Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,048

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Narrator (Cecil B. Demille):
[On the day of the Hebrews’ freedom]

The Ten Commandments  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Leading the Hebrews through the parted Red Sea] Praise God, and down into it!

The Ten Commandments  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Song of Joseph:

The Ten Commandments  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Latham Cole:
[At the ceremony to give a speech to the people of Colby] My friends and citizens of Colby, I've asked you here today so you can see at firsthand what I believe to be the single most important enterprise under God. The unification of this great country of ours by iron rail. To the Comanche, I say you have nothing to fear. As long as there is peace between us, all the land treaties shall be honored. But to the outlaw, those who prey upon the weak, make no mistake, law and order has come to the Wild West. Which is why I am bringing notorious outlaw and Indian-killer, Butch Cavendish here to Colby to hang for his crimes. The future is bright, ladies and gentlemen, and it's just around the bend.

The Lone Ranger  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Now tell me, do I look like a man who spends his time with the ladies?

Well, if you don't, sir, then Paris must echo with the ladies' sighs.

That's not what I asked you! These gentlemen insist that I waste my time with the ladies!

I can not concede, sir, that in the company of a lady you'd waste a single moment!

The Three Musketeers  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

George Smiley:
I met him once. Karla. In fifty-five. Moscow Centre was in pieces. Purge after purge. Half their agents were jumping ship and I traveled around signing them up. Hundreds of them. One of them was calling himself Gerstmann. He was on his way back to Russia, and we were pretty sure he was going to be executed. Plane had a twenty-four hour layover at Delhi, and that's how long I had to convince him to come over to us instead of going home to die. Little room. I'm sitting here... he's sitting there. The Americans had had him tortured. No fingernails. It's incredibly hot. I'm very tired and all I want to do is get this over with and get back home. Things weren't going well with Ann. I give him the usual pitch: come to the West and we can give you a comfortable life, after questioning. Or you can catch your plane and fly home and be shot. "Think of your wife. You have a wife, don't you? I brought you some cigarettes, by the way. Use my lighter. We could arrange for her to join you, we have a lot of stock to trade. If you go back, she'll be ostracized. Think of her. Think about how much she..." Kept harping on about the damn wife. Telling him more about me than... Should have walked out, of course, but for some reason it seemed important to save this one. So I go on. "We are not so very different, you and I. We've both spent our lives looking for the weaknesses in one another's systems. Don't you think it's time to recognize there is as little worth on your side as there is on mine?" ...Never said a word. Not one word.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

George Smiley:
[re: Karla] And the next morning he got back on his plane, handed the pack of cigarettes back to me untouched--and this was a chain smoker, mind--and flew off to what he presumed would be his death... He kept my lighter. It was a gift, "From George to Anne. All my love".

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bill Haydon:
I had to pick a side, George. And the West has become so very ugly...

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Preed is trying to shoot a cricket but keeps missing]

Titan AE  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[first lines]

Titan AE  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sam Tucker:

Once in a great while mankind unlocks a secret so profound that our future is altered forever. Fire, electricity, splitting the atom... At the dawn of the 31st century we unlocked another. It had the potential to change humanity's role in the universe. We called it the "Titan Project," and it was a testament to the limitless power of the human imagination. Perhaps that is what the Drej feared most, for it brought them down upon us without warning and without mercy. Cale, that day, the day that the Drej descended from the sky, the only thing that mattered was keeping you safe.

Titan AE  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[attempting to pass himself and Stith off as slave traders and Korso as a slave so they can rescue Akima; Stith is holding on to Korso]

[Stith peeks around the corner while still holding onto the rope around Korso]

Ah. All right. I’ll take out the guard.

[takes the rope from Stith] Easy, big girl. This requires cunning and deception. [getting the guard’s attention] Hello.

Slave Trader Guard:

Uh, I'm an Akrennian trader. I wonder if we might sneak a peek at the new shipment before they go on the market.

Slave Trader Guard:
You're not allowed.

Traditionally, no. You're absolutely right. But you see, I need a new slave rather badly.

[slaps Korso]

Stop fidgeting, worm! [he kicks Korso and Korso gives him a dirty look] And I can't wait till auction. I have to be on the shuttle. I have an appointment to have my ear shaved. It has to be booked months in advance. You see my problem.

Slave Trader Guard:
Hmm. You're lying. [points gun at them] He's not a slave, and you're not traders.


Slave Trader Guard:
[pointing to Korso] He doesn't carry himself like a slave. Look at the way he stands. Probably ex-military.


Slave Trader Guard:
Akrennian traders always threaten before they ask a favor. It's tradition.

[to Stith]

Slave Trader Guard:
And your robes are made out of bedspreads.

[Stith gets a feeling that they’ve been exposed as frauds]

Ah. Just out of curiosity, did we have a plan "B"?

[Stith knocks the guard out]

Hmm. An intelligent guard. Didn't see that one coming.

[Preed tazes the guard and continues on his way]

Titan AE  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Sam Tucker:
[During his posthumous holographic message which Cale activated on the Titan] Cale. If this message has been activated, then I have died before finding you. I hope you can forgive me for breaking my promise to see you again. What I wouldn't give to see you now. I can't change the past, Cale, but I hope I can give you a future. This ship has the power to create a planet, to create a new home. Your ring would have activated the transformation sequence, but the Titan's power cells were drained in the escape. They are unable to fuel the transformation. It is up to you to restore their power. After that, the procedure is simple.

Titan AE  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

No, I'm not playing hard to get, I'm telling you sir, this is not that kind of phone line!

TMNT  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Did you turn it on? Did you plug it in? Yeah, that would help.

TMNT  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chief Mike O' Hallorhan:
Now you know there's no sure way for us to fight a fire in any place above the seventh floor, but you guys just keep building them as high as you can.

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chief Mike O' Hallorhan:
When there's a fire, I outrank everybody here.

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Duncan:
Now Doug, one piece of scorched wire from a burned-out circuit breaker is hardly conclusive.

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Duncan:
Did you change any of Doug's electrical specifications?

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Duncan:
For God sakes, why?!

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Duncan:
We've got a fire, and if it was caused by anything you did I'm going to hang you out to dry, and then I'm going to hang you!

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Duncan:
(on the security phone) Security, this is Duncan. Have the main breakers gone? (whispering to Senator Parker after getting the bad news) The whole system's failed.

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Doug Roberts:
Urgency? Hey Dunc, if that fire was caused by fluky wiring in this building, we could get fires breaking out EVERYWHERE!!!

The Towering Inferno  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Doug visits his father in prison]

Doug MacRay:
I'm thinking about um... taking a trip. Going dark for a minute.

Stephen MacRay:
Takin' heat?

Doug MacRay:
Nah, just... Makin' a change.

Stephen MacRay:
Yeah, don't tell me. "Makin' a change." Either you got heat or you don't. I heard a bread truck got dropped.

Doug MacRay:
Oh, yeah? I didn't hear about it.

Stephen MacRay:

Police Guard:
You got five minutes! Five minutes!

Doug MacRay:
Let me ask you something. In case I don't see you again. How come you never... How come you never looked for her?

Stephen MacRay:
Uhhhhh... Looked for who?

Doug MacRay:
[short pause] For Ma. For my mother. How come you never looked for her? How come you never tried to call nobody or look for her, or ask around?

Stephen MacRay:
[sighs] Look, when your mother left, you cried so hard you were throwin' up. All over parlor. So I told you if you looked around you might find her. Just to give you an activity. I didn't think you'd carry it like a fuckin' disease. What, you wanna think she was an angel? Go ahead. But look out your front door. How many 22 year old girls are out there, they're fuckin' around with kids they don't want... and... you know... no sense in their heads. And your mother wasn't no different. That's the hard truth. I made my peace with it. You make yours. I didn't look for her because there was nothin' to find. Look, I gotta die five times before I get outta here. But, I'll see you again. This side or the other.

The Town  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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"One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing
A Julius Caesar
B Socrates
C Aristotle
D Alexander the Great