Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,314

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Zorro crosses swords with the Alcalde.]

Captain Esteban:
Is your blade as sharp as your tongue?

Is yours as dull as your wit?

. . .

Captain Esteban:
You're a little clumsy, are you not, my friend?

To be your friend, I would have to be more than clumsy — I would have to be estupid!

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Florinda, crawling up a ladder into Diego's bedroom, tells him about Zorro's party intrusion.]

He made a complete fool out of Esteban. Ha ha!

Don Diego:
Well, with Esteban, there is so much material to work with!

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Florinda moans about her miserable life with Esteban.]

Do you realize… that we only make love 12 times a year?

Don Diego:
Once a month is not too bad!

I mean, 12 times in one night! And then, for the rest of the year — nothing!

Don Diego:
Tell me… on that one night… does he eat anything especial? Oysters? Raw eggs?

Garlic. A lot of garlic.

Don Diego:

Diego, darling! Why didn't I marry you instead of him?

Don Diego:
Perhaps because he asked you and I did not.

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A suspicious, crazed Esteban forces an injured Diego to demonstrate his ability to move about.]

Captain Esteban:
Now walking and running and jumping in place, and…

Esteban, Diego:
[in unison] … now walking and running and jumping in place, and now walking and jumping and running in place—

Captain Esteban:

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Captain Esteban confronts Don Diego at his home to determine if he is Zorro]

Captain Esteban:
Now, lisp like a sissy

Don Diego:

Captain Esteban:
That's right! Now, swing your hips …

Captain Esteban:
Excellent! Now flap your wrists …

Captain Esteban:
And repeat after me [Esteban speaks in a greatly exaggerated sissy voice] "You naughty, naughty, evil Alcalde! I am going to do … many terrible things … TO YOU!" [laughs hysterically]

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Esteban skewers the casket in which Florinda is hiding, he leaves. Diego opens the casket to find Florinda, pressed up against one side.]

Don Diego:
Florinda, you're not hurt!

[She shakes her bosom.]

Thank God for small favors!

Zorro, the Gay Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Witt:
Oh, Lord in heaven...

Margareta Witt:
What is it, father?

Mr. Witt:
A thousand British soldiers have been massacred. While I stood here talking peace, a war has started.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cpl. William Allen:
Heave! Put a bit more weight on that rope, you men!

Pvt. John Williams:
He's even got a voice like a corporal!

Pvt. Fred Hitch:
Yeah, sort of like a female hippopotamus in labor.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sgt. Robert Maxfield:
You're no good to anyone, except the Queen and Sergeant Maxfield!

Pvt. Henry Hook:
Well thank you very much, the both of you!

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Bromhead:
The entire column? It's damned impossible! Eight hundred men?

Twelve hundred men. There were four hundred native levies, also.

Damn the levies, man, more cowardly blacks!

What the hell do you mean, "cowardly blacks"? They died on your side, didn't they? And who the hell do you think is coming to wipe out your little command? The Grenadier Guards? [Adendorff begins to walk away]

Lt. Chard:
Adendorff, are you staying?

Is there anywhere else to go?

Lt. Chard:
Talk to our levies, will you? Tell them whose side they're on.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You've got a fine handsome boil, my friend. There's one glistening boil for every soldier in Africa. You may not win any medals on this campaign, but you'll certainly get more boils. For every gunshot wound I probe, I expect to lance three boils.

Uh, a spot of medicinal brandy would set me up, sir.

Brandy's for heroes, Mr. Hook. The rest of you will make do with boils in your skin, flies in your meat, and dysentery in your bellies. Now - this will hurt you a lot more than it will me, I'm happy to say.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

They'll know my voice when they hear it, sir.

Let them hear it now, in praise of the Lord. Call upon Him - call upon Him, man, for your salvation!

Well, as far as I can remember, sir, it goes something like this: "He maketh wars to cease in all the world. He breaketh the bow and snappeth the spear in sunder." Do you know it, sir?

"I shall be exalted among the heathen, I shall be exalted in the earth. The Lord of Hosts is with us."

That's it, sir. [to troops in work detail] All right, nobody told you to stop working! You lead back-sided-- get sweatin'!

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pick up the rifle, Hook. And get to it! I'll make a soldier of you yet.

And what for? Did I ever see a Zulu walk down the City Road? No! So what am I doing here?

You're here because you were a liar, a coward, and a thief. Now you can be a soldier- like what they pay you for.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Colour Sergeant Bourne and several other soldiers have brought a drunken Mr. Witt and his daughter to their wagon to get them away before the Zulus attack.]

Lt. Chard:
Keep driving with the sun at your back. Should make it safely.

Mr. Witt:

Margareta Witt:

Mr. Witt:
Leave me alone!

Lt. Chard:
Try to understand him, Miss Witt.

Mr. Witt:
Death awaits you! You have made a covenant with death and with Hell you are in agreement! You're all going to die! Don't you realize? Can't you see? You're all going to die! [Chard whips one of the horses. They start, pulling the Witts and their carriage away.] DIE! Death awaits you all! Die! Die!

Private Cole:
He's right. Why is it us? Why us?

Colour Sgt. Bourne:
Because we're here, lad. Nobody else. Just us.

Lt. Chard:
Colour Sergeant.

Colour Sgt. Bourne:
Right. Now, get back to your posts! On the double!

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[At the ruins of the garrison hospital]

Lt. Chard:
Who was left in here?

Lt. Bromhead:
I don't know.

Lt. Chard:
They had names, they had faces, they were our men. What do you mean you don't know?

Lt. Bromhead:

Lt. Chard:
All right. Well, you've fought your first action.

Lt. Bromhead:
Does everyone feel like this afterward?

Lt. Chard:
How do you feel?

Lt. Bromhead:
I feel... sick.

Lt. Chard:
Well, you have to be alive to feel sick.

Lt. Bromhead:
You asked me, I told you. There's... something else. I feel ashamed. Was that how it was for you? The first time?

Lt. Chard:
The first time? You think I could stand this butcher's yard more than once?

Lt. Bromhead:
I didn't know.

Lt. Chard:
I told you. I came up here to build a bridge.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Chard:
Thank you, for what you said.

Lt. Bromhead:
Hm? Oh, you mean about our needing you? Don't bother, old boy, it's true.

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Adendorff sees the Zulus re-forming on a hill.]

Damn you... God damn you!

Lt. Chard:
Adendorff, what are they doing? Answer me!

Haven't you had enough? Both of you?! Can't you see your damned egos don't matter anymore? We're dead.

Lt. Bromhead:
[shouting at Zulus] Well, what are you waiting for? Come on! Come on!

[The Zulus begin another musical war-chant.]

Those bastards! They're taunting us!

[Realizing what the Zulus are really doing, he begins to laugh] No, you couldn't be more wrong! They're saluting you. They're saluting fellow braves!

Zulu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In a plane, Porky hears Daffy sing "We Watch the Skyways"]

Daffy Duck:
[while flying a plane] ? We watch the skyways ?

? O'er the land and the sea, ?

? Ready to fly anywhere that duty calls, ?

? Ready to fight to be free! ?

[Porky jumps out of the plane and opens a parachute]

Daffy Duck:
? You're just an angel in disguise ?

? Who wandered down from up above... ? [humming]

[Porky lands on the top of the building and Daffy chases]

Daffy Duck:
[as he chases Porky] ? Over hill and over dale, we're always on the dusty trail, ?

? Hunting fox and hunting quail. Tally-ho! I am a hunting fool! ?

? Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up! My horse and I are of the finest breed! ?

? Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up! Just like the wind, I ride by forward speed! ?

? Sure of foot and sure of eye, Peeling onions makes me cry! ?

? This makes no sense and so do I... ?

? So don't you go and beat me, daddy, to the nearest bar! Yeah! ?

Yankee Doodle Daffy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

First critic:
I call it a hit. What'll your review say?

Second critic:
I like it too, so I guess I'll pan it.

First critic:
Oh. [He laughs] Well, that's logical.

Second critic:
My publisher resents Cohan impersonating the president of the United States. Says our young readers dream of being president.

First critic:
'I'd rather be right than be president...' Cohan may find out he isn't either one.

Yankee Doodle Dandy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He's the most original thing that ever hit Broadway. And do you know why? Because he's the whole darn country squeezed into one pair of pants. His writing, his songs, why even his walk and his talk. They all touch something way down here in people [He gestures to his heart] Don't ask me why it is, but it happens every time the curtain goes up. It's pure magic.

Fay Templeton:
I'm bored by magic. I know his formula. A fresh young sprout gets rich between 8:30 and 11:00 pm.

Yes, that's just it, Fay. George M. Cohan has invented the success story. And every American loves it because it happens to be his own private dream. He's found the mainspring in the Yankee clock - ambition, pride, and patriotism. That's why they call him the Yankee Doodle Boy. Now, if you'll take a tip from me, Fay, you'll do just what I'm doing. You'll hitch your wagon to his star right now.

Yankee Doodle Dandy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

George M. Cohan:
Thanks, Sam. It'll be great as long as those critics don't start to eat off my leg.

Sam Harris:
Oh, don't worry about the critics! You got a smash hit! It's in the air, kid! It's in the air! You can't stop anything that's in the air!

Yankee Doodle Dandy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

George M. Cohan:
And then came your wire. I was really worried. Well, here I am goin' on like Tennyson's Brook giving you the story of my life. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. You should have stopped me.

Why, I wanted to hear the story of your life. It has a direct bearing on my sending for you. Do you know what this is?

George M. Cohan:
The Congressional Medal of Honor.

Let's see what the inscription says: 'To George M. Cohan, for his contribution to the American spirit. Over There and Grand Old Flag Presented by Act of Congress.' I congratulate you, Mr. Cohan. [He hands the medal to George] I understand you're the first person of your profession to receive this honor. You should be very proud.

George M. Cohan:
Oh, I am proud. In fact, I'm flabbergasted. First time in my life, I'm speechless. Are you sure there isn't some mistake?

Quite sure.

George M. Cohan:
[modestly] But this medal is for people who've given their lives to their country or done something big. I'm just a song and dance man. Everybody knows that.

A man may give his life to his country in many different ways, Mr. Cohan. And quite often he isn't the best judge of how much he has given. Your songs were a symbol of the American spirit. Over There was just as powerful a weapon as any cannon, as any battleship we had in the First World War. Today, we're all soldiers, we're all on the front. We need more songs to express America. I know you and your comrades will give them to us.

George M. Cohan:
Mr. President, I've just begun to earn this medal. It's quite a thing.

Well, it's the best material we could find, what with priorities and all -

George M. Cohan:
Goodbye, sir. [They shake hands] And I want you to know that I'm not the only one that's grateful. My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I assure you, I thank you. And, uh, I wouldn't worry about this country if I were you. We've got this thing licked. Where else in the world today could a plain guy like me come in and talk things over with the head man?

Well, that's about as good a definition of America as any I've ever heard. Good-bye, Mr. Cohan, and good luck.

George M. Cohan:
Good-bye sir, and good luck to you.

Yankee Doodle Dandy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A group of soldiers is marching off to fight in World War II, singing Cohan's World War I song, "Over There"]

Sergeant on parade:
What's the matter, old timer? Don't you remember this song?

George M. Cohan:
Seems to me I do.

Sergeant on parade:
Well, I don't hear anything.

[Cohan starts singing along, with tears coming into his eyes]

Yankee Doodle Dandy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[from trailer]

[a hunter knocks a bowl of berries out of Oh's hand]

Well, there won't be any berries in the fruit salad now. So we all lose.

Year One  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Carol Burnett
B Abraham Lincoln
C Tobias Wolff
D C. S. Lewis