Hotel Clerk:
Uh, excuse me. We have a problem.
Tommy Dorsey:
We do? What's the problem?
Hotel Clerk:
We don't serve coloured's here.
Tommy Dorsey:
[on Sy Oliver] He's with the band.
Hotel Clerk:
I'm sorry, it's hotel policy.
Frank Sinatra:
Serve wasps? Tykes, kraut's, hunky's, mix? That's the whole band. Maybe we should all leave.
Sy Oliver:
Hey, Frank, it's okay. I'm used to it.
Frank Sinatra:
So am I. It ain't okay. [to the Hotel Clerk] I grew up with bums like this. Now give him the key or I'm gonna wreck this goddamn barn!
Tommy Dorsey:
Take it easy, Frank.
Frank Sinatra:
[angrily grabs the Hotel Clerk by the tie] I said give him the key!
[The Hotel Clerk hands Sy a hotel key]
Frank Sinatra:
[to the Hotel Clerk] Thank you.