Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,329

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[John Doherty, aka Thunderbolt, dressed in preacher's garb, has jumped into Lightfoot's stolen Trans-Am] I thought you were the heat.

Do I look like heat?

You look like one crazy son-of-a-bitch for a preacher, I'll tell you that.

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Howdy. How's business?

Station Attendant:
In this business, you're always one step away from bankruptcy. Funny money, credit, speculation... Somewhere in this country's a little old lady with $79.25. The $0.05 is a buffalo nickel... If she crashes in her investment, whole thing'll collapse. General Motors, the Pentagon, the two-party system and the whole and the whole shebang... We're all running downhill. Got to keep running faster or we'll fall down.

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

In small-town banks, they leave the telephone off the hook in the vault at night so the local operator can listen in.

People walk into these banks with paper sacks, fill 'em with money and walk out. Anybody can do it.

Bullshit. The newest bank vaults have walls of reinforced concrete five feet thick, backed by six inches of steel. The vault door is stainless steel-faced. It's an inch and a half of cast steel, another 12 inches of burn-resisting steel, and another inch and a half of open-hearthed steel... A vault door has 20 bolts, each an inch in diameter. Eight on each side, two top and two bottom. This holds the door into a 16-inch steel jamb set in 18 inches of concrete. It's crosshatched by steel bars running both vertical and horizontal. This door is precision-made so you can't pour nitro between the door and the vault. If that isn't enough, there's microphones, electric eyes, pressure-sensitive mats, vibration detectors, tear gas, and even thermostats that detect the slightest rise in temperature. Still interested in banks?

I knew you weren't a preacher!

Thunderbolt and Lightfoot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know... you know somethin'? I don't think of us as criminals, you know? I feel we accomplished something. A good job. I feel proud of myself, man. I feel like a hero.

Are you all right, kid? You don't look too well.

I believe you're right.

[Slumps over]


Thunderbolt and Lightfoot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Josef Pietz:
I'm the one who does all the work, makes the Tigers behave. All Kelso does cracks the whip and takes the bows.

Ram Singh:
I have seen many men handle Tigers. Kelso is good.

Josef Pietz:
You've seen nobody handle Tigers. When I handle them they'll do things you wouldn't believe.

Ram Singh:
You would not last 2 minutes with the Tigers, they can tell when a man is afraid.

A Tiger Walks  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tim Nunley:
Sure am sorry about your brother, Freddie. Ol' Willard too... good boys both.

Freddie Lee Cobb:
Ten years ago, that nigger'd be hanging by the end of a rope with his balls in his mouth. Now you tell me what's wrong with this country.

Klan would know what to do.

Freddie Lee Cobb:
My granddaddy, he was Klan.

Tim Nunley:
Ain't been no Klan around here for years.

Ah they's still some boys around.

Tim Nunley:
What you mean them skinheads that want to blow up the government?

No sir, good god-fearing Klan... I got a friend, used to be active, could give him a call.

Freddie Lee Cobb:
You do that Winston. You tell them boys we need some Klan down here in Canton. And I mean right quick.

A Time to Kill  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Carl Lee Hailey:
What that Memphis doctor say about her?

Gwen Hailey:
She's doing good. Her jaw is healing. She can't run and jump yet, but it won't be long.

Carl Lee Hailey:
How about the other?

Gwen Hailey:
There was too much damage. She ain't never gonna have kids.

Carl Lee Hailey:
You know, I think about them too boys. Dead, buried, probably starting to rot. And I remember them walking into court... one proud, the other scared. I remember how they fell. One on top of the other, screaming and squirming and not going nowhere. God help me Gwen, but that's the only thought that give me comfort.

A Time to Kill  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Any of you shitheads ever get bored? You ever get bored? 'Cause I got a riddle. Takes about 2 ounces of brains to figure it out. Anybody think they got a brain with 2 ounces of brains in it?

There's a rumor Earl does.

For chrissakes, fellas, come on, a little self-confidence from the players' gallery. We ain't talkin long division.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I take it you're a feminist.

I've been called many things, never been saddled with that one.

You might try being saddled sometime. Smell of leather, sting of a whip.

I'm just a humble golf pro, can I help you?

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

First thing you must learn is this game ain't about hitting a little ball in some yonder hole. It's about inner demons, self-doubt, human frailty and overcoming that shit. What kind of doctor did you say you were?

Psychologist. A neo-Jungian, post-modern Freudian, holistic secularist.


I mean, inner demons, human frailty, that's my life's work.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

"What Is The Golf Swing," by Roy McAvoy? Well, I tend to think of the golf swing as a poem.

Ooh, he's doing that poetry thing again.

The critical opening phrase of this poem will always be the grip. The hands unite to form a single unit by the simple overlap of the little finger.


Lowly and slowly, the clubhead is led back, pulled into position not by the hands, but by the body, which turns away from the target, shifting weight to the right side without shifting balance. Tempo is everything; perfection unobtainable as the body coils down at the top of the swing. There's a slight hesitation. A little nod to the gods...

A, a nod to the gods?

Yeah, to the gods. That he is fallible. That perfection is unobtainable. And now the weight begins shifting back to the left pulled by the powers inside the earth, it's alive, this swing! A living sculpture and down through contact, always down, striking the ball crisply, with character. A tuning fork goes off in your loins. Such a pure feeling is the well-struck golf shot. And then the follow through to finish. Always on line. The reverse C of the Golden Bear! The steel workers' power and brawn of Carl Sandburg's Arnold Palmer!

Ohh, he's doing that Arnold Palmer thing.

And then the unfinished symphony of Roy McAvoy.

What's unfinished?

Well, I have a short follow-through. It has an unfinished look...


Well, some say it's the easiest way to play in the winds of west Texas...some say it's because I never finish anything in my life. You can decide. But the point is...every finishing position is unique. That's what the golf swing's about. It's about gaining control of your life and...letting go at the same time.

Jeez Louise.

There's only one other acceptable theory about how to hit the ball.

Oh, boy, well, I'm afraid to ask. What is it?

Grip it and rip it.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Waggle it and let the big dog eat.

What big dog?

The driver, the #1-wood.

Oh this is metal.

Woods are metal, the driver's known as the big dog. I'm just saying let him loose, let it rip, let the big dog eat.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, this is without a doubt the stupidest, silliest...most idiotic, grotesquely masquerading game ever invented.

Yes ma'am and that's why I love it. Now if you hit one good shot, just one, and that tuning fork rings in your loins and you can't wait to get back...and do it again.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Can I ask you a question? If you're such a legendary striker of the golf ball, as everyone says...why are you, at your age, out here in the middle of nowhere...operating a barely-solvent establishment, ducking the I.R.S...collecting a few pathetic dollars to buy your next sixpack when you're capable of so much more?

Perhaps I'm chock-full of inner demons.

No. You're chock-full of bullshit.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know why I still hit that shot?

Cuz that's the only way you could beat Dave Simms.


'Cause it was that look in your face...

I hit it again because that shot was a defining moment, and when a defining moment comes along, you define the moment or the moment defines you. I did not shrink from the challenge, I rose to it. If I had it to do all over again, I'd still hit that shot.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

1981 Fort Washington Golf Club, Fresno, California- Ring a bell? Final round of the Tour qualifing school? Tried to hit that same impossible cut 3-wood into the wind from a hilly lie- 5 in a row out of bounds. Until you finaly pulled it off and tapped it in for a crowd-pleasing 13... when a 12 would have got you on the Tour. Now that was a defining moment. And the definition was "shit."

Greatness courts failure, Romeo.

You may be right boss, but you know what? Sometimes par is good enough to win.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. McAvoy, I can appreciate that you have a fairly laid-back, relaxed lifestyle--but I have hours to keep.

All right. A former paramour once ascribed my fluid sense of time to being born under the sign of Pisces. Something about floating through the universe.

You amuse me, Roy. But I'm the only woman in America born after World War II who thinks astrology's a crock of shit.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know what I think? She's got you by the huevos.

Your job is to teach me patience and humility. Don't advise me on love-life. Not all my thinking occurs below the belt. I stand for a few things besides my next romantic interlude.

You'll have no trouble telling her you can't teach her until after the Open.

That'd make an issue out of something that's not an issue. Besides, I'm focused. I am! This is my quest! This is my stand for the guys who've had their fill of soulless robots like David Simms.

Well, He may be a soulless robot, but he's a rich, happy, soulless robot... with a beautiful doctor-lady girlfriend. Besides, how's getting in the Open going to change what she thinks about you?

Well, it'll show her that I'm not who she thinks I am.

But you are who she thinks you are!

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Here I am, ready to charge forth in pursuit of my destiny and I can't get time off work to do it.

I'm no expert here, but it seems to me that the pursuit of destiny isn't something you need to get off a $10 per hour job to do.

Well, I'm stuck, and I'm buried. I need help, and I need advice. I need counseling, I need a... I need a shrink.

You don't know no shrinks.

I know one!

No-ooo, no no no. Not the doctor lady.

Why not?

You can't ask for advice about the woman you're trying to hose FROM the woman you're trying to hose!

Why not?

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You've got a beautiful swing.

I'm a beautiful guy.

Look, Roy, I came to apologize, okay?

For what?

You did what I said and I poured cold water over your efforts. I didn't get it. I'm a terrible shrink, probably. Should've stayed in real estate, shit, actually, I should have never left Ohio for that cowboy in Amarillo, but... Have you ever been to Amarillo?


Yeah. It's not as romantic when you're actually with one, trust me. So, the oil man in Dallas or Houston, I don't know where he was from. Anyway, he looked great. After that, I went to the Gulf and ended up in trailer sales. Then condos in Corpus Christi. The bottom, just, boom, fell right out of the market so I needed a new gig.

A new gig?

Yeah, therapy. I took all the classes. I'm legitimate. Legal. Certified. Fuck! I'm certifiable. I'm really sorry.

Oh, boy.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Parred the backside with a 7-iron.


Yeah, that's exactly right. That's the question, "Why?"

Because he broke his other clubs. Snapped them in two.


Not all of them. Romeo broke two.

I'm on your side here. We go way back. I hope you qualify for the Open. But if you do, you better play with control or you'll get slaughtered. Good players shoot an 80 in the Open. You see it means you just can't go for it.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A lost and desperate soul stands before you. I assume I have the confidentiality of the doctor/client privilege in regard to this outfit?

Of course. What happened?

I got the shanks.

Are you taking penicillin?

There's a glitch in my swing.

That's Romeo's department.

He thinks it's your department. Says it's a head thing.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Listen to're with the wrong guy. I'm the right guy. You know how he said my face was screwed up tighter than a drum, well I know that it's because I've been crazy about you. From the moment you came here, when you were wearing all this stupid shit. And the whole damn thing has both inspired me to get here and also caused me to get the shanks, which could humilate me in front of a billion zillion people in a game I used to know how to play pretty good. (smiles) Such is life. (pauses) Dump that phony bastard you're with and come to the Open in my corner, okay? Tell me...tell me you're not just like at least moderately attracted to me.

You have moments.

Yeah, well you tell me which ones are my moments and I'll try and duplicate them.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're the Mexican Mac O'Grady. Figure out why I'm shanking...I'm catching it on the hosel? Moving my head? I'm laying it off?

That, too.

I'm pronating.

When you're not supinating.

I'm clearing too early, too late. My swing feels like an unfolding chair!

Put your change in your left pocket. Go on, do it. Now, tie your left shoe in a double knot.

Tie my left shoe?

Right now, do it! Turn the hat backwards. Turn your hat around. Do it, Roy! Take this tee and stick it behind your left ear.

I look like a fool!

What do you think you look like shooting chili peppers up Lee Janzen's ass? Do it now or I'm going to quit. I swear to God I'll quit. Good. Take this ball and hit it up the fairway.

[Roy hits the ball straight]

You're ready.

How'd I do that?

Because you're not thinking about shanking or Molly. You're not thinking. You're looking like a fool, hitting the ball pure and simple...

Fuck you.

Fuck me, huh? Well, you're cured.

That's it?

That's it. Your brain was getting in the way.

That's hardly ever been the case.

No shit, Sherlock.

Tin Cup  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Here's looking at you, kid."?
A Unforgiven
B Casablanca
C In the Line of Fire
D Taxi Driver