[Yami Yugi and Weevil's Duel is still underway with Breaker the Magical Warrior, Poison Butterfly and Armored Centipede on the field]
Weevil Underwood:
I'll tell you what. Because I feel sorry for you, I'd be willing to do you a little favor before you lose. I have a card in my pocket I think you'd like to see. I can't wait to see the look on your face! [laughs hysterically]
Yami Yugi:
[snarls] Weevil!
Weevil Underwood:
Relax, Pharaoh, I'm just trying to be nice. It's the least I can do to repay you for ruining my life. You wanna see Yugi, right? [the flashback cuts in] His spirit is trapped, deep in the caverns of Dartz's lair, and I know how to set him free! [cuts back to the present]
Yami Yugi:
Tell me how to save him right now!
Weevil Underwood:
[laughs] Very well. In order to release his soul, you'll need a special card. [takes out a Gokibore card out of his pocket] And I've got it right here.
Yami Yugi:
What?! Then hand it to me now!
Weevil Underwood:
That's not a nice way to ask! Why don't you try saying, "Pretty please, with sugar on top"? [Yami Yugi walks short, but realizes that Weevil was bluffing] Oh, well, too late! So it looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson in manners! Now say goodbye! [rips the Gokibore card in half] Yugi's gone FOREVER! [Yami Yugi, having witnessed Weevil rip the card, suddenly erupts into an uncontrollable rage]
Yami Yugi:
[roars ferociously] NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Weevil Underwood:
Tea Gardner:
[in tears] No. Poor Yugi.
Yami Yugi:
[furiously] You snake!
Weevil Underwood:
[laughs] Don’t you know a joke when you hear one? I tore up a useless bug card.
Tea Gardner:
Huh? Weevil, That’s not very funny!
Weevil Underwood:
You people have no sense of humour!
Yami Yugi:
You'll pay for that! You hear me, Weevil!?
Weevil Underwood:
Ha! Huh?
Yami Yugi:
You'll pay dearly!