Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,175

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ronsel Jackson:
[leaving for war] Daddy borrowed Mr. Robert and 'nem truck to take me. That's what I remember most. The first things and the last things... they always stick the hardest.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Laura Mcallan:
[narrating] I was a 31-year-old virgin when I met Henry McAllan in the spring of 1939. I lived with my parents in the house I grew up in. My world was small, and he was my rescuer from a life in the margins.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Laura Mcallan:
Violence is part and parcel of country life. You're forever being assailed by dead things. Dead mice, dead rabbits, dead possums. You find them in the yard. You smell them rottin' under the house. And then there are the creatures you kill for food. Chickens, hogs, deer, frogs, squirrels. Pluck, skin, disembowel, debone, fry. Eat, start again, kill. I learned how to stitch up a bleeding wound... load and fire a shotgun... reach into the womb of a heavin' sow to deliver a breeched piglet. My hands did these things... but I was never easy in my mind.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Henry Mcallan:
[narrating] My great-great-granddaddy and his slaves built the farm that I grew up on. One time my granddaddy told me to go out, grab a handful of dirt from the yard and bring it in. He said, "What are you holdin', son?" And I said, "Dirt." "That's right. Now give it to me." So I did, and he says, "Now what's this I've got in my hand?" "Dirt," I says. "No, boy, this is land that I've gotten. Do you know why? Because I own it. Because it's mine. And one day, it'll be yours."

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hap Jackson:
[narrating] What good is a deed? My grandfathers and great uncles, grandmothers and great aunts, father and mother, broke, tilled, thawed, planted, plucked, raised, burned, broke again. Worked this land all they life, this land that never would be theirs. They worked until they sweated. They sweated until they bled. They bled until they died. Died with the dirt of this same 200 acres under their fingernails. Died clawing at the hard, brown back that would never be theirs. All their deeds undone. Yet this man, this place, this law... say you need a deed. Not deeds.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hap Jackson:
[eulogizing over the elder McAllan] Man who is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down. He fleeth as a shadow and continueth not. And doth thou open thine eyes upon such a one, and bringest me into judgment with thee? Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again. But man dieth and wasteth away. As the waters fell from the sea and drieth up, so man lieth down and riseth not. 'Til the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Florence Jackson:
[narrating] No, I don't have favorites. I love them all equally. Every mother does.

Mudbound  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Isn't camp EverFree just beautiful I can't wait til we have our first nature walk

I definitely want to go on one of those

you wanna see all the adorable wooden creatures too

yeah, specifically squirrels,more specifically so I can chase em (barks)

I'm just looking forward to roughin it, I'm gonna Make my own shelter, forege for food

Rainbow Dash:
ahh You know they provide us with food and Tents right

yep still gonna forge though

Aahhh I'm just after some RnR the past year has all been a bit too much for my tastes

Pinkie Pie:
I'll say,we fought three Evil sirens who tried to hypnotize everybody with their singing,one ridiculously competitive rival school and two demon friends,ahh haha no offense

Sunset Shimmer:
Non taken, you'll get use to it

yep,Canterlot High has become regular magic magnet, gonna be nice gettin away to a place where we don't have to worry about that kinda stuff

Flash Sentry:
Here you go Twilight

Twilight Sparkle:
Thanks, it's Flash right

Flash Sentry:
Yep that's me and your you and we don't know each other very well huh cool story bro

Twilight Sparkle:
Right. I guess I'll... see you around.

Sunset Shimmer:
You know how there's that girl who looks just like you when she's here but lives in another dimension and she's a pony princess?

Twilight Sparkle:

Sunset Shimmer:
Flash kinda had a... thing for her.

Twilight Sparkle:

Gloriosa Daisy:
[over P.A.] Hey, everyone! If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Gloriosa Daisy:
Hi, everyone! Welcome to Camp Everfree! I'm Gloriosa Daisy, your camp director! Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my brother, Timber Spruce!

Timber Spruce:
Think of me as that awesome guy... who should always be invited to fun things.

Gloriosa Daisy:
We aim to please, so before we hand out our tent assignments, we'd like to hear from all of you. You're free to do whatever you like here.

Timber Spruce:
Uh, except hike near the rock quarry. That's off-limits.

Gloriosa Daisy:
Y-Yes, but otherwise, your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the very best week of your lives ever?

Rainbow Dash:
Ooh! Rock climbing!

Gloriosa Daisy:

Rainbow Dash:

Gloriosa Daisy:
Of course!

Rainbow Dash:

Gloriosa Daisy:

Sunset Shimmer:
Rainbow,I Know your excited but maybe give somebody else a Chance to make a suggestion

Bulk Biceps:
Arts n crafts... My mom needs new potholders

Gloriosa Daisy:
I'll supply the looms

Pinkie Pie:
Cookie decoratin

Gloriosa Daisy:
ooh, I do make a mean sugar cookie

Early morning nature walks

Gloriosa Daisy:
With walking sticks for everyone

oh oh me ahhhhh,a fashion show where I design the most fabulous camp looks inspired by Today's hottest trends aaand have them modeled by my classmates in a gorgeous outdoor setting.

Gloriosa Daisy:
a camp tradition

Timber Spruce:
we have literally never done that

Gloriosa Daisy:
I'll be taking requests the rest of the time your here, so if there's anything you like to do, anything you need, Just ask

Principle Celestia:
what about the camp gift that was my favorite camp EverFree tradition

Gloriosa Daisy:
The camp gift off course

Timber Spruce:

Gloriosa Daisy:
Yes really

Timber Spruce:
Well I just thought

Gloriosa Daisy:
Then you thought wrong

Sunset Shimmer:
anyone else picking up on a little tension between Gloriosa and her brother

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle:

Pinkie Pie:

Every year campers work together to create something useful,a gift for future campers, working towards this common goal is key to forming the strong bonds that will last well beyond your time here at camp, (whispering)which is why it's so important, this gazebo is a gift from last year's group oh oh oh and the toadam pole and sundile were also made by campers

Principle Celestia:
The sundile was our year's gift

Vice Principal Luna:
(Coughs hysterically) even though some people thought it was a little impractical since the sundile can't be used at night

Gloriosa Daisy:
(laughs nervously) you all seem like a...a really amazing group so I'm certain you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind


Timber Spruce:
Speaking of leaving things behind now's the Time when we give out tent assignments so you can leave your heavy bags behind

Gloriosa Daisy:
Ahh girls we'll be getting their assignments from Timber guys your with me

Pinkie Pie:
Ohh boy, ooh yey I'm in emerald tent

wow me too


(excited) me too oh yeah


I got Amethyst

Sunset Shimmer:

Twilight Sparkle:
Me, too! I mean, I'm assuming I am. Heh-heh. Technically, sapphires aren't just blue. Heh-heh. They can be pink, purple, yellow...

Timber Spruce:
Yeah, but they're mostly blue. That's why they're named after the Latin word sapphirus.

Timber Spruce:
[whispering] That means "blue".

Twilight Sparkle:
[whispering] I know. But did you know that sapphires are just rubies without chromium?

Timber Spruce:
No. But did you know that Sapphire Tent is the best one?

Twilight Sparkle:
No. Why's that?

Timber Spruce:
Because you're in it.

Twilight Sparkle:
Oh, I bet you say that to all the campers.

Timber Spruce:
Not true. [to Bulk Biceps] You're in the Ruby Tent? Ha! That's the worst one!

Bulk Biceps:
Aw, man!

Timber Spruce:
I'm just jokin', buddy. Ruby Tent is great. It's like a sapphire but with chromium.

Bulk Biceps:

Timber Spruce:
But the ruby and choral tents do look an awful alot alike to undecerning I better show you where it is,see ya around

Sunset Shimmer,Rainbow Dash,Rarity and Apple Jack:

Twilight Sparkle:
(Embarrassed) what.

ha, nothin

ooh that was so a...dorable

Gloriosa Daisy:
[blows whistle] Okay, everyone, go get settled in. We'll be meeting at the docks in fifteen minutes to go over some camp safety rules. Let me know if you need anything!

Filthy Rich:
I need somethin'.

Gloriosa Daisy:
Filthy Rich! So nice to see you. [whispering] What are you doing here?! Camp is just getting started!

Filthy Rich:
Just takin' in the scenery, Gloriosa Daisy. It's so... hmm... relaxin'.

Gloriosa Daisy:
Well, you can look around when camp is over. Now, if you don't mind...

Filthy Rich:

Gloriosa Daisy:
Ehh mm Filthy Rich's a... Alumni of the camp he likes to check on his old stomping grounds every now and again but enough about him find your tents and put away your things we got the best week of Camp ever to begin

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[signs] I'm all for learning safety rules but I do hope I can get started on my designs for the camp fashion show Sooner rather than later

ha, I still can't believe you talked Gloriosa into havin a fashion show,were in the middle of the woods for cryin out loud were suppose to be roughin it

It's clear from Gloriosa's own wardrobe that she appreciates a well put together look even if we are in the... middle of the woods

Fair enough, Just as long as you don't put me in one of ya fancy pants outfits... your gonna aren'tcha

Nooo yes aha don't worry it will absolutely fit to personal sense of style...

Sunset Shimmer:
(grabs a flash light and creates spooky noises)the was weird back there right with that Guy filthy rich

Twilight Sparkle:
Huh oh I guess so

Sunset Shimmer:
I just have this feeling that Gloriosa's hiding something...her brother is pretty cute though huh

Twilight Sparkle:
he's okay

Sunset Shimmer:
Ooooooo now look who's tryin to hide something

Twilight Sparkle:
No! I'm not

Sunset Shimmer:
Hey you okay, you seemed freaked out at the bus earlier

probably having another one of her Nightmares

Twilight Sparkle:
(after throwing Spike with socks) I'm fine, I mean what do I have to complain about, ever since I transferred here everyone from CHS have been really nice and accepting especially considering what happened at the friendship games

Sunset Shimmer:
That wasn't your fault principal Cinch is the one who encouraged you to try and use all that magic to win the Friendship games for crystal prep you weren't ready to have that kinda power but it's over now, and if there's any group that's gonna forgive you for something that happened in the past Trust me it's this one

Rainbow Dash:
You guys comin' or what?

Sunset Shimmer:
Be right there! I just wanna put on some sunscreen. Huh. I coulda sworn I packed it.

Twilight Sparkle:
Found it!

Sunset Shimmer:
Did you? How is this possible?

Twilight Sparkle:
I can't believe this. It's...

Sunset Shimmer:

Twilight Sparkle:
[simultaneous] Terrible!

Sunset Shimmer:
Are you kidding? This is great! I mean, we've all ponied up before, gotten the whole ears and wings and tail thing, shot magical rainbow lasers, but nothing like this has ever happened! How did you do it?

Twilight Sparkle:
I don't know! Maybe I didn't. Maybe it's her!

Sunset Shimmer:
Her who?

Twilight Sparkle:
Nothing nevermind can we just not talk about it, and Could you please not bring this whole lavetating thing up to the others

Sunset Shimmer:
why not?

Twilight Sparkle:
You heard Apple Jack,this is supposed to be a place were everyone can get away from magic, I don't want them to find out that I brought some crazy new kind with me

Sunset Shimmer:
if you really don't want me to I won't say anything

Twilight Sparkle:
I really don't

Sunset Shimmer:
Okay but this isn't necessarily a bad thing,(Tries to levitate the sunscreen to her)hum...hum aww,uummmmm Aww

I think you just gonna have to pick it up

Sunset Shimmer:

Gloriosa Daisy:
[Mind while bumping into sunset] Don't act like that

Sunset Shimmer:
What did you say?

I... didn't say anything,just here to make sure everyone was headed over to the docks. Did you need something?

Sunset Shimmer:

Gloriosa Daisy:
Because if there's anything I can do to make this week the best week ever you just let me know, I've got this

Sunset Shimmer:
Thanks, I'm good, people that cheeper make nervous

Pinkie Pie:
This gonna be so much FUN!

Sunset Shimmer:
I guess not all people

Huh it's beautiful isn't it, looks like a diamond shining in the sun.

It is lovely out here,the fresh air,the cool breeze,the birds that land on your finger

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer:

Sunset Shimmer:
What happened?!

I don't know. We were just decorating cookies and—

Pinkie Pie:
And I was all, "You need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!"

Sunset Shimmer:
So, standard Pinkie Pie stuff.

Pinkie Pie:
I was just tossing sprinkles to Fluttershy, when all of a sudden they glowed pink and exploded!,yeah yeah just like that but earlier

Sunset Shimmer:
I think you have to lay off touching things from now on

aww we really need to clean this up,uuh uuh, can someone help me,thank you Mister bird

twit twit twit twit twit

well sure I can get you something to i... did just talk

twit twit twit twit

But I don't speak cherp

twit twit twit

oh no don't call your friends, it's nice to meet all of you too

Suset Shimmer:
Did you just talk to the birds

um...yes (screams)

Did tell em what happened so crazy I horsed up Rarity like it was nothin like I had way more strength then I usually do

And I made a diamondi thing appear out now where, which normally I would be excited

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Pinkie Pie:
La-la-la-la. Ooh, taffy!

Sunset Shimmer:
That explains so much

Pikie Pie:

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Legend Of Everfree Song:
[????]Would we be lost by Time or be part of history

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Legend Of Everfree Song:
[????]Will your story be told or remain a mystery

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Legend Of Everfree Song:
[????]Were gonna sing your song telling all that you have done, Whether you make that choice only you can be the one

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Princess Twilight Sparkle:
The way Sunset Shimmer described them; these new girls sound an awful lot like... the Sirens.

Pony Pinkie Pie:
NOT THE SIRENS!!!!! [whispers] I don't actually know what that is.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Inspector Zenigata:
[laughs as he lifts the casket lid] Lupin, are you trying to obtain eternal life, like Dracula? Sorry, but everything has an end! [stakes the corpse, which promptly explodes. As he recognizes a very alive Lupin, he screams]

You're ferocious as usual, Pops.

Inspector Zenigata:
Lupin! Lupin! You're supposed to be dead!

So they say. I'm a little confused myself.

Inspector Zenigata:
He was the real Lupin. I swear he was.

Don't swear so easily! Then what am I?

Inspector Zenigata:
That's what I've come here to find out! [swings a piece of wood at Lupin, who dodges, commencing a chase. By the time Inspector Zenigata catches up, Lupin has already reached his escape vehicle]

Pops, I'll hear your story some other time. [takes off, chuckling] Take care!

Inspector Zenigata:
He's... He's... He is real! He is alive! He's alive!! [laughs] If you don't die, I don't die, either! This isn't over yet! I will follow you to the pits of Hell. I will carve your posthumous name on your bones with my own hand!

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Inspector Zenigata:
Give it up, Lupin! You'll never get through this passage! Block the exits! Here! Over there! Why are you lounging around? Lupin's coming this way! Turn on the lights!

[as the lights turn on, Zenigata is surprised to see the Egyptian police officers stationed there aiming guns]

Egyptian Police Chief:
Well, your sixth sense was right.

Inspector Zenigata:
What are you trying to do here?

Egyptian Police Chief:
[taken aback] What do you mean?

Inspector Zenigata:
Do not fire until my order!

Egyptian Police Chief:

[the Egyptian police chief and Zenigata start wrestling]

Egyptian Police Chief:
I'm sick of this. It interferes...

Inspector Zenigata:
If it's Lupin, it becomes...

[Lupin and Jigen approach on a motorcycle as the fight continues]

Egyptian Police Officer:
It's Lupin!

[Lupin's motorcycle knocks down some of the officers, to the surprise of Zenigata and the Egyptian police chief, and goes up a ramp]

Egyptian Police Chief:
Lupin! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!

Inspector Zenigata:
[shoves the Egyptian police chief aside with a triumphant laugh] Tricked you, Lupin. That passage only goes to the top.

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Inspector Zenigata:
Ah! Damn! [the chase begins as Lupin takes off on his motorcycle with Zenigata giving chase by foot]

Pops, sudden exercise is bad for you.

Inspector Zenigata:

[Zenigata continues running after Lupin until he falls into a sand trap in his path]

Well then, take care!

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Lupin, hidden behind a pillar, presents a rose for Fujiko]

[gasps] Lupin. Isn't it Lupin?

[melodramatic] You are beautiful, Fujiko.

Stop joking around, Lupin.

[walks out to her, wearing a formal dress suit] Don't be so cruel. The sweet nighttime breeze in Paris may have melted this cold-hearted soul of mine. [smells the rose] I thought I had elegantly transformed myself this evening.

[chuckling] Looks like it. I'm not sure if it's elegantly or not.

Oh, sweet-smelling flower. You are a rose.

You are old-fashioned.

The pain from your thorn is giving me pleasure, as well...because I love you.

Enough with your acting. Then why don't we close our deal?

That's pretty cold. [throws the rose away] Actually, you have too many thorns.

I'm in a hurry. [gasps] Or, Lupin, did you possibly...?

Don't be so hasty. Here it is.

[Fujiko’s eyes widen as Lupin presents her the Philosopher's Stone]

Lupin, you did it!

[Lupin yanks the Stone away from Fujiko]

Hold it. Look how much more passion you show now! How disappointing. Disappointing. Really, really disappointing... I had to convince Jigen, and we endured so much to steal this. And look how you act. Or, Fujiko, are you gonna deal with someone else? Well, I promised not to ask why. So you need to keep your promise to go out with me.

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Lupin had just gotten out of the bathtub after his encounter with Fujiko goes supposedly awry]

Yikes! She got me! I'm still dizzy.

Pretending to be a playboy? Serves you right! If we caught her right away, this trouble could've been avoided.

Lupin, work and women cannot co-exist peacefully.

You're too nit-picky. This is all part of my strategy. [puts on the headphones Jigen had given him as Dunn searches for the signal planted on the Philosopher's Stone]

You seem to have incredible brain power!

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Do you think we can escape?

Maybe I'll go underground.

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Goemon! Cool!

[Goemon slashes the helicopter's blades in midair; the action freezes for a moment as Goemon reflects on the unworthiness of Zantetsuken's latest victim]

Once again, I slashed an unworthy object...

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Lupin and the gang exit the manhole after the helicopter Goemon had slashed blows up]

Compared to Goemon, we're not very cool!

They are no amateurs, you know.

The Mystery of Mamo  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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