Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,046

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Tommy Dorsey:
When an entertainer is at the birth of his children, it means he's not working. You are!

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Frank Sinatra:
You have no right to stop me!

Nancy Barbato Sinatra:
I don't want to stop you. I want you to be the greatest singer there is. I just don't want to lose you.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Frank Sinatra:
Tommy! Tommy, c'mon, stop, will ya. I know you got a call.

Tommy Dorsey:
Yeah, I got a call. So you got yourself a big show business attorney now. And I got a call from Columbia Records, and I got a call from CBS. Oh, and I got a call from your agent. Congratulations. [bitterly] You got a hell of a back up team all of a sudden.

Frank Sinatra:
Tommy, I love ya. You done everything for me. But this just wasn't a fair deal.

Tommy Dorsey:
Oh, but it's fair for you to break a contract? It's fair that they won't play my records on the radio if I don't let you out?!

Frank Sinatra:
It wasn't a contract. It was a life sentence. Now I told you I'd stay for a year, and I will.

Tommy Dorsey:
Nah, if you're gonna go. Go. [begins walking away]

Frank Sinatra:
I'm sorry. But I gotta do this.

Tommy Dorsey:
[turns] Not everybody thinks you're gonna be as big as you think. Personally? I hope you fall flat on your ass. [walks away]

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[on the set of Anchors Aweigh]

Manie Sacks:
Please, I'm asking you to reconsider.

Frank Sinatra:
Manie, stop.

Manie Sacks:
This is important to me, Frank.

Frank Sinatra:
[noticing] Hey, that's Ava Gardner. [getting up from his actor's chair]

Manie Sacks:
She's a dish, huh? Now, Frank, ple- Frank...

[Frank runs over to Ava]

Frank Sinatra:
Ava. Hi, I'm Frank Sinatra.

Ava Gardner:
[tearfully] Hello, Frank.

Frank Sinatra:
What's the matter?

Ava Gardner:
[sighs] Nothing.

Frank Sinatra:
Well, nothing's running your mascara. [takes off his sailor tie, gently wipes Ava's tears off with it]

Ava Gardner:
Well, Artie and I had another fight.

Frank Sinatra:
Ah, dump the bum. He's just another band leader, I dumped plenty of 'em.

Ava Gardner:
[laughs, smiles] Now look what you've done. [putting his sailor tie back on] You ruined my perfectly terrible mood.

Crew Member:
Miss Gardner, they're ready for you on the set.

Ava Gardner:
I gotta go.

Frank Sinatra:
It was nice meeting you, Ava.

Ava Gardner:
Likewise, I'm sure. [walks away]

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Frank Sinatra:
What's the matter now?

George Evans:
You hit the papers again. How's your pal Lucky Luciano?

Frank Sinatra:
I met him.

George Evans:
What's that mean, you met him?

Frank Sinatra:
What did I do wrong? I can't shake hands now?

George Evans:
The press and in particular Lee Mortimer is making you the sidekick of gangsters.

Frank Sinatra:
Right. I drive the getaway car. [short pause] George, you said no women. You didn't say anything about mobsters.

George Evans:
Listen, Frank...

Frank Sinatra:
This is ridiculous! I grew up in Little Italy, Hoboken, New Jersey, with Joe Fischetti and half these other monkeys! And it's none of Lee Mortimer's goddamn business what I do with my private life!

George Evans:
It's my business! And it's my business to make you look good, and make people wanna spend money to buy your records and see your movies! I'm just telling you to think about this self-destructive path your on! Now I suggest you get the hell outta here. Go back home like I suggested in the first place! And think about what you're doing! Before you do it! Do you understand?

Frank Sinatra:
[short pause] Yeah, I understand. I understand.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Frank Sinatra:
Maybe I should get my own place.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra:
[holding baby Tina] I read that you two were an item. You still seeing her? [pause] Listen to me, get my information from the papers.

Frank Sinatra:
I guess it's over with her.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra:
Then come home, Frank. You belong here with your family.

[pause, Frank walks over to the window, looks at his kids playing in the garden]

Frank Sinatra:
Then why don't I feel it?

Nancy Barbato Sinatra:
[pause] I think it would be better if you did get your own place.

Frank Sinatra:
[pause] I tried, Nance. I really tried.

Nancy Barbato Sinatra:
Did you?

Frank Sinatra:
Longer than you know.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Ava Gardner:
This is torture, Frank. It's wrecking my career. I can't do this anymore.

Frank Sinatra:
Two minutes ago, we were happy. What happened?

Ava Gardner:
I was being a sap. I want you to go home and get a divorce.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Frank Sinatra:
What are you doing?

Ava Gardner:
It's New Year's Eve.

Frank Sinatra:
[grabs Ava's arm, angrily] You just wait a second and tell me what's going on?

Ava Gardner:
I was pregnant, and now I'm not. And I'm glad. And I don't wanna talk about it.

Frank Sinatra:
You're not pregnant. [Ava walks to her dressing table, she puts on a necklace] You lost the baby? [pause, angrily] Talk to me!

Ava Gardner:
[putting on her earrings] I'm not going to let you make me feel bad about this. We got no business having a baby. We don't even have time for each other.

Frank Sinatra:
I thought that having a baby would bring us closer.

Ava Gardner:
Did having three babies bring you and Nancy closer together?

Frank Sinatra:
[short pause] I wish I never saw your face.

Ava Gardner:
You used to say the most beautiful things to me.

Frank Sinatra:
You used to give me beautiful reasons to say em.

[Ava walks away]

Frank Sinatra:
Where are you going?

Ava Gardner:
It's New Year's Eve, and I'm going out because come Monday I'll be right back in the jungle. Are you coming?

Frank Sinatra:
Stay with me. I need you.

Ava Gardner:
And I need people! Lots and lots of noisy happy people!

Frank Sinatra:
You walk out that door, baby, you walk out of my life!

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Frank is visiting Sammy Davis Jr. in hospital, who has lost an eye in a car accident]

Frank Sinatra:
I talked to your old man and to the doc, they're gonna get you outta here pretty soon. Get you a private nurse. Whatever you need.

Sammy Davis Jr.:
[wearing a cover over his eyes] I appreciate it, man, but you can't help me outta this one.

Frank Sinatra:
Ah, quit whining. You're gonna be great. [passes Sammy his cigarette] Here take a drag. [Sammy takes a drag]

Sammy Davis Jr.:
What am I gonna do now? I can't dance with one eye.

Frank Sinatra:
What do you mean you can't dance with one eye? You can't dance with one foot.

Sammy Davis Jr.:
You know the audience will be whispering "Look there's the cat with the glass eye."

Frank Sinatra:
Nah, they won't. They'll be saying "There goes the funny looking coloured midget with a glass eye." [they both laugh]

Sammy Davis Jr.:
[short pause] You know, butter, if I can't dance. I don't wanna live.

Frank Sinatra:
Yeah, well, we all hit bottom sometimes, smoky. It passes. [short pause] Hey, look at that.

Sammy Davis Jr.:

Frank Sinatra:
Oh my God!

Sammy Davis Jr.:
What, Frank?!

Frank Sinatra:
[jokingly] It's a naked nurse.

[Sammy laughs. Frank smiles]

Frank Sinatra:
I got plans for us, kid.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[at the Sands Hotel and Casino]

Sammy Davis Jr.:
[on his eye patch] Oh man, I can't even walk straight with this thing.

Frank Sinatra:
C'mon, you couldn't walk straight before.

Sammy Davis Jr.:
You know, two years ago they wouldn't even let me in this joint. And now because of you, I'm in the steam room.

Frank Sinatra:
Maybe another twenty if it lets you in the pool. [they laugh]

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Peter Lawford:
Well, apparently the Secret Service looked the place over. They're uh, worried about access, they think it'll be a security risk. They hope you understand.

Frank Sinatra:
[stressed, holding the red telephone] Where's he staying?

Peter Lawford:
Crosby offered his place.

Frank Sinatra:
Bing? He's a republican.

Peter Lawford:
They think he'll be safer there.

Frank Sinatra:
Safer? Peter, don't give me this safer crap. Just tell me what the real reason is?!

Peter Lawford:
[sits down] It's what they tell me, Frank.

Frank Sinatra:
[angrily] If you can accept that, then screw you. Screw all of ya! Tell me the real reason? [pause, stands up] You've been my friend for twenty years, Peter. You got no loyalty! You got no guts! You wanna be a Kennedy more then my friend?! [shoves the red telephone at Peter] Fine!

Peter Lawford:
Frank, I'm married to them. What do you want me to do?

Frank Sinatra:
[short pause] Get out. Get the hell outta here! [pause] GET OUT!

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mia Farrow:
You're just grumpy because you don't want me to get this part.

Frank Sinatra:
[bitterly] Mia, I don't care.

Mia Farrow:
I'll see you weekends.

Frank Sinatra:
Right. You'll be in New York. I'll be in Vegas and LA.

Mia Farrow:
I'll make time.

Frank Sinatra:
You gotta show me that trick.

Mia Farrow:
I'm sorry. But you don't really want me to end my career, do you?

Frank Sinatra:
I wanted you in my life so that we could be together. I sorta dig having you around.

Mia Farrow:
Yeah, and I get stuck with the girls and you drink with the guys, and you call that being around me. I want us to be closer. [sighs] I still feel like your girl and I want to feel like your wife. I want to have your baby.

Frank Sinatra:
[pause] I never gave the kids I had enough time. They grew up thinking the telephone was their father. Look, we got a project we're both interested in, why don't we do it? We can be together and we can work together.

Mia Farrow:
[pause] But this is such a good part. We can do our movie right after this one.

Frank Sinatra:
[pause] Sounds like old times to me. [switches off the bedroom table light]

Mia Farrow:
Hey. I'm not Ava.

Sinatra  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Tom Ripley:
Stop it! Stop it!

The Talented Mr. Ripley  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Alvin MacCarron:
Did you know that in Princeton, Dickie Greenleaf half killed a boy? At a party over some girl. Kicked the kid several times in the head, put him in the hospital. Boy had a wire fixed in his jaw, lost some hearing. Why do you think Dickie's father sent him to Europe in the first place? The Rome police didn't think to ask Mr. Greenleaf, nor did they think to check on whether a Thomas Ripley had ever been a student at Princeton University. Oh, uh, I turned up a Tom Ripley who had been a piano tuner in the music department. You see, in America we are taught to check a fact before it becomes a fact. Taught to nose around when a girl drowns herself, find out if that girl is pregnant. Find out if Dickie had an embarrassment there. Mr. Greenleaf appreciates your loyalty, he really does. Marge, she has a hundred theories. There's a few things that she doesn't know. We hope she never knows.

Tom Ripley:
I hope she never knows.

Alvin MacCarron:
Three different people saw Dickie get into Freddie's car. One man will not testify because he was jumping somebody else's wife at the time, saw Dickie removing license plates from a red sports car. The police know about this man because he happens to be a policeman. [holds out two license plates] I found these in the basement of Dickie's apartment. They belong to Freddie's car. Mr. Greenleaf has asked me to lose these in the canal this evening. [puts the license plates down] Mr. Greenleaf feels that there was a silent promise in Dickie's letter to you which he intends to honour. He also intends to transfer a good portion of Dickie's income from his trust into your name.

The Talented Mr. Ripley  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Freddie Miles:
Oh God! Don't you want to fuck every woman you see just once?

The Talented Mr. Ripley  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Freddie Miles:
[upon seeing Tom spying on Dickie and Marge] Tommy, how's the peeping? Tommy, how's the peeping? Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy?

The Talented Mr. Ripley  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Freddie Miles:
Hey, if I'm late, you should hear what her husband's saying!

The Talented Mr. Ripley  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Walker Bobby:
shut up, chip, or I'll go ape-shit on your ass!

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[as Zugor confronts Mama Gunda]

Mama Gunda:
Put a cork in it, you scraggy old floaf!

You big blob of swamp gas!

Mama Gunda:
Lizard lips!

Slug snot!

Mama Gunda:
Bat barf!

You have BEAUTIFUL EYES! [gets shocked and covers his mouth with his hand]

Tarzan II  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[aboard the Resistance HQ submarine]

General Ashdown:

[Losenko slowly removes his headphones.]

General Losenko:
[calmly] We have destroyed ourselves. Skynet tracked our signal. It led them straight to us.

Terminator Salvation  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Radio News Reader:
[voice-over] Graverobbing in Texas is this hour's top news story. An informant led officers of the Muerto County Sheriff's Department to a cemetery just outside the small rural Texas community of Newt early this morning. Officers there discovered what appeared to be a grisly work of art: the remains of a badly decomposed corpse wired to a large monument. A second body was found in a ditch near the perimeter of the cemetery. Subsequent investigation has revealed at least a dozen empty crypts, and it's feared more will turn up as the probe continues. Deputies report that in some instances only parts of a corpse have been removed, the head or in some cases the extremities removed, the remainder of the corpse left intact. Evidence indicates the robberies have occurred over a period of time. Sheriff Jesús Maldonado refused to give details in the ghoulish case, and said only that he did have evidence linking the crime to elements outside the state. Area residents have reportedly been converging on the cemetery, fearing the remains of relatives have been removed. No suspects are in custody as the investigation at the scene continues.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Old Man:
[to Sally] Why, my old grandpa was the best killer there was at the slaughterhouse. Why, it never took more than one lick they say. Why, he did 60 cattle in five minutes once. They say he could have done more if the hook and pull gang could have gotten the beeves out of the way faster.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Old Man:
[to the captive Sally in his truck] Sorry to keep you waiting, young lady. I had to lock up the shop and turn the lights off. The cost of electricity these days is enough to drive a man like me out of business.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Old Man:
[about Leatherface damaging the door with his chain saw] Look what your brother did to the door! Ain't he got no pride in his home?

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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