Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,020

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

He has left this world. But he is with us always. No matter where we go he is with us.

Manos: The Hands of Fate  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Will Emerson:
You know, the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't the fear of falling - it's the fear that they might jump.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Will Emerson:
Hey Eric? Don't beat yourself too much about this stuff, all right? Some people like taking the long way home. Who the fuck knows?

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Will Emerson:
[Telling Seth he's likely going to be laid off] Listen, nothing I'm gonna say is going to make you feel any better. It's just going to suck for a while and then you'll be fine.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John Tuld:
Please, speak as you might to a young child or a Golden Retriever. It wasn't brains that got me here, I can assure you that.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sam Rogers:
Remember this day, boys. Remember this day.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sam Rogers:
Thank you all for coming in a little early this morning. I know yesterday was pretty bad and I wish I could say that today is going to be less so, but that isn't going to be the case. Now, I'm supposed to read this statement to you all here, but why don't you just read it on your own time and I'll just tell you what the fuck is going on here. I've been here all night, meeting with the Executive Committee, and the decision has been made to unwind a considerable position of the firm's holdings in several key asset classes. The crux of it is, in the firm's thinking, the party's over as of this morning. There's going to be considerable turmoil in markets for the foreseeable future, and they believe it is better that this turmoil begins with us. As a result, the firm has decided to liquidate its majority position of fixed-income These are your packets, you will see what accounts you're responsible for today. I'm sure it hasn't taken you long to understand the implications of this sale on your relationships with your counterparties and, as a result, on your careers. I have expressed this reality to the Executive Committee, and they understand. As a result, if you achieve a 93% sale of your assets, you will receive a $1.4 million one-off bonus. If the floor, as a whole, achieves a 93% sale, you will get an additional $1.3 million apiece. For those of you who have never been through this before, this is what the beginning of a fire sale looks like. I cannot begin to tell you how important the first hour and a half is going to be. I want you to hit every bite you can find: dealers, brokers, clients, your mother if she's buying. And no swaps. It's outgoing only, today. Obviously, this is not going down the way that any of us would have hoped, but...the ground is shifting below our feet. And, apparently, there's no other way out.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lou Perry:
[on the phone to Jerry] Jerry, how are you doin'?

Jerry Lewis:
Not so good, Mr. Perry. I'm here at Atlantic City playing the 500 Club.

Lou Perry:
Oh, good for you.

Jerry Lewis:
Bad for me. Bad, very bad. Uh, I think they might hurt me.

Lou Perry:
C'mon, Jerry. Skinny D'Amato wouldn't hurt a fly.

Jerry Lewis:
What about Irwin Woolfe?

Lou Perry:
Yes, he would probably hurt you.

Jerry Lewis:
Please, Mr. Perry. Remember that night at the Havana-Madrid when I was messin' around with Dean?

Lou Perry:
Yeah sure, that was riot.

Jerry Lewis:
Thank you. I think Dean should come down and play the club, you know. He could sing and then I could do the routine, and then we could make somethin' out of it. You know, a handsome man and a monkey, it's very funny.

Lou Perry:
You uh... you wanna team up with Dean?

Jerry Lewis:
Just this once for this week. I gotta come up with somethin' or their gonna fire me and then maybe kill me. I ain't crazy about dying, but I definitely can't get fired.

Lou Perry:
Well you - you've got your own manager, right? Greshler? Why isn't he making this call?

Jerry Lewis:
Because he can't beg as good as I can. Please, Mr. Perry. I love Dean. I know he likes me too. I need this. I really need this.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jeanne Biegger:
Have you always been a singer?

Dean Martin:
Sure. Except for the time I was working in a steel mill, and the time I was a boxer, and the time I was a stickman in a casino.

Jeanne Biegger:
All this and Steubenville?

Dean Martin:
They called it Little Chicago.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dean Martin:
How come I sing less songs than usual?

Hal Wallis:
Jerry wanted to sing in this one.

Dean Martin:

Hal Wallis:
He wanted a song. We gave him a song. No big deal.

Dean Martin:
No, you listen to me. [angrily] Maybe you didn't notice, but I just had a hit record. Now I made offers to do movies without Jerry. MGM, they want me to do Ten Thousand Bedrooms, and you - you wanna - you wanna waste me? Doing crap like this?!

Hal Wallis:
You listen to me. You can do Ten Thousand Bathrooms for MGM for all I care! All I know is you're doing 3 Ring Circus for me. What the hell are you so worried about anyway, huh? People come to see Jerry roll around the floor and you, don't wink and sing. Since when do you care about the script?

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lew Wasserman:
[to Dean and Jerry after hearing about their feud on the set of 3 Ring Circus in Phoenix, Arizona] Let me give you boys the facts of life. This is not a child's game. This is not "I'm taking my ball and going home now". You're not Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis individuals. You are Martin and Lewis. You are a corporation. You are a twenty million dollar a year money making machine! And that machinery can not stop because of some silly dispute or hurt feelings, or simply because you don't like each other anymore! If I stopped working with people I didn't like, I'd be out of business within a week! Now, you have commitments all over town! You're contract with Hal Wallis runs through 1960! You have a deal with NBC for another three years! A deal with Colgate another year! Indeed, gentlemen, you have a contract with us here, with your family at MCA. Promises have been made, and they must be kept. [pause] Either patch up your differences, or hate each other and learn to deal with it. I don't really care. But the Martin and Lewis business goes on!

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[at the Copacabana, after Dean and Jerry have performed "Side by Side" as their last hurrah as the audience applause. Jackie Gleason walks onto the stage]

Jackie Gleason:
Folks, folks. We can't let this happen! We can't let these guys split up! Am I right, everyone?! Huh? Am I right?!

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Here. This is the canyon. That is where the mine is. They have 20… 30 guards at most. Nothing that Zorro can't overcome.

Don Diego:
I'm not going with you. Alejandro looks at him confused I'm not going with you. There's something I must do. It’s a personal matter.

And the prisoners?

Don Diego:
There's nothing more I can do.

Nothing you will do?

Don Diego:
I gave my life to them. My wife was murdered before my eyes, and my child was raised by my enemy.

Montero? Elena... She's your daughter!

Don Diego:
She was.

So, you will simply take your revenge.

Don Diego:
No, my daughter. And don't pretend she means nothing to you.

She does. But you taught me to see beyond personal feelings. Was that all a lie?

Don Diego:
You are too young to understand.

To understand what? Betrayal? All the work, all the training, all the wise words, FOR WHAT? To smile in the face of a killer while you make your own plans?

Don Diego:
I taught you everything you need to survive. Now I must look to my own heart. Elena is all I have left. I am not going to lose her again.

What about California? What about the people?

Don Diego:
They still have Zorro.

The Mask of Zorro  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chris Wilton:
It would be fitting if I were apprehended... and punished. At least there would be some small sign of justice - some small measure of hope for the possibility of meaning.

Match Point  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Agent Smith:

The Matrix Reloaded  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Agent Smith:
It is inevitable...

The Matrix Reloaded  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Keymaker:
There is a building. Inside this building, there is a level where no elevator can go and no stair can reach. This level is filled with doors. These doors lead to many places. Hidden places. But one door is special. One door leads to the Source.

The Matrix Reloaded  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Mifune:
All right! This is it! Now you all know me, so I'm gonna say this as simply as I can. If it's our time to die, it's our time. All I ask is, if we have to give these bastards our lives... WE GIVE 'EM HELL BEFORE WE DO!

The Matrix Revolutions  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Mifune:
[As he readies his aim at the target] Knuckle Up!

The Matrix Revolutions  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Mifune:
[As he prepares to fire at the incoming Machines] FOR ZION!!!

The Matrix Revolutions  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Mifune:
[to Kid] Neither did I...

The Matrix Revolutions  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Oracle:
One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end. Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands… or in his.

The Matrix Revolutions  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bowler Hat Guy (Future Goob):
[chuckling] Come on, my dear! Our future awaits! [laughing]

Meet the Robinsons  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

this is from the movie and is not historically accurate...

Meet the Spartans  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Here's looking at you, kid."?
A Casablanca
B In the Line of Fire
C Taxi Driver
D Unforgiven