[when Gordon visits Dent at the hospital, after his face was burned; Dent lies on the hospital bed, the normal half of his face turned towards the camera, while the other half is not visible to viewer]
James Gordon:
I'm sorry about Rachel. The doctor says you are in agonizing pain but won't accept medication. That you're refusing to accept skin grafts.
Harvey Dent:
Remember that name you all had for me when I was in Internal Affairs? What was it, Gordon?
James Gordon:
Harvey, I...
Harvey Dent:
Say it [beat] SAY IT!
[Gordon hesitates for a long moment, before answering]
James Gordon:
Two-Face. Harvey Two-Face.
[Dent turns his disfigured face towards Gordon, but camera switches back to Gordon before the viewer can see it]
Harvey Dent:
Why should I hide who I am?
James Gordon:
I know you tried to warn me. I'm sorry. Wuertz picked you up. Was he working for them? You know who picked up Rachel? Harvey, I need to know which of my men I can trust.
Harvey Dent:
Why would you listen to me now?
James Gordon:
I'm sorry, Harvey.
[Dent turns his face to Gordon again and this time it is fully visible that half of it was completely burned]
Harvey Dent:
No. No, you're not. Not yet.