Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,726

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Standing before Sam Wilson, shrunken] It's okay, he can't see me.

I can see you.

...He can see me.

Ant-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Paxton, turn around. Take me back.

I'm taking you back. To prison.

There's something in that backyard that needs to be destroyed, in the bug-zapper. I-

[Paxton hits the brake with his foot and angrily turns to Scott]

You need to desist right now! Your delusions are out of hand!

Ant-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Yellowjacket appears in Cassie's room]

Are you a monster?

Do I look like a monster?

…I want my daddy!

[Menacingly] I know. I want your daddy too.

Ant-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mid-credits scene; Hank brings Hope down to his lab]

There’s something I want to show you. I realized you can’t destroy power, all you can do is to make sure that it’s in the right hands.

[Hank opens up a vault to reveal the prototype of the Wasp suit]

This is an advanced prototype that your mother and I worked on together. She never got to use it, but now I realize that we were… we were working on it for you.

[Hope looks at the suit in shock then back to Hank]

Maybe it’s time we finished it.

[Hope looks back at the suit and smiles]

It’s about damn time.

Ant-Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Excellent! You've made a real breakthrough.

I have?

Yes, Z. You are insignificant.

I am?

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Z, I've known you for a long time, right?

Definitely; you were born two seconds after me.

Yeah, and ever since we were little, I've been listening to you complain. What are you bitchin' about? In case you haven't noticed, we ants are running the show! We're the lords of the earth!

Hey, don't talk to me about earth, okay? 'Cause I just spent all day hauling it around.

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bala sneaks into the bar with two handmaidens]

[excited] Wow... This is so... gritty!

Handmaiden 1:
Ten minutes and we're out of here, right? I mean, this place is off limits.

Just blame it on me. Say it was all my idea.

Handmaiden 2:
It is all your idea!

[removes her crown] Besides, no one's gonna recognize us. Come on, girls, what do you say? Let's take a walk on the wild side.

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to her handmaidens] Step back, ladies. I'm gonna ask one of these workers to dance with me!

[watching the other ants dance in unison] What a bunch of losers. Mindless zombies capitulating to an oppressive system--

Hi. Wanna dance?

[upon turning to see her] Absolutely!

Follow me.

[as they step onto the dance floor] So, how come I haven't seen you around here before?

Oh, I don't get out much. I, uh... I work over at the palace.

The palace, huh? I bet those royals really live it up. [secretively] Of course, they're all a little, you know, from inbreeding.


Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Please, Weaver, please. Switch jobs with me just, you know, for a day. Think of all the things I've done for you.

[pauses] Hm. I can't think of any.

Okay, so think of all the things that I'm gonna do for you!

[glances around, then leans in secretively] Would I meet some worker girls?

Are you kidding? They always go after the new guy! It's like a sport for them!

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So these termites, they're, they're pushovers, right?

Not really, kid. They're five times our size, and they shoot acid from their foreheads.


[Z stops marching, gaping in disbelief. As the next rank of soldiers comes up behind him, a soldier gives Z a shove.]

Hey! Keep it movin', shorty!

[Later, as the ant army is marching towards the termites' nest]

So, what exactly does our platoon do? Are we gonna be serving beverages, or processing paperwork?

Our platoon has the best assignment of all. We're the first into battle.


[panicked] Hey, wait a minute, let's not get... we're being too hasty here! These guys sound like bruisers! Just how were you figuring on beating them?!

Superior numbers, kid. Overwhelm their defenses, and kill their queen.

[stammering] I, um... Hey, fellas, that's... you're being a little extreme, I feel. Why don't... why don't we just try and influence their political process with campaign contributions?

[laughing] I like you, kid. You got a sense of humor!

Ant Officer:
Companies! Forward!

Come on! Let's kick some termite butt!

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Z and Bala both sigh when they escape from the magnifying glass, and hide in the "wilderness"]

Oh, don't worry. I'm okay.

You?! You're okay?! Hey, who cares about you?! I almost died here!

Will you please calm down? You're not going to let a little near-death experience ruin your mood, are you?

Hey, this is not a mood. Okay? You're not listening to me. Where am I?

[The praying mantis snores soundly, as the birds chirp in the background]

Look, what's-your-name. Just climb up that tree, and find out where I am.

Look, th-the trick is not to panic. You know, h-h-he w-who panics is lost. Aw... What am I saying? I mean, we are lost. [he climbs up a stem of a thistle plant, but it droops over downwards towards Bala] Whoa! Whoa!

[she gasps at Z]

[he grins and chuckles sarcastically at Bala, but the thistle part of the plant breaks off of the thistle plant, and falls to the ground, with Z holding on to it] Ow!

[to the audience] I've been kidnapped by the village idiot.

Who's the bigger idiot? [he gets up, as he plucks the thistle thorns off of his body] The idiot, or the idiot who gets kidnapped by the idiot?

What'd you do? Talk those termites to death? I can't believe you tried to pass yourself off as a soldier. Why are you stalking me? Don't you realize that I'm...out of your league?

You're the one who was cruising the worker bar looking for a little action! And you just happened to find it--the swarthy, earthy, sensual worker.

Please. I was slumming it. Don't you get it? I chose you because you were the most pathetic little bug in the joint.

You know, I was gonna let you become part of my most erotic fantasies. But now, you can just forget that! Write it off, you know? I-I guess what you prefer is Old Blood and Guts! This guy's idea of a romantic night out is two seats at a public execution! Boy. You really chose the right husband. [he climbs up a spiked stem of a rose]

For your information, the General and I are deeply, deeply in...engaged! You come right back down here this instant! We are marching straight back to the colony, so that I can go straight back to the palace, and tell my mother...

[he moves some of the rose's leaves out of his way with his hand, and sees the "monolith" (a drinking fountain) in the distance, the first of the series of landmarks on the way to Insectopia that Grebs told him about] The monolith!

...and you can go back to your stupid little buggy bar!

Absolutely. Wonderful. [he climbs back down the rose's spiked stem towards Bala, who is standing on the ground] That's an appealing offer. But, considering the options, you go back. Okay? 'Cause I'm going to Insectopia.

Oh, come on! Insectopia? You're crazier than I thought.

Yeah? Well, I happen to have it on a very reliable source. [he clears his throat] Or... Or should I say, a drunk, raving source? But the point is, I'm convinced the place definitely exists! [he heads on towards the monolith]

Stop! I order you to stop, worker!

Hey! I got a name, okay?! It's Z! And out here, you can't order me around! [he continues walking on]

All right! Fine! No problem! Grr! [Bala goes the opposite direction of Z, but suddenly, the ground underneath her starts to shake and rise, and she finds herself on the back of the praying mantis, who turns and gnashes its jaws at her. Bala gasps, and then runs after Z in terror] Worker! Worker, where are you? Z? Z, wait for me!

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Cutter watches, as the Queen tells Mandible that she wants Bala back]

No more excuses, General. I want my daughter back. Frankly, I'm beginning to doubt your ability to handle this.

General Mandible:
Believe me, your highness, we'll spare no effort to bring her back. Princess Bala is essential to all our plans for the future.

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Z's independence has triggered a mass protest of workers]

People, come on. I know some ants who aren't gonna make their quota--

Buzz off, pawn of the oppressor!

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago


All right. All right. You’re genius.

Let’s eat.

[Z has been trying to feast on a sandwich at a picnic, only to be blocked by the clingfilm it's wrapped in]

Well, what's the problem?

There's some kind of force-field!

[Above them, two wasps - Chip and Muffy - arrive]

Uh, excuse me? Excuse me? How... How do you get in?

[flying down to them] Yes, yes, well, I'm afraid this is a private function.

Who are your friends, dear?

Crawling insects, poopsie.

Oh, the poor dears. [to Z and Bala, slowly] Uh, good... morning!

Darling, really? Greeting every insect that emerges out of the grass?

Pardon me? I guess you don't recognize me! [the wasps land in front of them] I've been travelling, and I'm all... schlumpy. I'm Princess Bala.

Oh! [to Muffy] It's even worse. They're Eurotrash!

Darling, they're poor, they're dirty, they're smelly. We have to help them. [leaning down, to Z and Bala] If you just wait right here, we'll get you a little something.

Ugh! Please, Muffy, not another crusade.

Chippy, we have a social obligation to the less fortunate. [Chip rolls his eyes] I know you laugh at my hobbies, but this is important to me! [Z and Bala flinch as she stamps in frustration]

Hm. You have such a big heart. That's why you're my little cuddly-widdles...!

Oh, my big strong pheromone factory...!

[The wasps start kissing in an exaggerated manner]

Oh, brother. Suddenly I've lost my appetite.

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Z and Bala sit with some other bugs around a campfire in Insectopia]

[tasting a brown lump] This stuff tastes like crap.

Really? Let me try some. [tastes it] Hey, it is crap! Not bad. [continues eating] Somebody needs to feed that fire.

Dude, I did it last time.

Well, I'm not gonna get it. It's not my job.

What about the new guy? He hasn't contributed yet.

[They observe Z and Bala talking by themselves]

[about Barbatus] And... you know, he just died in my arms like that. I... You know, I don't think he ever once, in his life, made his own choice.

[moved and saddened] I never knew it was like that. I mean, up in the palace... Well, I guess we just let the General make all the decisions.

Let me ask you something - what made you come to the bar that night?

Bala :
I guess I was looking for a little trouble.

Well, trouble's my middle name. Actually, my middle name is Marion, but, uh, I don't want you spreading that around.

[chuckles] You're pretty strange. You do know that, don't you?

Well, [clears throat] "strange" is... not exactly the word I would use, you know--

[smiling] I like it. You're not like anyone else.

[stammering] Actually, now that you mention it, I... there is a certain strangeness to me. I mean, it's a... you know, kind of a bizarre quality. Some have said "freak". But it's, uh, you know, complimentary.

[Bala keeps smiling, leaning towards him, and they are about to kiss]

Hey, new guy! We need more wood.

[Bala shrugs disappointedly]

I'll be right back. Just hold that thought - whatever... whatever it is you were thinking. [to the other bugs, as he leaves] Hey, you ever wonder why they call you guys "pests"?

What if, like, we're just these tiny things, and we're just, like, part of this whole other huge universe that's, like, so big we don't even know it exists?

[chuckles] Man, that is so deep.

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

General Mandible:
What the hell is that?!

I think that's the "weak elements", sir.

Give me--give me your hand!

General Mandible:
Z! You're alive?! Let go! [Mandible grabs a spear] Don't you understand?! It's for the good of the colony!

Wh-what are you saying?! We are the colony!

[Mandible is about to kill Z, but Cutter punches Mandible in the face, knocking him to the ground]

General Mandible:
[rubbing his face] Cutter... what are you doing?

Something I should have done, a long time ago. This is for the good of the colony, sir. [Cutter grabs onto Z's hands to pull him up]

General Mandible:
You useless, ungrateful maggot! I am the colony! [He charges at Cutter]

[gasps] Look out!

[General Mandible and Z fall down into the hole towards the flooding colony. Mandible hits a root and Z lands in the water.]


Men! Let's Move it! Get these ants up here!

[The soldiers start pulling the ants out, and Cutter flies in to rescue Z.]

Antz  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Engineman 3rd Class Jay "Chef" Hicks:
How come all you guys sit on your helmets?

So we don't get our balls blown off.

[Chef laughs a little, then sits on his helmet.]

Apocalypse Now  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Benjamin L. Willard:
Who's the commanding officer here, soldier?

Ain't you?

Captain Benjamin L. Willard:
Soldier, do you know who's in command here?

The Roach:

[He turns away.]

Apocalypse Now  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Carlsen:
I'm Lt. Carlsen. I was sent from Nha Trang with this message for you three days ago, sir. They expected you here a little sooner. This is mail for the boat's crew. You don't know how happy this makes me in delivering all this.

Captain Benjamin L. Willard:

Lt. Carlsen:
Because now I can get out of here... if I can find a way. [an enemy artillery shell lands dangerously close by as Lt. Carlsen runs away] You're in the asshole of the world, Captain!

Apocalypse Now  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Benjamin L. Willard:
My mission is to make it up into Cambodia. There's a Green Beret Colonel up there who's gone insane. I'm supposed to kill him.

Engineman 3rd Class Jay "Chef" Hicks:
That's fucking typical! Shit. Fuckin' Vietnam mission! I'm short, and we gotta go up there so you can kill one of our own guys? That's fuckin' great! That's just fuckin' great, man. Shit. That's fuckin'... crazy! I thought you were going in there to blow up a bridge, or, some fucking railroad tracks or somethin'.

Captain Benjamin L. Willard:
I'm sorry. Look, I'll cut you loose here and you can turn around and...

Engineman 3rd Class Jay "Chef" Hicks:
[interrupting] No, no, we go together... on the boat! We came this far, so we go together. All the way! We'll take you up there, we'll go with you... but on the boat! Okay?

Apocalypse Now  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Todd knocks on Dussander's door]

Kurt Dussander:
Yes? What do you want?

Todd Bowden:

Kurt Dussander:
If you're selling something, I'm not interested.

Todd Bowden:
I have your newspaper.

[Dussander opens the door of his porch to take the newspaper]

Todd Bowden:
I'm not selling anything.

Kurt Dussander:
Then what do you want?

Todd Bowden:
If you could let me in for a minute, I just want to talk.

Kurt Dussander:
Talk? I don't have anything to say to you, boy. Good day to you.

[he shuts the door and turns to go back inside]

Todd Bowden:
[as he speaks, Dussander stops and slowly turns round] Bergen-Belsen, January '43 to June '43. Auschwitz, June '43 to June '44. Then you went to Patin. After that you disappeared, but then in 1965 you were spotted in West Berlin.

Kurt Dussander:
Listen, boy... I don't have time for this game. Now get out of here before I call the police.

Todd Bowden:
Call them if you want. I'm sure they'd love to meet you.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kurt Dussander:
What do you want? Tell me.

Todd Bowden:
I want to hear about it.

Kurt Dussander:
Hear about what?

Todd Bowden:
The stories. Everything.

Kurt Dussander:
What everything?

Todd Bowden:
Everything they're afraid to show us in school. You were there. You did those things. No one can tell it better than you can.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Todd Bowden:
[about the killings at the death camps] What did it feel like?

Kurt Dussander:
It was something that had to be done. A door had been opened and couldn't be shut. It was the end... You don't understand.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Todd has brought Dussander a gift - a replica SS uniform]

Todd Bowden:
Well, try it on.

Kurt Dussander:
Have you completely lost your mind? What on Earth makes you think I'd put something like that on?

Todd Bowden:
I thought you would like it.

Kurt Dussander:
Like it? You are a bigger fool than I thought. Maybe I'll put it on and do a little shopping, is that what you thought? The indignities I've suffered with you, I should smash you.

Todd Bowden:
What you've suffered with me is nothing compared to what the Israelis would do to you. You forget that. And I'll admit that's my fault, but don't ever forget the file I have on you. I try to do things the nice way but you don't want it. So fine, we're going to do it the hard way. You'll put this on because I want to see you in it. Now, move!

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said, "When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."?
A Roy Rogers
B Queen Elizabeth II
C John Wayne in "The Searchers"
D Samuel Johnson