(In 4Kids dub)
I’ll be rooting for you Brandon.
Sky (Brandon):
So who’s gonna be rooting for you, Riven? Bloom’s rooting for Brandon, Stella’s rooting for me, where’s your cheerleader?
I don’t need one, dude, unlike you.
Brandon (Sky):
Relax, Riven!
Trust me, if I actually wanted one of these Alfea pixies, I could have my pick of the whole litter, and both of you know it.
Bloom and Stella:
Brandon (Sky):
This is dumb.
In fact, a certain someone’s been giving me the eye. Isn’t that right, Bloom?
[Stella gasps]
[very shocked] What?! The only ‘I’, I’d give you is "I don’t think so". [She walks up to him]
[unconvinced] Right.
[to Riven, furiously] What is with you? Hey I think I know who I like, and trust me, I don’t go for the whole jerk thing. I still can’t figure out why Musa’s got a crush on you. [Riven starts to get mad] You’re a totally conceited, totally cocky, totally boring waste of good oxygen! [Stella, Sky and Brandon all looked shocked at her outburst and worried for Riven’s reaction] I’m sorry, but guys like you give guy’s a bad name, Riven. [She looks away]
You are really cute when you’re angry, you know that? [He touches Bloom's chin and leans in closer. Brandon (Sky) gets annoyed] I dig girls who play hard to get.
Brandon (Sky):
[Her hand balls into a fist before pushing Riven away] Eugh! Don’t you touch me. [She draws her magic to her fingertips] You know what I think you need to just cool down, Riven. [She summons a nearby pot of flowers and tips the water from it over Riven’s head. Brandon (Sky) gasps. The water soaks into Riven’s shirt and pants. Stella gasps and laughs]
Sky (Brandon):
Looks like someone wet their pants.
[Stella, Bloom, Brandon and Sky laugh]
Still think I’m cute when I’m angry?
He is really mad] I am so gonna make you pay for that, Bloom.
[She gasps, startled by the intense anger in Riven’s voice., worried] We were just kidding, weren’t we? Riven, I thought... [She tries to touch Riven’s shoulder but he brushes her off]
Get away!
Brandon (Sky):
Come on, Riven, she...[He also tries to console Riven but is brushed off]
Hands off, Brandon. I’m getting out of here. [He runs off leaving the others confused]
Please. He had it coming.