[Silver and some of the crew are privately plotting over mutiny. Unbeknownst to them, Jim is watching from within a barrel of fruit.]
Birdbrain Mary:
Look, all I'm saying is, we're sick of all this waiting!
So, there's only three of them left.
We are wanting to move!
John Silver:
We don't move we got the treasure in hand!
I say we kill them all now.
John Silver:
[grabs him by the neck angrily] "I say"?! What's this "I say"?! Disobey my orders again, like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow, and so help me, you'll be JOINING HIM! [throws him at the barrel]
Strong talk... but I know otherwise.
[He reaches into the barrel. Jim passes him a purp to avoid being discovered.]
You got something to say, Scroop?
[smiles sinisterly] It's that boy. [Silver is unnerved] Methinks you have a soft... [pierces the fruit with his pincer] spot for him.
[pauses, then regains composure] Now mark me, the lot of ya! I care about one thing and one thing only - Flint's trove! You think I'd risk it all for the sake of some... nose-whiping little whelp?!
[In the barrel, Jim is shocked and hurt.]
[taunting] What was it now? "Oh, you got the makings of greatness in ya..."
SHUT YOUR YAP! I cozied up to the kid to keep him off our scent. But I ain't gone soft!