[at the officer's wardroom, a simple question about the circumstances of political officer Putin's death leads to bickering among the other officers, but when one suggests going back to the USSR...]
Marko Ramius:
[cuts in; everybody quiets] There will be no going back. [as he eats] Before we sailed, I dispatched a letter to Admiral Padorin, in which I announced our intention... to defect.
Lt Viktor Slavin:
In the name of God, why?
When he reached the New World, Cortés burned his ships. As a result, his men were well-motivated.
Officer No 1:
You have signed our death warrants.
Officer No 2:
Padorin will send the entire fleet.
Lt Yuri Stadnyuk:
Jesus, they'll find us. They'll find us and -
Captain 2nd Rank Vasily Borodin:
No one's going to find us. That's enough, Yuri!
You had to do it, huh? You couldn't just turn the submarine over to the Americans. You had to make a political statement. Or was it something deeper, Captain... something that made you unable to slip away? Was it ego, Captain?
We each have our reasons, Viktor. My own began the day I was handed the blueprints for this ship... a ship which had but one use. And as for the rest, well, those are things that I alone must carry the burden for. Anatoli, you're afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. Personally, I give us one chance in three. [offers tea pot] More tea, anyone? No? Then you may report back to your posts.
[stands up] You heard the Captain. Dismissed.
[nods to Ramius] Captain... [the other officers leave and Borodin closes the door]
Captain, I would never disagree with you in front of the men, you know that. But in this case, Viktor is right. It would've been better if you had not informed Moscow.
Oh, Vasily. Moscow is not the worry, nor the whole Soviet Navy. I know their tactics. I have the advantage. No. The worry is the Americans. If we meet the right sort, this will work. We get some... buckaroo?