Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,025

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Adam Kesher:
I got the pool, she got the pool-man.

Mulholland Drive  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Coco Lenoix:
Honey, you're a good kid, but what you're telling me is a load of horse puckey. Even though it comes from a good place.

Mulholland Drive  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Coco Lenoix:
Wilkins! Wilkins! If that damn dog craps in the courtyard one more time, I'm just gonna bake his little butt for breakfast!

Mulholland Drive  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Coco Lenoix:
You know, there was a man that lived here once that had a prize-fighting kangaroo. Well, you just wouldn't believe what that kangaroo did to this courtyard!

Mulholland Drive  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[in 1923, at the Battle of Hamunaptra, French Foreign Legionnaires are about to make a last stand against a massive force of Tuareg horsemen charging them; the French commander abandons the Legionnaires as Rick O'Connell and Beni Gabor look on]

You just got promoted.

[to the other Legionnaires] Steady! [lowers his voice] You're with me on this one, right?

Oh, your strength gives me strength. (after a moment, takes off running for the ruins) Wait for me!

[Rick looks after him, then turns back to the Legionnaires]

Steady! Steady! FIRE!

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

(drunk) You're wondering what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?

Yeah, something like that.

Well, Egypt is in my blood. [shows picture in locket] You see, my father was a very, very famous explorer. And he loved Egypt so much, he married my mother, who was an Egyptian and an adventurer herself.

Yeah, I get your father, I get your mother. [points to Jonathan] I get him, but what are you doing here?

[offended] Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am!

And what is that?

I... am a librarian! [drops to her knees] I'm going to kiss you... Mr. O'Connell.

Call me Rick.

[Grins] Rick. [leans in closer but passes out]

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mr. Burns:
[to Imhotep] I'm so pleased to meet you. [extends hand; Beni stops him]

Prince Imhotep does not like to be touched. A silly eastern superstition, I'm afraid.

Mr. Burns:
Please forgive me. [spills tea; whimpers]

Mr. Burns, Prince Imhotep thanks you for your hospitality.

Mr. Burns:

And for your eyes, and for your tongue...

Mr. Burns:

But I'm afraid more is needed. The prince must finish the job and consummate the curse, which you and your friends have brought down upon yourselves!

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Is he supposed to look like that?

No – no, I've never seen a mummy look like this before, he's still – still –

Jonathan and Rick:

Yes, he must be over 3000 years old and he looks as if he's still decomposing.

[sees marks on sarcophagus lid] Hey, what do you make of this?

My god, what could this—[traces fingers over marks] Fingernails! This man was buried alive. And he left a message: "Death is only the beginning."

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

When I saw him alive at Hamunaptra, he called me "Anck-Su-Namun." And just now when we were at Mr. Burn's quarters, he tried to kiss me.

Curator Terrence Bey:
It's because of his love for Anck-Su-Namun that he was cursed. Apparently, even after 3000 years...

He's still in love with her.

Yes, that is very romantic, but what has it got to do with me?

perhaps he will once again try to raise her from the dead.

Curator Terrence Bey:
Yes. And it appears he has already chosen his human sacrifice (He and Ardeth look pointedly at Evelyn)

Bad luck, old mum.

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Winston Havelock:
Here I come, laddies!

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Wayne and Wanda are caught making out]

Jade Green Frackle:
Ahem. [The couple stop kissing and turn to look at the small group of Muppets staring at them]

Oh! [He and Wanda start doing vocal warmups to cover up their act] La la la la la la la...

Mee mee mee mee mee...

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[last line]

Go home! Go home! Bye-bye.[faints]

The Muppet Movie  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[robe catches fire] I smell cookies

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I get to lay in a bed by myself, all of my life. It's fantastic.

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I went to a wrestling match. Lucha Libre.

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Nipple Twist!

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Steven (A.K.A. Eskeleto):
I look hideous.

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Steven (A.K.A. Eskeleto):

Nacho Libre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dan Muldoon:
The world is so good but the people use to say that the world is not a good place to live in.

The Naked City  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Nanny Mcphee:
When you need me, but do not want me, then I will stay. If you want me, but no longer need me then I have to go.

Nanny McPhee  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Cedric Brown:
[first lines] We must begin our story, sad to say with an empty chair. If it were not empty, we would not have a story. But it is. And we do. And it is time to tell it. This is the story of my family, of my seven children who were all very clever, but all very, very, very, naughty. [the 17th nanny screaming] This is nanny Weinstone. The 17th nanny I had hired to look after my children. She was the strictest, the toughest, and the most fearless nanny in all the land. As I went to work that day, at the funeral parlor, I was confident in the knowledge that there was nothing, absolutely nothing that my children could do to upset her. [she comes in and tells him something] (Nanny Weinstone: They've eaten the baby!!!) Except that.

Nanny McPhee  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Simon Brown:
You never listen!

Nanny McPhee  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Well, obviously something had to break the window, SOMETHING had to hit the stereo!

And why is the carpet all wet, Todd?

I don't KNOW, Margo.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Clark W. Griswold:
[last lines] I did it.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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"I'm king of the world!"
A The King's Speech
B Titanic
C King Kong
D The Lion King