Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,698

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I narrowly escaped with my life, sir. I cannot now discuss marriage.

Forgive me . . . the one cannot be separated from the other.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It matters nothing to me. I can live without her most happily. Better than I could live with her. I have no need of her love. Have I not suffered enough already for loving her and showing it?

I envy you, my Lord. To love a woman so deeply.

Monseigneur . . . envy no man for that. Such love is hateful. It tears the soul apart. Envy a man who has never known such love.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary of Guise:
I hear you are a wise man, Sir Francis, and a creature of the world like me.

Yes. I have no illusions. I know it is only a matter of time before my Queen is overthrown. Her Majesty rules with the heart, not with the head.

Mary of Guise:
I understand. It is hard for a woman to forget her heart. But, er... what of you, Walsingham?

A wise man would be careful not to put himself in the way of harm.

Mary of Guise:
And how would a wise man do that?

He would, as I said, change allegiance.

Mary of Guise:

There are but two choices. He would get into bed with either Spain or France.

Mary of Guise:
[laughs] And whose bed would you prefer?

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You are in the greatest danger. You must believe me. But you have a friend. Someone who can guarantee your safety and your throne.

A friend?

The King of Spain.

[to her servants] Leave us. [to Dudley] How would he guarantee it?

He would marry you.

Only to make an alliance. Nothing more. He would not expect to . . .

He would live in Spain.

Why do you do this, Robert?

Because I love you. And though you will not see me, I am the only one who would care for you.

You love me so much you would have me be your whore?

For God's sake, I do this for us. I ask you to save some part of us!

Lord Robert, you may make whores of my Ladies but you shall not make one of me.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your Majesty must publicly dissociate herself from this most bloody act.

I never ordered it.

Of course, Madam, of course. You must also make conciliatory gestures towards the Spanish. Your dependence upon their goodwill is greater than ever.

I must . . . The word "must" is not used to princes. I have followed your advice in all the affairs of my kingdom, but your policies would make England nothing but part of France or Spain. From this moment I am going to follow my own opinion.

Forgive me, Madam, but you are only a woman.

I may be a woman, Sir William, but if I choose I have the heart of a man! I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything.

I . . . I deeply regret, Madam, if I have caused you such offence, though God knows all my advice has only ever been to secure Your Majesty's throne.

And I am grateful for it. I have decided to create you Lord Burghley, so you may enjoy your retirement in greater ease.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your Grace is arrested. You must go with these men to the Tower.

I must do nothing by your orders. I am Norfolk.

You were Norfolk. The dead have no titles. You were the most powerful man in England and could have been greater still but you had not the courage to be loyal. Only the conviction of your own vanity.

I think, Walsingham, a man's courage is in the manner of his death. I am content to die for my beliefs. So cut off my head and make me a martyr. The people will always remember it.

No... They will forget.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your Majesty . . .

They are all gone to the Tower. Your friends. Tell me, how should I serve thee, Robert?

My course is run.

Just tell me why.

Why? Madam, is it not plain enough to you? It is no easy thing to be loved by the Queen. It would corrupt the soul of any man. Now, for God's sake, kill me.

No . . . I think rather to let you live.

Madam, that is not wise. Lord Robert has committed treason. He must be made example of.

And I will make an example of him. He shall be kept alive to always remind me of how close I came to danger.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I have rid England of her enemies. What do I do now? Am I to be made of stone? Must I be touched by nothing?

Aye, Madam, to reign supreme. All men need something greater than themselves to look up to and worship. They must be able to touch the divine here on earth.

Elizabeth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Lefferts:
You look like a man who could use a drink.

Elmer Gantry:
You know somethin', Jim? There oughta be a law against drinkin'.

Jim Lefferts:
There is. Prohibition.

Elmer Gantry:
That's against sellin', not drinkin'.

Jim Lefferts:

Elmer Gantry  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gladys Presley:
How's school today, Elvis?

Elvis Presley:
Fine. They don't talk too much to me there.

Vernon Presley:
I don't doubt it. Those clothes you wear and that hair.

Gladys Presley:
Don't you start, Vernon. That's his style. Everyone's gotta have a style. You used to have a style, Vernon.

Grandma Minnie:
Oh, your daddy was a looker, Elvis.

Vernon Presley:
Your right about that.

Gladys Presley:
Still is when he sets his mind to it. [on Vernon] Boy could he dance. [to Elvis] Play something on the guitar, maybe your daddy would dance with me. [they laugh]

Vernon Presley:
Oh, no, no, no. I'm not dancing. I'm eating. Is there anymore?

Gladys Presley:
No. It's all they'd give us down at the pantry. You eat anymore tonight and there won't be enough for the whole week.

Elvis Presley:
I'm really not hungry. [Elvis passes his plate to Vernon, who takes a porkchop]

Gladys Presley:
Put that back down, Vernon.

Elvis Presley:
I'm done, momma. Really. I'm not hungry.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Phillips:
[after hearing Presley, Moore and Black mess around playing "That's All Right"] Wait, what the hell was that?

Elvis Presley:
I don't know, sir. Just messin' around.

Sam Phillips:
You been holdin' out on me, boy?

Elvis Presley:
What do you mean, sir?

Sam Phillips:
[laughs] Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup. For God's sakes. You know more of that music?

Elvis Presley:
Well, yes, sir... know lots of it.

Sam Phillips:
Damn. What the hell you been wasting my time for? C'mon! Let's back it up! Try to find a place to start and do it again!

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while performing "Blue Moon of Kentucky"]

Bill Black:
Sam, Sam, Sam. No, this is terrible. We're just goofing around.

Sam Phillips:
No, that's what I'm talking about. It's gotta be fun, original.

Elvis Presley:
Bill Monroe's gonna kill us.

Sam Phillips:
Bill Monroe is gonna be too busy counting his money. [to Marian] Marian!

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Phillips:
Who do you think you are, Tom.

Colonel Tom Parker:
[smoking a cigar] Call me Colonel.

Sam Phillips:
I discovered the boy. He's a raw talent. He didn't even know what he had when he first came into Sun Records. Look how far he's going.

Colonel Tom Parker:
How much further can you take him? Can you compete with RCA, with whom I've had relations over the years? Do you have to wherewithal to take him national? I have contacts in New York, Los Angeles. Music, film, television. You name it. [pause] I know you like the boy. So, I know you won't stand in the way of his dreams. [pause] You need the money, Sam. I checked.


Sam Phillips:
I'll think about it, Tom.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Vernon Presley:
A million dollars?

Gladys Presley:
Sounds like a lot of banana all to me. Elvis is already working too hard. Look how skinny he is.

Elvis Presley:
Oh, momma, I've been eating everything you've been putting in front of me. And it ain't work. I like it, it's fun.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Time to sell the apples is when their on the tree not after they fall into the ground. Now, this boy, he's ripe now. So he has to work hard for a couple of years. He's young. He can handle it. Then after couple of years, raking in the cash, he take it easy, do what he wants.

Vernon Presley:
[to Gladys] He can retire on a million dollars.

Gladys Presley:
All this TV and movie bushwa. That's all in New York City and California. Whose gonna look after my boy there? I don't trust em kind of folk.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Exactly. Now, Sam Phillips, he's a nice enough fellow, but those big city boys they will eat him for lunch. Me? I'm one of you.

Gladys Presley:
And where is it your from exactly?

Colonel Tom Parker:
I've wondered the land, much like a gypsy.

Gladys Presley:
Well, thank you for stopping by, Mr. Parker. We'll let you know.

Colonel Tom Parker:
If you would call me Colonel, ma'am.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dixie Locke:
I need to spend some more time with you.

Elvis Presley:
I just can't right now, Dixie. We gotta drive south. These cats from the hayride have us booked back to back.

Dixie Locke:
"Cats?" [tearfully turning away] I've lost you.

Elvis Presley:
You haven't lost me. It's just, I could be back driving a truck by next year. I gotta grab what I can. For us.

Dixie Locke:
Not for us, Elvis. You got what you always wanted. Good luck with it. [kisses him on the cheek]

Elvis Presley:
Dixie. I love you. It's not gonna be like this forever.

Dixie Locke:
Then call me when it's over. It's just too hard this way.

[Dixie walks away]

Elvis Presley:
[miserably] Dixie.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Scotty Moore:
[on Elvis's break-up from Dixie] I'm sorry, man.

Elvis Presley:
Everything ends.

Scotty Moore:
Well, I guess that's true.

Elvis Presley:
You know I have a twin brother?

Scotty Moore:

Elvis Presley:
Jesse Garon. He died when I was born. I still talk to him sometimes. And that's why I think I got such good rhythm. You know I had a back beat there in the whom. Two hearts beating.

Scotty Moore:

Elvis Presley:
Me and Jesse. And that's why momma frets so. She's just...afraid she's gonna lose me too.

Scotty Moore:
That's not gonna happen. I promised your momma I would take care of you.

Elvis Presley:
And you have, man. And I appreciate that.

Scotty Moore:
I know you do. Let's get outta here. C'mon.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gladys Presley:
Why do you keep going out there, son? Enough is enough. Why is it so important to you?

Elvis Presley:

[Gene and the others leave]

Gladys Presley:
Baby. Why don't you just quit it all right now? We got a wonderful house. We got cars. [tearfully] You're gonna make yourself a good living. Get yourself a furniture store. You can marry a nice girl, have a baby near by and I can come and visit and I can help you raise it. You would make me the happiest woman in the world. Please, honey.

Elvis Presley:
Look at me, Satnin. Look at me. When I'm on stage, I'm a different person. I am. It's hard to explain. It's like I've got goosebumps all over my body, only it's not goosebumps. It's not a chill either. It's like a surge of electricity, only stronger than that. Sometimes it's so strong, I feel my heart's gonna explode. No, momma. No. It's a good thing. It's a real good thing and I don't know what I'd do if I had to stop and I'm gonna be a movie star, momma. I'm gonna be a real, serious movie star. I can't stop, Satnin. I can't.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elvis Presley:
Where you been all night, daddy?

Vernon Presley:
Out with friends.

Elvis Presley:
Friends my ass. You with that Stanley woman. I know what's going on, daddy! She's married!

Vernon Presley:
It ain't none of your business, Elvis.

Elvis Presley:
It's just been three months! Your cheating on two people!

Vernon Presley:
Look, Elvis. I loved your momma as much as a man can love a woman. But I'm tired of crying. I'm a lonely man.

Elvis Presley:
It's an insult to her memory!

Vernon Presley:
You watch your mouth, son. I know what you've been up to with those French hooch dancers every time you go to Paris. What would your momma say about your hygiene?!

Elvis Presley:
I'm the one that pays the bills around here, don't you ever forget it!

Vernon Presley:
How can we forget it. You keep reminding us every time you don't get your way?

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elvis Presley:
Colonel, I want to talk to you about West Side Story.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Have a seat.

Elvis Presley:
It's a big classic film, and they want me for the lead. I can act the hell out of it, Colonel.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Have you seen the shooting schedule? Six months, we can make five films at that time.

Elvis Presley:
But it's a chance to do something special, something really good.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Elvis, let me give you a lesson on economics. G.I. Blues, your first movie back, one of them "blame musicals" you always grap about. A blockbuster, made us millions. Your second movie, Flaming Star, an ambitious drama, well reviewed, made zilch. What does that tell you?

Elvis Presley:
Why don't you tell me, your chomping at the bit.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Folk's live sad lives. Your job is to give them ninety minutes to forget their pitiful circumstances, not rub their faces in some phony writer's misery. What they want to see is some paradise that you can ever afford to visit, lots of pretty girls and Elvis Presley fighting and singing a half dozen songs that we can stick on a soundtrack album. That's our bread and butter, son. We stick with what sells. You don't see the snow cone man switch from cherry juice to prune juice just because he's got some blockage in the poop chute.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after rehearsing a scene]

That sure was fun.

Elvis Presley:
Sure hell was. You can move, baby.

You can sing, baby.

[Elvis watches Ann-Margret walk away]

Elvis Presley:
This is one movie I might enjoy making.

Charlie Hodge:
She's like a female you.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elvis Presley:
[after reading a false article about him and Ann-Margret getting engaged] That is an outrageous lie! I can't believe she'd say that!

So it's true.

Elvis Presley:
No, we're not engaged.

But your seeing her! Those gossip rags were true! Why doesn't she take her ass back to Sweden where she belongs!

[Priscilla angrily throws a melon on the ground]

Elvis Presley:
[grabs Priscilla] Look, dammit! I didn't know things were gonna get out of hand. I wanna woman to understand that things like this might happen. Are you going to be that woman or not? Its over, Cilla. I swear to you, its over. Forgive me. Please?

[Priscilla hugs Elvis]

Elvis Presley:
I'll go to LA. I'll get this thing straighten out.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Vernon Presley:
Do you know how much money you spent last month? Over 500, 000 dollars. And more the month before. Your gonna break us. Your gonna put us in the poor house.

Elvis Presley:
I can always earn more money.

Vernon Presley:
Why can't you just stop buyin' stuff?

Elvis Presley:
Cuz I like the look on folks faces when I buy 'em something, daddy. Oh, you remember when we were dirt poor. How nice it would've been if someone came along and bought me a car.

Vernon Presley:
Well, I ain't sayin' that it ain't a nice thing, but you keep this up, and we're gonna be livin' in a Tupelo shotgun shack again. [Elvis is nodding off] Elvis?

Elvis Presley:
I gotta take a nap, daddy. Where are my sleepin' pills?

Vernon Presley:
Your noddin' off already. Do you need 'em?

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Colonel Tom Parker:
Why are you doing this to yourself? This religious kick, the drugs? What is it that you want?

Elvis Presley:
You said that to me the first time we met.

Colonel Tom Parker:
I remember. Rich and famous. You wanted to be a movie star. Well, I got it for you, so I'm asking you again: What is it you want now?

Elvis Presley:
I don't know.

Colonel Tom Parker:
Are you just bored is that it?

Elvis Presley:
Well, there's that. I get so lonely.

Colonel Tom Parker:
What about that little girl you got cooped up in there? Does she make you happy?

Elvis Presley:

Colonel Tom Parker:
Why, son. That's more than most folk's ever get. Why don't you latch onto her before she wizes up. The whole scene, it's starting to get unseemly. You hear me? She's legal now, so what are you waiting for?

Elvis Presley:
The right time.

Colonel Tom Parker:
If that's the case, I'd check my watch, because if ever there was a time to set things straight, it's now.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[meeting with Steve Binder]

Steve Binder:
Let's be frank. I don't think most kids know who the hell you are anymore. It's the 60's, man. You hear what their playing on the radio? The Mamas and the Papas, the Stones, Marvin Gaye...

Elvis Presley:
I know, I know. I listen to everything. The Rascals, Aretha Franklin.

Steve Binder:
There's a song out there right now. MacArthur Park, Richard Harris sings it. Would you've sung that tune?

Elvis Presley:
Damn right. That there's a great song. Jimmy Webb he can flat out right.

Steve Binder:
Here's what I have in mind. We tape it over three days. The first day, is in front of a live audience. "Elvis' big comeback". Now, I know you'll be nervous, so we'll just get that outta the way. The next two days, we tape several stage numbers, drawing on your own personal and musical life.

Elvis Presley:
I like it.

Steve Binder:
There is a problem on this. The Colonel and NBC want you to sing just Christmas songs. Now I think that's too limiting, and the exact opposite of what you should be doing. What do you think?

Elvis Presley:
[pause] I think let's do it. [stands and shakes his hand] This is going to be great, Steve.

Elvis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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