[Maj-Gen Raymond Barton, commander of the 4th Infantry Division, argues with assistant division chief Brig-Gen Theodore Roosevelt Jr. over the latter insisting on landing ashore with the division at Utah Beach]
MG Raymond Barton:
You're putting me on the spot.
BG Teddy Roosevelt Jr:
I didn't mean to, Tubby.
The hell you didn't. You put that request in writing, made it official. You're the assistant division commander.
And that's why I'm supposed to go ashore in the first wave. That's where I'm supposed to be. You know that.
You're important to this operation. We can't have you knocked off on the first day.
But that's not the real reason. Isn't it because my father was president of the United States?
And a great president. And a great soldier. He led the charge of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill. So now you've got to be the first man ashore on Utah Beach.
But that's where I'm supposed to be, Tubby. That's my job. Also, I've been there side by side with the men all through training. They're used to seeing where I belong. They have a right to expect me there. President's son or not. Is my request denied?
No, you know it's not. Request reluctantly approved.
Thanks, Tubby. Thanks a lot.