Vincent Benedict:
My life just got flushed down the toilet.
Julius Benedict:
No, Vincent.
Vincent Benedict:
I'm genetic garbage.
Julius Benedict:
We're twins. We're basically the same.
Vincent Benedict:
Look, Julius, I don't know if you've noticed yet, but we don't look the same, we don't talk the same, and we don't dress the same!
Julius Benedict:
I know.
Vincent Benedict:
So if we're so alike, how come we're so goddamn different?
Julius Benedict:
We had six fathers. We're many parts of a lot of different people.
Vincent Benedict:
Julius Benedict:
And don't forget, I was taken to a beautiful island, I was cared for, educated, looked after. You had nobody, Vincent. No one to love you, teach you, or encourage you. You see, Vincent, you're the missing part of my life. And I'm the missing part of your life. And when we find Mama, we can be the missing part of her life. We won't be alone anymore. We can be a family.
Vincent Benedict:
A family?
Julius Benedict:
Vincent Benedict:
You mean, like, with a Christmas tree... and Thanksgiving dinner?
Julius Benedict:
And a real home, where you'll always be welcome.
Vincent Benedict:
Julius Benedict:
[smiles] Even when you've been bad.