Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,105

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Suck My Taint Girl:
[gasps in excited] You're all here? Hooray! [notices someone missing] Wait, where's Clara?

Foxxy Love:
And so, we told Suck My Taint Girl the terrible news about Clara.

Suck My Taint Girl:

Foxxy Love:
She took it pretty hard.

[Suck My Taint Girl bawling]

Foxxy Love:
But after a long talk and respectful memorial service, [Confessional] Suck My Taint Girl agreed to take us to Make-A-Point Land, help us find the Make-A-Point wizard, get our point, get our show back on the air, hence redeeming myself for getting us all into this mess in the first place.

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[in Japorean gibberish] This finally give meaning to Clara's life.


Foxxy Love:
Hallelujah. Your way talking. Whoo!

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Spanky Ham:
This doesn't seem right. I mean, maybe we don't want a point. Don't you see? If I can't fart or vomit or fill up an ice tray with the afterbirth of Foxxy's miscarriage and hand them out as ice pops to terminally-ill children on my hospital tours without making some kind of point, then maybe it's just not worth it.

[in Japorean gibberish] Maybe Spanky right. Ling-Ling rike belittling half world's population for no reason.

Captain Hero:
And I don't want to let dead chicks fuck me in my mouth for social commentary. I mean, what's wrong with just doing it 'cause it makes me feel good?

Foxxy Love:
And I sure do like getting pregnant for no reason. You know what? I agree with the pig.

Toot Braunstein:
Thank you.

Spanky Ham:
So, Mr. Make-A-Point wizard, I guess we don't want to make-a-point after all. Maybe, that's a point.

Make-A-Point Wizard:

Wooldoor Sockbat:
[flips out and steals the point box from them as he's holding a gun] FUCK YOU, GUYS! I need Drawn Together! Otherwise, I don't exist!

Make-A-Point Wizard:
No! wait, it's a...

Wooldoor Sockbat:
[He open the point box and his last words before he erased] What the...? [it's an eraser bomb which blows up and erased him from existence forever, speaking backwards. After he's gone, a silhouette of his screaming face is seen crumbling away along with one last "WHEEEE!!!" being heard blowing away in the wind]

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Network Head:
Because of this! [takes off his coat to reveal that he has many explosives on his stomach and chest while That's for Pure Mike Nichols song from The Kennedy Center Honors (2003) clip plays]

[I.S.R.A.E.L. screams and she runs off and jumps out of the window]

Network Head:
[His last words before his death] I have enough E-5 to destroy all of Make-A-Point Land! Looks like I'll be enjoying the Drawn Together Gang in hell! [laughs evilly]

Foxxy Love:
You've gots some real weird sense of humor.

Hero! Do something!

Captain Hero:
I miss Molly! [bawling]

The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[arrives at Nikolai's table and produces a pair of broken, blood-stained glasses] He's not coming back. [takes a seat] Had enough?

You certainly have my attention.

Because I can keep going. Brick by brick, dollar by dollar, body by body, or you can call your boss and tell him to shut down his operation, tonight.

That's not much of an offer.

It's the only one you're gonna get. When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud, too.

When you look at me, what do you see? [Robert laughs] Hmm? The answer's nothing. I have no feelings for you, one way or the other. You're like lint or a bottle cap. You're just a thing to remove.

I knew a Russian police captain back in the day. He told me about a case he worked on. Can't remember the guy's name. He was a famous scholar, lived in Moscow. He was a humanitarian, an author. Anyway, he decided to share his abundance with someone less fortunate. And even though he had five children, he opened his home to a sixth. An orphan, 12-year-old boy. Kid had been pounded by the system from an early age. Troubled. Prone to violence. A lost cause. Stop me if you know this one.

Oh, no. Carry on.

Okay. So this good man opened his home to this boy. And when the boy stole from him, this good man loved him anyway. When the boy failed in school, this man showed understanding and patience. When the boy lied and cheated and clawed and fought, this good man showed compassion and love... until the boy, who had never felt anything like being wanted or loved, he finally did. The man had broken through. By all accounts, it was a miracle. One week later, intruders broke into the man's house. Killed the man and his wife in bed. They said some small things were stolen, things a child might steal. No one knows for sure. The man's children were sent off to relatives. The boy, the orphan, shipped back to hell. Just when he finally had a chance at life, it was snatched away by two bullets.

It's a well-known story.

They ever catch who did it?

Did they?

Maybe they didn't look in the right place. Sometimes the answer's in front of you. [in Russian] I think the boy killed them. [in English] I think the boy did it. I think the boy was scared his foster parents would wake up one day and realize he wasn't worth it, like all the others had. And he couldn't bear the thought that this man, this good man would do that to him. Would throw him away... like a piece of lint or a bottle cap. So... he decided not to find out. What do you think, Nicolai?

[pauses] You think you know me? You strike me as a sentimental man, Mr. McCall. That's surprising. I... I don't possess that chip. I never could understand what comes from feeling that way, except weakness.

The men I killed, your men, I gave them a chance. They made their decision. I'm giving you the opportunity to make yours. [writes his phone number down]

Thank you.

You're welcome. You let me know when you decide.

Of course.

I've done some bad things in my life, Nicolai. Things I'm not proud of. I promised someone I love very much that I would never go back to being that person. But for you, I'm going to make an exception. You asked me what I saw when I looked at you. What do you see when you look at me?

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Robert Mccall:
You're supposed to stand for something, punk. Protect and serve. Uphold the law. Justice. Remember?

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Robert Mccall:
I couldn't tell you why — it mattered. Why what they did to her, that mattered to me so much. One day somebody does something unspeakable to someone else to... someone you hardly knew, and you... do something about it because you can.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Brian Plummer: You had a nice funeral, in case you were wondering. You know, when they told Susan you were dead, she couldn't comprehend it. She said, "Oh, no. Not Robert." "And not from something as trivial as a car bomb." That you're alive … is a big relief. But it didn't come as a complete surprise to her. We used to talk about you over the years, and she said if anyone could have figured a way out, a way to walk away from it all for good, you know, like a real fresh start … it would have been … You.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Susan Plummer:
Robert, I don't have to tell you what happens next. He won't stop until he kills you and anyone you care about.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Susan Plummer:
Sometimes we make the wrong choices to get to the right place. I know a part of you died when Vivian did. But not the part she loved the most. Go be him.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Teddy Rensen / Nicolai Itchenko:
A man with his skills, I want to know who he really is. I want to know who he's working for.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Teddy Rensen / Nicolai Itchenko:
You think you know me? You strike me as a sentimental man, Mr. McCall. That's surprising. I... I don't possess that chip. I never could understand what comes from feeling that way, except weakness.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[unsettled by Vince glaring at him, Brian pays up for the tuna sandwich and leaves]

Yo! Try Fatburger from now on! You can get yourself a Double Cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot!

The Fast and the Furious  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Seth Brundle:
[Talking to his surviving baboon, while drinking] "Residue" means old boyfriend, doesn't it? Stathis Borans is her old boyfriend. "From the desk of Stathis Borans" - how about "Under the desk of Stathis Borans"? She's working for her old boyfriend. Now she runs out late at night to see him. What is this, the Ronnie game?! I'm catching on, I'm catching on... [As the baboon swats at a fly] I didn't mean to kill your brother. But he didn't die in vain, if that's of any comfort. And, as the General said, "There's nothing I'd ask you to do that I wouldn't do myself, boys." ...Hey, you're all right. From looking at you, I can tell you're okay. What are we waiting for? Let's do it.

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Seth Brundle:
[To Veronica] I will say now, however subjectively, that human teleportation, molecular decimation, breakdown and reformation is inherently purging. It makes a man a king. From the moment I walked out of the pod, I felt like a million bucks... I mean, what an accomplishment! But what have I really done? All I've done is say to the world: "Let's go! Move! Catch me if you can!"

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Seth Brundle:
[Adding his teeth to a collection of lost body parts] You're relics. Yes, you are. Vestigial, archaeological, redundant. Artifacts of a bygone era. Of historical interest only. [Notices Veronica] You've missed some good moments. Is that why you're here? To catch up? My teeth have begun to fall out. The medicine cabinet is now the Brundle Museum of Natural History. You wanna see what else is in it?

The Fly  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Chief Warrant Officer Paul Brenner is undercover as First Sergeant Frank White on an unnnamed U.S. Army base, speaking with a pronounced Southern accent. He is dealing with a flat tire on the side of the road when a Humvee pulls over nearby.]

CPT Elisabeth Campbell:
Out of gas?

CW4 Paul Brenner:
Yeah. That's why I'm looking at a flat tire with a pair of pliers in my hand instead of a lug wrench... [trails off as he turns around, seeing Campbell is an officer]

CPT Campbell:
Uh-oh, she's a captain.

CW4 Brenner:
Uh-oh, she's a captain.

CPT Campbell:
This looks like the work of ten chimpanzees.

CW4 Brenner:
Well, you just missed the other nine. They got bored and went for a beer.

CPT Campbell:
Well, I have a lug wrench. Can I try?

CW4 Brenner:
If you don't, I'll drag you over.

CPT Campbell:
Get the spare.

CW4 Brenner:
Yes, ma'am. [watches Campbell change the tire, visibly impressed] Golly-dang. If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, I might just have to marry you, Captain.

CPT Campbell:
You'll have to take this in. Just a temp tire. Spare won't be good for more than 30 miles or so.

CW4 Brenner:
If a fella got courageous and wanted to send you - a thank you notion or a basket of fruit, where might one find you?

CPT Campbell:
Psy Ops.

CW4 Brenner:
How's that?

CPT Campbell:
Psychological Operations. I teach there.

CW4 Brenner:
What do you teach?

CPT Campbell:
Mostly we fuck with people's minds.

The General's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

The Author:
[having finished listening to Mr Moustafa's story; last lines] A week later, I sailed for a cure in South America, and began a long, wandering journey abroad. I did not return to Europe for many years. It was an enchanting old ruin... [his voice turns into that of his older self] ...but I never managed to see it again.

The Grand Budapest Hotel  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Major Marquis Warren:
That's Marco the Mexican? [laughs] Shit. Now that I blowed his face off, Marco ain't worth a peso!

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Major Marquis Warren:
[slow motion] You gon' make a deal with this diabolical bitch?

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John "The Hangman" Ruth:
[to Daisy, just before smashing her guitar] Music time's over!

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

John "The Hangman" Ruth:
[last words] Mannix! The coffee...

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Daisy Domergue:
What do I gotta say? About John Ruth's ravings? He's absolutely right. Me and one of them fellas is in cahoots. We're just waitin' for everybody to go to sleep. That when we're gonna kill y'all.

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chris Mannix:
Oh. I get it. "Haberdashery." That was a joke, right?

The Hateful Eight  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."?
A Double Impact
B Fight Club
C Men in Black
D Way of the Dragon