Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,323

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Jim is brooding on the rigging after Mr. Arrow's death, moving a piece of rope through his hands, when Silver stands next to him smoking his pipe. After a long pause, Silver speaks.]

John Silver:
It weren't your fault, you know.

Jim Hawkins:
[sighs deeply]

John Silver:
Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss if not for-

[Jim angrily tosses the rope he's holding off the ship and jumps down onto the deck next to Silver]

Jim Hawkins:
Look, don't you get it?! I screwed up! I mean, for two seconds, I thought that maybe I could do something right, but... [he then yells in frustration before standing by the mast away from Silver.] Just forget it. Forget it.

[He then places his hand on his forehead, while Silver looks at him with pity, before placing his own hand on Jim's shoulder to turn him around.]

John Silver:
Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Silver and some of the crew are privately plotting over mutiny. Unbeknownst to them, Jim is watching from within a barrel of fruit.]

Birdbrain Mary:
Look, all I'm saying is, we're sick of all this waiting!

So, there's only three of them left.

We are wanting to move!

John Silver:
We don't move we got the treasure in hand!

I say we kill them all now.

John Silver:
[grabs him by the neck angrily] "I say"?! What's this "I say"?! Disobey my orders again, like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow, and so help me, you'll be JOINING HIM! [throws him at the barrel]

Strong talk... but I know otherwise.

[He reaches into the barrel. Jim passes him a purp to avoid being discovered.]

You got something to say, Scroop?

[smiles sinisterly] It's that boy. [Silver is unnerved] Methinks you have a soft... [pierces the fruit with his pincer] spot for him.

[pauses, then regains composure] Now mark me, the lot of ya! I care about one thing and one thing only - Flint's trove! You think I'd risk it all for the sake of some... nose-whiping little whelp?!

[In the barrel, Jim is shocked and hurt.]

[taunting] What was it now? "Oh, you got the makings of greatness in ya..."

SHUT YOUR YAP! I cozied up to the kid to keep him off our scent. But I ain't gone soft!

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Dr. Doppler shoots a piece of machinery, causing the walkway to break, sending several pirates falling towards Treasure Planet]

Captain Amelia:
[surprised] Did you actually aim for that?

Dr. Doppler:
[equally surprised] You know, actually I did?

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Amelia:
Mr. Hawkins, the map, if you please.

[Jim pulls out the Map but it turns into Morph, who is laughing]

Jim Hawkins:

[Morph shapeshifts into a rope coil and the Map falling into the coil, meaning the map is still on the ship.]

Jim Hakwins:

Captain Amelia:
Stifle that blob and get low. [she sees the longboat flying past the sky.] We've got company.

[Amelia looks up the longboat and turns to Jim.]

Captain Amelia:
We need a more defensible position. [Amelia gives Jim a gun] Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead.

Jim Hawkins:
Aye, Captain.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
I gotta find a place to hide, and there's pirates chasing me--

Oh, pirates! Don't get me started on pirates! I don't like them. I remember Captain Flint. This guy had such a temper.

Jim Hawkins:
Wait, wait, wait. You knew Captain Flint?

I think he suffered from mood swings, personally. I'm not a therapist in any way, but I--you let me know when I'm rambling!

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
[sighs] Look, if you're gonna come along, you're gonna have to stop talking.

HUZZAH! Ha-ha-ha! Oh, this is fantastic! Me and my best buddy are lookin' for a...

Jim Hawkins:
[clears throat]

[whispers] Being quiet.

Jim Hawkins:
And you have to stop touching me.

Touching and talking. Those are my two big no-nos.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
Boy. You are really something. [walks around Sliver] All that talk of greatness? Light coming off my sails? What a joke.

John Silver:
Now, just see here, Jimbo--

Jim Hawkins:
I mean, at last you taught me one thing. Stick to it, right? Well, that just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that you never see one drabloon of my treasure!

John Silver:

Jim Hawkins:

John Silver:
Oh, you still don't know how to pick your fights, do ya, boy?! Now mark me: either I get that map by dawn tomorrow, or so help me, I'LL USE THE SHIP'S CANNONS TO BLAST YE ALL TO KINGDOM COME!!!

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Amelia:
[delirious from injury] Gentlemen... we must stay together and... and... [groans]

Dr. Doppler:
And what? What?! [takes off glasses] We must stay together and what?!

Captain Amelia:
Doctor, you have... wonderful eyes.

Dr. Doppler:
She's lost her mind!

Well, you gotta help her!

Dr. Doppler:
Dang it, Jim! I'm an astronomer, not a doctor! I mean, I am a doctor, but I'm not that kind of doctor! I have a doctorate, but it's not the same thing! You can't help people with a doctorate, you just sit there and you're useless!

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
[spots Captain Flint's skeleton] Captain Flint?

In the flesh! Well, s-sort of. Except for skin, organs... or anything that--that resembles flesh - that's not there.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Doppler:
All my life, I dreamed of an adventure like this. [sighs] I'm just sorry I couldn't have been... more helpful to you.

Captain Amelia:
Oh, don't be daft. You've been very helpful. Truly.

Dr. Doppler:
I feel like such a useless weakling... [hands slip out of the rope he was tied with] ...with abnormally thin wrists! [to Grewnge, the pirate guarding them, while pretending to still be tied up] Excuse me, brutish pirate.


Dr. Doppler:
Yes, you. I have a question. Is it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head... or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny for your big, fat body?!

[grabs Doppler] I PUMMEL YOU GOOD!

Dr. Doppler:
Yes, I'm sure you will, but before you do, I have one more question. [pulls out a gun and points it at Grewnge's belly, smirks] Is this yours?

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Silver has chosen Jim over the treasure.]

Jim Hawkins:
Silver, you gave up--?

John Silver:
Just a lifelong obsession, Jimbo. I'll get over it.

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[With Captain Amelia still injured, Doppler's steering the ship.]

Captain Amelia:
Doctor, head us back to the portal.

Dr. Doppler:
Aye, Captain.


Captain Amelia:
Down on the right! THE RIGHT!

Dr. Doppler:

Treasure Planet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melvin Plug:
[discovering the gun Burt gave him is empty] Burt, you asshole! There's no bullets in this gun!

Burt Gummer:
[taking the gun back with a smile] Got you moving, didn't it?

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Valentine McKee:
STAMPEDE! Stampede, Earl! Get out of the way, get out of the way!

Earl Bassett:
[waking up] You dumb shit. I was in a stampede once. Five hundred head, all hell-bent for the horizon.

Valentine McKee:
Now, exactly how many cattle are required for a stampede, Earl? Is it three or more? Is there a minimum to 'pede?

Earl Bassett:
I wish they'd stampede up your ass.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Earl Bassett:
[Valentine has just freed the truck from a hangup, after a struggle] Y'know, that's a good way to break an axle.

Valentine McKee:
Could you shut up?

Earl Bassett:
Hey, I don't need to spend the night out here!

Valentine McKee:
[long pause] Crybaby.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Ground starts to bulge]

Valentine McKee:
Must be a million of them!

[Graboid breaks through the surface of the ground]

Earl Bassett:
Nope, just one!

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[About the dead Graboid]

Earl Bassett:
Hey, Rhonda. You ever seen anything like this before?

Valentine McKee:
Oh, sure, Earl, everybody knows about them. We just didn't tell you. Hell, nobody ever saw anything like this! We're really onto something here!

Earl Bassett:
I'll tell you one thing: Old Chang won't be getting his slick mitts on this for no measly 15 bucks!

Valentine McKee:
You got that right!

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Earl suddenly has his entire leg drop into a hole]

Earl Bassett:
[yelling] AHHH! AHHH!

Valentine McKee:
What? What is it?

Earl Bassett:
Damn prairie dog burrow.

Valentine McKee:
Sons a bitches.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[trapped on top of a boulder by a Graboid, Val, Earl, and Rhonda are thinking of explanations for where the creatures came from]

Valentine McKee:
[joking] I've got it: They're mutations caused by radiation. No, wait--the government made 'em. *Big* surprise for the Russians.

Rhonda LeBeck:
Well, there's nothing like them in the fossil record... Okay, so they predate the fossil record. [not buying it herself] That'd make them a couple of billion years old... and we've just never seen one until now. Right.

Earl Bassett:
I vote for outer space. No way these are local boys.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Trying to escape from the rocks]

Earl Bassett:
You know, we're gonna have to come up with some sort of plan, or he's just gonna wait us to death.

Valentine McKee:
Well, why don't we just make a run for it? We outran 'em yesterday.

Earl Bassett:
Run for it?! Runnin's not a plan--runnin's what you when a plan fails! Valentine, you're not even trying to think of a plan.

Valentine McKee:
Well, it ain't like we got a Hell of a lot of options.

Earl Bassett:
Oh, there's always options. We just gotta think of 'em.

Valentine McKee:
Alright, why don't you start thinkin', then?

Earl Bassett:
Why the Hell do I always gotta do all the thinking?

Valentine McKee:
Who died & made you Einstein?

Rhonda LeBeck:
Hey, shut up!

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Unseen Melvin screams when a Graboid attacks, after having scared everyone moments ago]

Earl Bassett:
Dammit, I'm gonna kick his ass!

Valentine McKee:
I'm gonna help you.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Valentine McKee:
[speaking to Burt over a radio and is trying to tell him about the Graboids] Burt, it's under the ground! It's an underground monster! Now get out! Hurry!

Burt Gummer:
[over the radio, as a Graboid comes through his rec room wall] Jesus Chri...!

[transmission turns to static]

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Burt Gummer:
[over the radio] We killed it, you got that!? We killed that motherhumper, come back!

Valentine McKee:
Roger that, Burt, and congratulations. Be advised, however, that there are two more, repeat, two more motherhumpers.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Burt tries to shoot the Graboid with his elephant rifle]

Heather Gummer:
You didn't? get penetration even with the elephant gun?

Burt Gummer:

Heather Gummer:
Good lord.

Tremors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"
A Betty Boop
B Lauren Bacall
C Sophie Loren
D Mae west