[Miss Price and the children are being held captive in her house by German soldiers.]
No, fraulein, this is not the invasion. Just a little excercise. A minor raid to induce panic and to spread a little mischef. When you English get it through your head that the German forces can land at will whenever and wherever we please, perhaps you will consider a reasonable peace.
Not bloody likely!
Go on, Miss Price. Do it to him.
Miss Price:
I must say, it's very tempting. Colonel, how would you feel about being turned into a nice white rabbit? [The colonel speaks German to a soldier, ignoring Miss Price] I said, how would you feel about being turned into a nice white rabbit?
[Paul smiles]
Be quiet, please.
[Miss Price stands up, points at the Colonel, but cannot remember the correct words to the incantation]
Miss Price:
Filigree, apogee, epigee...!
Not again.
Your memory, Miss Price.
Miss Price:
Charles, would you kindly fetch me my notebook from the workroom, please?
[He attempts to run, but a German officer restrains Charlie. Miss Price and Paul attempt to retrieve Charlie in much commotion. The colonel, annoyed, turns to them]
SILENCE!! [The commotion stops] Fraulein, we have work to do. I am sorry, but I must send all of you someplace where you will no longer be a nuisance. [Speaks an order in German and continues working]