Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,322

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[the cassette Decepticons break into an Autobot communications station] First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside.

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've got better things to do tonight than die!

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[surprised] Prime!

Optimus Prime:
One shall stand, one shall fall.

Why throw away your life so recklessly?

That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatron.

No! I'll crush you with my bare hands!

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Optimus Prime picks up his laser rifle and takes aim at Megatron]

No more, Optimus Prime! Grant me mercy, I beg of you!

You, who are without mercy, now plead for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff.

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[points his pistol at Optimus Prime's head] I would have waited an eternity for this! It's over, Prime.

NEVER! [knocks down Megatron, who then falls down and gets himself wounded]

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jettison some weight, or I'll never make it to Cybertron!

Fellow Decepticons! Astrotrain has requested that we lighten our burden.

In that case, I say it is survival of the fittest.

Do I hear a second on that?

Undamaged Decepticons:

And against?

Damaged Decepticons:
[weakly] Nay.

The Ayes have it!

Undamaged Decepticons:
Get! Make room for others!

Damaged Decepticons:
No, wait! Brothers, don't!

[The damaged Decepticons are tossed out of Astrotrain's door. Starscream carries the damaged Megatron to the door]

Oh, how it pains me to do this. [smirks viciously]

Wait! I still function!

Wanna bet? [releases Megatron into deep space and closes the door]

STAAAARSCREEEAAAAAAM!!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! [his crumbled body disappears into space]

[dusts off his hands] Well, as Megatron has - how shall we say, "departed" - I nominate myself as the new leader.

Wait! The Constructicons form Devastator! The most powerful robot! We should rule! [Soundwave interrupts the Constructicons's bold protest in response]

Soundwave: Superior. Constructicons: Inferior.

Who are you calling inferior!?

Nobody would follow an uncharismatic bore like you! [Soundwave's cassette minions eject in anger]



Constructicons, unite! [The Constructicons attempt to merge into Devastator]

Rumble and Frenzy:
NO WAY! [Rumble and Frenzy immediately activated their pile-drive causing the surface to shake that prevented the Constructicons from merging. Now, the Decepticons begin fighting one another for leadership]

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[speaking quickly] We've got Decepticons at the gates, Decepticons in the air, Decepticons inside the walls, Decepticons, Decepticons, Decepticons! If we beat them off the walls, they're still in the air, if we shoot them out of the air, they're still at the gates, so where does that leave us? Nowhere, that's where.

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This is Jazz. A gi-normous weird lookin' planet just showed up in the suburbs of Cybertron....

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[debating the launch of their emergency shuttle] Did we have to let them detonate three quarters of the ship?

Seeing as how they would have detonated four quarters, I think it was a good choice.

But how are we going to get there in this wreck?

Ultra Magnus:
Perceptor, can you locate a place a set down for repairs?

Gamma waves in this sector of space create marginal navigational probabilities, however...

[Ultra Magnus and Springer look impatient]

Ahem, yes, I believe I can. The planet of Junk is in this vicinity.

Ultra Magnus:
Then let's go for it.

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Spare me this mockery of justice!

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You check in, but you don't check out.

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Come out, Autobot! We all must die sometime.

Hot Rod:
Not today, Galvatron! [tackles Galvatron, who reverses and begins to strangle him]

I will crush you with my bare hands! Die, Autobot! [suffocates Rodimus] First, Prime. Then, Ultra Magnus. And now, YOU! It's a pity you Autobots die so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!

[Hot Rod grips the Matrix from Galvatron and stands up]

Optimus Prime:
[offscreen] Arise, Rodimus Prime.

[Hot Rod turns into Rodimus Prime]

Rodimus Prime:
[quietly] Optimus...!

NO!! [tries to shoot Rodimus, but to no avail]

This is the end of the road, Galvatron! [grabs Galvatron and throws him away from Unicron]


Now, light our darkest hour... [unleashes the power of the Matrix which successfully destroys Unicron from the inside]

[As Unicron is about to self destruct, Spike and Daniel find the remaining Autobots]

Spike! Daniel!

Springer? What's going on?

No time to answer that now! Let's get outta here!


[Daniel sees Rodimus Prime running from the depths of Unicron]

AUTOBOTS! Transform and roll out!

[Rodimus assumes his vehicle mode. Spike and Daniel climb inside Rodimus, and he drives out]

I knew you had potential, lad.

[All of the Autobots escape out of Unicron's remaining eye as he self destructs]

[last words] cannot...destroy...MY...DESTINY!!! [his head falls off while the rest of his body is blown to bits]

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let this mark the end of the Cybertronian wars, as we move forward to a new era of peace and happiness. 'Til all are one!

The Transformers: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jim has been escorted home by two police robots]

Police Robot 1:
[to Sarah Hawkins] We apprehended your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area.

Police Robot 2:
Moving Violation 9-0-4, Section 15, Paragraph... um...

Jim Hawkins:

Police Robot 2:
Thank you.

Jim Hawkins:
Don't mention it.

Sarah Hawkins:
[in exasperation] Jim!

Police Robot 1:
As you are aware, ma'am, this constitutes a violation of his probation.

Sarah Hawkins:
[stuttering for an explanation] Yes, yes- No, I mean, I understand, but, um, co-couldn't we just-?

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[interrupting] Um, pardon me, officers, if I might, uh, interject here? I am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you've heard of me? [awkward silence] No? I have a clipping.

Police Robot 1:
Are you the boy's father?

Delbert and Sarah:
Oh! Good heavens, no!

Sarah Hawkins:
Eww! He's just an old friend of the family.

Both Police Robots:
[to Delbert] Back off, sir!

Sarah Hawkins:
Thank you, Delbert. I will take it from here.

Well, Sarah, if you insist. [under his breath] Don't ever let me do that again.

Police Robot 1:
[to Sarah] Due to repeated violations of statute 15-C, we have impounded his vehicle. Any more slip-ups will result in a one-way ticket to Juvenile Hall.

Police Robot 2:
Kiddie hoosegow.

Police Robot 1:
The slammo.

Sarah Hawkins:
Thank you, officers. [towards Jim, firmly] It won't happen again.

Police Robot 1:
We see his type all the time, ma'am.

Police Robot 2:
Wrong choices.

Police Robot 1:

Police Robot 2:

[Jim glares at them.]

Police Robot 1:
[tips his hat] You take care now.

Police Robot 2:
Let's motor.

[They depart, leaving an awkward silence behind them]

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A ship crash-lands on the Benbow Inn's pier. Jim rushes over and knocks on the door's window.]

Jim Hawkins:
Hey, mister? Hey, mister, you're okay in there, right?

[A clawed hand slams against the window, startling Jim. The door opens and Billy Bones, a tortoise-like alien, emerges with a small storage chest.]

Billy Bones:
[coughs, grabs Jim's collar] He's a-comin'. Can ya hear 'im? [extending his neck towards Jim] Those gears and gyros, clickin' and whirrin' like the devil himself!

Jim Hawkins:
[nervously] Uh, hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?

Billy Bones:
[lifting up his chest] He's after me chest. That fiendish cyborg, an' his band of cutthroats...! But they'll have to pry it from ol' Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore I-- [collapses, dropping the chest and coughing uncontrollably]

Jim Hawkins:
Oh, my... Uh, come on, give me your arm. [holding him up] That's it. [helps Bones back to the Inn, with the chest]

Billy Bones:
[weakly] Good lad...

Jim Hawkins:
[drily] Mom's gonna love this.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Sarah looks at video recordings of a younger Jim]

Sarah Hawkins:
I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door, and there he'll be, just the way he was. A smiling, happy little boy, holding a new pet and begging me to let him keep it. [chuckles]

[Delbert opens the front door, revealing Jim carrying Billy Bones]

Sarah Hawkins:
[gasps] James Pleiades Hawkins--!

Jim Hawkins:
Mom, he's hurt! Bad! [lays Bones onto the floor]

Billy Bones:
[weakly] Me chest, lad. [Jim pushes his chest towards him, and he enters a combination, making it open] He'll be comin' soon... [takes out a wrapped bundle] Can't let them find this!

Jim Hawkins:
Who's coming?

Billy Bones:
[pulls Jim towards him and whispers in his ear] The cyborg! Beware the cyborg! [gasps out his last breath and collapses, dead]

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
[after discovering the map to Treasure Planet] Mom, this is it! This is the answer to all our problems!

Sarah Hawkins:
Jim, there is absolutely no way--

Jim Hawkins:
Don't you remember? All those stories?

Sarah Hawkins:
That's all they were; stories.

Jim Hawkins:
[frustrated] With that treasure, we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over!

Sarah Hawkins:
Well, this-- it's just-- oh, my. Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
It's totally preposterous, traversing the entire galaxy alone.

[Jim rolls his eyes]

Sarah Hawkins:
Now at last, we hear some sense.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
That's why I'm going with you! [pulls out a suitcase]

Sarah Hawkins:

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[runs around packing things] She'll use her savings to finance the expedition; I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew...

Sarah Hawkins:
You're not serious?

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[slides down a tower of books] All my life, I've been waiting for an opportunity like this, and here it is screaming! "Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert...!"

Sarah Hawkins:
[frustrated] Okay, okay! You're both grounded! [sighs]

Jim Hawkins:
Mom, look. I know that I keep messing everything up. And I know...that I let you down. But this is my chance to make it up to you. I'm gonna set things right.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
If I may? [quietly speaks to her] You said yourself, you've tried everything. There are much worse remedies than a few character-building months in space.

Sarah Hawkins:
Are you saying this because it's the right thing or because you really wanna go?

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
I really, really, really, really want to go. And it's the right thing.

[Sarah turns to Jim with a worried expression]

Sarah Hawkins:
Jim... I don't wanna lose you.

Jim Hawkins:
[smiles] Mom... You won't. we'll make you proud.

[Sarah smiles back]

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
Well, ahem, there we are, then. We'll begin preparations at once. Jim, my boy, soon we'll be off to the spaceport.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Amelia:
Dear Charlotte. To mule and blabber about a treasure map in front of this particular crew demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. And I mean that is a very caring way.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[taken aback] "Imbecilic," did you say? Foolishness! I've got--

Captain Amelia:
[interrupting] May I see the Map, please?

[Delbert looks at Jim, Jim has a refusing look on his face. Delbert then gestures for him to give it up in a more serious manner. Jim tosses the Map to the Captain.]

Jim Hawkins:
[flatly] Here.

[The Captain catches the Map, then looks at it with an observing smile.]

Captain Amelia:
Hmm! Fascinating. [She then heads over to a cabinet and places the Map in a small chest.] Mr. Hawkins, in the future, you will address me as "Captain" or "Ma'am." Is that clear?

[Jim doesn't reply, but instead, rolls his eyes and looks away.]

Captain Amelia:
[glances back at Jim with a serious look and speaks in a more serious tone.] Mr. Hawkins?

Jim Hawkins:
[flatly and somewhat annoyed, but still respectful] Yes, ma'am.

Captain Amelia:
That'll do. [closes the cabinet and locks it. Puts the key in her pocket.] Gentlemen, this must be kept under lock and key when not in use. And, Doctor, again - with the greatest possible respect - zip your howling screamer.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
Captain, I assure you that--

Captain Amelia:
[interrupting] Let me make this as... monosyllabic as possible. I... don't much care for this crew you hired. They're-- How did I describe them, Arrow? I said something rather good this morning before coffee.

Mr. Arrow:
"A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots", ma'am.

Captain Amelia:
[smiles smugly] There you go, poetry.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[indignant] Now, see here--!

Captain Amelia:
Doctor, I'd love to chat - tea, cake, the whole shebang - but I have a ship to launch, and you've got your outfit to buff up. Mr. Arrow, please escort these two neophytes down to the galley straightaway. Young Hawkins will be working for our cook, Mr. Silver.

Jim Hawkins:
[stops poking at a navigation tool and looks up, surprised] W-uh, what? The cook?

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Down at the galley]

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
That woman! That... feline! Whom does she think is working for whom?!

Jim Hawkins:
It's my map, and she's got me bussin' tables--

Mr. Arrow:
[sternly interrupting] I'll not tolerate a cross word about our captain! There's no finer officer in this or any galaxy.

[They see a figure standing in a dark corner with a knife, whistling]

Mr. Arrow:
Mr. Silver!

[Silver turns around to greet the trio, revealing his mechanical arm, leg, ear, and eye]

John Silver:
Why, Mr. Arrow, sir! Bringin' such fine-lookin' distinguished gents to brace me humble galley? Had I known, I'd have tucked in me shirt! [tucks in his apron and chuckles while Jim observes his mechanical body parts.]

Jim Hawkins:
[whispering to himself, remembering Billy Bones's dying warning] A cyborg!

Mr. Arrow:
May I introduce Dr. Doppler, the financier of our voyage.

John Silver:
[uses his cyborg eye to observe Doppler's suit] Love the outfit, doc!

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[Uncomfortably] Uh... thank you. Love the eye! [Trying to divert Silver's attention] This young lad is Jim Hawkins.

John Silver:
Jimbo! [Holds out his arm for Jim to shake it, but there are five sharp tools instead of five fingers. Silver notices and switches it to a hand. Jim glares at the arm and Silver untrusting. Silver simply smiles and prepares a dish.] Ah, now, don't be too put off by this hunk o' hardware. [Switches from hand to small knife-like scissors. Slices up some shellfish into a bowl. Switches from scissors to cleaver to cut up some vegetables, but he does this without looking and almost cuts off his left hand. Has a shocked look and then just smiles again.] Whoa! Heh-heh. [Switches the cyborg arm from cleaver to three clawed mini-arms. Throws three eggs and cracks them into the bowl.] These gears have been tough gettin' used to, but they do come in mighty handy from time to time. [Switches his arm as he throws the bowl on top and fire comes shooting out for a couple seconds. Pours the stew into a pot set on top of an open stove and adds some salt. Takes out a spoon and tries it to see if it's just right. Has an approving smile on his face. Pours some stew into two bowls, one for Delbert and one for Jim.] Here, now. Have a taste of me famous Bonzabeast Stew.

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[sniffing, and then tasting the stew] Mmm! Delightfully tangy, yet robust.

John Silver:
Old family recipe. [Doppler sees an eyeball float to the top of the stew and yelps.] In fact, that was part of the old family! [laughs heartily] Ah, I'm just kiddin', doc. [Takes out the eye and swallows it.] I'm nuttin' if I ain't a kidder. [Sees Jim hesitating.] Go on, Jimbo, have a swig.

[Jim looks at the spoon again. Suddenly the top turns into a little pink face stuffed with the stew. The rest of the spoon does the same, revealing the form of smiling, pink blob. Turns into a straw and devours the rest of the stew in a flash.]

John Silver:
Morph! You jiggle-headed blob o' mischief! So that's where you was hidin'!

[Morph peeks over the top of the bowl, chatters, then belches. He floats up and rubs against Jim's cheek.]

Jim Hawkins:
Heh. What is that thing?

[imitating Jim] "What is that thing?"

[Jim touches Morph, who then shapeshifts into a miniature version of Jim.]

John Silver:
He's... a Morph. I rescued the little shapeshifter on Proteus One.

[Morph transforms back and floats over the Silver; they cuddle each other.]

John Silver:
Aw, he took a shine to me. We've been together ever since.

[Bell rings up on deck.]

Mr. Arrow:
We're about to get underway. Would you like to observe the launch, Doctor?

Dr. Delbert Doppler:
[thrilled] Would I?! Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?! [awkward silence] I'll follow you.

[Jim starts to follow them out, but is stopped by Arrow.]

Mr. Arrow:
Mr. Hawkins will stay here, in your charge, Mr. Silver.

John Silver:
[spits out the stew, surprised] Beggin' your pardon, sir, but, uh--

Mr. Arrow:
Captain's orders! See to it the new cabin boy's kept busy.

[Both Jim and Silver attempt to protest, giving up simultaneously as Arrow departs.]

John Silver:
So... Cap'n's put you with me, eh? [walks around Jim]

Jim Hawkins:
[flatly] Whatever.

John Silver:
[smiles and starts to prepare another dish.] Ah, who be a humble cyborg to argue with a Cap'n?

Jim Hawkins:
Yeah... [Grabs a purp from a barrel and starts to walk around.] Ya know... These purps, they're kinda like the ones back home... On Montressor. Ya ever been there?

John Silver:
Ah... Can't says I have, Jimbo.

Jim Hawkins:
[taking a bite out of the purp] Come to think of it, just before I left, I met this old guy who was, uh... He was kind of looking for a cyborg buddy of his.

John Silver:
Is that so?

Jim Hawkins:
Yeah. What was that old salamander's name? Oh, yeah. Bones. Billy Bones?

John Silver:
Bones? BONES? ...Eh, 'tain't ringin' any bells. Must've been a different cyborg. There's a slew of cyborgs roamin' this port.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Silver:
Ah, 'tis a grand day for sailing, Cap'n. And look at you! You're as trim and as bonnie as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint!

Captain Amelia:
You can keep that kind of flim-flammery for your spaceport floozies, Silver!

[turns into a miniature Captain Amelia and mockingly imitates her] Spaceport floozies, spaceport floozies!

John Silver:
[hurriedly hides Morph under his hat] Aw, you cut me to the quick, Captain. I speaks nuttin' but me heart at all times-

[starts raising Silver's hat, this time imitating Silver] Nuttin' but me heart!

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business.

Jim Hawkins:
Why? You got something to hide, bright-eyes?

[Angered, Scroop snatches Jim up.]

Maybe your ears don't work so well.

Jim Hawkins:
Yeah. [grunts] Too bad my nose works just fine.

Why, you impudent little...!

[Scroop slams Jim against the mast. Members of the crew gather to egg him on.]

Go ahead! Slice him, dice him!

[holding a claw to Jim's throat] Any last words, cabin boy?

John Silver:
[grabs Scroop's claw] Mr. Scroop... you ever see what happens to a fresh purp when you squeeze real hard? [he squeezes Scroop's claw, making him gasp in pain and drop Jim]

Mr. Arrow:
[approaching] What's all this, then? You know the rules. There'll be no brawling on this ship. Any further offenders will be confined to the brig for the remainder of the voyage. [glares at Scroop] Am I clear, Mr. Scroop?

[glares at Mr. Arrow, but is given a warning scowl by Silver] Transparently. [gives one last glare at Arrow as he and the other ship members leave]

John Silver:
Well, done, Mr. Arrow, sir! A tight ship's a happy ship, sir! [angrily grabs the mop and turns towards Jim] Jimbo, I gave you a job!

Jim Hawkins:
Hey, I was doing it, until that bug thing...

John Silver:
BELAY THAT!!! [hands Jim the mop] Now, I want this deck swabbed spotless, and heaven help ye if I come back and it's not done! Morph? [Morph appears] Keep an eye on this pup, let me know if there be anymore distractions.

OK. Aye-yie! [Morph's eyes become big as he stares at Jim while he mops]

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Jim's argument with Scroop, Jim continues mopping the deck while Morph keeps an eye on him]

Jim Hawkins:
Well, this has been a fun day, huh? Makin' new friends, like that spider psycho.

[turns into a miniature version of Scroop and tiptoes towards Jim creepily] Spider psycho. Spider psycho.

Jim Hawkins:
A little uglier.

[laughs maniacally]

Jim Hawkins:
Pretty close.

[Morph shrugs]

John Silver:
[Morph turns back to normal when John Silver walks on the deck to dump out the trash] Well, thank heavens to little miracles. Up here for an hour, and the deck's still in one piece.

Jim Hawkins:
Um... look, I... what you did, thanks.

John Silver:
[looks at him sympathetically] Didn't your pap ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully? [Jim looks away] Your father not the teachin' sort?

Jim Hawkins:
No. He was more the taking-off-and-never-coming-back sort.

John Silver:
[sympathetically] Oh... Sorry, lad.

Jim Hawkins:
Hey, no big deal. I'm doing just fine.

John Silver:
Is that so? [smirks] Well, since the Captain has put you in my charge, like it or not, I'll be pounding a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble.

Jim Hawkins:

John Silver:
From now on, I'm not lettin' you out of me sight!

Jim Hawkins:
You can't d--!

John Silver:
You won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your BUM without my say-so!

Jim Hawkins:
Don't do me any favors!

John Silver:
Oh, you can be sure of that, lad! You can be sure of that! [laughs]

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Captain Amelia has just saved the crew from a black hole.]

Dr. Doppler:
Captain! That--oh, my goodness. That was--that was absolutely--that was the most--

Captain Amelia:
Oh, tish-tosh. Actually, Doctor, your astronomical advice was most helpful.

Dr. Doppler:
Well, uh, uh--thank you. Thank you very much. Well, l have a lot of help to offer anatomically--amanamonically--uh-astronomically. [slaps himself on forehead]

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Amelia:
All hands accounted for, Mr. Arrow? [He is nowhere to be seen] Mr Arrow?

[Approaches, holding Arrow's hat] I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost. [Amelia stares at the hat in horror] His lifeline was not secured.

[The crew members glare at Jim, who was in charge of securing the lifelines. Jim turns to Amelia, who gives him an angry yet sad look]

Jim Hawkins:
No, I checked them ALL! [Jim pushed the crew aside to reveal that Arrow's lifeline is missing.] I did. I checked them all. They were secure. I swear...

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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