Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,101

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Max Dillon / Electro:
You do realize you've locked me in a prison that runs on electricity? I can feel it in the walls. I can feel it in my veins. No matter what you do, doc, you can't contain it. It's a force of nature, like me.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
You wanna know how powerful I am? [Kafka: JA!] Well, so do I.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
I'm gonna kill the light! Soon everyone in this city is gonna know how it feels to live in my world. A world without power. A world without mercy. A world without Spider-Man.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
I had a friend once. It didn't work out.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
Let's go catch a spider.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
[to Menken] Remember me?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
Do you see me now, Spider-Man? It's time to meet our destiny.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Max Dillon / Electro:
Spider-Man, bet you never saw this coming?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
[to Peter from trailer] You're gonna wanna see this. Oscorp had you under serveillence. [smirking] My father, he spent more time watching you than me!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
You mean people are pissed off because he tried to turn everyone in New York City into giant lizards?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
Sure, sure, I get it. 20-year-old kid, $200 billion company, what was Dad thinking? I mean, you're all lawyers, right? Surely someone must've questioned his sanity in the end. Someone must've thought about having him declared "legally incompetent". It would've made this conversation a lot easier.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
[after Spider-Man refused to help him] YOU'RE A FRAUD, SPIDER-MAN!!!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
[to Electro] I want you to make Spider-Man BLEED!!!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
[as the Green Goblin] You don't give people hope, you take it away. I'm gonna take away yours.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Harry Osborn / Green Goblin:
[as the Green Goblin] HARRY'S DEAD!!!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Aleksei Sytsevich / Rhino:
Say hello to Aleksei Sytsevich!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Aleksei Sytsevich / Rhino:
[as the Rhino] I am the Rhino! I told you I would be back!

The Amazing Spider-Man 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Police sirens sound in the background, and sirens wailing, and Terence evilly chuckles.]

The Angry Birds Movie  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Head of Council:
Human. You have been brought before the council to face judgment for crimes against the colony. Read the charges.

Council Guard:
"This human-destructor beast hereafter referred to as Peanut the Destroyer did willfully and with malice aforethought crush the food-storage chambers flood all of the lower hatching chambers and douse the colony with the dreaded yellow rain."

[The ants collectively grimace in disgust]

Hey, come on - I had to go!

Head of Council:
[Banging drum] Sentencing of the human will be handed down by the queen herself.

[The ants bow as the Queen Ant appears]

Queen Ant:
Greetings, my children... and to our unusual guest. A human that threatens the very existence of our colony.

Wait a second! Wait, wait, wait, time out. How was I supposed to know ants have feelings or families or trials? You're just a bunch of stupid ants!

Ant #1:
Destroy the destroyer!

Ant #2:
Throw him in the pit!

Little Ant:
Let's eat him!

No, wait. We are not mindless savages! This human should be studied. And then we'll eat him!

[Chanting] Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!

Head of Council:
ORDER! ORDER! [Banging drum]

Queen Ant:
Be still, be still. Tonight, we have a choice. We could destroy this human and make safe this day. Or we could change the nature of his human and perhaps create a brighter future for all ants. I, therefore, send the human to live and work in the colony, to learn our ways. He must ... become an ant.


No. No, my Queen! What if he does not become an ant? Okay? I mean, come on!

Queen Ant:
That would be ... regrettable.

But - But who will teach him our ways?

[Stepping forwards] I will.


Queen Ant:
It is done. Let us continue our work.

[She disappears as the court begins to disperse]

That's it? How long am I gonna be like this? I wanna go home! Wait! It's inhuman!

Head of Council:
[Turning back to Lucas] Yes. It is.

The Ant Bully  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Helen Woodford Ruth:
Let me tell you something. I'm not on the dark of it anymore. The only thing I don't understand now was why they ever let you out because you are incorrigible. [shocked at Helen's remark, Babe Ruth loses his temper and shoves the food cart before flipping the bowl in her face] That's it, it's over.

The Babe  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Paul is a fine boy, and Mark is an excellent student of the Torah and the Talmud.

Mrs. Baum:
Then what's the problem, rabbi?

It's the reason Mark is studying so hard: he's looking for inconsistencies in the word of God!

Mrs. Baum:
...So has he found any?

[Rabbi scoffs as if to say, "Where do I begin?"]

The Big Short  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Jared Vennett:
[over the phone] Is this America's angriest hedge fund?

Vinnie Daniel:
All right, listen. I got one last question for you. How are you fucking us?

Jared Vennett:
There's a nicer way to say that, Vinnie.

Vinnie Daniel:
I'm serious. We'll buy your swaps, but only if you say how you're fucking us.

Jared Vennett:
I'm not fucking you, Vinnie. I'm kissing you. I'm looking deep into your eyes as I make sweet love to you, Vinnie. I'm handing you the deal of the century on a fucking platter. What do I get out of it? Easy. I got a $20-million-a-month negative carry. I got bosses trying to pull the plug because they think I'm out of my fucking mind, alright? We make this trade, those problems aren't so big anymore. And sure, swaps are a dark market, so I set the price.Whatever price I want. And when you come for the payday, I'm gonna rip your eyes out, I'm gonna make a fortune. But the good news is, Vinnie, you're not gonna care because you're gonna make so much fucking money. That's what I get out of it. Want to know what you get out of it? You get the ice cream, the hot fudge, the bananas, and the nuts. Right now, I get the sprinkles, and, yeah, if this goes through, I get the cherry. But you get the sundae, Vinnie! You get the sundae!

Vinnie Daniel:
Alright, I buy that. Thank you.

Jared Vennett:
You want me to make you a market?

Vinnie Daniel:
Yeah. We'll take $50 million Garibaldi IV BBB.

Jared Vennett:
Sharpen your pencils. I'll get the paperwork ready.

Vinnie Daniel:
[sighs after hanging up the phone] Fuck you too.

The Big Short  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Mark is talking to CDO manager Wing Chau in a Vegas restaurant]

Mark Baum:
Hold on, hold on, say that again. CDO A has parts of CDO B and CDO B has parts CDO A, but then both get put inside CDO C?

Wing Chau:
Yep, and that one's called a CDO Squared - a CDO of a CDO. And then there are CDOs made up of the opposite side of the bet you made with swaps. We call them synthetic CDOs.

Mark Baum:
What did you just say? "Synthetic CDOs?" That is fucking crazy.

Wing Chau:
It's not, it's awesome!

Mark Baum:
Alright, let's say you have...50 million in subprime loans. How much money could be out there betting on it through these synthetic CDOs and swaps? Right now, tonight?:

Wing Chau:
50 million? A billion dollars.

Mark Baum:
[astonished] What?

Jared Vennett:
[voiceover] If the mortgage bonds that Michael Burry discovered were the match...

Mark Baum:
How much bigger is the market for insuring mortgage bonds than actual mortgages?

Wing Chau:
About twenty times.

Jared Vennett:
[voiceover] If the mortgage bonds were the match, and the CDOs were the kerosene-soaked rags, then the synthetic CDO was the atomic bomb with a drunk president holding his finger over the button. It was at that moment, in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face, that Mark Baum realized the whole world economy might collapse.

The Big Short  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mark Baum:
[Gets a call from Vennett] Jared? It's chaos down here, where're we?

Jared Vennett:
[Walks into the employee bathroom] "And Caesar wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." [Sees a co-worker next to him] Shane? SHANE?? [Shane leaves] Well, nobody's buying CDO's or mortgage bonds anymore, and everybody wants swaps. Swaps are now the most popular product on the street.

Mark Baum:
That's good for us.

Jared Vennett:
Yes and no. I heard from somebody who heard from somebody—[Another employee walks in] No, Alex, no. Sorry. [Alex turns around and leaves] Benny Kleager over at Morgan's taking on some heavy losses in the bond department. Your ship might be taking on water; might be time to get our lifejacket and get out. Oh, I'm jacked. I'm JACKED! I'M JACKED TO THE TITS!

Mark Baum:

Jared Vennett:
Do you feel it?

Mark Baum:
No. [Hangs up]

The Big Short  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." ?
A Mission: Impossible
B Die Hard
C Blues Brothers
D Shawshank Redemption