Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,313

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Vincent Benedict:
Women love men who are mysterious and devious. It keeps them on their toes. It excites them. You know what I mean?

Julius Benedict:

Vincent Benedict:
You do like women?

Julius Benedict:
Oh, very much so. They're strange and sensitive. They have compassion. I have the highest respect for women.

Vincent Benedict:
[turns around] You're a virgin!

Julius Benedict:
That's private.

Vincent Benedict:
[to himself] A 230-pound virgin.

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Julius Benedict:
Wait a minute. You forgot the third rule in a crisis situation.

Mr. Webster:
What third rule?

Vincent Benedict:
Third rule?

Julius Benedict:
Yeah, third rule.

Vincent Benedict:
[notices the crane above Webster] Oooh! The third rule.

Mr. Webster:
What's the third rule?

Julius Benedict, Vincent Benedict:

[Vincent hits the crane switch which drops a pile of chains on Mr. Webster burying him]

Vincent Benedict:
Yo! Holy shmoly! Now there's a man with a lot on his mind.

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Vincent Benedict:
[points to a device in the lab] This must, uh, be where you made the milkshake.

Mitchell Traven:
We weren't making milkshakes. We were making the most fully developed human the world has ever seen.

Vincent Benedict:
But instead of just one perfect kid, Mom had the two of us. [smiling] Way to go, Mom.

Mitchell Traven:
Wrong. The embryo did split in two, but it didn't split equally. All the purity and strength went into Julius. All the crap that was left over went into what you see in the mirror every morning.

Vincent Benedict:
Wow, wow, wow, you're telling me that I'm the crap?

Julius Benedict:
This is not true, Vincent.

Vincent Benedict:
Wait a minute, Julius. I wanna hear this. [to Traven] You're telling me that I am the left over crap? That I'm no good?

Julius Benedict:
He's wrong.

Mitchell Traven:
[points at Vincent] Look at him.

Vincent Benedict:
Are you saying that... I'm a side effect?

Mitchell Traven:
You haven't got the brainpower to understand this, and I don't have the time. Show's over.

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Julius Benedict:
[seizes Traven] Hey, "dick-head"! Tell us where our mother is.

Mitchell Traven:
Ah... Whispering Pines. It's an artist's colony 200 miles north of Santa Fe.

Julius Benedict:
If you're lying to me... I'll be back.

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Vincent Benedict:
My life just got flushed down the toilet.

Julius Benedict:
No, Vincent.

Vincent Benedict:
I'm genetic garbage.

Julius Benedict:
We're twins. We're basically the same.

Vincent Benedict:
Look, Julius, I don't know if you've noticed yet, but we don't look the same, we don't talk the same, and we don't dress the same!

Julius Benedict:
I know.

Vincent Benedict:
So if we're so alike, how come we're so goddamn different?

Julius Benedict:
We had six fathers. We're many parts of a lot of different people.

Vincent Benedict:

Julius Benedict:
And don't forget, I was taken to a beautiful island, I was cared for, educated, looked after. You had nobody, Vincent. No one to love you, teach you, or encourage you. You see, Vincent, you're the missing part of my life. And I'm the missing part of your life. And when we find Mama, we can be the missing part of her life. We won't be alone anymore. We can be a family.

Vincent Benedict:
A family?

Julius Benedict:

Vincent Benedict:
You mean, like, with a Christmas tree... and Thanksgiving dinner?

Julius Benedict:
And a real home, where you'll always be welcome.

Vincent Benedict:

Julius Benedict:
[smiles] Even when you've been bad.

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Julius Benedict:
Axe, axe, axe, axe, axe!

[Morris Klane swings the axe at Julius]

Julius Benedict:
You have no respect for logic.

Vincent Benedict:
But he's got an axe!

[Klane charges Julius, who sidesteps his blow. The axe is embedded in the wall. As Julius grabs him]

Julius Benedict:
And I have no respect for those who have no respect for logic.

[Julius picks Klane up with both hands and lifts him a foot up in the air]

Julius Benedict:
You're a very stupid person.

[Julius throws him into an open elevator]

Vincent Benedict:
[to Klane as the elevator is about to close] You tell your brother, he messes with ME, he messes with my whole family!

Twins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(when Bill hesitates to drive towards a tornado) Have you lost your nerve?

(laughs) Tighten your seatbelt! (tightens Jo's seatbelt and drives down the ditch)

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(after finding a barn full of sharp instruments) Oh my God, who are these people?!

I don't think so!

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(a house crashes in front of Bill and Jo and they have no choice but to drive through it)

I think we're going in! (they scream as they drive through the house and out the other side) ...Maybe we should get off this road.

I think you're right.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(after Jo and Bill drive through an explosion) Jo, Bill did you see that explosion?

We saw it.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(realizes a tornado is coming) Jo, Bill, it's coming! It's headed right for us!

(staring at the nearby tornado with Jo and Mellisa) It's already here! (to everyone nearby) Everybody underground now!

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Bill pulls Jo to the truck as she fights)

Beltzer will tell us if drops near us!

It's not gonna drop near us its gonna drop right on us!

(they get out just as the tornado drops where they just were)

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Where's the road Rabbit?!

It should be any second!

(the group come out on the road a moment later and nearly crash into Jonas' convoy)

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(after being caught in a tornado while chasing it) When you told me you used to chase tornados I always thought it was a metaphor!

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Jo and Bill are too busy arguing to notice a tornado)

Hey, are you gonna wrap this up?


Oh nothing, I was just wondering if we were going to chase this tornado or just catch the next one.


Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Melissa is giving therapy to a patient over the phone.]

She did not marry your penis. Ok, she didn't ONLY marry your penis.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bill, she just missed the truck!

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well, there's some good news. It DID fly. What was it like?

...It was windy.

Windy. [Chuckles] That's intense.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After her truck is destroyed, looking over at Bill's truck] Do you have full coverage on that truck?

Liability only.

Liability only...Well, it's a very pretty truck.

Thank you.

[Bill smiles and realizes what she is thinking]

Don't even think about it. [Jo looks at him] NO WAY.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Y'know, in a severe lightning storm, you want to grab your ankles and stick your butt in the air.

He's right. If you're gonna get hit it's the safest orifice.

Yeah, I'd like to get hit by lightning once, y'know, see what it's like.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So we get this one near Daleton right?

Oh, god.

And we are way to close. And Jo's got the vid on it right, she's filming it. And all of the sudden outta nowhere, this shitty lookin' green Valiant comes pulling up right in the way.

[points to Bill] And this loser stumbles out of the car, he's got like a bottle of Jack Daniel's in his hand...

He is naked!

He is buck naked.


NOT naked! [laughter] I was not naked!

[whispering into Melissa's ear] He was without apparel.

Half naked.

Naked. Ok, so Jo's yelling at him to get out of the way, right? [laughter] And he just strolls up to the twister, says 'have a drink', and he chucks the bottle into the twister, and it NEVER hits the ground. The twister caught it, and sucked it right up!

Honey, this is a tissue full of lies. See, there was another Bill, an evil Bill, and I killed him.


Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

No, that was a good size twister. What was it, an F-3?

Solid F-2.

See, now you've lost me again.

It's the Fujita Scale. It measures the intensity of a tornado by how much it eats.



The one we last encountered was a strong F-2, maybe an F-3.

Maybe we'll see some F-4's today.

That would be sweet!

4 is good. 4 will relocate your house very efficiently.

Is there an F-5? [silence falls over the group] What would that be like?

...The Finger of God.

None of you has ever seen an F-5?

...Just one of us.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A combine has just been dropped from a tornado.]

Debris! Dusty, we have Debris!


Right! Left! Right! Left!

Which way now?

I have no idea.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bill, driving a truck, has been dodging multiple combines and gone through a house.]

Maybe we should get off of this road.

Twister  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "I'd form a alliance with the devil himself if helped defeat Hitler"?
A Benito Mussolini
B Franklin Delano Roosevelt
C Josef Stalin
D Winston Churchill