Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,696

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Where's the money, Lucas?

Joe, the money is gone.

I know it's GONE, where's it gone to?

Atlantic City.

Atlantic City. ...Is it coming back from Atlantic City?

I... I don't think so.

What's it doing in Atlantic City?




Lucas, listen to me. I told Mitchell Beck that you forgot to deposit the money. I told Mitchell that the money was still here.

Joe, that's not true. It's in Atlantic City... I swear!

Shut up, sit down, and don't you move.

[sitting down] It could be in other cities by now...

Oh, shut up! Under no circumstances do I want you to leave that couch... unless it's to get me $9000, and then you bring it here to me, okay?

Okay. You know, I think things are gonna be all right now, Joe.

Oh? And what makes you think that.

Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear.

Empire Records  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Debra having shaved her head] Well, Sinead O'Rebellion. Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior!

God, that is so clever. You know, I swear you get smarter the shorter your skirt gets.

And you get smarter the shorter your hair gets, so it's probably good you went with that.

Empire Records  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Joe is talking to the police about Warren]

[to Warren] How old are you?

Old enough to kick your butt through your skull and splatter your brains on the wall.

[to the cops on the phone] Yeah, he's a juvenile.

Empire Records  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Reading the new Musictown rules] No visible tattoos.

No revealing clothing.

We're both screwed. At least you're used to it.

Oh now, Debra, don't be bitter, certainly with your ever growing collection of flesh mutilating silver appendages and your brand new Neo-Nazi boot camp makeover, the boys will come a-runnin'.

Let's not fight, let's just rip [both start tearing lists of rules]

Empire Records  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Honey, I'm home!

Jericho Cane:
I was just pulling myself together.

It's gonna take a lot more pulling. [opens the curtains] You are looking very sharp this morning.

Jericho Cane:

You're welcome. You got about five minutes to get ready. Here. There's enough caffeine in this to kill an elephant. Oughta get you started.

Jericho Cane:
So what's today?


Jericho Cane:
Anyone special?

No, just some Wall Street scumbag.

Jericho Cane:
Why the hell does he need all this protection?

Well, I guess he fucked with some people that didn't like being fucked with.

Jericho Cane:
Personally, I like scumbags. They pay better.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
A drunk passes out in his neighborhood bar enough times, someone's going to know where he lives from carrying him home.

Glad you're an expert on the subject.

Jericho Cane:
Oh yeah, I've done years of study.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thomas Aquinas:
Oculus Dei! A thousand years has ended! The Dark Angel is loosed from his prison!

Jericho Cane:
Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your head.

Thomas Aquinas:
You don't know what you've done!

Jericho Cane:
Get down or I'll put you down!

Thomas Aquinas:
A thousand years has ended! You don't know what you've done!

[Jericho shoots Aquinas in the legs]

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She doesn't look happy with the statements.

Jericho Cane:
Should've just killed that son of a bitch. Less paperwork.

Yeah. Hey, Detective.

Marge Francis:
Bobby. Hey, Jer, it's been a while.

Jericho Cane:
Hey. How are you, Marge?

Marge Francis:
Can't complain. You? It's a nice day to jump out of a helicopter.

Jericho Cane:
Well, just doing my job.

Marge Francis:
Now, listen. Something I gotta ask you.

Jericho Cane:
Yeah, what is it?

Marge Francis:
You still drinking?

Oh, yeah, we got all liquored up this morning. We start every day that way.

Marge Francis:
I'm just reading his statement. You said here the guy spoke to you?

Jericho Cane:
Yeah, so what?

Marge Francis:
The guy doesn't have a tongue.


Jericho Cane:
He has no tongue?

Marge Francis:
Why don't I just leave that little detail out for now. No big deal, right?

Jericho Cane:
Are you saying that I imagined all this?!

Marge Francis:
No, I'm just saying.

Jericho Cane:
I saved a life today! What the hell did you do?!

All right, let it go.

Jericho Cane:
No, no. I know what I heard.

All right.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Security guard:
No one is allowed in here.

[smiles] The scent of the young boys you seduce still clings to you. Remember who it is you truly serve.

[Terrified, the guard lets him through]

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
Oh, it's us.

Marge Francis:
Jesus! How the hell did you two find this place.

Jericho Cane:
Lucky guess. So what did you find out?

Marge Francis:
His name's Thomas Aquinas. He's a priest.

Jericho Cane:
Why don't you tell us something we don't know?

A homicidal priest. That's good.

Marge Francis:
Yeah? Well, it gets better. He studied at the Vatican. He was one of their alleged visionaries. Came here in '81 to St. John's Church downtown. Six months ago, he disappeared. Priest there say he was having a spiritual crisis.

Oh, yeah. That's what this is about. Spiritual crisis.

Jericho Cane:
Doesn't make any sense. What's a priest doing shooting at a Wall Street banker?

Marge Francis:
A Wall Street banker, by the way, who suddenly disappeared.

Maybe we should ask the girl.

Marge Francis:
What girl?

Uh, the guy. The guy, priest guy.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Abel:
It's you. I didn't...

Where is she?

Dr. Abel:
The girl is safe.

And what of the world?

Dr. Abel:
Everything is as planned. Our acts go unnoticed, unquestioned. We're everywhere.

Daddy, who is it?

Is this your daughter?

Dr. Abel:

And this is your wife?

Dr. Abel:

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Christine York:
[after seeing worms in an apple] I'm sorry. I have a medical condition. Sometimes, I see things that aren't there.

Jericho Cane:
No, I saw it too.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marge and a police officer shoot Jericho]

Jericho Cane:
Jesus, Marge! What the fuck?!

Marge Frances:
It's okay, Jer. We just want the girl.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Police officer:
Hands on your head.

Jericho Cane:

Police officer:
Hands on your head. Now!

Jericho Cane:
What do you want with her, Marge, huh? Why is she so important?

Marge Francis:
Just the girl. You can kill him.

[Jericho shoots Marge and a police officer.]

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
Why don't you stop all this church talk and tell us what the hell is going on? Who's after her?

Father Kovak:
Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll try to explain. You know anything about the number of the beast? Revelation of St. John from his dream?

Christine York:

Father Kovak:
The number of the beast is not 6-6-6. Often in dreams, numbers appear upside down and backwards. So, 6-6-6 becomes 9-9-9. Like in 1999, the year of his return.

Christine York:
What does that have to do with me?

Father Kovak:
Regressus Diaholi: The Return of Satan. Does any of this look familiar to you?

[Christine shows her birthmark.]

Father Kovak:
She's been chosen. He's in her blood. The Holy Church has been searching for you since the day you were born.

Christine York:
Chosen for what?

Father Kovak:
Every thousand years, on the eve of the millennium, the Dark Angel comes and takes a body, and then he walks the Earth looking for a woman who will bear his child. It all has to happen in that unholy hour before midnight on New Year's Eve. If he consummates your flesh with this body, then he unlocks the gate of Hell and everything we know it ceases to exist.

Jericho Cane:
So, the Prince of Darkness wants to conquer the Earth, but has to wait until an hour before midnight on New Year's Eve? Is this Eastern time?

Father Kovak:
It's got nothing to do with New Year's Eve. It has to do with a temporary celestial alignment. The Gregorian monks studied the heavens. They were able to calculate the precise moment of this event. They created our calendar by mapping this event and counting backwards from that moment.

Jericho Cane:
It was a mistake to come here.

Father Kovak:
It doesn't matter whether you believe or not. He's real and he won't rest till he finds this girl.

Christine York:
Why did he pick me?

Father Kovak:
Because the stars were right when you were born. A man's body was also chosen, just like yours.

Jericho Cane:
If the devil does exist, why doesn't your God do anything?

Father Kovak:
It's not my God. It's our God, and He doesn't say that He will save us. He says that we will save ourselves.

Christine York:
Save myself? What am I supposed to do? Get a restraining order?

Father Kovak:
We have to have faith.

Jericho Cane:

Father Kovak:
Yes, faith. It's an interesting concept. If you read the Bible, you can't miss it. Faith!

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
Who the fuck are you?

Oh, I think you know who I am. You just don't want to believe it.

Jericho Cane:
I took a bullet for you. I protected you.

Oh, no-no-no. You didn't protect me. You protected this body. Am I... Am I getting a pattern here? So much pain. "Not to be taken with alcohol." Remember that. To lose a wife and child. I can't even imagine what that must be like.

Jericho Cane:
What do you want?

To make you happy again.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

All you gotta do is grab my hand and I'll take everything back He took away.

Jericho Cane:
Okay, okay, okay.

[Jericho tries to grab Satan's hand but grabs him in the back]

Jericho Cane:
Fuck you!

[He tosses Satan to the car from his apartment]

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
[somewhat surprised] You're bleeding!

Of course I'm bleeding! You fucking shot me!

Jericho Cane:
I just needed to find out!

Well, you found out, okay?!

Jericho Cane:
Stop being such a pussy!

Pussy? Come on!

Jericho Cane:
It's just a scratch.

Oh, Christ.

Jericho Cane:
Does it hurt?

Yeah, what do you think? Jesus. What the hell's matter with you? What's going on?

Jericho Cane:
I can't explain it.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jericho Cane:
No one move or I'll kill the girl.

Christine York:
What are you doing?

Jericho Cane:
Trust me.

You're not gonna kill her.

Jericho Cane:
You said it yourself. I have a dark heart.

Then stand with me!

Jericho Cane:
I'll tell you what. You let us both out of here and I'll stand wherever you want. [Satan moves] Step back or I'll pull the trigger.

I didn't want to kill you, but now you leave me no choice.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Christine York:
I'd feel better if you'd show me how to use one of these things. I want to do something. Let me help.

Jericho Cane:
All right. Here. You take the gun. Line up the sight with your target. Beware the recoil. Here's the magazine. Put it in. Load. Only pull the trigger when you're ready...

[Christine shoots a Satanist]

Christine York:
Like that?

Jericho Cane:
Yeah, like that.

End of Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Red Army General :
I carried out my orders. I sent in all of my boys. But the Germans engulfed us. They have, artillery, aircraft, tanks. And me! What did I have?!

A sacred duty to resist! I have to report to the Boss. [puts a pistol on the table] Perhaps you'd prefer to avoid the red tape.

[Khrushchev walks out of the room to address political officers. There is a gunshot, then he begins.]

My name... is Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. I've come to takes things in hand here. This city, is not Kursk, nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk. This city, is Stalingrad. Stalin-grad! The city bears the name of the Boss. It's more than a city, it's a symbol. If the Germans, capture this city, the entire country will collapse. Now, I want our boys to raise their heads. I want them to act like they have BALLS! I want them to stop SHITTING THEIR PANTS! [briefly pauses] That's your job. As political officers, I'm counting on you. You, what's your suggestion?

Officer #1:
Shoot all the other generals who have retreated. And their chiefs of staff, too.

[Khruschev looks at another.]

Officer #2:
M-make s-some examples. D-d-d-d-d-de-port the families of the d-d-deserters.

[bored] Yes, yes, that's all been done.

Give them hope!

[Kruschev walks over and looks at the officer standing in the front, who motions with his eyes toward Danilov.]

Here the men's only choice is between German bullets and ours. But there's another way, the way of courage, the way of love of the Motherland. We must publish the army newspaper again. We must tell magnificent stories, stories that extol sacrifice, bravery. We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight. We must make them believe in the victory. Yes, we need to make examples; but examples to follow. What we need... are heroes.

[looks around, wryly] Do you know any heroes around here?

Yes, comrade. I know one.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Erwin König arrives at General Paulus' headquarters and meets him]

I was expecting someone else. Certainly not someone so prestigious. I imagine you have your reasons for getting yourself involved in this hellish situation. My army is not designed for this kind of fighting. Yesterday, yet again, I had to promote 25 sergeants to replace the officers shot down by their sharpshooters. Those snipers are demoralizing my people. [shows König a photo of the city] This city is no more than a heap of ruins. But the Führer's persisting. He has made it a personal matter between Stalin and himself. We should trust the Führer's instinct. He always managed to lead us to victory. We shall be back home for Christmas. [indicating Zaytsev] How are you going to go about finding this young Russian?

I'll fix it so that he's the one who finds me.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vassili Zaitsev tries to write a letter to a a group of coal miners who wanted to dedicate their mine in his honor]

Shouldn't we try and make the point that I'm not the only one fighting?

[dictates thoughts for Vassili to write] That's an excellent idea. We can take it even further though. Your battle for the production of coal is as worthy as mine. There's no 'k' in coal. Just one 'l'. Tell me if I'm going too fast.

No, you're not going too fast. Is there any other improvements?

Mrs Filipov:
Why don't you get some rest? These letters can wait until tomorrow.

We should carry on. We're not tired. Thank you, Mrs Filipov. These people took the trouble to write to us. Tomorrow we might not be around to write back.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Sacha has left Danilov's headquarters; he is acting as a double agent, risking direct contact with Koenig behind German lines as an aide]

Danilov. You had NO RIGHT to use him!

Oh, no, no, I didn't. He... did it of his own accord. You know why? Because he BELIEVES IN YOU!

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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