Kingman Brewster, Jr.Rate it:

Judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday in order that yesterday may not paralyze today.

– Felix FrankfurterRate it:

Judy Garland was a different type of entertainer. She was a dancer, a singer, and an incurable romantic.

– Mickey RooneyRate it:

Julian and Jake sitting in a tree K I S S I N G, first comes love then comes sex then comes baby smoking!

– George BurnsRate it:

JULIAN HUXLEY’S “EUGENICS MANIFESTO”: “Eugenics Manifesto” was the name given to an article supporting eugenics. The document, which appeared in Nature, September 16, 1939, was a joint statement issued by America’s and Britain’s most prominent biologists, and was widely referred to as the “Eugenics Manifesto.” The manifesto was a response to a request from Science Service, of Washington, D.C. for a reply to the question “How could the world’s population be improved most effectively genetically?” Two of the main signatories and authors were Hermann J. Muller and Julian Huxley. Julian Huxley, as this book documents, was the founding director of UNESCO from the famous Huxley family. Muller was an American geneticist, educator and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation. Put into the context of the timeline, this document was published 15 years after “Mein Kampf” and a year after the highly publicized violence of Kristallnacht. In other words, there is no way either Muller or Huxley were unaware at the moment of publication of the historical implications of eugenic agendas.

– A.E. SamaanRate it:

Julius conquered the minds and Jesus conquered the hearts during his time. Both of them are still famous until today.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Junior or middle cadre employees should never complain, either orally or in written form, about their irrational & illogical senior unless and until it is acceptable to see the private company's boss further elevate him to even more higher position with bigger power than ever before. The owner has selected that senior guy for that job merely to make others work under undue pressure and unnecessary stress situation only.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Junk drunk

– Mike WolfeRate it:

Junk is the ultimate merchandise. The junk merchant does not sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to the product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise, he degrades and simplifies the client.

– William Seward BurroughsRate it:

Jury: a group of twelve men who, having lied to the judge about their hearing, health and business engagements, have failed to fool him.

– H. L. MenckenRate it:

Just a hurried tell a story which puts the contrast between *our* feast of the Nativity and all this ghastly Xmas racket at it's lowest. My brother heard a woman on a 'bus say, as the 'bus passed a church with a Crib outside it, Oh Lor' They bring religion into everything. Look- they're dragging it even into Christmas now

– Clive Staples LewisRate it:

Just A Thought Thinking in the present requires choice to do so. To be here now is more than a momentary thing. It's a way of life. It is true that the choices we make determine our lives. Regardless of what others think, do, say we have the ability to handle our reactions to that which occurs to us. It's one of our abilities that when exercised will aid efforts to live a more enhanced life. We all have an inherent aspect that when realized enables us to live as chosen. Potential is like fuel in the tank. We all have a "tank of potential" that awaits turning of a key. KnowyerLoved, CWD

– Carl DeHavenRate it:

Just A Thought Thinking in the present requires choice to do so. To be here now is more than a momentary's a way of life. It is true that the choices we make determine our lives. Regardless of what others think, do, say, we have the ability to handle our reaction to that which occurs about us. It's one of our abilities that when exercised will aid efforts to live a more enhanced life. We all have an inherent aspect that when realized enables us to live as chosen. Potential is like fuel in da' tank...we all have a "tank of potential" that awaits a turning of key. KnowyerLoved, CWD

– Carl DeHavenRate it:

Just after they exist, all men start travelling; some towards the land of the truth, some towards the land of the stupidity! Most men are on their way to the second land!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just an ice cream can't resist your love.

– Wesley D'AmicoRate it:

Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.

– BuddhaRate it:

Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone.

– Sigmund FreudRate it:

Just as a new scientific discovery manifests something that was already latent in the order of nature, and at the same time is logically related to the total structure of the existing science, so the new poem manifests something that was already latent in the order of words.

– Northrop FryeRate it:

Just as a small fire is extinguished by the storm whereas a large fire is enhanced by it-likewise a weak faith is weakened by predicament and catastrophes whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them.

– Viktor FranklRate it:

Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it.

– Jewish ProverbRate it:

Just as courage imperils life; fear protects it.

– Leonardo da VinciRate it:

Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.

– Elie WieselRate it:

Just as every conviction begins as a whim so does every emancipator serve his apprenticeship as a crank. A fanatic is a great leader who is just entering the room.

– HeywoodRate it:

Just as every tree starts as a seed and the baby an embryo. Your plans must follow the same steps if you truly wish to see them successful at the end.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Just as every vessel is not the same, therefore, enlightenment will also vary according to your patience, heart, mind, and body whenever it comes to endure challenges in life.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage, or my house when I propose to take a residence, so I shall choose my death when I am about to depart from life.

– Seneca, Epistulae MoralesRate it:

Just as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other, to let their souls blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can, as it were, creep into God.

– Søren KierkegaardRate it:

Just as in other aspects of your life, setting financial goals is a tried-and-true way to reach those goals.

– Oscar Auliq-IceRate it:

Just as individuals need food and drinks to survive, so is the society in need of decent roads and good education!

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.

– Leonardo DaVinciRate it:

Just as it would be madness to settle on medical treatment for the body of a person by taking an opinion poll of the neighbors, so it is irrational to prescribe for the body politic by polling the opinions of the people at large.

– PlatoRate it:

Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive.

– Napoleon HillRate it:

Just as people believe that power often goes to those who don't deserve it, a beautiful girl often marries the ugly man in town.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Just as rose smells; similarly, every object, fragrances such as its origin since that defines real and fake identity.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Just as the individual is not alone in the group, nor any one in society alone among the others, so man is not alone in the universe.

– Claude Lévi-StraussRate it:

Just as the performance of the vilest and most wicked deeds requires spirit and talent, so even the greatest demand a certain insensitivity which under other circumstances we would call stupidity.

– Georg Christoph LichtenbergRate it:

Just as the sand-dunes, heaped one upon another, hide each the first, so in life the former deeds are quickly hidden by those that follow after.

– Marcus Aurelius AntoninusRate it:

Just as the soul fills the body, so God fills the world. Just as the soul bears the body, so God endures the world. Just as the soul sees but is not seen, so God sees but is not seen.

– The TalmudRate it:

Just as the sun wakes us in the morning and her moon waves goodbye to us at night.a allow your conscious to settle in knowing what was done, set well, comfortably joining it's light.

– UnknownRate it:

Just as the track of birds that cleave the air Is not discovered, nor yet the path of fish That skim the water, so the course of those Who do good actions is not always seen.

– MahabharataRate it:

Just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean, so must I never live my life for itself, but always in the experience which is going on around me.

– Albert SchweitzerRate it:

Just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean, so must I never live my life for itself, but always in the experience which is going on around me. It is an uncomfortable doctrine which the true ethics whisper into my ear. You are happy, they say; therefore you are called upon to give much.

– Albert SchweitzerRate it:

Just as there is a lower carelessness which means death to the soul, so there is a higher carelessness which is the supreme gift of religion. We must all at length rest back upon God.

– W. E. OrchardRate it:

Just as there is a very short distance between the U.S. and Cuba, there is a very short distance between a democracy and a dictatorship where the government gets to decide what to do, how to think, and how to live. And sometimes your freedom is not taken away at gunpoint, but instead it is done one piece of paper at a time, one seemingly meaningless rule at a time, one small silencing at a time. Never allow the government -- or anyone else -- to tell you what you can or cannot believe or what you can and cannot say or what your conscience tells you to have to do or not do.

– Armando ValladaresRate it:

Just as there is nothing between the admirable omelet and the intolerable, so with autobiography.

– Hilaire BellocRate it:

Just as there must be Black so that we can see White, the Creator has created Troubles so that we can Appreciate our Blessings.

– AiR Atman in RaviRate it:

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

– BuddhaRate it:

Just as you began to feel that you could make good use of time, there was no time left to you.

– Lisa AltherRate it:

Just as, when we touch a live wire, the electric force infuses itself into our body, when we deeply meditate on God the power of the whole universe seeks entry into our personality.

– Swami KrishnanandaRate it:

Just assume the human brain has unlimited capacity for memory and processing.

– Link StarbureiyRate it:

Just at the age 'twixt boy and youth, When thought is speech and speech is truth.

– Sir Walter Scott, Marmion (1808)Rate it:

Just be honest with yourself. That opens the door.

– Vernon HowardRate it:

Just be who you want to be not what others want to see

– Palak JainRate it:

Just be yourself, because on the inside, that's what counts and that is what makes every person beautiful inside and out.

– Miriam FergusonRate it:

Just because a blindfolded drunk can cross Westheimer Road unharmed in the middle of traffic once doesn't mean he can do it again, Hirs said.

– Ed HirsRate it:

Just because a majority of the people vote in favor of something doesn't make it morally right, it just means a majority of the people could be corrupt.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision.

– Stevie WonderRate it:

Just because a person is talking , walking and doing all sort of body movement, does not mean s/he is living unless and until having selfless feelings.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just because a thing is funny doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a mystery.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because anyone can pilot a ship in the sea doesn’t always mean that they also know how to swim in it.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because Fate doesn?t deal you the right cards, it doesn?t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.

– Les BrownRate it:

just because I was born in a stable does not make me a horse

– Duke of WellingtonRate it:

just because I'm a little weird doesn't mean I'm wrong.

– chelsey laneRate it:

Just because I'm painfully honest does not mean I'm right.

– Helen Kathleen TierneyRate it:

Just because I'm talking about something that might have been a sad or painful situation doesn't mean that I'm sad or tortured 24 hours a day any more than anybody else is.

– Lucinda WilliamsRate it:

Just because Im not in as much pain as you doesnt mean I dont care. I dont sit there and drown myself in tears, I dont let anything get me down. If I sat there and felt sorry for myself what good would that do? I have my whole life infront of me there will be more bad things to come, But I am prepared to not let them fase me cause its a part of life. Bad things happen to everyone, BUT Goood Things also happen too. Dont look back and dont look to far ahead..

– Nina DesrochersRate it:

Just because it is legal to do, it does not make it an ethical, honorable, moral or professional choice.

– Loren WeismanRate it:

Just because it is night now it doesn't mean that there is no morning. Just hope for the best and be patient.

– Debasish Mridha, M.D.Rate it:

Just because It rains, Tacos don't like me Don't Dog the Boys

– Mia KhalifaRate it:

Just because it was done well, doesn't mean it couldn't have been done better.

– Siddharth AstirRate it:

Just because majority do something doesn't validate it to be the best thing to do

– T.OllyvarRate it:

Just because rich people have pledged money, it does not mean that they have actually given it to charity.

– ProbarbRate it:

Just because somebody is ahead of you doesn't mean they're better than you. Just because somebody's more developed than you doesn't mean they're more talented than you. Just because somebody beat you doesn't mean they won and just because somebody didn't win doesn't mean they lost.

– Ryan PackRate it:

just because someone could not financially rise in life, does not mean that he can't be a wise person. In fact, many times people have even seen that top position in a nation or organization has been given to foolish/selfish/devilish guys who ,to a big surprise, even got many accolades, prestigious awards and reward prize

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just because someone is affluent,it doesn't mean that he is also an intelligent; and just because somebody wears only inexpensive shirt & pant, it doesn't mean that he can't be a brilliant.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just because someone looks good doesn’t mean that they should be respected and trusted.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.

– Thomas Alva EdisonRate it:

Just because something is the law, doesn't make it right.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because something means nothing to you doesn't mean it's not vital or important to someone else, so try to use reason when judging someone.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because the males can’t do an exhibition of their love towards the kids like the females, doesn’t mean that a man can’t have affection better than a woman towards the children.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just because the solutions of problems are not visible at any particular time does not mean that those problems will never be alleviated -- or confined to tolerable dimensions. History has a way of changing the very terms in which problems operate and of leaving them, in the end, unsolved, to be sure, yet strangely deflated of their original meaning and importance.

– M. I. AbramowitzRate it:

Just because they aren’t LISTENING, it doesn’t mean they aren’t HEARING. Go ahead and lead the HORSE to WATER. He’ll DRINK it when he’s READY.

– Serenity MaskRate it:

Just because they came through an experience, doesn’t mean they have the experience or ability to help someone else.

– Loren WeismanRate it:

Just because we know more about people, that’s why they don’t dare to change themselves.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because we're the same nationality doesn't mean I like you, just because we're the same race doesn't mean I like you, just because we're on the same team doesn't mean I like you, just because we're co-workers doesn't mean i like you, just because your an authority figure doesn't mean i like you, just because we listen to the same music and watch the same movies doesn't mean I like you, just because we share some similar interests doesn't mean I like you, you need to understand this and be cautious of me.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because we're sisters under the skin doesn't mean we've got much in common.

– Angela CarterRate it:

Just because you are living and breathing doesn’t mean you are alive.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because you are what you are, where you are, that does not mean you should continue to be there.

– RVMRate it:

Just because you believe something is true doesn't automatically make it true.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Just because you CAN sing doesn’t mean you should.

– Louisiana Sen. John KennedyRate it:

Just because you don't fear someone doesn't mean they can't kick your butt.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because you don’t deserve punishment for your thoughts doesn’t mean you have to think only poor ones.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because you find a thought somewhere with somebody’s name written after it doesn't mean they really said it.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because you have a title doesn't mean you deserve respect.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Just because you have not been caught for doing it yet, does not make what you are doing legal.

– Loren WeismanRate it:

Just because you have not been questioned, caught, or fined for it yet, does not mean that what you are doing is acceptable or ethical or legal.

– Loren WeismanRate it:

Just because you have problems, it doesn’t mean you should not have Dreams. Instead, let your Dreams become the scheme to solve your problems.

– RVMRate it:

Just because you know, doesn't always means that you know , you know?

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

Just because you love someone doesnt mean you have to be involved with them. Love is not a bandage to cover wounds.

– Hugh ElliottRate it:

Just because you saw one piece of the puzzle doesn’t mean you see the whole picture.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Just because you say you are great doesn’t mean you are.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just because you're miserable doesn't mean you can't enjoy your life.

– Annette GoodheartRate it:

Just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right.

– Craig FriebolinRate it:

Just because you've said it..doesn't make it true

– christy HolmRate it:

Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.

– Edward R. MurrowRate it:

Just because you’re changing doesn’t mean you’re not in control of the person you become.

– Oscar Auliq-IceRate it:

Just because you’ve never been a victim doesn’t mean you’re safe. Don’t get complacent. Stay Alert & Be Safe!

– Jay AbionaRate it:

Just being happy helps other souls along Their burdens may be heavy and they not strong And your own sky will lighten, If other skies you brighten, by just being happy with a heart full of song.

– Ripley D. SaundersRate it:

Just definitions either prevent or put an end to a dispute.

– Nathaniel EmmonsRate it:

Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.

– Ella FitzgeraldRate it:

Just dress up and start celebrating life. Simple!

– Purvi RanigaRate it:

Just enough is always never enough for those whose minds crave more.

– CometanRate it:

Just forget me... No reason. When it ends, it ends.

– Takeshi KaneshiroRate it:

Just found my account after 2 years, what little impact I have made. In hindsight I didn’t do much to push for change... but then again what did you do?

– My selfRate it:

Just give and expect nothing in return, that's how love works.

– Evander CandelariaRate it:

Just how difficult it is to write biography can be reckoned by anybody who sits down and considers just how many people know the real truth about his or her love affairs.

– Rebecca WestRate it:

Just how difficult it is to write biography can be reckoned by anybody who sits down and considers just how many people know they real truth about his or her love affairs.

– Rebecca WestRate it:

Just keep fighting. Because actually isn't that bad. I mean, we started this band thinking that the world is just extremely ugly but I think now we realize it's more beautiful than we thought.

– Gerard WayRate it:

Just laying there in bed is like waiting for death and doing nothing about it.

– Ronald-BunchRate it:

Just like a caravan of camels walking in the desert, be durable against the adversities of life and walk with decisive steps.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like a conductor is requried to orchestrate a band, to Realize God, we need a spiritual Master to hold our hand.

– AiR Atman in RaviRate it:

just like a drug addiction to look at your beauty, a dose of erection every time I see you Jokes The guy says to the girl, do you want me to lisp you, where? Another earthquake, turn off your washing machine A girl says to a girl, yesterday my boyfriend started nibbling on my ass during sex, well, that’s love, I pepper-sprayed his upper and lower head, I tell him he can’t, it’s bad, two-headed men sometimes don’t think straight, one head argues with the other How to cheer yourself up? Off topic, dance while sitting on the toilet, help your bladder with your dance, why is there music in this toilet? Paintings The picture is a deep empathy in the colors of the melody of the idea, Movies Cinema, like theater, is a stage of a certain philosophical idea, in which the problems of life are solved, based on fictional characters, the acting figures are interconnected in the confusion of their own feelings, like opposites are connected by a chain, which are a mirror image, Music Music, like a painting, has a spatial deepening of atmosphere, detachment, Albino girls The divine beauty of an albino woman, sung by the light of tenderness, a rare beauty shines with tender milk, like a warm day of love, shining with the sincerity of light from my heart, I warm you with the tender love of my heart, I long to merge with your snow-white soul, no one will crush my love for you, no time, not eternity, I love stubbornly, the most painful thing in the world is to stop loving you, Muscular women A muscular boner of passion in the heart, when I see a muscular woman, delicate erotic forms of muscles, gently caress with temptation, the sweetly exciting beauty of the Amazon, her strength and beauty, captivates for centuries and eternities, the strength of a woman turns on at first sight, gentle beauty in strong muscles, When a muscular woman poses with her muscles, she tightly grabs the penis, a passionate grip, from her strong muscles, it is impossible to tear yourself away from the perfect body, Kazakh women The Kazakh woman is too beautiful to look at her for a long time and plunge into endless love for her, you can look into her eyes forever and see the beauty of her soul, a gentle baby in the body of a luxurious lady, the most beautiful dream in the world, the great beauty given to us, your gaze sticks to her , to every part of the body, you caress her with your gaze like a cunnilingulis, the scan felt her body, her beauty and soul, her love is like a drug, the whole body, the soul orgasms from the beauty of a Kazakh woman like a washing machine in sperm spinning mode, foaming at the mouth from falling in love , disconnection of the brain and penis from the powerful force of orgasm into a coma of erotic dreams, tears of love, like a shiatsu massage of erogenous zones, careful stimulation, the more I look, the more I love, My penis simply goes wild from the unique beauty of the Kazakh woman, my soul goes crazy from her beauty faces, Slavic girls Insomnia of a hard-on in love, in erotic dreams, in romantic fidelity in a dream, I am looking for the love of a Slav, subconsciously I am always faithful to her beauty, and this is not specifically my soul, her beauty is irreplaceable, the memory of her pops up again and again, sticks out again and again, my soul will always wait for someone like her, BBW A wild auto automatic penis erection, with a laser sniper sight, instinctively gets up right away, he just felt the fatty, like a machine gun and a machine gun of sperm, an uncontrolled ballistic erection, the penis just goes wild when he sees the fatty, he growls, tears my pants, I tell everyone to run , I’ll hold him back, the chick’s balls are like two grenades, from this chick, and I’m exploding with love, I’m burning in slow motion from endless passion in dreams of a fat girl, I’m lying on the floor, my dick is dragging my body with foam at the mouth, I'm all in dreams of a fat girl, and he growls and looks for his beloved, Large fatties have something to shake, surprise, show a juicy valley, excite, fall in love, amaze my heart with your beauty, you've become a virus in the trends of my head, Fatty is a mirror image of my inner desires , abandoned by my lusts, night police from you more and more often, enuresis of sperm when I see you again, gets up, doesn’t give up and sticks out again, because I love it hot passionately, my body can’t stand the dangerous level of falling in love, it’s too beautiful, Blondes girls Incendiary dance rhythm of passion, playing music on the erogenous zones, when I see a blonde, My penis is torn apart by an erection pump, my balls are inflated, mechanical love for a blonde, everything blurs in my eyes except you, everything in my heart is forgotten except you, the gas pedal is on you alone, high speed and inspiration, an overdose of passion in love, I will love even after death, Undressing, dominant, masturbating beauty of the blonde, ruling loyalty to her beauty, erection of love on a leash, everything rises from your beauty, mood, motivation, love, passion, penis, desire to live, hormones in the pants, hormones of happiness, joy, optimism, like the sun in life, the pulse quickens in the heart and penis, it’s too beautiful, you need to take a break and exhale, the hot one is too sexy, the manically in love penis is in shock, light skin girls The sweet cocoa skin of a mulatto, a languid look, arrogant beauty, my weakness, your beauty, hot temptation, a storm of orgasmic passion runs through my nerves when I see you, Asian girls Hunger for sex when I see an Asian woman, passionately falling in love with the beauty of the eyes, your eyes pick me up, incendiary, sexy, exciting, kisses take you out of love, kisses excite, and make you dependent on the beauty of the eyes, hypnotically exciting, alluring beauty of the eyes for sex, royal dominant look tigresses, teasing the penis as if you press on the balls and the erection is inflated with a pump, the boner is forever long, dreams and dreams go into infinity, I reach out to someone like you forever, Black women I get chocolate fever when I see a black woman, I have a vulgar sweet tooth, I plunge into the world of sweet passions, romantic and tender, and melodic, and rhythmic like your hot twerk, cooks my sausage (penis) in the microwave, your twerk is like a fan, it inflates all competitors, the hypnotic beauty of your butt which I adore, your breasts and smile and lips created for endless love, Clown woman Clowns are a cheerful via gra of passion, Latin American woman Spicy hips of a Latina, driving you crazy with their movements, eyes like a black hot stone of passion, sparkling with the beauty of a thousand diamonds, hair luxurious and soft, skin tender and sweet like the gentle dawn of Mexico, in itself it pulls as if a lock has been opened in a spaceship, I’m drawn in into the endless space of love, I lost consciousness, it was too beautiful, more beautiful than a thousand worlds, there is no more beautiful landscape than the body of a Latin American woman Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich Aphorisms The sage in council seeks salvation, the wicked sees evil gain, Selfishness leads to different worlds, times, choose centuries for themselves, splits opinions, cracks of contradiction, conceit, dystopia of indifference, indifference, rivers lead to the ocean of a single consciousness in heavenly awareness, time leads to unity brothers and sisters of all universes, we are alive in unity, because it is cold in lonely selfishness, Desire feeds value, value feeds importance, importance feeds the benefit of experience, Anger is vain, it drills the eyes, He who is far from religion is food for fears, and self-love will be every day, Stages of fear: trauma, conceit, mistrust, anxiety, illusions, skepticism, paranoia, contains irritability, nervousness, confusion between what is and what is not, The fight against fear is logic, analysis, fears are like the thoughts of a fly doubts fly around the head, Pride is a man frozen in ice of his own indifference, detached pride, There is no salt of grief in false tears, only the laughter of deceit lurks, he is proud of his sins, Anger wants your humiliation The gloom of your fear Lust, greed and pride of your loneliness Gluttony causes imaginary hunger Envy convinces you that you are nobody Vices create fear of futurophobia, transient life, fear of death, mocking fears, Jokes Tall men look at everyone like their dick in the toilet A man's cry to his wife, behind the wall at three o'clock in the morning, fry (insert) your clitoris into me, the wife says to her husband: yes, suck it, the neighbor

– Musin Almat ZhumabekovichRate it:

Just like a mountain goat climbing very steep and dangerous land to lick salt from the rocks, man also should take high risks to get what he wants!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like a plant or an animal a human being is an element of nature. So, save the mother-nature to save yourself; we are not different or above from her.

– Ganga Sagar PantRate it:

Just like life he God offers trials And sometimes braving those trials lead to success And sometimes even when you brave it you got to learn patience & Endurance To Attain the Fruits

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

Just like sweeping the streets, sweep the unnecessary things from your mind too; keep your mind clean!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like the car headlights impressively illuminating the dark streets, wisdom words powerfully enlighten the dark minds!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like the dead and deserted Moon, all things appear to be beautiful from far distance!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like the falling rainbow Just like the stars in the sky Life should never feel small.

– Vearncombe, Black, "Paradise"Rate it:

Just like the submarines, deep men are also unaffected by the storms!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Just like those who are incurably ill, the aged know everything about their dying except exactly when.

– Philip RothRate it:

Just like two lions can't share a territory and so are two men.


Just like water in an aquarium, a mind left to stagnate brings forth death to whichever life that dwells within it

– Ahmed KorayemRate it:

Just like waves in the ocean come and go, no challenge is permanent. Problems will come and go too. We must enjoy the Challenges just like we enjoy the Waves.

– RVMRate it:

Just like we age fast, so does the future come.

– Ronald-BunchRate it:

Just live and be free, not every story ends in tragedy. Just wait and see, make a date with your destiny.

– Danielle Ever RoseRate it:

Just living is not enough, said the Butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

– Hans Christian AndersonRate it:

Just look around with an open mind to the people, there is a lot of comedy to be found in the action of every person.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just once in a while let us exalt the importance of ideas and information.

– Edward R. MurrowRate it:

Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets.

– UnknownRate it:

Just one thing you have to do to God is prayer and he will decide whether it is steering wheel or your spare tire.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just remember never be a hippocrate

– HippocratesRate it:

Just remember that the masses are asses and you’ll be just fine.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Just remember that the masses are asses and you’ll be just fine.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Just remember you will find that one special love that you know is right but for some reason just doesn't last

– MarieRate it:

Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.

– Charles M. SchulzRate it:

Just remember, who you are, and always take that with you, wherever you do go.

– CometanRate it:

Just saying sorry cannot compensate whom you hurt, damage, or insult with your words or actions, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Just saying; Sorry, cannot compensate, and heal all the griefs and pains that one bore with its tears.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Just see what type of people are teaching or preaching us the lesson on morality and, most surprisingly, many often call them celebrity

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just simplify all that confusion and try to make life wonderfully simple again.

– Aurora BerillRate it:

Just stand still beside me and watch people, you can observe a lot instead of talking to them.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Just surviving isn’t living.

– CometanRate it:

Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don't move.

– Satchel PaigeRate it:

Just tell people with utmost honesty the hard facts & harsh reality of hypocrisy of the society, if that thought affects their selfish activity or hits their undue profitability, then soon faker/self-seekers out of them will call that genuine speaker a negative person i.e. spreading negativity Even in all probability they trash the truth by saying that it is all bullshit of WhatsApp university. Such is the foolish/devilish mentality of the majority population of the nation

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just the Human Genome Project alone is the Full Employment Act for bioethicists.

– Arthur L CaplanRate it:

Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.

– Kathleen NoriasRate it:

Just the omission of Jane Austen's books alone would make a fairly good library out of a library that hadn't a book in it.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Just the same way the challenge has total power in the aggressor side, have total power in the defense side. Don't give the challenge any power in the defense side.

– Goa KerleRate it:

Just think -- IBM and DEC in the same room -- and we did it. Makes you feel warm inside.

– Ken ThompsonRate it:

Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.

– Clarence DarrowRate it:

Just think, IBM and DEC in the same room, and we did it.

– Ken Thompson, quoted by Dennis RitchieRate it:

Just think, if I was born one day earlier I would have written this yesterday.

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.

– Abraham Joshua HeschelRate it:

Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.

– Johann von GoetheRate it:

Just trusting the soul cannot lead you to higher consciousness. You have to pay attention for the beautification of your heart.

– Amit RayRate it:

Just turn left at Greenland...

– John Lennon, When asked how the Beatles found America on their first U.S. visitRate it:

Just understand, whatever flies, it doesn't matter when, but that lands back.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Just vengeance does not call for punishment.

– Pierre CorneilleRate it:

Just wait till his third marriage anniversary's date to see as what the man says in a private conversation about his wife whom he states now to be the most beautiful woman on his wedding day.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Just what is it that America stands for If she stands for one thing more than another it is for the sovereignty of self-governing people.

– Woodrow WilsonRate it:

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes and I am left the same. The more things change the more I am the same. I am what I started with, and when it is all over I will be all that is left of me.

– Hugh PratherRate it:

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly

– ProverbRate it:

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

– ProverbRate it:

Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can’t get any better, it can.

– Nicholas SparksRate it:

Just when you think that a person is just a backdrop for the rest of the universe, watch them and see that they laugh, they cry, they tell jokes ... they're just friends waiting to be made.

– Dr. Jeffrey BorensteinRate it:

Just when you think there's nothing to write about, Nixon says, 'I am not a crook.' Jimmy Carter says, 'I have lusted after women in my heart.' President Reagan says, 'I have just taken a urinalysis test, and I am not on dope.'

– Art BuchwaldRate it:

Just when you think you've hit bottom, you realize you're just scratching the surface.

– Steve PostRate it:

Justice and abuse: Justice makes life thrive while abuse deteriorates and destroys it.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Justice and fairness never appear if interests play in the lap.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Justice becomes injustice when it makes two wounds on a head which only deserves one

– ProverbRate it:

Justice can be attributed to ability or what an individual deserves. True equality must go beyond capabilities and serve all citizens equally, regardless of background, gender and colour.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.

– Roosevelt, EleanorRate it:

Justice cannot survive in a corrupt and violent world, that is why just people struggle so intensely and die so frequently and evil people prosper so much. Unfortunately the world was made to protect and defend evil, not Justice.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Justice consists in doing no injury to men decency in giving them no offense.

– Marcus Tullius Cicero De OfficiisRate it:

Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.

– Theodore Roosevelt, 1916 (quoted in the Theodore Roosevelt Centennial CD-ROM)Rate it:

Justice delayed is justice denied.

– William GladstoneRate it:

Justice delayed, is justice denied.

– William GladstoneRate it:

Justice depends on the judge; the judge executes the law. The law is a process of the constitution approved by the ruling majority, which favours its interests; thus, the favour falls under a conflict of interest, and it is not justice. The conclusion is that nowhere exists a factual and transparent justice.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Justice does not come from the outside. It comes from inner peace.

– Barbara HallRate it:

Justice in the hands of the powerful is merely a governing system like any other. Why call it justice? Let us rather call it injustice, but of a sly effective order, based entirely on cruel knowledge of the resistance of the weak, their capacity for pain, humiliation and misery.

– Georges BernanosRate it:

Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in circumstances confronting him.

– Saint Thomas AquinasRate it:

Justice is a contract of expediency, entered upon to prevent men harming or being harmed.

– EpicurusRate it:

Justice is a temporary thing that must at last come to an end; but the conscience is eternal and will never die.

– Martin LutherRate it:

Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes.

– Daniel DefoeRate it:

Justice is based on reason, the truth, the facts, what is fair, not emotion.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Justice is blind, but judges have eyes.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

Justice is incedental to law and order.

– J. Edgar HooverRate it:

Justice is incidental to law and order.

– J. Edgar HooverRate it:

Justice is not natural among people, but the struggle for justice is the most noble act in society. Because justice may not be possible, but as it’s the way toward the desired society for each one to live in, that’s why its struggle is noble and regard as the highest act.

– Zaman AliRate it:

Justice is that which is in one's favour; otherwise, not.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Justice is the armed defense of innocent liberty.

– Wolf DeVoonRate it:

Justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due.

– Domitus UlpianRate it:

Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit. In a society under the forms of which the stronger faction can readily unite and oppress the weaker, anarchy may as truly be said to reign as in a state of nature, where the weaker individual is not secured against the violence of the stronger; and as, in the latter state, even the individuals are prompted, by the uncertainty of their condition, to submit to a government which may protect the weak as well as themselves; so, in the former state, will the more powerful factions or parties be gradually induced, by a like motive to wish for a government which will protect all parties, the weaker as well as the more powerful.

– Alexander HamiltonRate it:

Justice is the foremost virtue of the civilizing races. It subdues the barbarous nations, while injustice arouses the weakest.

– Dr. Jose P. RizalRate it:

Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it. So Like Justice and Obedience Insurance policies will make our life perfect from all the way.

– Sukhjinder SinghRate it:

Justice is the truth in action.

– Joseph JoubertRate it:

Justice Marshall has made his decision. Let him enforce it.

– Andrew JacksonRate it:

Justice oft leans to the side where the purse pulls.

– ProverbRate it:

Justice over love: Love is more powerful than malice, but justice is more powerful than love. Love without justice equals malice. Always choose justice over love otherwise you'll get injustice.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Justice requires that to lawfully constituted Authority there be given that respect and obedience which is its due that the laws which are made shall be in wise conformity with the common good and that, as a matter of conscience all men shall render obedience to these laws.

– Pope Pius XIRate it:

Justice requires that to lawfully constituted Authority there be given that respect and obedience which is its due; that the laws which are made shall be in wise conformity with the common good; and that, as a matter of conscience all men shall render obedience to these laws.

– Pope Pius XIRate it:

Justice should never shake hands with corruption.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Justice should remove the bandage from her eyes long enough to distinguish between the vicious and the unfortunate.

– Robert G. IngersollRate it:

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

Justice will only exist where those not affected by injustice are filled with the same amount of indignation as those offended.

– PlatoRate it:

Justice, voiceless, unseen, seeth thee when thou sleepest and when thou goest forth and when thou liest down. Continually doth she attend thee, now aslant thy course, now at a later time.

– AeschylusRate it:

Justice: To seek it, one must be willing to give up the right to privacy, as nothing more private will become more public.

– Brian K. Blackden, 1996Rate it:

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