Wikidude's Quotes Page #181

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

What was that for?

Beast Boy:
(hugging her) I'm still just so glad you're alive! And that Aqualad's not a traitor! No more faking anyone's death for at least a year, okay?

Kid Flash:
Yeah, seconded.


Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Black Beetle is fighting Blue and Green Beetle)

Black Beetle:
I had hoped to put you back on mode, but it seems all four of you are corrupt.

Green Beetle:
You are the one who is corrupted. But my Scarab will reset yours, freeing you from the Reach's control. :(Green's Scarab taps into Black's)

Black Beetle:
Freedom is over-rated. (Black sends a signal back to Green, and destroys his scarab) Martians. I hate your kind. Most meat would die from having their Scarab destroyed, but you'll survive, for a while. (He activates his plasma cannon)

Blue Beetle:
No! (Takes the hit)

Black Beetle:
You! You're the cause of all this. It's about time your Scarab was destroyed, and your life ended. :(Black's scarab taps into Blue's) You fight back, but it's useless.

Blue Beetle:
But I'm not alone in this fight, am I Scarab?

No, Jaime Reyes. Once you fought for control, now we fight together.

Blue Beetle:
Friends, hermanos, fighting together against any attack.

Black Beetle:
No! (His Scarab is destroyed)

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You are alone.

Black Beetle:
I am sufficient.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Captain Atom:
So how do we shut them down?

Blue Beetle:
I don't know, because Black Beetle didn't know, there's no failsafe, this was an endgame.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Captain Atom:
The Earth is being pulled apart from the devices around the world, and the League is spread thin to advert the chaos.

Blue Beetle:
It's Black Beetle's MFDs, Magnetic Field Disruptors. They're disabling Earth's magnetic field, causing these not-so-natural disasters.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(The Team and League is at the U.N. to organize the attack on the Reach's MFDs)

Captain Atom:
This is a mission of absolute importance. If we fail, there will be no Earth to save. Now, there are 20 MFDs around the world, and there are 40 of us here, so you'll be in teams of two. Each MFD is protected by two drones, and each drone is the equivalent of a beetle warrior.

Lex Luthor:
Each of these eggs contains my anti-Reach virus. While one hero runs interference, the other only has to physically touch his or her egg to disarm the device. Ladies and gentlemen, the fate of the world is in your hands.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Artemis jumps to dodge an explosion. Kid Flash catches her in mid-air and runs away from the explosion.)

Kid Flash:
(in a French accent) Ah ze Eiffel Tower.... And the ever romantic city of lights! We're definitely coming back here, babe. Y'know, when we don't have a world to save.

There will always be a world to save. Now drop me and go! (Artemis shoots an arrow at the drones as Kid Flash zooms to the M.F.D.)

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Kid Flash and Artemis disable one of the Magnetic Field Disruptors in Paris)

Omega to Watchtower, the device is...

(Kid Flash kisses her)

Snapper Carr:
Omega, repeat transmission? ...Omega?

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Gotta say, playing hero...starting to feel pretty sweet!

Black Lightning:
I'm not surprised. You show real potential for this gig. You ever need a mentor, Virgil, you just let me know.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Flash, Kid Flash, and Impulse are trying to absorb the energy from a M.F.D.)

Earth's magnetic field is stabilizing! But there is a problem, Jaime Reyes. Due to his slower speed, the Kid Flash is acting as a vent for the Crysalis energy. In 16 seconds, he will cease.

Blue Beetle:
"Cease"?..."Cease" what?!

(Kid Flash is getting hit with energy, and each blow makes him fade)

Bart, we've gotta slow down, try to syphen off some of the energy affecting Wally.

Kid Flash:
It's no good, Barry. Oh, man, Artemis is gonna kill me! And don't even get me started on Mom and Dad.

Kid, we'll...

Kid Flash:
Just tell them, okay?

(He dissovles into dust)


Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(The MFD is down, and Impulse and Flash are out of breath, Miss Martian helps Impulse stay upright)

Wait ... where's Wally?!

Artemis, he wanted me to tell you...

(begins to cry) No, no...

He loved you.

(Artemis breaks down in tears as Miss Martian consoles her).

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(To the Justice League) Fear not. The crisis has passed...

(Cut to a tearful Artemis meeting Wally's parents)

Though at a terrible cost.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(The League watches the news coverage of the Reach's departure)

G Gordon Godfrey:
(On holographic TV) Well, it looks like someone's finally listening to old G. Gordon, the lone voice of reason calling for the outing of Secretary General Tseng after his disastrous alliance with the Reach. Well, guess what, folks? Tseng actually resigned. You're welcome. Now, his replacement has not been officially chosen, but I think there's only one man qualifies: the man who helped save us all from the Reach's MFDs. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...Lex Luthor!

You have got to be kidding me! (Shuts off news coverage)

Captain Atom:
And on that note, I officially hand over my chairmanship of the you.

Black Canary:
(Sarcastically) Wow, thanks so much.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Impulse is wearing Kid Flash's uniform while looking at his holographic memorial in the Watchtower)

You look good.

Kid Flash II:
Really? Cause I feel like a fraud.

Well, don't. You're honoring Wally's memory by becoming Kid Flash.

Kid Flash II:
So, you suited up, but as Tigress?

Artemis was Wally's partner. I need some space. Time to see how Tigress works out.

Kid Flash II:
As a hero?

As a blonde.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Having broken the Light in half, and stopping the alien invasion, the Team will now operate out of the WatchTower, side-by-side with the Justice League. Not because Mount Justice was destroyed, but because you earned it.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Vandal Savage and Darkseid shake hands)

Vandal Savage:
(Last lines) Business as usual.

Young Justice, Season 2: Invasion  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Brion Markov:
I apologize. I know this mess was all my fault.

It happens. Once upon a time, I had to rescue Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, too.


Forager met Kid Flash.

That was a different Kid... (sighs) Never mind. Let's make one thing clear, we are not happy. You stole Sphere, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered your lives. You will not be doing this again.

Brion Markov:
I know I made mistakes, big mistakes. But please, I need your help. I'm not ready to walk away.

Neither am I.

Forager rolls with Forager's hive.

Miss Martian:
Forager, there's still a place for you on the team.

Forager has chosen Halo and Brion as Forager's hive. Also, Bio-Ship. Especially Bio-Ship.

Brion Markov:
I do not believe any of us would fit inside your team.

But we can remain outside together.

That's the commitment we were looking for.

Brion Markov:
Does that mean...

Yep. We'll find a way to make it work. To make this work.

And just like that, you're leading another team.

(groans) Please, don't rub it in.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Bart is carrying the twin offspring of Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen, Don and Dawn Allen)

Bart Allen:
Come on, Dad! Stay whelmed.

Iris West-Allen:
Don't call him "Dad".

Bart Allen:
Oh, uh, right. Spoilers. Sorry, Grandma.

Iris West-Allen:
(As she gets the door) And don't call me "grandma"!

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Over at your place, I know.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

We're taking this stuff in broad daylight.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Seriously, why are we even here? No one's taking this stuff in broad daylight.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

So you're saying she's a conversation piece.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Will Harper:
Over my couch, Dick. Two feet over my couch.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Doctor Fate:
Be grateful Nabu grant you this boon at all.

Young Justice, Season 3: Outsiders  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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C Leo Tolstoy
D Mike Tyson