Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean (1990-1995) is a British comedy show that ran on ITV and starred Rowan Atkinson as its main character Mr. Bean.

Morning, Derek!

Good morning.

The usual please, Derek.


Man with ponytail:
I was first. Just the split ends at the back. (Bean sprays the man's hair, and uses the mirror, but steals a picture from the board, and presents the man with the mirror with the picture.) All right, keep the change.

Oh dear, what a day!

Thanks, Derek! Very nice.

Roger? Roger!

Wait, where is he?

Whoa! What... what?

Where is he? What on earth do you call this?! (removes Jamie's cap, revealing the Bean's artistic hairstyle)

But I like it.

You don't like it.

I do!

Shut up, Jamie. Now look, listen to me...

What are you trying to say?

Man with ponytail:
Oi! Where's my ponytail?

...what I am trying to say, my son looks like an ape! (the man presents Derek the cut part where his hair used to be)

Don't shout, madam!

Man with ponytail:
Have you got any idea how long it took me to grow that?

(to the man) Excuse me, excuse me! (to her son) Shush!

Man with ponytail:
Nearly two and a half years, and your man chops it off in less than two minutes! Where is he?

(Bean with the Prince Charles calendar/picture is walking sideways, passing Derek and the angry customers.)

Have you seen this? (points at his hair, then bows at Bean, thinking he was Prince Charles) Sir! (Bean twirls his two fingers.) Derek, have you gone mad? (indistinct arguing)

Man with ponytail:
Your assistant, where is he?

Derek, whatever your name is...

(Bean, still wearing the calendar, peeks at the door and leaves)

Old man:
Would you like a go? (Bean gives some coins to him) Thank you.

(Bean plays the wire, but another buzzer sounds and he returns the object back)

Old man:
Another one? (Bean gives more coins to him) Thank you.

(Bean snaps the plug under the table game, then moves the object to the other side of the wire without any buzzing sounds.)

Old man:
Well done, sir.

Mr. Bean:
Thank you.

(The old man notices the plug and outlet cut by Bean.)

(Cut to another parlor game, this time it is called "Hit the Headmaster", a man with glasses facing a large board with a picture of a headmaster. A girl giggles as she throws sponges on the face of the headmaster. She misses three times.)

(Bean wants to play Hit the Headmaster, and gives coins to the man with another bucket of sponges and some large rings)

Thank you very much.

(Bean squeezes the first sponge to prove it is wet and soft, then throws toward the headmaster, but misses. Bean snickers, then throws two more sponges, one reaching above the headmaster's face, he laughs, then throws the last sponge, but also misses. Bean looks at the bucket with no sponges, then drops the bucket. Burst of laughter from the audience as he throws cans of peas from a nearby table at the headmaster, frightening the headmaster. He also throws a cereal box. He gets two more cans of peas.)

Oi, oi, oi! (Hands the can, but throws the other one to the headmaster, but misses again. Bean goes off-screen, and back, preparing to throw a chair)

No! (The man takes the chair away from Bean. Bean glares at the headmaster, with little reaction from the headmaster)

[Matthew returns the steering wheel of Bean's mini]

Mr. Bean:
Ah, thank you very much.

[Matthew clears his throat, as if asking for a tip. Bean gives him some kind of candy or cough drop as a tip. Bean then examines a TV remote, thinking it's a phone.]

Mr. Bean:
Hello? [Bean presses a button, the TV turns on to a football match, audience cheering]

Announcer on TV (first channel):
"I don't believe it!" [Bean turns off the TV, then turns it back on, audience on TV still cheers throughout] "Goodness me. I... What a response..." [Bean turns TV off, quickly turns it on] "Terrible, just..." [Bean turns TV off and on again, and again] "The crowd is..." (Bean changes the channel quickly, then stands near the wall while changing the channels]

Man 1 on TV (second channel):
"Get out of here!" [Bean changes the channel quickly]

Announcer on TV (first channel):
"The players are run--..." [Bean changes the channel]

Chorus on TV (fourth channel):
"Halleujah!" [Bean hides in the blanket while changing the channels]

Man on TV (fifth channel):
"Do you know what you are to me?"

Chorus on TV (fourth channel):
"Halleujah, hallelujah, hallelu--!"

Man on TV (fifth channel):
"...the whole town. A spring morning in Paris..." [Bean stands at the lobby, foot on door, while changing the channels. He lets go of his foot of the door, closing the door itself]

Chorus on TV (fourth channel):
"Halleujah, hallelujah! Hallelujah, ha--" [Bean changes the channel]

Woman on TV (fifth channel):
"That's my heart beating."

Man on TV (fifth channel):
"Does it go like a subway train?"

[Bean changes the channel, sports fans on first channel chanting while Bean walks a few steps, then changes the channel again, dances to some upbeat music from the TV, changes the channel once again]

Man 2 (second channel):
"Look, coming down off the hill!"

[Bean walks forward, western style]

Man 3 on TV (second channel):
"Hang on, Joe!"

[Bean changes the channel, like a cowboy shooting his revolver]

Chorus on TV (fourth channel):
"Hallelujah, hallelujah! For the Lord God omnipote--"

[A room neighbor comes out, Bean holds remote on his back]

Mr. Bean:
[scoffs, knocks on own room door] Will you be quiet? [Turns off TV at "omnipotent"] Sorted him out.

[Neighbor returns to his room. Bean returns to his room, unpacks his case]

[Bean pushing another Mini car]

[He gets some soldiers to help push the car]

Mr. Bean:
"I'll get in."

Mr. Bean:
"I'm in!"

Mr. Bean:
"Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut!"

[Cut to a drill sergeant]

Drill sergeant:
"Eyes front!"

[Cut to soldiers marching and halting, then the sergeant shouts unintelligible commands:
first one turns the soldiers left and left foot stamp, second preparing their rifles to their right sidearm, and finally their separating their feet. The sergeant leaves and heads inside the recruitment centre on the background. Bean arrives behind the soldiers, looking at them, then coughs as he passes through them. The soldiers close their legs. Bean notices them again, then coughs once again, the soldiers separating their feet once again. Bean then gets behind a military vehicle, then coughs, the soldiers close their legs again. Cut to Bean standing near the vehicle, he says a command, similarly to the drill sergeant's, the soldiers positioning their rifles vertically close to their middle. Bean commands them again, this time the first and third of the each rows raising their right and left knees, respectively, to the laughter of the audience. Bean then commands them to raise their right hands up high, and makes them wave said hands. The drill sergeant arrives from the recruitment centre, Bean quickly hides behind the vehicle.]

Drill sergeant:
"Right." [noticing the soldiers' doing Bean's pose; Bean runs behind the soldiers] "What the hell do you think you're doing?" [Cut to the entrance of the building] "Hey! Right side!" [Bean gets inside the building with the Adult Education entrance] "What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? You what?"

Art instructor:
"Ah, ça, c'est formidable. But I think, là!"

[Bean arrives at the classroom]

Art instructor:
"Ah, bonjour! Please, come in! Sit down, là; the fruit. Ah, inspired!"

Art instructor:
"Ah, banana! Magnifique, but, I think of detail. Detail!"

Art instructor:
"OK, class, please, changez, là."

[The entire class but Bean turns their sketch papers over. Bean looks at the new model (we don't see it yet), then draws one large oval on the right of his "banana", then a smaller one inside, then an even smaller one inside of the smaller one. He looks at it again, does the same on the left. He examines his own drawing, feels frustrated as he actually draws a naked woman's breasts. Cut behind the woman, we see Bean being hesitant. The instructor lets him back to his artwork. Bean tries to hide his artwork from the instructor.]

Art instructor:
"Monsieur, what? Don't, don't be shy. Don't be shy! Let me look."

[Bean draws something at the bottom of his work]

Art instructor:

[We see Bean actually drew a "mouth" below, to the fascination of the instructor (and the laughter and applause of the audience). She nods a few times, moves her hand around the artwork, as if feeling something.]

Art instructor:
"The face, eh?" [Bean nods] "The body, où? The body?" [The instructor does some kind of body language] "The body!" [Laughter from the audience] "The breasts? You must look! Look, the beauty. Feel it, feel it, and draw, inspire."

Chemistry instructor:
[The chemistry teacher and the boy who was caught in the lab explosion Bean caused march into the art room. The boy is covered in blue dust.] "Right, is he in here, then?" [The chemistry instructor takes off the boy's glasses. He shakes his head. Then the chemist and the boy see the naked model. The chemist drags the boy out of the class room.] "Out!"

Art instructor:
Non, non, non, you must look! [The art instructor makes a confused face when she sees the naked model now wearing a clay bikini discretely placed on by Bean.]

Judo instructor:
"OK, thanks a lot for coming, everybody. Um, before we start learning any throws, et cetera, the first thing about judo is you've just got to make sure that you can fall, OK? So, I'll check all your break-falls one by one. Let's start with you. Just step forward, that's good. OK, we start with a bow. Good. Then, just take hold, that's nice, and the throw. That's it, good one. Back with the others. Right, nice. Next one, please." "That's good. Okay, again, we start with a bow..." "..then, take hold, and the throw." "That's nice. Good." "Back with the others." "There we go." "Okay, can I have the next one, please?" "Next one, please. Yeah?" "Just step forward, then." "Yeah. Onto the mat, yeah?" "That's good." "There we are." "And the other foot, yeah?" "That's good, that's all right, now." "Okay, here we..." "Just come back onto the mat. There we go." "It's all right."

Judo instructor:
"Now first the bow..." [bows in the Japanese fashion, in a 90-degree angle]

Mr. Bean:
"Bow." [Bean follows suit, and the instructor bows again immediately]

Judo instructor:
"There we are, the bow. All right, and then I take hold." "It's all right. Just... just trust me, just trust me." "Just calm down, all right? Just stand here." "That's it. No. No one's going to get hurt. That's it." "Good. Okay. Now..."

Mr. Bean:
"So, we bow." [bows in the Japanese fashion]

Judo instructor:
"Yeah, we bow." [bows immediately after Bean, laughter from the audience] "Just one big bow, then throw." [Cut to the instructor's point of view, the camera is now following the instructor's eyes] "Okay, so one nice, big, big bow and then..." [camera pans as the instructor bows, and up again, then we realizes that Bean is no longer in front of the instructor. Cut to the instructor, Bean stands up behind him, and shoves him down to the mat.]

Judo instructor:
"Hey, stop it! Stop! Stop it!"

Man in ambulance 1:
You get the door, John.

Man in ambulance 2:

[The doors are blocked by Mr. Bean's Mini. Laughter from the audience.]

Man in ambulance 1:
What's wrong? Here, give it to me.

[Scene changes to the waiting room.]

Nurse 1:
Twenty-two (22).

[Bean takes the doll from the girl's hands and throws it. The girl goes with her mother to pick it up, leaving the queue. Next, two men are in front of him, Bean pinches the taller man's back and quickly pulls his hand away. The taller man thinks the person behind him (in front of Bean) did this, and pushes him.]

Taller Man:
What the hell do you think you're doing? Pinching my bottom in a hospital queue?! [both leave the queue, Bean meets the receptionist, the mother and daughter is behind Bean now.]

Good morning, name please?

Mr. Bean:
Um, Bean. (laughter from the audience)

And what is the problem?

[Bean whispers to the receptionist]

Have a ticket and take a seat please, Mr. Bean.

Nurse on P.A.:
Security to the east door, please.

Nurse 1:
Twenty-three (23).

[Two people stand up and walk to the main room]

Nurse 1:
Twenty-four (24).

[Bean notices an old man sleeping with the ticket, he tries swapping it but...]

Nurse 1:

[The old man wakes up and heads to the main room]

[Bean examines the muffled woman's ticket upside-down and reads 25. While the receptionist answers a phone call, Bean turns the number counter upside down while coughing, then returns to his seat]

Nurse 1:
Fifty-two (52).

Mr. Bean:
Yes! [The muffled woman holds Bean by the teapot, three other people are complaining about their tickets being skipped. Bean is still struggling]

Nurse 2:
Ninety-two (92). [she appears beside the counter]

Man 3:
That was quick!

Man 4:
Hang on. What about me?

Nurse 1:
Come back here! Somebody's turned it the wrong way up. [She turns the counter around back to its normal position] That's better, there. Twenty-six (26).

Man 5:
Yes, at last. [follows Nurse 1]

[The woman lets go of Bean's teapot. Frustrated, Bean goes back to his seat]

[Many minutes later]

Nurse 1:
Fifty-one (51).

[Mr. Bean is sleeping, he drops the muffled woman's ticket, the other nurse takes that ticket from the floor.]

Nurse 2:
Is this anybody's?

[The muffled woman shouts, giving the nurse's attention]

Nurse 2:
Oh! Not too long now. Don't you worry.

Nurse 1:
Fifty-two (52).

[Bean moans as 52 is said by the nurse]

Nurse 2:
Over here. [brings the muffled woman inside]

Nurse on PA:
Dr Marlow, have you got your beeper on?

Nurse 2:
Fifty-three (53).

Nurse on PA:
Dr Marlow, have you got your beeper on? Thank you.

[Mr. Bean goes back to the waiting queue to get another ticket. In front of him are the same two men that were fighting earlier. In order to cut through the queue once again Bean pushes them both.]

Shorter Man:
It's you!

Taller Man:
You're risking your life, Sonny Jim!

[As the two men leave fighting once again Bean moves forward towards the receptionist. The receptionist looks up and sees a rather angry Mr. Bean.]


Mr. Bean:
(angrily) Bean!


And what is the problem?

Mr. Bean:
The problem... [He shows the receptionist the teapot stuck in his hand and then complains about waiting for a long time. Mr. Bean then starts banging the teapot on the counter.] come on, do something about it!

Take a ticket and have a seat please.

[Mr. Bean takes a ticket, but is shocked to see that the ticket has a higher number. In frustration, he then angrily throws the ticket in the bin, and pushes it further down, but his hand becomes stuck inside the bin. Using his mouth, he takes out another ticket, and walks to his seat. In the background the shorter man is body-slamming the taller man on the floor.]

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