[Z and Bala both sigh when they escape from the magnifying glass, and hide in the "wilderness"]
Oh, don't worry. I'm okay.
You?! You're okay?! Hey, who cares about you?! I almost died here!
Will you please calm down? You're not going to let a little near-death experience ruin your mood, are you?
Hey, this is not a mood. Okay? You're not listening to me. Where am I?
[The praying mantis snores soundly, as the birds chirp in the background]
Look, what's-your-name. Just climb up that tree, and find out where I am.
Look, th-the trick is not to panic. You know, h-h-he w-who panics is lost. Aw... What am I saying? I mean, we are lost. [he climbs up a stem of a thistle plant, but it droops over downwards towards Bala] Whoa! Whoa!
[she gasps at Z]
[he grins and chuckles sarcastically at Bala, but the thistle part of the plant breaks off of the thistle plant, and falls to the ground, with Z holding on to it] Ow!
[to the audience] I've been kidnapped by the village idiot.
Who's the bigger idiot? [he gets up, as he plucks the thistle thorns off of his body] The idiot, or the idiot who gets kidnapped by the idiot?
What'd you do? Talk those termites to death? I can't believe you tried to pass yourself off as a soldier. Why are you stalking me? Don't you realize that I'm...out of your league?
You're the one who was cruising the worker bar looking for a little action! And you just happened to find it--the swarthy, earthy, sensual worker.
Please. I was slumming it. Don't you get it? I chose you because you were the most pathetic little bug in the joint.
You know, I was gonna let you become part of my most erotic fantasies. But now, you can just forget that! Write it off, you know? I-I guess what you prefer is Old Blood and Guts! This guy's idea of a romantic night out is two seats at a public execution! Boy. You really chose the right husband. [he climbs up a spiked stem of a rose]
For your information, the General and I are deeply, deeply in...engaged! You come right back down here this instant! We are marching straight back to the colony, so that I can go straight back to the palace, and tell my mother...
[he moves some of the rose's leaves out of his way with his hand, and sees the "monolith" (a drinking fountain) in the distance, the first of the series of landmarks on the way to Insectopia that Grebs told him about] The monolith!
...and you can go back to your stupid little buggy bar!
Absolutely. Wonderful. [he climbs back down the rose's spiked stem towards Bala, who is standing on the ground] That's an appealing offer. But, considering the options, you go back. Okay? 'Cause I'm going to Insectopia.
Oh, come on! Insectopia? You're crazier than I thought.
Yeah? Well, I happen to have it on a very reliable source. [he clears his throat] Or... Or should I say, a drunk, raving source? But the point is, I'm convinced the place definitely exists! [he heads on towards the monolith]
Stop! I order you to stop, worker!
Hey! I got a name, okay?! It's Z! And out here, you can't order me around! [he continues walking on]
All right! Fine! No problem! Grr! [Bala goes the opposite direction of Z, but suddenly, the ground underneath her starts to shake and rise, and she finds herself on the back of the praying mantis, who turns and gnashes its jaws at her. Bala gasps, and then runs after Z in terror] Worker! Worker, where are you? Z? Z, wait for me!