Wikidude's Quotes Page #139

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[At Ragnar's coffin] We don't always know what the gods have in store for us. But this? I could never imagine. If you've gone to heaven, then we will never meet again. [Going to her knees, whispering] And yet, I think Odin will rise like the wind to rescue you and take you to Valhalla where you belong, my own sweet Ragnar. And there... there we shall meet again. And fight and to drink and... love one another.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I have something to say. I did not become Earl because I aspired to be one. It came about because of other people's actions. And I did not become king out of ambition, but once again I had no choice as a result of other people's actions. But nonetheless, I am king. King Ragnar, that is my name. King Ragnar! What does a king do, Bjorn?

He rules.

Yes, good... He rules. And as a ruler, I have the last say. Me! Not you, not you and not you.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Ragnar, while kneeling over Bjorn who was gravely injured] What happened?

He was proving that you don't need the title to be a leader.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Praying to Athelstan] You think I went too far with Floki. Can you actually believe that he thought that I would let him lead without having an agenda? If I was him, I would worry less about the gods and more about the fury of a patient man.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I always believed that death is a fate far better than life.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[while mourning his friend] Forgive me, my friend, not for what I have done. But for what I am about to do.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[at Athelstan's grave] What am I to do now? I hate you for leaving me. I ache from your loss. There is nothing that can console me now. I am changed, so are you.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Viciously rubbing the wrist bearing the bracelet signifying fealty to Ragnar] Ragnar was always chosen over me. By my father. And my mother. And by Lagertha. Why would I not want to betray him? Why would I not want to scream at him saying, I am alive, too! It doesn't matter what I do. Ragnar is my father. He is my mother. He is Lagertha. Siggy. He is everything I cannot do. Everything I cannot be. I love him. He is my brother. He has taken me back. But, I am so angry. Why am I still so angry? You tell me wise one! Or, I will tell you. It is because I am useless. Hollowed out by failed ambitions. By failed loves. Nothing good could ever come from my life now.

[the Seer starts laughing]

What is there to laugh about?

The Seer:
Oh, Rollo, if you truly knew what the gods have in store for you, you would go down now and dance naked on the beach.

I don't understand.

The Seer:
I tell you as I told Ragnar. The bear will marry a princess. And I can tell you that you will be present at the ceremony. Now go and leave me.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Do you think you are a good man?

King Ecbert:
Yes, I think so. Are you... a good man?

[after a small shrug] Yes. I think so. [pause] Are you corrupt?

King Ecbert:
[With a pleased smile] Oh, yes. Are you?

Uh huh.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Bjorn about Porinn who was gravely injured in battle] I do not think she will die. She wants to live. She has a lot to live for. But, if she hears you weeping and lamenting, she will choose to die. Be strong. Be a man. Coax her back from Valhalla. But, make it worth her while. For she is already at the gates.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Grieving over Torstein] This is your fault, Ragnar. Torstein has died for a hill he did not want to own. For something which meant nothing to him. He has died a pointless death. How many more of us must die for your Christians? Or have you, in your heart, already renounced our gods and turned to the Christ God? Is that what your friend Athelstan has persuaded you to do? Look. Here we are... under an English sky... burying our dead... those we have sacrificed for Jesus Christ.

We are all fated to die on a certain day, yes? But, it is our own choice to do as we please until that day comes. I did not force Torstein, or any of you to come for that matter. You all chose to be here. My heart is as heavy for Torstein as anyone's. But, I am sure that I will bump into him again soon. In the meantime, Floki, shut your face.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Ragnar and Floki who are arguing about why they fight for the Christians and risk losing their own people] Both of you, save your breath. We have a mountain to climb. Some of us will not see a dawn like this again... not here on Midgard, at any rate. So, let us try and speak well of each other... no matter how much we have been through together.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

A creaking bow, a burning flame,

Tide on the ebb, new ice, a coiled snake,

Sons of a king, an ailing calf, a witch's flattery.

No man should be such a fool as to trust these things.

No man should trust the word of a woman. The hearts of women were turned on a whirling wheel.

To love a fickle woman is like setting out over ice on a three year old colt or sailing a ship without a rudder.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Seer:
What is it you wish to ask the gods?

Will I ever bear another child, o wise one?

The Seer:
I cannot see another child, no matter how far I look.

Then... what do you see?

The Seer:
I see a harvest celebrated in blood. I see a trickster whose weapon cleaves you. I see a city made of marble. And a burning broiling ocean.

Not one of your prophecies do I understand.

The Seer:
It is the way of the prophecy. Only to be understood when it has happened and it is too late to change it.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What do you see?

Power. The power of a king.

Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst. And corrupts the best. I never asked for power. Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.

Vikings, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

King Horik:
Floki, you have betrayed the gods.

No, King Horik. I only betrayed you.

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

But warriors don't show their heart, until the axe reveals it.

You are so wise, Floki.

I'm not wise at all. I'm just a joker.

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[explaining why he slept with Princess Aslaug] I could not help myself.

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I wanted to step out of your shadow... but when I stepped out of the doors, there was no sunlight.

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Gyda, I have come to say goodbye to you properly. I have been thinking about you, about when you were small. You were so lively, you could run as swiftly as the wind. You were like quick-silver. But then, before I knew it, you stopped running here and there and everywhere and you became still. At 12-years-old, you had the stillness and the calm of a fine woman. What children you would have produced! What joy that would have brought to all of us. Dear child, Gyda, you are not gone because you are always in my heart. They say that a man must love his sons more, but a man can be jealous of his sons, and his daughter can always be the light in his life. I know very well that you are with the gods, but I will wait here awhile, and if you want to come and talk to me, then come and talk, and I will gently stroke your long and beautiful hair once again with my peasant hands.

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

She brings unhappiness and difficulty.

I know it is hard for you to accept.

But unhappiness is more common than happiness.

Who told you you should be happy?

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Who needs a reason for betrayal? One must always think the worst, Ragnar, even of your own kin. That way you avoid too much disappointment in life.

Vikings, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

King Aelle:
Who are these barbarians, these savages? Why have they come to torment us?

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Our whole lives are just stories.

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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A Sigmund Freud
B Al Capone
C Napoleon Bonaparte
D Albert Einstein