Game of Thrones, Season 1

Game of Thrones is an American medieval fantasy television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. The series is based on the first of George R. R. Martin's best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of seven planned fantasy novels.

Benjen Stark:
[angrily] The Night's Watch is a joke to you, is it?! Is that what we are, Lannister? An army of jesters in black?!

Tyrion Lannister:
You don't have enough men to be an army, and aside from Yoren here, none of you are particularly funny.

Benjen Stark:
I hope we've provided some good stories for you to tell when you're back in King's Landing. Something to think about while you're drinking your wine down there, enjoying the brothels; half the boys you've seen training will die north of the Wall. Might be a wildling's axe that gets them, might be sickness, might just be the cold. They die in pain, and they do it so plump little lords like you can enjoy their summer afternoons in peace and comfort.

Tyrion Lannister:
[joking] Do you think I'm plump? Listen, Benjen,...may I call you Benjen?

Benjen Stark:
Call me what you like.

Tyrion Lannister:
I'm not sure what I've done to offend you; I have great admiration for the Night's Watch. I have great admiration for you as First Ranger-

Benjen Stark:
[chuckles] My brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word 'but' really counts.

Tyrion Lannister:
But. I don't believe that giants and ghouls and White Walkers are lurking beyond the Wall. I believe the only difference between us and the wildlings is that when that wall went up, our ancestors happened to live on the right side of it.

Benjen Stark:
You're right; the wildlings are no different from us. A little rougher maybe, but they're made of meat and bone; I know how to track them, and I know how to kill them. It's not the wildlings giving me sleepless nights. You've never been north of the Wall, so don't tell me what's out there.

Robert Baratheon:
Backstabbing doesn't prepare you for a fight and that's all the realm is now: backstabbing and scheming and arse-licking and money-grubbing. Sometimes I don't know what holds it together.

Cersei Lannister:
Our marriage. [both burst out laughing]

Robert Baratheon:
So, here we sit, 17 years later, holding it all together. Don't you get tired?

Cersei Lannister:
Every day.

Robert Baratheon:
How long can hate hold a thing together?

Cersei Lannister:
Well, 17 years is quite a long time.

Robert Baratheon:
[raises glass] Yes, it is.

Cersei Lannister:
[raises glass] Yes, it is. [drinks] What was she [Lyanna Stark] like?

Robert Baratheon:
[shocked] You've never asked about her, not once. Why now?

Cersei Lannister:
At first, just saying her name, even in private, felt like I was breathing life back into her. I thought if I didn't talk about her, she'd just fade away for you. When I realised that wasn't going to happen, I refused to ask out of spite; I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I cared to ask. And eventually it became clear that my spite didn't mean anything to you; as far as I could tell, you actually enjoyed it!

Robert Baratheon:
So why now?

Cersei Lannister:
What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us that we haven't done to each other a hundred times over?

Robert Baratheon:
[sadly] You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she looked like. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.

Tywin Lannister:
The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.[pause] I suppose I should be grateful your vanity got in the way of your recklessness. [pause] I'm giving you half of our forces-thirty thousand men. You will bring them to Catelyn Stark's girlhood home and remind her that Lannisters pay their debts!

Jaime Lannister:
I didn't know you put such a high value on my brother's life.

Tywin Lannister:
He's a Lannister. He might be the lowest of the Lannisters, but he is one of us. And every day that he remains a prisoner, the less our name commands respect.

Jaime Lannister:
So, the lion does concern himself with the opinions -

Tywin Lannister:
It's not an opinion, it's a fact! If another house can seize one of our own, and hold him captive with impunity, it means we're no longer a house to be feared! Your mother's dead, before long I'll be dead, and you...and your brother and your sister and all of her children. All of us dead, all of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your honor, not your personal glory, family.


Tywin Lannister:
You're blessed with abilities that few men possess. You're blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the Kingdoms, and you're still blessed with youth. And what have you done with these blessings? You've served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings, one a madman, the other a drunk. The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years...or we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did. I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not

Eddard Stark:
I know the truth Jon Arryn died for.

Cersei Lannister:
Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you call me here, to pose me riddles?

Eddard Stark:
[gesturing to the bruise on Cersei's cheek] Has he done this before?

Cersei Lannister:
Jaime would have killed him. My brother is worth a thousand of your friend.

Eddard Stark:
Your brother? Or your lover?

Cersei Lannister:
The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for three hundred years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother and sister; we shared a womb, came into this world together - we belong together.

Eddard Stark:
My son saw you with him.

Cersei Lannister:
Do you love your children?

Eddard Stark:
With all my heart.

Cersei Lannister:
No more than I love mine.

Eddard Stark:
And they're all Jaime's.

Cersei Lannister:
[chuckles] Thank the gods. In the rare event Robert leaves his whores long enough to stumble drunken into my bed, I finish him off in other ways. In the morning, he doesn't remember.

Eddard Stark:
You've always hated him!

Cersei Lannister:
Hated him?! I worshipped him! Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of him, but he was mine by oath. And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor, lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. And that night, he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine, and did what he did - what little he could do … and whispered in my ear, "Lyanna". Your sister was a corpse, I was a living girl, and he loved her more than me!

Eddard Stark:
When the king returns from his hunt, I will tell him the truth. You must be gone by then, you and your children; I won't have their blood on my hands. Go as far away as you can with as many men as you can, because wherever you go, Robert's wrath will follow you.

Cersei Lannister:
And what of my wrath, Lord Stark? You should have taken the realm for yourself. Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell. He was sitting on the Iron Throne, and you made him give it up. All you needed to do was climb the steps yourself … such a sad mistake.

Eddard Stark:
I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them.

Cersei Lannister:
Oh, but it was. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die; there is no middle ground.

Renly Baratheon:
Lord Stark, a moment...Alone, if you will? [Eddard dismisses his guards] He [Robert] named you Protector of the Realm?

Eddard Stark:
He did.

Renly Baratheon:
She won't care. Give me an hour, and I can put a hundred swords at your command.

Eddard Stark:
And what should I do with a hundred swords?

Renly Baratheon:
Strike! Tonight, while the castle sleeps! We must get Joffrey away from his mother and into our custody; Protector of the Realm or no, he who holds the king holds the kingdom. Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare; by the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us!

Eddard Stark:
And what about Stannis?

Renly Baratheon:
[incredulous] Saving the Seven Kingdoms from Cersei and delivering them to Stannis?! You have odd notions about protecting the realm!

Eddard Stark:
Stannis is your older brother-

Renly Baratheon:
This isn't about the bloody line of succession! That didn't matter when you rebelled against the Mad King, it shouldn't matter now! What's best for the Kingdoms? What's best for the people we rule? We all know what Stannis is; he inspires no love or loyalty. He's not a king...I am.

Eddard Stark:
Stannis is a commander. He's led men into war twice, he destroyed the Greyjoy fleet-

Renly Baratheon:
Yes, he's a good soldier, everyone knows that; so was Robert! Tell me something, do you still believe good soldiers make good kings?

Eddard Stark:
I will not dishonour Robert's last hours by shedding blood in his halls and dragging frightened children from their beds.

Eddard Stark:
Can you free me from this pit?

I could. But will I? No. As I said, I'm no hero.

Eddard Stark:
What do you want? Tell me, no stories, no riddles. Tell me, what do you want?

Peace. Did you know that your son is marching south with an army of northmen? Loyal lad, fighting for his father's freedom.

Eddard Stark:
Robb? He's just a boy.

Boys have been conquerers before. But the man giving Cersei sleepless nights is the king's...the late king's brother. Lord Stannis has the best claim to the throne; he's a proven battle commander and he is utterly without mercy.

Eddard Stark:
Stannis Baratheon is Robert's true heir. The throne is his by rights!

[tuts] Sansa pleaded so sweetly for your life, it would be a shame to throw it away. Cersei is no fool. She knows a tame wolf is more use to her than a dead one.

Eddard Stark:
You want me to serve the woman who murdered my king, who butchered my men, who crippled my son?!

I want you to serve the realm! Tell the Queen you will confess your vile treason, tell your son to lay down his sword and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir! Cersei knows you as a man of honour; if you give her the peace she needs, and promise to carry her secret to your grave, I believe she will allow you to take the black and live out your days on the Wall, with your brother and your bastard son.

Eddard Stark:
[laughes] You think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my honour for a few more years of...of what?! You grew up with actors; you learned their craft and you learnt it well. But I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago.

Pity. Such a pity. [Varys moves to leave, but turns back for one last word] What of your daughter's life, my lord? Is that a precious thing to you? [Ned is visibly given pause by the remark]

[The Lannisters are stymied by Robb Stark's recent victories, and Jamie Lannister has been captured]

Tywin Lannister:
They have my son.

Tyrion Lannister:
The Stark boy appears to be less green than we'd hoped.

Harys Swift:
I'm told his wolf killed a dozen men and as many horses!

Addam Marband:
Is it true about Stannis and Renly?

Kevan Lannister:
Both Baratheon brothers have taken up against us. Jaime captured, his armies's a catastrophe. Perhaps we should sue for peace.

Tyrion Lannister:
[knocks his glass to the floor, shattering it] There's your peace. Joffrey saw to that when he decided to remove Ned Stark's head. You'll have an easier time drinking out of that cup than you will bringing Robb Stark to the table now. He's winning, in case you hadn't noticed.

Kevan Lannister:
I'm told we still have his sisters...

Harys Swift:
The first order of business is ransoming Ser Jaime!

Addam Marband:
No truces, we can't afford to look weak. We should march on them at once!

Kevan Lannister:
First, we must return to Casterly Rock and raise-

[The Lannister lords begin arguing about what to do next]

Tywin Lannister:
THEY HAVE MY SON! [All fall silent] Get out, all of you. [to Tyrion] Not you. [Tyrion takes a seat] You were right about Eddard Stark; if he were alive, we could've used him to broker a peace with Winterfell and Riverrun, which would have given us more time to deal with Robert's brothers, but now? Madness, madness and stupidity! [pause] I always thought you were a stunted fool. Perhaps I was wrong.

Tyrion Lannister:
Half wrong. I'm new to strategy, but unless we want to be surrounded by three armies, it appears we can't stay here.

Tywin Lannister:
No one will stay here. Ser Gregor will head out with five hundred riders and set the riverlands on fire from Gods' Eye to the Red Fork. The rest of us will regroup at Harrenhal, and you will go to King's Landing.

Tyrion Lannister:
And do what?!

Tywin Lannister:
Rule. You will serve as Hand of the King in my stead; you'll bring that boy-king to heel and his mother too, if needs be. And if you get so much as a whiff of treason from any of the rest- Baelish, Varys, Pycelle-

Tyrion Lannister:
Heads, spikes, walls. Why not my uncle? Why not anyone?! Why me?

Tywin Lannister:
You're my son.

Jonos Bracken:
The proper course is clear; pledge fealty to King Renly and move south to join our forces with his.

Robb Stark:
Renly is not the king.

Galbart Glover:
You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my lord. He put your father to death!

Robb Stark:
That doesn't make Renly king. He's Robert's younger brother. Now Bran cannot be Lord of Winterfell before me, Renly cannot be king before Stannis.

Galbart Glover:
Do you mean to declare us with Stannis?

Lord Karstark:
Renly is not right! [The Stark and Tully bannermen begin to argue]

Greatjon Umber:
My lords. MY LORDS! [all fall silent] Here's what I say to these two kings. [spits, drawing laughter from the men] Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the south? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong. Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead. [draws his sword and points it to Robb] There sits the only King I mean to bend my knee to: the King in the North! [kneels]

Lord Karstark:
I'll have peace on those terms. They can keep their red castle, and their iron chair too. [draws his sword and kneels] The King in the North.

Theon Greyjoy:
Am I your brother, now and always?

Robb Stark:
Now and always, Theon.

Theon Greyjoy:
[draws his sword and kneels] My sword is yours, in victory and defeat, from this day until my last day.

Greatjon Umber:
The King in the North!

Stark and Tully bannermen:
The King in the North! [all drawing swords] The King in the North! THE KING IN THE NORTH!

Ned Stark:
I'm sending you both back to Winterfell.

Sansa Stark:

Ned Stark:

Sansa Stark:
What about Joffrey?

Arya Stark:
Are you dying because of your leg? Is that why you're sending us home?

Ned Stark:
What? No.

Sansa Stark:
Please father, please! Please don't!

Arya Stark:
You can't! I've got my lessons with Syrio! I'm finally getting good!

Ned Stark:
This isn't a punishment. I want you back in Winterfell for your own safety.

Arya Stark:
Can't we take Syrio back with us.

Sansa Stark Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go! I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey! I love him! And I'm meant to be his queen and have his babies!

Arya Stark:
Seven hells!

Ned Stark:
When you're old enough, I'll make you a match with someone who is worthy of you. Someone who is brave and gentle and strong.

Sansa Stark:
I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him. [Arya and Ned exchange an amused look at Sansa’s inadvertent characterization of Joffrey.] He'll be the greatest king there ever was, a golden lion, and I'll give him sons with beautiful blond hair.

[A look of realization spreads across Ned's face after listening to the last part of Sansa's statement.]

Arya Stark:
The lion's not his sigil, idiot. He's a stag like his father.

Sansa Stark:
He is not! He is nothing like that old, drunk king.

Ned Stark:
Go on, girls. Get your septas and start packing your things.

Sansa Stark:

Arya Stark:
Come on!

Sansa Stark:
But it's not fair!

[The girls leave the room and Ned reopens the book of lineages to the page of the Baratheon family.]

Ned Stark:
Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair...Axel Baratheon, black of hair...Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair...Steffon Baratheon, black of hair...Robert Baratheon, black of hair...Joffrey Baratheon, goldenhead.

[Ned's eyes widen as he puts the pieces together. He closes the book.]

Khal Drogo:
You are no king.

[enraged, Viserys draws his scimitar and brandishes it.]

Viserys Targaryen:
Keep away from me!

Daenerys Targaryen:
Viserys, please.

Viserys Targaryen:
There she is.

Jorah Mormont:
Put the sword down. They'll kill us all.

Viserys Targaryen:
They can't kill us. They can't shed blood in their sacred city. But I can. I want what I came for. [to Daenerys, holding his scimitar to her belly] I want the crown he promised me. He bought you, but he never paid for you. Tell him I want what was bargained for, or I'm taking you back. He can keep the baby. I'll cut it out and leave it for him.

Khal Drogo:
Anha vazhak maan rek me zala. Anha vazhak maan firikhnharen hoshora ma mahrazhi aqovi affin mori atihi mae!

Viserys Targaryen:
What's he saying?

Daenerys Targaryen:
He says yes. You shall have a golden crown... that men shall tremble to behold.

Viserys Targaryen:
That was all I wanted. What-what was promised.

Khal Drogo:
Qora mae.

[Drogo's Bloodriders seize Viserys's wrists, breaking his right arm and forcing him to drop the sword.]

Viserys Targaryen:
Ahh! No! No! You cannot touch me. I am the Dragon! I am the Dragon! I want my crown! Ahh!

[The Dothraki force him to his knees as he yells in pain; Drogo unbuckles his belt of gold ornaments.]

Khal Drogo:
Ammeni haz jolin!

[Drogo drops the gold belt into a soup-pot and watches it melt]

Jorah Mormont:
Look away, Khaleesi.

Daenerys Targaryen:

Viserys Targaryen:
No, Dany. Dany, tell them. Make them! Dany, make them. No, you can't! Just please! Dany, please!

Khal Drogo:
A crown for a king.

[He upends the pot and empties its contents onto Viserys head, killing him]

Jorah Mormont:

Daenerys Targaryen:
He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.

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