Wikidude's Quotes Page #145

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

(in 4Kids dub)

Allow me to introduce our newest faculty member, who comes to us from the esteemed Malequoi Paladin Academy, Professor Avalon.

[Avalon bows and the student murmur to each other]

Why do my toes feel kind of tingly?

Flora wants to know why her toes feel kind of tingly.

For the same reason yours and mine do.

He will now destroy the Obelisk.

[The students gasp and mutter to each other]

Lapis stugia delframe catilion. [He glows yellow and uses a spell on the obelisk. It fractures and crumbles into large chunks]

How did you do that?

You young students have yet to discover what I call your genial power.


But once you do your winx will grow and you will be able to control magical energy, like the kind that composed those towers.

So, where did the dark towers come from?


Professor Avalon created them so he could observe your power in action and evaluate each of your skills.

Umm, I have a question, Miss Faragonda. What's the name of the class Professor Avalon is teaching, and how many students will be asmitten- uh I mean admitted?

Only twenty students will be allowed in. [The students are surprised] It's a master workshop, and as such will require great commitment. I've made some recommendations but Professor Avalon will make the final decisions. So, if you're interested in the class, or have any questions, speak up.

I'm interested!

Me too!

[The class gathers around Avalon all talking over each other]

First, let me say this class will be quite difficult.

I've never gotten anything lower than an A-minus in my life.

Is that so?

So, this genial power, what is it?

It's the power that connects you to your family, and to your origins, so that you can best understand your magic and make the most of it.

Yo, I don't get it. It's like learning to talk to your ancestors?

It's about finding them in yourself.

What if you don't know a lot about your origins? Can you still learn this thing?

It might take some extra work, but the answer is yes.

Sign me up!

Winx Club, Winx Club (season 2)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(In Cinélume dub)

You remember where it goes ba-ba-da-dap and then the rhythm guitar comes in?

Right. That's where I was gonna go like this! [She dances then moonwalks. She almost drops her drink and jumps out to catch it, waking Piff] Ta-da! [She and Musa laugh, and then they see Darcy in disguise]

That's strange. That girl looks awfully familiar.

What's wrong, Musa?

[gasped] It's Darcy!

Curses! [She runs off]

That's her. Come on, let's go! [She and Layla runs off, dropping her drinks while Tune stays drinking her tea]

Winx Club, Winx Club (season 2)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(in 4Kids dub)

When the music starts, I'll come out and say, "This one goes out to our Red Fountain peeps".

That's when I'll come out and do the Tide walk. [She dances then moonwalks. She almost drops her drink and jumps out to catch it, waking Piff] Ta-da! [She and Musa laugh]

[In disguise, walks past] Eugh, gag me.

Hey, that girl sounded just like somebody I know.

What's her problem?

Hey you! Wait a second.

Huh? Get lost! [She runs off]

I think that's Darcy. Come on, let's get 'em.

[They toss their drinks aside and run after them. Tune watches them go and sips her tea]

Winx Club, Winx Club (season 2)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Bloom (with tears in her eyes):
Please! Don't leave me, Sky. I really do need you.

(Draws more strength from her ever-growing, almighty Dragon Fire energies to wake Sky from his slumber)

You saved him, Bloom.

Winx Club, Winx Club (season 2)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Uncle Dudley:
Well, sport, how'd it go?

Captain Marvel:
Oh, it was so cool. The Team's way more fun to hang out with than the League! They go on these secret covert-ops missions that rock! And I got nabbed by the Brain, and I met this tiger, and...

Uncle Dudley:
Okay, I'm glad you had fun sport, but it's getting pretty late. Brush your teeth and hit the hay.

Captain Marvel:
Okay, okay, I'm going.

Uncle Dudley:
Ahem. Aren't you... forgetting something?

Captain Marvel:
Nah, just seeing if you were paying attention. SHAZAM! (Get struck by lightning, and turns into a kid)

Billy Batson:
Good night, Uncle Dudley.

Uncle Dudley:
Good night, Billy.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Okay. Nearly drowning two nights in a row is way less fun than it sounds.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Captain Marvel:
Actually, you let everyone split up before communications were set.

They would not listen!

Captain Marvel:
I guess. But back at the cave, Batman stopped everyone from fighting with just one word.

Because Batman is... Batman.

Captain Marvel:
Hey, you don't have to tell me. When I first joined the League, all he did was boss me around, and it's hard not to take it personally. But, I never disobeyed an order, and that's probably what kept me alive.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Captain Marvel:
Cool, a tiger! I'm gonna go see!

Captain, wait! (Captain Marvel leaves) Hey. Speed of Mercury.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Captain Marvel:
That won't work on me.

The Brain:
Perhaps. But it works on solid steel so I'll try my luck. I'm told you have the courage of Achilles, no? Perhaps you should have asked for his invulnerability instead.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Martian, I need a telepathic link-up with the entire team, now.

Miss Martian:
Link established.

Should he really still be giving us orders, and should YOU really be following them?


Kid Flash:
Oh good, Aqualad's voice in my head. I've so missed that.

Hey, Kal'dur! KF and I were attacked by giant vultures. 'Course, since we're moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves.

If he did, he wouldn't tell you.

Miss Martian:
Superboy, are you online, or just pouting?

(Fighting a giant wolf) Busy. Call back later.

Kid Flash:
What gets me is how nonchalant is is about not telling us.

He should be chalant. Way chalant. Extremely chalant!

How are we supposed to be a team if he doesn't trust us with his secrets?

Miss Martian:
Or if Conner doesn't expect us to take care of ourselves?

Kid Flash:
(To Robin) Did he really think you or I could've been the mole?

We've known each other for years!

Trust is a two-way street!

Miss Martian:
And you'd know they'd hate it if we kept secrets from them!

Not that we'd ever do that. ever.

Enough!... Captain Marvel has been captured. And we must act as a team to save him!

Kid Flash:
Heh. Under your leadership? I don't think...

This is not up for debate! You all chose me to lead. When this mission is over, if you wish to select a new leader I will happily step down. But until that time, I am in command here!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kid Flash:
Get your paws off her, you darn dirty ape!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kid Flash:
It's the Brain!

Uh, I can see it's a brain...?

Kid Flash:
Not a brain, the Brain!

The Brain:
In the flesh. So to speak.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What are you grinning about?

Kid Flash:
One word: souvenir.

[Puts a beret on]

Two words: gorilla lice.

Kid Flash:
Huh? [removes the beret] Oh man!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(regarding Superboy's new pet wolf)

Kid Flash:
Well, he's gonna need a name. How's about Krypto?


Miss Martian:
Besides, isn't that taken?

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

No. No way I'm nearly drowning 3 missions in a row!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Joker:
Children! Children foiled our plan. Inconceiveable. Unacceptable. Retributionable! That last one might not be a word. So sue me.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after she losing her quiver] I feel naked, and not in a fun way

We will make our own fun, as we have been trained. Maneuver 7!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Joker:
With so much power at my fingertips, some might call me a control freak...others just a freak...either works for me.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Joker:
Poor heroes. Nothing they do is quite enough. - Ain't it grand?

[laughs maniacally]

Poison Ivy:
And impressive. How you simultaneously juggle multiple scenarios.

The Joker:
I've had practice. Juggling my multiple personalities.

[laughs again]

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

('heading out on the Bio-Ship)

Kid Flash:
What's in the bag?

Plan B.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[about Superboy and Miss Martian] You know they're a couple, right?

I think I knew before they did.

[Kid Flash and Artemis enter]

Do we tell them?

It is not our place.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Justice League will handle the plants. I have a different job for the team.

Kid Flash:
Oh, man!

[Artemis hits Kid Flash]

With the plants attacking so many locations simultaneously, there must be a central control system. Your mission is to destroy it.

You realize what you're really asking them to do?

They're ready.

Kid Flash:
Ready for what?

[Artemis hits Kid Flash again]

Kid Flash:
Ow! Will you cut that-?

Hello, Wally! If the big guns are fighting plants, who do you think we'll be fighting?

Kid Flash:
I don't know. I guess we'll.... Oh.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Thought vultures only ate dead meat.

Kid Flash:
Yeah. These are some very proactive scavengers.

Proactive and super-sized. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Kid Flash:
Kobra venom? Yeah!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Martian:

Kid Flash:
You all right?

Miss Martian:

Martians get airsick?

Kid Flash:
She does look a little greener than usual.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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