Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,333

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I must be losing my memory. I can't remember whether Jem is twelve or thirteen. Anyway, it'll have to come before the county court. Of course, it's a clear-cut case of self defense. I'll ahh, well I'll run down to the office...

Sheriff Heck Tate:
Mr. Finch, do you think Jem stabbed Bob Ewell? Is that what you think? Your boy never killed anyone.

[Atticus and Sheriff Tate look at Boo]

Sheriff Heck Tate:
Bob Ewell fell on his knife — he killed himself. There's a black man dead for no reason; now the man responsible for it is dead. Let the dead bury the dead this time, Mr. Finch. I never heard tell it was against the law for any citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he did. But maybe you'll tell me it's my duty to tell the town all about it and not to hush it up? Well, you know what'll happen then? All the ladies in Maycomb, including my wife, will be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes. To my way of thinking, taking the one man who's done you and this town a big service and dragging him with his shy ways into the limelight — to me that's a sin... it's a sin. And I'm not about to have it on my head. I may not be much, Mr. Finch, but I'm still Sheriff of Maycomb County, and Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Good night, sir.

To Kill a Mockingbird  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Atticus, having just heard Tom declared guilty, is silently preparing to leave the courtroom. The African-American population, along with Scout, who is sitting on the ground, observe him from their cordoned-off balcony as he goes.)

Reverend Sykes:
Miss Jean Louise?...

(Scout looks up at him)

Reverend Sykes:
Miss Jean Louise, stand up.

(His voice breaking with emotion)

Reverend Sykes:
Your father's passin'.

(She stands and watches as Atticus leaves the court)

To Kill a Mockingbird  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robyn Starling:
There it is. There's the cabin, daddy built it just for me. We come up here every summer. He taught me to swim, and sail, and fish. Daddy will know where to find me, maybe he's here already. I bet he is. [Ties the boat to the dock, Robyn runs up the cabin stairs and enter the cabin] Daddy?

Aunt Pristine Figg:
[A dark figure turns on an oil lamp, which reveals to be Aunt Figg] Daddy... is dead.

Robyn Starling:
[upon seeing this, and when realizing that she didn't know that Aunt Figg got here with Lickboot, screams in terror] AAAAAAAAAAAAH! TOM! JERRY! HELP!

[Lickboot closes the door, and leaves poor Tom, Jerry, and Ferdinand outside, but locks the door]

And if you know what's good for you. You'll never run away again. Never,

Robyn Starling:
You're not taking back! You'll never take me back!

[grabs Robyn by the wrist] Oh, yes, we will!

Robyn Starling:
[screams in fear when she tries to escape] AAAAHH!

[kicked my knees] Ow, why, you little!

[The oil lamp gets knocked as the cabin is caught on fire]

Aunt Pristine Figg:
You fools! Look what you’ve done! Lickboot, grab the girl and let’s get out of here!

Robyn, the house is burning down, you must get out before it's too late!

Robyn Starling:
No, no! I won’t go with you! You'll never take me back! [backs away and screams in alarm while feeling so scared] AAAAAGHHH!

Aunt Pristine Figg:
Lickboot, let’s get out of here before we all fry!

But the girl–

Aunt Pristine Figg:
Forget her! We gotta save ourselves!

Tom and Jerry: The Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cabbage soup? Is that your supper, Grandpa?

Grandpa Joe:
Well, it's everyone's supper, Charlie.

I'm tired of Cabbage water. Tonight, we're gonna have a real banquet. [pulls out loaf of bread out of his bag] Look.

Mrs. Bucket:
[seeing the loaf of bread] Charlie, where did you get this?

I bought it with my salary. I had two of them, but I gave one to some new friends.

Mrs. Bucket:
That was very generous of you, Charlie.

Grandpa Joe:
Well, I just hope these new friends of your appreciate it.

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Who dares trespass into my candy factory? Don't you know it's dangerous out down here? Good thing I was able to shut everything down. I'm Tuffy. I'm an Oompa Loompa intern.

[Tom & Jerry look confused]

You mean you never heard of Oompa Loompas? Why, they only run Wonka's entire candy operation. Mr. Wonka brought them here years ago from a strange and dangerous land. They do the work and he gives them a nice place to live. I wanted to be an Oompa Loompa more than anything. But I didn't meet the height requirement. But if I keep trying as hard as I can, I know I'll be accepted as an Oompa Loompa someday.

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Willy Wonka sees a lickable wallpaper with a cat hair, shocked and gasped]

My wall! My beautiful, beautiful licking wall! [uses his magnifying glass, takes his cat hair] Is this... cat fur? Now, the factory will have to be triple sanitized! Whoever is responsible will be permanently banished from the premises forever, permanently!

[Charlie and Grandpa Joe pause]

Grandpa Joe:
Aw, that's not cat fur, Mr. Wonka. Some of my mustache came off when I was licking this wall.

[He sees his mustache with his magnifying glass, to him]

Are you sure?

Grandpa Joe:
Absolutely. [takes the cat and puts it on, sneezes and then smiles at him]

My mistake. Please, forgive me.

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Grandpa Joe:
Excuse me, Mr. Wonka?

I am incredibly busy, sir.

Grandpa Joe:
But what about Charlie's lifetime supply of chocolate? When does he get it?

He doesn't.

Grandpa Joe:
What? Why not?

Because he broke the factory rules.

Grandpa Joe:
What factory rules? We didn't see any rules.

Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37 of the contract signed by him, all offers shall be come null and void. Etc., etc., etc. You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks! And to make matters worse, you allowed a cat into my factory! A cat and his two filthy mice friends! Now the entire factory will have to be sterilized. So you get NOTHING! You LOSE! Good day, sir!

Grandpa Joe:
You're a cheat. How can you build up a little boy's hopes and then disappoint him like this?!

I said "good day"!

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I don't know. Thousands of years ago it crashes, and this thing... gets thrown out, or crawls out, and it ends up freezing in the ice.

I just cannot believe any of this voodoo bullshit.

Childs, happens all the time, man. They're falling out of the skies like flies. Government knows all about it, right, Mac?

You believe any of this voodoo bullshit, Blair?

Childs, Childs... Chariots of the Gods, man. They practically own South America. I mean, they taught the Incas everything they know.

So, come on now, MacReady, Norwegians get ahold of this... and they dig it up out of the ice.

Yes, Garry, they dig it up, they cart it back, it gets thawed out, wakes up - probably not the best of moods - I don't know, I wasn't there!

[skates in with ripped long johns] Which one of you disrespectful men been tossing his dirty drawers in the kitchen trash can, huh? From now, I want my kitchen clean, all right? Germ free!

So how's this motherfucker wake up after thousands of years in the ice?

And how can it look like a dog?

I don't know how. 'Cause it's different than us, see? 'Cause it's from outer space. What do you want from me? Ask him! [motions to Blair]

You buy any of this Blair?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[showing the remains of the dog-thing to the entire camp] You see, what we're talkin' about here is an organism that imitates other life-forms, and it imitates 'em perfectly. When this thing attacked our dogs it tried to digest them... absorb them, and in the process shape its own cells to imitate them. This for instance. That's not dog. It's imitation. We got to it before it had time to finish.

Finish what?

Finish imitating these dogs.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By Spring, it could be all of us.

So, how do we know who's human? If I was an imitation, a perfect imitation, how would you know if it was really me?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How you doin', old boy?

I don't know who to trust.

I know what you mean, Blair. Trust's a tough thing to come by these days. Tell you what - why don't you just trust in the Lord?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[throwing a fit in the radio room] Nobody gets in and out of here! NOBODY! You guys think I'M crazy! Well, that's fine! Most of ya don't know what's goin' on around here, but I'm damn well sure SOME of you do!


He got most of the chopper and the tractor. And he's killed the rest of the dogs.

[as Garry advances with his gun] Garry, wait a minute, wait a minute. Now, Childs, go around to the map room door. Talk to him.


[Childs exits]

Norris, get a table from the lab.

[still smashing up the radio room with an axe while yelling] D'ya think that thing wanted to be an animal?! No dogs make it a thousand miles through the cold! No, you don't understand! That thing wanted to be US! If a cell gets out, it could imitate everything on the FACE OF THE EARTH! AND NOTHING CAN STOP IT!

[appearing in the map room doorway] Okay, Blair. Come on, man, you don't wanna hurt anybody.

[Blair whips a pistol out and shoots at Childs but misses]


The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blair... he got back inside and blew the generator. In six hours, it'll be 100 below in here!

Well, that's suicide!

Not for that Thing. It wants to freeze now. It's got no way out of here. It just wants to go to sleep in the cold until the rescue team finds it.

What can we do? What can we do?

Whether we make it or not, we can't let the Thing freeze again. Maybe we'll just warm things up a little around here. We're not gettin' outta here alive. But neither is that Thing.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You the only one who made it?.

Not the only one.

Did you kill it?

Where were you, Childs?

Thought I saw Blair. I went out after him and got lost in the storm. Fire's got the temperature up all over the camp. Won't last long, though.

Neither will we.

How will we make it?

Maybe we shouldn't.

If you're worried about me...

If we've got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do anything about it.

Well...What do we do?

[slumping back] Why don't we just...Wait here for a little while? See what happens.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy is following Evie after lunch]

Evie Zamora:
Cute shirt.

Tracy Freeland:
Thanks. Cute belt.

[the girls analyze each others' clothing]

Evie Zamora:
Call me after school. We can go shopping at Melrose.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Hey, Mason. Just out of curiosity, who do you think is the hottest girl in school?

Mason Freeland:
Guess, um... Evie Zamora.

Tracy Freeland:
[laughs] Guess who I hung out with today?

Mason Freeland:

Tracy Freeland:
[shows Mason her new earrings] Melrose Avenue. [Mason stares at Tracy, dumbfounded] What? It's not hard to believe.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, why are there four places tonight? Mom?

Melanie Freeland:
Honey, he just got back. He's only coming for dinner.

Tracy Freeland:
Yeah. Tomorrow he's just gonna tune up your car, right?

Melanie Freeland:
It needs it.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[during family dinner]

Tracy Freeland:
So Brady, how was the half way house?


Same as the last one, Trace.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy finds Brady in the bathroom, learning that he spent the night]

Tracy Freeland:

Melanie Freeland:
What? I'm making your fave!

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, I have to go to the bathroom now!

Melaine Freeland:
Well, can't you hold it a minute?

Tracy Freeland:
That's how you get a bladder infection, you child abuser!

Melanie Freeland:
Well, that's dramatic.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
I have to ask you something.

Evie Zamora:

Tracy Freeland:
Ok, um... you never did anything with that crusty tattoo guy, right?

Evie Zamora:
Yeah, he ate my pussy.

Tracey Freeland:
Oh, my God! Are you s- [Evie laughs] Dude?

Evie Zamora:
I'm kidding, idiot.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
Evie, I'm sorry, but I think it's time for you to go home.

Evie Zamora:
I can't go home. Brooke had a convention in Bakersfield. She said she sent you an E-mail.

Melanie Freeland:
I guess I didn't check my E-mail.

Evie Zamora:
I'm sorry, Mel. I hope it's okay that I'm here.

Melanie Freeland:
Well... I guess it's gonna have to be, isn't it?

Evie Zamora:
[starting to cry] Her boyfriend hits me, Mel. He grabbed my throat and he threw me against his van.

Melanie Freeland:
Oh, Jesus. Where's your mother, baby?

Evie Zamora:
She- She passed away.

Melanie Freeland:
I didn't have a mother when I was your age either. I know how hard it is. I do.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after giving Javi oral sex]

Tracy Freeland:
[to Evie] We are so perfect for each other. If everybody married someone from a different race, then in one generation there would be no prejudice.

Evie Zamora:
So you had a good time?

Tracy Freeland:
Yeah... but it tasted kind of nasty.

Evie Zamora:
[laughs] What? We didn't go over that one.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy and Evie run into Tracy's bedroom and shut the door]

Melaine Freeland:
Hey! Hey, open this door now!

Tracy Freeland:
[opens the door] What, Mother? What do you want?

Melanie Freeland:
This is not how I raised you. I want you to be civil to me.

Tracy Freeland:
[pushes Melaine out of the way as she walks out] I want you and your stupid boyfriend to be out of my fucking life for- what the fuck is he doing here?

Melanie Freeland:
Have you been drinking?

Tracy Freeland:

Mason Freeland:
Of course she's been drinking 'cause she's always fucking drinking! Isn't that right, Tracy?

Tracy Freeland:
Oh, like you never have!

Hey, hey, hey! Come on.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, no, I can't see that movie.

Melanie Freeland:

Tracy Freeland:
Because it's a bloody war movie. I'm a pacifist, like Gandhi.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B Tobias Wolff
C Abraham Lincoln
D Carol Burnett