Jericho Cane:
Why don't you stop all this church talk and tell us what the hell is going on? Who's after her?
Father Kovak:
Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll try to explain. You know anything about the number of the beast? Revelation of St. John from his dream?
Christine York:
Father Kovak:
The number of the beast is not 6-6-6. Often in dreams, numbers appear upside down and backwards. So, 6-6-6 becomes 9-9-9. Like in 1999, the year of his return.
Christine York:
What does that have to do with me?
Father Kovak:
Regressus Diaholi: The Return of Satan. Does any of this look familiar to you?
[Christine shows her birthmark.]
Father Kovak:
She's been chosen. He's in her blood. The Holy Church has been searching for you since the day you were born.
Christine York:
Chosen for what?
Father Kovak:
Every thousand years, on the eve of the millennium, the Dark Angel comes and takes a body, and then he walks the Earth looking for a woman who will bear his child. It all has to happen in that unholy hour before midnight on New Year's Eve. If he consummates your flesh with this body, then he unlocks the gate of Hell and everything we know it ceases to exist.
Jericho Cane:
So, the Prince of Darkness wants to conquer the Earth, but has to wait until an hour before midnight on New Year's Eve? Is this Eastern time?
Father Kovak:
It's got nothing to do with New Year's Eve. It has to do with a temporary celestial alignment. The Gregorian monks studied the heavens. They were able to calculate the precise moment of this event. They created our calendar by mapping this event and counting backwards from that moment.
Jericho Cane:
It was a mistake to come here.
Father Kovak:
It doesn't matter whether you believe or not. He's real and he won't rest till he finds this girl.
Christine York:
Why did he pick me?
Father Kovak:
Because the stars were right when you were born. A man's body was also chosen, just like yours.
Jericho Cane:
If the devil does exist, why doesn't your God do anything?
Father Kovak:
It's not my God. It's our God, and He doesn't say that He will save us. He says that we will save ourselves.
Christine York:
Save myself? What am I supposed to do? Get a restraining order?
Father Kovak:
We have to have faith.
Jericho Cane:
Father Kovak:
Yes, faith. It's an interesting concept. If you read the Bible, you can't miss it. Faith!