Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,696

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Erwin König arrives at General Paulus' headquarters and meets him]

I was expecting someone else. Certainly not someone so prestigious. I imagine you have your reasons for getting yourself involved in this hellish situation. My army is not designed for this kind of fighting. Yesterday, yet again, I had to promote 25 sergeants to replace the officers shot down by their sharpshooters. Those snipers are demoralizing my people. [shows König a photo of the city] This city is no more than a heap of ruins. But the Führer's persisting. He has made it a personal matter between Stalin and himself. We should trust the Führer's instinct. He always managed to lead us to victory. We shall be back home for Christmas. [indicating Zaytsev] How are you going to go about finding this young Russian?

I'll fix it so that he's the one who finds me.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vassili Zaitsev tries to write a letter to a a group of coal miners who wanted to dedicate their mine in his honor]

Shouldn't we try and make the point that I'm not the only one fighting?

[dictates thoughts for Vassili to write] That's an excellent idea. We can take it even further though. Your battle for the production of coal is as worthy as mine. There's no 'k' in coal. Just one 'l'. Tell me if I'm going too fast.

No, you're not going too fast. Is there any other improvements?

Mrs Filipov:
Why don't you get some rest? These letters can wait until tomorrow.

We should carry on. We're not tired. Thank you, Mrs Filipov. These people took the trouble to write to us. Tomorrow we might not be around to write back.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Sacha has left Danilov's headquarters; he is acting as a double agent, risking direct contact with Koenig behind German lines as an aide]

Danilov. You had NO RIGHT to use him!

Oh, no, no, I didn't. He... did it of his own accord. You know why? Because he BELIEVES IN YOU!

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You have to leave now, Mrs. Filipov- Stalingrad may fall! The last of the boats are leaving, the boats will be here any moment!

He's brought you a pass. You have to gather your things and then we'll help you carry them to the landing.

Mrs. Filipov:
I'm not leaving. This is my home. This is my Sacha's home. I can't leave!

I have to tell you something, Mrs. Filipov... something very difficult to understand. It's about Sacha.

[Tania and Danilov both hesitate, trying to find an explanation- Sacha has been hung by Koenig.]

Sacha has gone over to the Germans. He's betrayed his country. He's with the enemy now; he won't be coming back.

Mrs. Filipov:
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. He's become a traitor! What has he done? So he's going to stay over there?

Yes. He's going to stay over there.

[Shortly after, the three are making their way to the landing; it is crowded with refugees and under heavy artillery fire]

Mrs. Filipov:
I shouldn't be saying this, Comrade Commissar, but maybe it's for the best! If the Germans have won, he'll be safe! I know it's wrong, but- perhaps he's made the right choice!

[After reaching the boats, Mrs. Filipov goes back to a wooden sign with many hand-written letters nailed to it. She leaves one, hoping Sacha will find it when the Germans take the landing]

Mrs. Filipov:
[On the note] I am in good health. They are evacuating me to the other bank. Keep well my Sacha.

Enemy at the Gates  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Clayton Dean:
I'm sick of this, you either shoot me, or tell me what the hell is going on!

Edward "Brill" Lyle:
You have something they want!

I don't have anything!

Maybe you do, but you don't know it! Stay off the phone. Stay away from me and Rachel, you come near any one of us, I'm gonna kill you.

Enemy of the State  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Brill introduces Dean to his Faraday cage and starts activating his equipment]

Edward "Brill" Lyle:
The government's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the forties. They've infected everything. They get into your bank statements, computer files, email, listen to your phone calls...

Robert Clayton Dean:
My wife's been saying that for years.

Every wire, every airwave. The more technology used, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. At least it'd better be. [analyzes disk] There it goes. It's some kind of simple encryption.

Oh, conspiracy theorists of the world, unite.

It's more than a theory with me. I'm a former conspirer. I used to work for the NSA. I was a communication analyst. Listen to international calls, calls from foreign nationalists. That GPS tracking device we found in your cellular telephone? I designed one of the first models in that series. Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. You're talking on the phone and you use the word, "bomb," "president," "Allah," any of a hundred keywords, the computer recognizes it, automatically records it, red flags it for analysis; that was twenty years ago. You know the Hubble Telescope that looks up to the stars? They've got over a hundred spy satellites looking down at us. That's classified. In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now calls bouncin' around on satellite, they snatch right out of the air.

Enemy of the State  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after reconciling their differences, Brill and Lyle go to a diner]

Edward "Brill" Lyle:
You're the threat now. Just like I was.

Robert Clayton Dean:
Threat to whom? To them?

No. To your family, your friends, everybody you know, everybody you meet. That's why I went away and didn't come back. You've got to go away, Robert.

No, I don't think so. This is my life, I worked hard for it and I want it back. I grew up without a father, I know what that is. And I will not allow my family to go through that.

Kid at Nearby Table:
Mommy, I want to go home.

Want to take a poke at me?

I don't hit senior citizens.

Come here, Babe. Come here, come on. [cat cuddles up] In guerrilla warfare they taught us to use our weaknesses as strengths.

Such as?

Well, if they're big and you're small, then you're mobile and they're slow. You're hidden and they're exposed. You only fight battles you know you can win. That's the way the Vietcong did it. You capture their weapons and you use them against them the next time. That way they're supplying you. You grow stronger as they grow weaker.

Enemy of the State  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Congressman Sam Albert:
[on TV] We knew that we had to monitor our enemies. We've also come to realize that we need to monitor the people who are monitoring them...

Carla Dean:
Well who's gonna monitor the monitors of the monitors?

Robert Clayton Dean:
I wouldn't mind doing a little... "monitoring" myself.

Yes, and you've got lots and lots of... "monitoring" to do.

Eric Dean:
Are you guys talking about sex?

[surprised with Carla] Boy!

Oh no, it's time for dinner.

Get in there and eat your dinner, no more hanging with Dylan.

Enemy of the State  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Mandrake captures Mub and Grub with the pod, Ronin blames Nod for letting them escape and he puts his foot down]

[angrliy, pushing Nod into the wall] Stay with the Pod, that's all you Have to do.

Yeah, but I just thought if..

Do you ever think about anyone besides yourself?! .

Mary Katherine:
It wasn't all his fault!.

And You! I expected as much from him. But I thought you would know better.

We're really sorry, okay?. We just...

I don't want to hear it. That was the last part of the queen that I h----. That any of us will ever have. [walks away]

Epic  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nim Galuu:
Let's see. Moonlight comes in here, moves along here, reaches the pod here. At the moon's highest peak, only time it can bloom.

Do you know what this means?

We single-handedly saved the forest! Eye five! Down low! Too slow!

So, when the pod opens, what happens to you?

Mary Katherine:
I think I go home.

Well, I... I guess this is...

Mary Katherine:
Yeah, I guess it is.

Mandrake's bats!

Mary Katherine:
They're not attacking. They're just... blocking out the moon.

Epic  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Katherine:
[as she is being pulled away from Nod as she starts to grow] What's happening?

Nim Galuu:
[points to Tara's successor] A queen brought you here... how about a queen send you back?

Flower Kid:
[last lines, as she concentrates on using her new found powers] Ummm... [gasps]... It's Working!

Epic  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
Enough is enough! I have had it with these god damn snakes on this god damn plane!

So have I!

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
Enough is enough! I have had it with these god damn snakes on this god damn plane!


Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
I have had it with these god damn snakes on this god damn plane!

Why do you keep saying that?!

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
'Cause Internet bloggers love when I say, "I have had it with these god damn snakes on this god damn plane!"

(unrated version)

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!

So have I!

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!


Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!

Why do you keep saying that?!

Samuel L. Jackson look-alike:
'Cause Internet bloggers love when I say, "I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

Epic Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(in Latin) Habeas corpus. E pluribus unum. (English subtitles) I'm gonna drop you like K-Fed!

Epic Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert McCall:
I was a Pip.

You were a pimp?

Robert McCall:
No, not a pimp, a Pip. "P - I - P", Pip.

What the fuck is a Pip?

Robert McCall:
Why you got to curse so much? You know, like Gladys Knight & the Pips? Like this. [starts dancing]

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert McCall:
[explaining the ending of The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, which he was just finishing] Old man tied the fish to the side of the boat, had to row back to shore, fish bled in the water, sharks came and ate the whole fish till there was nothing left.

That's just kind of a waste, isn't it?

Robert McCall:
Depends upon how you look at it. The old man met his adversary when he thought that part of his life was over. He saw himself in the fish. Came to... Came to respect it the more it fought.

Why didn't he just let the fish go?

Robert McCall:
The old man's gotta be the old man. Fish gotta be the fish. Got to be who you are in this world, no matter what.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm Teri.

Bob. …

You know, you don't look like a Bob.


You look like a Robert. Robert reads books like this and Bob watches TV... My real name's Alina.

What happened to your face?

Someone stupid. [after an uncomfortable pause, she get's out a CD of her singing] Okay, it's not professional. Just tell me what you think, okay?

Wow. Alina the singer.

You and I know what I really am.

I think you can be anything you wanna be.

Maybe in your world, Robert. Doesn't happen that way in mine.

Change your world.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, I see a lot of widowed guys. Something in your eyes. You know, it's not sad. It's just kind of... lost, you know? You always read books?

My wife did. She... She was working through the 100 Books Everybody Should Read. She made it to 97, so I figured I'd give it a shot. And one day we'd have something to talk about. We'd get together.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I love being up at this hour.


Yeah. You know, everything's so dark. It makes everything seem possible again.

Yeah, me, I can't sleep at night.

Yeah, well, I get to hear your stories. What's your new one about?

It's about a guy who thinks he's a knight in shining armor. The only thing is he lives in a world where knights don't exist anymore.

Kind of sounds like my world.

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Vladimir Pushkin:
Who are you?

Robert McCall:
Everybody wants to know. …

Vladimir Pushkin:
What do you want?

Robert McCall:
I want the head of the snake.

Vladimir Pushkin:
So it's you. And now you've come to kill me.

Robert McCall:

Vladimir Pushkin:
And tell me, what do you gain from my death?

Robert McCall:

The Equalizer  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You always knew. … "But I being poor have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams." I assume you dream Preston.

I'll do what I can to see they go easy on you.

We both know they never go easy.

Then I'm sorry.

No you're not. You don't even know the meaning. Its just a vestigial word for feeling you've never felt. Don't you see Preston, its gone, everything that makes us what we are, traded away.

There's no war. No murder.

What is it you think we do?

No. You've been with me, you've seen how it can be, the jealously, the rage.

A heavy cost. I pay it gladly.

Equilibrium  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Every time we come from the Nethers to the city it reminds me of why we do what we do.

It does?

I beg your pardon?

[Partridge injects Prozium dose into his neck]

It does.

Equilibrium  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robbie Preston:

John Preston:

Robbie Preston:
I saw Bobbie Taylor crying today. He didn't know, but I saw. Do you think I should report him?

John Preston:
(Pauses) Unquestionably.

Equilibrium  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You can't do this. You cannot do this!

Tetragrammaton. There's nothing we can't do.

Equilibrium  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let me ask you something. Why are you alive?

John Preston:
I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.

It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?

John Preston:
What's the point of your existence?

To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

Equilibrium  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Who steals my purse steals trash; But he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed."
A Marcus Aurelius
B Othello
C Julius Caesar
D lincoln