Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,307

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Professor Xavier learns that Colonel Stryker has been interrogating Magneto in prison.]

Professor Charles Xavier:
Erik, what have you done?

I'm sorry, Charles. I couldn't help it.

Professor Charles Xavier:
What have you told Stryker?


X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Professor Charles Xavier:
[Wakes up in Stryker's chambers] William?

Colonel William Stryker:
Please, Xavier, don't get up!

[electronic static]

Colonel William Stryker:
I call it the neural inhibitor. It keeps you outta here.

Professor Xavier:
What have you done with Scott?

Colonel William Stryker:
Oh, don't worry. I'm just giving him a little re-education. Of course, you know all about that, don't you!?

Professor Xavier:
William, you wanted me to cure your son, but mutation isn't a disease...

Colonel William Stryker:
[hatefully] YOU'RE LYING! You were even more frightened of him than I was. You know, just one year after Jason returned from your 'school', my wife-! You see, he resented us, he blamed us for his condition, so he would toy with our minds, projecting visions and scenarios into our brains. Well, my wife, in the end she took a power drill to her left temple in an attempt to bore the images out. [contemptuously] My boy, the great illusionist!

Professor Xavier:
For someone who hates mutants... you certainly keep some strange company.

Colonel William Stryker:
Oh, they serve their purpose... as long as they can be controlled.

Professor Xavier:
You arranged the attack on the president.

Colonel William Stryker:
You didn't even have to read my mind. You know, I've been working with mutants as long as you have, Xavier... but the most frustrating thing I've learned is that nobody really knows how many even exist or how to find them - except you. Unfortunately this little potion won't work on you, will it? You're much too powerful for that. Instead we'll go right to the source. Allow me to introduce mutant 143. The fluid secreted by his brain acts as a mind-controlling agent.

[Stryker introduces Jason, his son bounded on a wheelchair, who is also a mutant]

William Stryker:
But that's only where it begins.

Professor Xavier:
Jason. Oh, my god, William, this is your son! What have you-

Colonel William Stryker:
NO, Charles! My son is dead! Just like the rest of you.

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[While Kurt prays, Ororo stumbles to him and look at Kurt's markings in his face]

So... what... are they?

They are angelic symbols passed on to mankind by the Archangel Gabriel.

They're beautiful. How many do you have?

One for every sin. So quite a few.

[Storm smiles]

You and Miss Grey are schoolteachers?

Yes. At a school for people like us, where we can be safe.

Safe from what?

Everyone else.

You know, outside of the circus, most people were afraid of me. But I did not hate them: I pitied them. Do you know why? Because most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes.

Well, I gave up on pity a long time ago.

Someone so beautiful should not be so angry.

Sometimes anger can help you survive.

So can faith.

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

His name is Colonel William Stryker, and he invaded your mansion for one purpose; he wanted Cerebro, or enough of it to build one of his own.

Dr. Jean Grey:
But that doesn't make any sense. Stryker would need the Professor to operate it.

Which I think is the only reason my old friend is still alive.

Oh my God...[She, Jean and Magneto exchange worried looks]

What are you all so afraid of?

While Cerebro is working, Charles's mind is connected to every living person on the planet. If he were forced to concentrate hard enough on a particular group-let's say, mutants, for example-he could kill us all!

[coldly] Wait a minute. How would Stryker even know where to find Cerebro in the first place?

[ashamed] Because I told him. I helped Charles build it, remember? Mr. Stryker has powerful methods of persuasion, even against a mutant as strong as Charles.

Jean Grey:
So who is this Stryker, anyway?

He's a military scientist. He spent his whole life trying to solve the 'mutant problem'. If you want a more intimate perspective, why don't you ask Wolverine? [to Wolverine] You don't remember, do you? William Stryker: The only other man I know who can manipulate adamantium. The metal on your bones. It carries his signature.

But the Professor—

The Professor trusted you were smart enough to discover this on your own. He gives you more credit than I do.

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So they say you're the bad guy.

Is that what they say?

That's a dorky-looking helmet. What's it for?

This "dorky-looking helmet" is the only thing that's going to protect me from the real bad guys. [grabs Pyro's lighter with his power] What's your name?


What's your real name, John?

[collects a flame from the lighter and juggles a small fireball.] Pyro.

That's quite a talent you have there, Pyro.

I can only manipulate the fire. I can't create it. [closes his hand, extinguishing the flames]

You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you different.

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolverine stops Stryker from escaping and stabs him in the side.]

How did it feel, bub?

Colonel William Stryker:
Why did you come back?

You cut me open! You took my life!

Colonel William Stryker:
You make it sound as if I stole something from you. As I recall, it was you volunteered for the procedure!

[Pauses] Who am I?

Colonel William Stryker:
You are just a failed experiment. If you really knew about your past, what kind of person you were, the work that we did together...People don't change, Wolverine. You were an animal then, you're an animal now. I just gave you claws.

[An alarm sounds, distracting both men]

What the Hell is that? What is it?!

Colonel William Stryker:
The dam's ruptured. It's gonna flood water under the spillway. It's trying to relieve the pressure. It's too late. In a few minutes, we'll all be underwater...Come with me, and I'll tell you everything you wanna know. You can't help your friends. They're as good as dead, Wolverine. You're a survivor--always have been.

I thought I was just an animal. With claws. [Holds his claws up to Stryker's face] If we die, you die.

[He knocks Stryker down and chains him to the wheel of the helicopter before running off]

Colonel William Stryker:

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolverine approaches Stryker, who was chained to the chunk of the dam by Magneto earlier, while carrying Artie in his arms.]

Colonel William Stryker:
Who has the answers, Wolverine? Those people, or that creature in your arms?

[Logan doesn't respond and turns to Artie then turns back to Stryker]

Colonel William Stryker:
Huh? Huh?!

[Wolverine puts down Artie, then takes off his dog and throws it at Stryker's feet]

[picks up Artie] I'll take my chances with him. [walks away]

Colonel William Stryker:
One day, someone will finish what I've started, Wolverine! One day! ONE DAY!!!

[While Wolverine walks away, Artie turns to Stryker and sticks out his lizard tongue at him]

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Professor Xavier has handed the President classified documents detailing Colonel Stryker's activities.]

President McKenna:
Where did you get these?

Professor Charles Xavier:
Let's just say I know a little girl who can walk through walls.

X2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I want to know more about you.

You already know enough about me. Any more and you're going to get a headache.

Are you living with someone?

Yes. I told you I live with my sisters.

Xanadu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I get it. No questions.

No questions, no lies.

No questions, no truth, either.

Xanadu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maybe just one moment darling…

…well maybe just one moment or forever, I keep getting them mixed up too

Xanadu  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Professor Xavier, Jean, Cyclops, and Storm go over Wolverine's x-ray]

Jean Grey:
The metal is an alloy called adamantium. Supposedly indestructible. It's surgically grafted onto his entire skeleton.

How could he have survived a procedure like that?

Jean Grey:
His mutation. He has uncharted regenerative capability, which enable him to heal rapidly. It also makes his age impossible to determine. He could very well be older than you, Professor.

Who did this to him?

Jean Grey:
He doesn't know nor can he remember anything about his life before it happened.

Professor Xavier:
Experimentation on mutants. It's not unheard of, but I have never seen anything like this before.

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You homo sapiens and your guns.

[Grabs Magneto's throat] That's enough Erik.

Let them go.

Why not come out where I can see you, Charles?

(speaking through Sabretooth) What do you want her for?

Can't you read my mind? [tapping his helmet] And what now, save the girl? You'll have to kill me Charles, and what would that accomplish? Let them pass that law and they'll have you in chains with a number burned into your forehead!

(through Sabretooth) It won't be that way.

Then kill me and find out. No? Then release me.

[Sabertooth doesn't move, Toad starts walking off with Rogue]

Fine. [magnetically fires a bullet and stops it just before it goes through a cop's head] Care to press your luck, Charles? I don't think I can stop them all. [Xavier reluctantly releases his control over Toad and Sabretooth] Still unwilling to make sacrifices. That's what makes you weak. Goodbye, Charles.

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Logan, you can't do this alone!

Who's gonna help me, you? So far, you've all done a bang-up job.

Then join us. Fight with us!

Fight with you? Join the team? Be an 'X-Man'? Who the hell do you think you are? You're a mutant. The whole world out there is full of people that hate and fear you, and you're wasting your time trying to protect them? I got better things to do. (starts to leave, then turns back) You know, Magneto's right: there's a war coming. Are you sure you're on the right side?

At least I've chosen a side.

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[At the base of the Statue of Liberty]

Magnificent, isn't she?

I've seen it.

I first saw her in 1949. America was going to be the land of tolerance. Of peace.

Are you gonna kill me?

(a pause) Yes.


Because there is no land of tolerance. There is no peace. Not here, nor anywhere else. Women, children, whole families destroyed simply because they were born different from those in power. Well, after tonight, the world's powerful will be just like us. They will return home as brothers. As mutants. Our cause will be theirs. Your sacrifice will mean our survival. I'll understand if that comes as small consolation.

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Storm arrives and walks to Logan.]

Logan, is that you?

Shhh. [Storm stumbles further to Logan, who sniffs the air] The other one ain't far away.

[walks up behind him] Come on. We have to regroup.

I know but there's a problem. [turns and stabs Storm with his claws] You're not part of the group! [Storm attempts to attack Wolverine, later reveals herself to be Mystique in disguise and collapses to the ground before shifting back to her original form.]

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[To the startled Storm and Cyclops after battle with Mystique] Hey, hey, hey, it's me.

[Holding onto his visor] Prove it.

You're a dick.

[Releases his visor, amused] Okay.

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Xavier and Magneto play a game of chess at Magneto's cell]

Doesn't it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that someday they will pass that foolish law, or one just like it, and come for you and your children?

Professor Xavier:
It does, indeed.

What do you do when you wake up to that?

Professor Xavier:
I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to that school looking for trouble.

[halts the game, sighs] Why do you come here, Charles?

Professor Xavier:
Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer? [motions the guard to take Xavier away.]

Ah yes, your continuing search for hope. [pause] You know this plastic prison of theirs won't hold me forever. The war is still coming, Charles, and I intend to fight it, by any means necessary.

Professor Xavier:
And I will always be there, old friend.

[Erik concedes the game, knocking over his king]

X-Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Alex Summers brings his brother Scott into the Xavier Institute, but a bandaged Scott bumps into Jean Grey.]

Jean Grey:
[telepathically] Watch where you're going.

Scott Summers:
[to Jean] I can't.

Alex Summers:
[to Scott] Who are you talking to?

[referring to herself] Me.

What? I just heard you in my head.

I'm a telepath. I read minds.

Well, stay out of mine. I don't need some weird girl creeping around in there.

Don't worry, Scott. There's not much to see. [walks away]

[stunned at she calling him by name.] Hey, wait. I... I didn't tell you my name.

[Alex laughs.]

No, you didn't.

X-Men: Apocalypse  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Charles and Alex visit Moira]

Moira MacTaggert:
Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73, there have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming or a sign of God. I was tracking one of them, they call themselves "Ashir En Sabah Nur". Named after an ancient being they believe to be the world's first.

"World's first..." what?

The world's first mutant.

I thought mutants didn't evolve till this century.

That's the common theory, yes, but these guys believe that the first mutant was born tens-of-thousands of years ago and they believe he will rise again. [shows the evidence] They've been searching ancient sites all around the world for clues. These hieroglyphs describe the specific set of powers greater than any man can possess.

Professor Charles Xavier:
Do you think he lived in all that time?

Yes and no. They believe that he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from body to body and whenever he was close to death, he would just take on a new body. Some of these made with the bodies of mutants, enabling him to take their powers amassing various abilities over the years.

An all-powerful mutant?

Exactly. And wherever this being was, [shows the picture of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse] he always had four principle followers, disciples, protectors he would imbue with powers.

Like "the four horsemen... of the Apocalypse?" He got that one from the Bible?

Or the Bible got it from him? And wherever he ruled, eventually it would end in disaster. Cataclysm, some kind of... "Apocalypse".

The end of the world.

X-Men: Apocalypse  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ororo Munroe:
Where are you from?

En Sabah Nur:
A time before man lost his way.

Ororo Munroe:
Well, welcome to the '80's.

En Sabah Nur:
This world needs to be... [in Egyptian] purified.


En Sabah Nur:

You can't save the world... just going around, killing people. There's laws. Systems in place for that kind of thing.

En Sabah Nur:
[approaches Ororo] My child, why do you enslave yourself? [touches her]

What are you doing?

En Sabah Nur:
Making you stronger, my goddess! [imbues Ororo with power, turning her hair white.]

X-Men: Apocalypse  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on the X-Jet]

Raven Darkhölme:
Hank you're building a warplane down here.

Hank McCoy:
After what happened in Washington, I thought we're gonna come back to start the X-Men. I could always use to talk about but...

Charles wants students, not soldiers.

He thinks the best of people. He has hope.

And you?

Well, I think we should hope for the best. And... prepare for the worst... I think the world needs the X-Men. Maybe now you're back, you could help me convince them start a new team.

I'm here about Erik.

[smiles] Right. Yeah, of course. Of course...

I think he might be some kind of trouble. Real trouble.

Isn't he always...?

X-Men: Apocalypse  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at the rebuilt Xavier Institute]

The world's already begun rebuilding its arsenals.

Erik Lehnsherr:
It's human nature, Charles.

I still have hope.

[chuckles] Oh, yes. "Hope".

I was right about Raven. I was even right about you.

What about the rest of the world? Doesn't it ever wake you up in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day they'll come for you and your children.

It does, indeed.

What do you do when you wake up to that?

I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul that comes to my school looking for trouble. [Erik nods.] You sure I can't convince you to stay?

[smiles] You're psychic, Charles. [begins to leave] You can convince me to do anything.

Charles :
Goodbye, old friend.

Good luck, Professor. [leaves]

X-Men: Apocalypse  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Erik Lehnsherr:
How did you lose them?

Charles Xavier:
The treatment for my spine affects my DNA.

You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?!

I sacrificed my powers so I could sleep. [angry] What do you know about it?

I've lost my fair share.

[laughs coldly] Dry your eyes, Erik. [angry] It doesn't justify what you've done.

You have no idea what I've done.

I know you took the things that meant the most to me.

Well maybe you should have fought harder for them.

[stands up angrily] If you want a fight Erik, I will give you a fight!

Sit down!

Let him come.

[seizes Erik by the front of his shirt] You abandoned me! You took her away and you abandoned me!

[growing angrier as he recites the names] Angel, Azazel, Emma, Banshee. Mutant brothers and sisters, all dead! [Erik's anger begins to affect the plane's stability] COUNTLESS OTHERS! EXPERIMENTED ON! BUTCHERED! WHERE WERE YOU, CHARLES?! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN YOUR OWN PEOPLE NEEDED YOU?! HIDING! YOU AND HANK! PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT!

Hank McCoy:
[trying to maintain control of the plane] ERIK!

[relinquishes his control of the plane, allowing Hank to regain control.] You abandoned us all!

X-Men: Days of Future Past  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Vincent Van Gogh
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C Martin Luther King, Jr.
D Alexander The Great