Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,729

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Todd has brought Dussander a gift - a replica SS uniform]

Todd Bowden:
Well, try it on.

Kurt Dussander:
Have you completely lost your mind? What on Earth makes you think I'd put something like that on?

Todd Bowden:
I thought you would like it.

Kurt Dussander:
Like it? You are a bigger fool than I thought. Maybe I'll put it on and do a little shopping, is that what you thought? The indignities I've suffered with you, I should smash you.

Todd Bowden:
What you've suffered with me is nothing compared to what the Israelis would do to you. You forget that. And I'll admit that's my fault, but don't ever forget the file I have on you. I try to do things the nice way but you don't want it. So fine, we're going to do it the hard way. You'll put this on because I want to see you in it. Now, move!

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Todd is trying to forge his father's signature for a reply to a letter from school]

Kurt Dussander:
You're messing things up with that carbon paper.

Todd Bowden:
Yeah, what do you know about it?

Kurt Dussander:
[slaps his hand down on Todd's shoulder, Todd gets up and Dussander takes his place] Here, out of the way. I was forging documents before your parents were born.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Victor Bowden:
Arthur, I wonder if you'd mind if I asked you a personal question.

Kurt Dussander:
Not at all.

Victor Bowden:
What did you do during the war?

[Todd looks at Dussander]

Kurt Dussander:
I was in the reserves, as were most young men, Victor. My poor eyesight kept me out of combat, thank God. No, I spent most of the war in a military hospital washing bed linens and nurses' uniforms.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Todd Bowden:
Have you lost your mind? What the hell were you thinking, 'Grandpa'?

Kurt Dussander:
What are you so excited about?

Todd Bowden:
Oh, you've got some fucking balls! I could have screwed you up, anything could have happened!

Kurt Dussander:
You played it beautifully, boy. I knew you would.

Todd Bowden:
Are you fucking drunk? I could have busted you right there!

Kurt Dussander:
Yes, you could have, but you did not. Now, why was that? Your Edward French is not going to give you any more trouble, so now you are upset because the only way you can make things right is to work.

Todd Bowden:
I'm upset because you had that asshole thinking I can do something that can't be done!

Kurt Dussander:
Oh, but it can. And it will. You will simply have to work. No more stories. No more screwing around.

Todd Bowden:
I don't take orders from you.

Kurt Dussander:
[sniggers] You do now.

Todd Bowden:
Oh, you think so? Yeah, well, don't forget I could walk right in there and pick up that phone...

Kurt Dussander:
And do what? Do you really think that I would stand aside and let you turn me in without dragging you with me, do you? Your American self confidence is so bloated you've forgotten the reality of the situation. 90,000 died in Patin. To the whole world, I am a monster. And you have known about me all this time. If I'm caught, when those reporters stick their microphones in my face it will be your name that I will repeat over and over again. Todd Bowden, Todd Bowden... Todd Bowden, yes, that was his name. For how long, for months, almost a year, he wanted to know everything. That was how he put it, yes, everything.

Todd Bowden:
You're crazy. They'll never believe you.

Kurt Dussander:
It doesn't matter. Oh, you're going to be infamous, boy, take my word for it. And do you know what such a scandal can do? It never goes away. Not for you, not for your parents. And besides, lying to judges and reporters isn't as easy as you think. You'd have to be brilliant. Can you do that? I know I can.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kurt Dussander:
To have someone in your control. To have them know that they are alive only because you have not decided to the contrary. Do you have that power? Ask yourself. It's not an easy question, I think you know that.

Todd Bowden:
You know this means we're through, don't you? You won't be seeing me around here anymore.

Kurt Dussander:
No. I suppose I won't.

Todd Bowden:
What are you doing?

[he's pouring two glasses of whiskey]

Kurt Dussander:
This is the end. Here. A drink. To our lives together. The beginning and the end.

Todd Bowden:
I think you should fuck yourself.

Kurt Dussander:
Oh, my dear boy. Don't you see? We are fucking each other.

Apt Pupil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You might wanna lay off the Indian food. Curry's a no-no.

Are We Done Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Kevin opens the car door into a pole, causing the yellow paint to stain on it]

Aw, damn! Boy, didn't you hear what I just said?!

(amazed) Ooh, you swore!

You're damn right I swore! That's about $400 damage worth to my new car!

That's twice. Now you have to put $2 in the Swear Jar.

(to Kevin) Yeah, well, he's got to put about $400 in my pocket. You got $400 for me?!


And I want it cash!

[Kevin starts crying]

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I have to pee.

What?! No, no, no, you do not have to pee! Didn't you just go back at the train station?

I tried to go, but there was a man standing next to me, so it just went away.

But look, man, all this open road. You can hold it, I know you can. Just cross your legs.

[Kevin does so]

You should've asked him to go before we left.

I did!

No, you asked before we got on the train, not before we left the station. You're supposed to ask before every segment. Everyone knows that.

Evidently not.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, mister, you got any Yu-Gi-Oh?

What you think?

Got any Dragon Ball GT?

Look, you come in here every day, askin' the same questions. We ain't got no Pokémon, no Digimon, no Buffy, no SpongeBob, no Beanie Babies, [spots a kid about to steal a trading card, so Nick throws a football at him] and no shoplifters! Now, get! Both of y'all! Get!

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I knew you were lying. "Yeah, we're just friends." Yeah, right. You're just usin' us to suck up to our Mama.


Yeah, you're just a dirty, horny sex-man like all the others. Nasty man, you're a nasty, bad man!

Look, I tried to do your Mama a favor, you little booger!

You probably wanna kiss her, don't 'cha? [he makes a face on the window]

Hey, off the glass! Off the glass! [to Lindsey] And you, open this door.

You forgot the magic word.

Open this damn door!

Ooh, you just swore again! Lindsey, he just swore again!

So what? Hey, I'm not playin' with you.

You can't make us do anything.

Hey! This is my car! You hear me, little girl?! This is my car!

[Lindsey is getting ready to put the car into acceleration]

Uh uh! You better not! Look at me, I'm serious! I'm not playin' with you, little girl, okay? Now, if you don't open that door before I count to three, somebody gonna get it.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What was Mom thinking?

I don't know, I like him. He's kinda funny.

Hey, don't get soft! This guy is not our daddy. He's the enemy.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Quiet down, there. Have patience.

Kevin and Lindsey:
[make alarm blaring noises] Turn if off, Nick! Hurry! Hurry!

All right, calm down.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm not gonna make it. Do you have a bottle?


How 'bout this ashtray?

Kevin, there's no receptacle in this vehicle. Now, look, the exit's about a mile away, and you can hold it.

How far is a mile?

I don't know, 5,000 and some kinda feet. Think about something else; football, a math test, uh, puberty.

Are we there yet?


I'm sure the carpet's absorbent.

Here it comes!

For God sakes, man, he's gonna make his water in your car!

No, he ain't. [speeds into truck stop] Incoming, incoming, incoming! Aaaah! Hold it, man.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, man! I never ever got to read the manual! [sees the car engulfing in flames; but the flames grow a little more violently] Hit the dirt!

[Nick and the kids leap away from the car, as it explodes and goes into flames]

No! This is about a year's pay. What did I do... What did I do to deserve this!? Why is this happening to me?! [behind him, Kevin and Lindsey look at each other in worry and regret; Nick looks behind him, to Kevin and Lindsey] It was you two! If I didn't volunteer to babysit you two little demons on this road trip, this kind of thing would never happen, and I'd still have my car! [Kevin and Lindsey start crying] Go ahead and cry, I don't care.

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Here we go, here we go!

[Nick kicks open the dirty toilet hut door]

Kevin and Nick:

[Nick runs into ladies' room.]

In here, in here, hold it, hold it.

[Kevin slams the toilet hut door]

[freaks out] This is taken!

I'm sorry!

Are We There Yet?  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So the title refers to...

Lester Siegel:
The Argo, it's the, you know, the thing...

Jason and the Golden Fleece, or...?

The spaceship, it flies around space, all over space...

Is it the Argonaut?


Then what does "Argo" mean?

It means, Argo fuck yourself.

Argo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Stansfield Turner:
You're telling me there's a movie office in Hollywood right now that's funded by the CIA.

Tony Mendez:
Yes, sir.

Cyrus Vance:
What's wrong with the bikes again?

Jack O'Donnell:
We tried to get the message upstairs.

You think... You think this is more plausible than teachers?

Yes we do. One, there are no more foreign teachers in Iran.

And, we think everybody knows Hollywood people. And everybody knows they would shoot in Stalingrad with Pol Pot directing if it'd sell tickets. There are only bad options. It's about finding the best one.

You don't have a better bad idea than this?

This is the best bad idea we have, sir. By far.

[short pause] The United States government just sanctioned your science fiction movie.

Argo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Roquefort arrives in the alley where Scat Cat and his gang hang out; Scat Cat snatches him and holds him up.]

Scat Cat:
What's a little swinger like you doin' on our side of town?

Oh, please, I was sent here for help! By a cat!

Scat Cat:
Why this is outrageous! It's crazy!

Honest! He told me just to mention his name!

Billy Boss:
So? Start mentioning names, rodent!

Oh, now, wait a minute. D-don't rush me. His name is- O'Toole.

Scat Cat:
I don't dig him. Strike one.

O... O'Brien!

Scat Cat:
Strike two.

Oh, boy. You believe me, don't you?

Hit Cat:
Keep talkin', Mousy.

How about... O... Grady?

Scat Cat:
Mousy, you just struck out. Any last words?

Oh, why did I listen to that O'Malley cat?!

The Aristocats  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What is this thing?

It's an asteroid, sir.

How big are we talking?

Sir, our best estimate is 97.6 billion–

It's the size of Texas, Mr. President.

Dan, we didn't see this thing coming?

Well, our object collision budget's about a million dollars a year. That allows us to track about three percent of the sky, and begging your pardon, sir, but it's a big-ass sky.

Gen. Kimsey:
And the ones this morning?

Uh, those were nothing. Those were the size of basketballs and Volkswagens, things like that.

Is this, going to hit us?

We're efforting that as we speak, sir.

What kind of damage will this do?

Damage? Total, sir. It's what we call a global killer. The end of mankind. Doesn't matter where it hits, nothing would survive, not even bacteria.

My God. What do we do?

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The team are listing their conditions for going on the mission]

So what's the verdict?

Harry Stamper:
They'll do it. They've made a few requests though.

Such as?

[riffles through sheets of paper] Well, there's uh, few things here, uh... nothin' really big, uh, just- Well, as an example, uh, uh, Oscar here, he's got some outstanding parking tickets. Wants them wiped off his record.

[shouting from balcony] Fifty-six tickets in seven states...

[to Oscar] I'll-I'll tell 'em Oscar, you got it.


Uh, Noonan's got two women friends that he'd like to see made American citizens, no questions asked. Max would like you to...bring back eight-track tapes. Not sure if that's gonna work, but, uh, let's see what else. Um, Chick wants a full week's Emperor's Package at Caesar's Palace. Um - hey, you guys wouldn't be able to tell us who actually killed Kennedy, would ya? [Truman and the General look at him] Didn't think so. Um, Bear would like to stay at the... [tries to read writing] "White horse"? [looks up at Bear]

White. House. White House.

White House. Yeah, he'd like to stay in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House for the summer. Stuff like that.

Sure, I think we can, uh, take care of... some of that.

[shouting from balcony] Harry!

[motions back at Rockhound] Yeah, one more thing, um...none of them wanna pay taxes again. Ever. [Kimsey and Truman stare at Harry, who smirks and shrugs]

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chick visits someone before getting back to prepare for the launch]

What are you doing here?

I was just passing by on the, uh, I came... [a boy comes onto the porch with a toy and sees Chick]

Who's he?

That man's a salesman. Would you go inside? [Tommy obeys] Thank you.

He got big.

Can't come around like this. Court says you can't. Confuses him.

No, I know. I just ... I wanted to say that I'm sorry ... about everything, and ... I got something coming up, some kinda big. You just might be proud of me. Would you do something for me? Would you just give him this? You don't have - you don't have to tell him who it's from, just... [puts a toy shuttle on the porch]

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tell me you've never let anyone down.

I haven't given up yet. How's that?

I guess it'll do.

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after the asteroid landing goes wrong]

We're in segment 202, lateral grid nine, site 15H32; give or take a few yards. Captain America here blew the landing by 26 miles!

Col. Sharp:
How the hell do you know that?

Because I'm a genius.

The gauges will not read. They're all peaked like we're plugged into some magnetic field.

[sarcastically] Well, who on this spaceship wants to know why?

By all means.

The reason we were shooting for grid eight, was because thermographics indicated that grid nine was compressed iron ferrite...which means you've landed us on a goddamn iron plate!

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[during the standoff with the bomb]

For God's sakes, think about what you're doin'. Why are you listening to someone a hundred thousand miles away? We're here. No one down there can help us and if we don't get this job done, then everybody's gone.

One minute.

I have been drilling holes in the earth for thirty years. And I have never, never missed a depth that I have aimed for. And by God, I am not gonna miss this one, I will make 800 feet.

Forty-two seconds.

But I can't do it alone, Colonel. I need your help.

Col. Sharp:
You swear on your daughter's life, on my family's, that you can hit that mark?

I will make 800 feet. I swear to God I will.

Col. Sharp:
Then let's turn this bomb off.

Armageddon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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