Better Call Saul, Season 2

Better Call Saul (2015–2022) is an American AMC drama about the life of a small-time lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) seven years before his appearance on Breaking Bad, though events during and after the original series are also explored.

[Kim finds Jimmy relaxing in a resort after turning down Davis & Main. They talk in the hotel's bar]

What d'you—What d'you mean, "quit the law"?!

I quit it. Simple as that.

Oh. Well, thanks for explaining, Jimmy, it's super clear now.

[to waiter] Hey buddy, is that a misprint right here? It's gotta be, right?

The Zafiro Añejo? That's correct, actually, believe it or not.

Holy shit, a $50 shot of tequila? Is it worth it?

Apparently. It's kind of a personal choice thing.

Well, I can't die without trying a $50 shot of tequila, so two. Dos. Neat, and we can charge that to the room, can't we?

No, we can't. We—I am paying. And he will have a shot of your well brand and I'll have a glass of your house red. [pause] Jimmy... did something happen in Cicero?

Why did something have to happen in Cicero?

Because, when I talked to you about Davis & Main, you were ready to take the job. Now you're back, and you're suddenly quitting the law? Cheating hotels out of expensive liquor, wearing a weird pinky ring—what, are you in the mafia now—asking if we have a future? I mean, where did that come from?

I don't know, I just... Cicero has nothing to do with it. It's my whole life–well, my life since Chuck made me come to Albuquerque. Ever since I got here, all I've done is try to make Chuck happy. Bend over backwards to please Chuck. Chuck, Chuck, Chuck. Well, no more.

You quitting the law, isn't that exactly what Chuck wants?

Who cares? This is for me, okay? I got into the law for all the wrong reasons. I'm trusting my instincts; I think that my talents are better spent elsewhere.

Where? Floating in someone else's pool? [scoffs] Jimmy, you're a great lawyer. Why give that up?

I'm not saying it didn't have its moments, but the stuff I liked about it: Selling people, convincing people? I don't have to be a lawyer to do that. Besides, people tell me how they see me, and it's not as a lawyer.

[They receive their drinks and notice an obnoxious stockbroker]

Okay, so? If you're not gonna be a lawyer, then what? Float around and wait for your Sandpiper money to roll in? That could take years.

Sandpiper has no bearing on this at all.

Okay, then what's the plan?

To be open to the universe.

Okay, so no plan. Just walk the earth, like Jules at the end of Pulp Fiction?

Look, whatever the universe presents, whatever opportunity arises, I will take it.

"Whatever opportunity?"


Wasn't Davis & Main an opportunity? It's a great opportunity, and you're walking away from it! [Jimmy looks away from her] Look, shouldn't you at least try the job before you say no?

And waste everyone's time, including my own? Kim, I appreciate your concern, but it's not for me. I don't want it.

Jimmy, do you remember how long you studied for that bar? How hard you worked? All that effort, you're just gonna toss it away?

That's the sunk cost fallacy.

The what?

The fallacy of sunk cost. It's what gamblers do: They throw good money after bad, thinking they can turn their luck around. It's like, "I've already spent this much money or time, whatever, I've gotta keep going!" No, there's no reward at the end of this game.

You are making a mistake. I know you're making a mistake.

I've been doing the "right thing" for all these years now, and where has it gotten me? Nowhere!

I'm sorry, I don't... [Jimmy and Kim stare at each other] I don't get it. I just don't get it.

It's what's right for me.

[The stockbroker pipes up again. Jimmy gets out of his seat]

Come with me.


Just—Come on, trust me.

What are you going to do?

You wanna understand what I'm talking about? Follow my lead.

My name's Ken, by the way.

Viktor, with a K.

Cool, Viktor with a K. [gestures to Kim] And this lovely lady is?

[hesitantly] It's Giselle. Giselle Saint Claire.

Ah, lovely. Please, sit, I won't bite. [Kim sits down] So, Viktor with a K and Giselle, exotic names.

They're Dutch.

Well, Boer, to be precise. Our father's side of the family is from South Africa... which is where Uncle Humphrey passed away.

South Africa, they grow them beautiful down there, right? Charlize Theron... and you.

Oh, well... I've never actually been, but hope to go someday.

Tell you what: By the time I'm done with you two, you might be taking your own private jet.


[to waiter] Excuse me, hi. We're sitting here now, so we could use a wine list, if you get a chance—

Hey, uh, are you a tequila fan?

Yes. [to Kim] You down for that?

...You ever try Zafiro Añejo?

No, I have not, but I'm down for whatever. Three of whatever she just said.

[Later that night, they've finished the entire bottle of Zafiro Añejo. The waiter hands them the bottle's cork]

Compliments of the bartender. She thought you might want a souvenir.

Oh, my God. Did we drink the entire bottle?

Not yet we haven't. Hey, cheers! [downs a shot]

I think we're ready for the check.

No, really, it's a smart way to go.

Okay, to be clear, you take the money directly from our account and invest it—

Diversify it.

Diversify it, and then all the dividends and all the profits and the what-have-you comes back directly into our account.

Boom. Absolutely. And you'll get a detailed statement showing how much your money is growing, biggest bulls of the month, etcetera.

Ken, buddy... let's do this.

[They sign the contract when the bill comes. Ken snatches it out of Jimmy's hand]

Whoops, I got that! Can't let you do it, son.

Wait, what—Ken. You are the greatest. Thank you.

No problemo. Hey, this'll be the best decision you'll ever make.

Oh, I believe it. Alright, well, we should get out of your hair.

Yeah. [Jimmy and Kim get out of the booth]

Wait! [tears out a piece of paper] This is for you. Now, that's got all my contact info. Call me anytime with questions, or anything at all.

Try and stop us!

[Kim and Jimmy throw it away as they leave the bar]

[Daniel has shown up at Mike's parking lot in his bright circus wagon, having been summoned for police questioning]

Well, if you must know, I was robbed. Somebody broke into my house and stole my property.

Your drugs.

Yeah, but obviously ‭I didn't tell the cops that. I'm not stupid.

You've already spoken to them?

A couple of them came by my house. But it's not the drugs that I care about. I mean, I care. It's my baseball cards I need back.

Your baseball cards?

Yes. I have a very valuable collection of baseball cards, and someone stole them.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised I have to tell you this. But it's probably a bad idea that you willingly talk to the police, being a criminal and all.

I'm not here as a criminal. I'm here as a crime victim. Just because I occasionally sell some pharmaceuticals, I no longer have a right to protection from crime? And I was very careful when I talked to them. I... they have no idea about my other business.

If you already made your report, why are you here?

They called me. They have a few more questions. They are very dedicated to finding this thief.

Since you're new to this, let me explain it to you. They've invited you on a fishing trip.

What's that? A fishing trip?

Those cops have no interest in helping you get your cards back. You're obviously under suspicion.

There was nothing there for them to see.

I refer you to our previous conversation and this blinking neon sign of a vehicle that says "drug dealer." They suspect you. They will get you in there, pretend to be your friend, lull you into a false sense of security, and then they will sweat you. And you will break.

I don't... I... [chuckles] I disagree.

Not open for debate. You go home now.

But I have an appointment.

Break it. And if they call you, do not answer the phone.

But- what about my baseball cards?

Cost of doing business.

No! No, no, no, I am getting those back! I will take the risk.

No, you won't, because then you'll be putting my well-being at risk.

I have to! I–I–those cards? Some of them were my dad's. I am getting them back. I'm getting them back.

[pause] I'll find your cards.

Is–is that something you do? Wow, that's- that is so generous of you.

Oh, it'll cost ya.

[Jimmy is spinning a lie to the police about Daniel's secret stash]

Well, this all comes down to a personal dispute, that's all. It's between Mr. Wormald and uh, his "art patron".

Detective #1:
Art patron?

Uh, yeah. My client has an arrangement with a wealthy gentleman for whom Mr. Wormald provides... art, in exchange for this gentleman's generous, eh... we'll call it patronage.

Detective #2:
Art. Like what, paintings?

It's more like digital media.

Detective #2:
Digital media?

He made videos for the man.

Detective #1:
What kind of videos?

Private videos of an artistic nature. That's what was in the hiding place, that's what it was for.

Detective #1:
...So this "art patron" stole the videos and the baseball cards?

Well, there was a misunderstanding. I mean, call it creative differences. Artists are volatile creatures! Guys, this all comes down to just a lover's spat, okay? Two consenting adults had a falling out, that happens, and the patron stole the videos and the baseball cards, to make a point, I guess. But the headline here is: it's all settled, hearts have mended and Mr. Wormald will not be pressing charges.

Detective #2:
What was on these videos?

They were private.

Detective #2:
You said that.

They were videos intended... to titillate the senses.

Detective #1:
Okay, so porn.

Not–no. Not as such. Technically, they would be categorized as fetish videos, but nothing illegal. Just a man–a fully clothed man, I might add–just all by himself. Just–just Mr. Wormald, fully clothed... uh, yeah. So-

Detective #1:
Yeah, alright. So, fully clothed Mr. Wormald by himself... doing what?

Detective #2:
Yeah, come on, man. What?

[sighs] Squat cobbler.

Detective #1:
What's a s-squat cobbler?

Squat cobbler. ‭You know what squat cobbler is.

Detective #1:
No, I don't- I don't know what a squat cobbler is.

Detective #2:
No, me neither. What is it?

Wha- you two guys are cops? Hoboken Squat Cobbler. Full Moon Moon Pie. Boston Crème Splat. Seriously? Simple Simon the Ass Man? Dutch Apple Ass? Guys, am I not speaking English here?

Detective #1:
What the hell is a squat cobbler?!

It's when a man sits in pie! He sits in a pie! And he... [wiggles in his seat] he wiggles around. Maybe it's like Hellman's Mayonnaise, it has a different name west of the Rockies. I don't know, but, uh, technically, he does a crybaby squat, so there's tears, which makes it more specialized. Not all pie-sitters cry, but I'm gonna tell you something: This guy? He's a regular Julianne Moore once he gets ‭the waterworks cranked up.

Detective #2:
Pies? What, like apple?

Guys, I'm not the filmmaker here, all right? Banana cream. I... uh, peach. Oh, and there... and there is a costume involved.

Detective #1:
[snorts] You've got to be shittin' us.

Yeah, like I would make this up. Hey, the world is ‭a rich tapestry, my friends, but trust me on this: you don't want to see it.

[Jimmy bribes a bus driver to "break down". After handing bribe money to the driver, he climbs on board]

Howdy, folks! Could someone tell me if Mrs. Alma May Urbano is on board? Alma May Urbano? [sees an elderly woman raise her hand] There you are. Hello, dear. Very good to meet you. My name's Jimmy. I tried to visit you at Sandpiper, but they wouldn't allow me to. Hey, you know what? It doesn't matter. I saw your bus broken down, here you are. Lucky me. Do you prefer to be called Mrs. Urbano or Alma May or just plain Alma? My last name is McGill, but you can call me Jimmy. Hey, everyone! My name's Jimmy McGill. I'm an attorney at law, but, uh, don't mind me. Just talk amongst yourselves. Now, Alma May, do you recall responding to a mailer from my law firm, Davis & Main, of Santa Fe, New Mexico?

Alma May:
I... I don't know.

Well, we were looking to help any Sandpiper residents who may have been overcharged for, uh, basic goods and services. Now, does that ring a bell?

Alma May:
Oh! Maybe. Was it yellow?

It's canary yellow. I picked that color myself. [chuckles] Well, ma'am, I'm here to make sure you get your money back.

What are you talking about? Who took Alma May's money?

Uh, well, now, that's a very good question. And thank you for asking, mister, uh...?

Amos... Amos Lydecker.

Mr. Lydecker, Jimmy McGill. Now, nobody took anybody's money, uh, exactly. Okay? It's not like the Sandpiper people, you know, put on a ski mask and, uh, mugged Alma May here at gunpoint. So I want you to put that mental image right out of your head. See, what we're talking about here is more of a... it's just a discrepancy. It's, it's a little thing, it's fairly innocent. But we need to fix it. Do you follow me? [silence] Well, put it this way. Alma May, let's say you're out on a date with your boyfriend. You do have a boyfriend, right? [She shakes her head] Ah! You don't? Come on. You... Alma May's holding out on me. Do you have a nephew?

Alma May:
Nephew? Oh, y-yes. Steve.

Okay, Steve. Is he a good guy?

Alma May:
Yes, very good.

Okay. So, let's say you and Steve go out to dinner at, uh, well, Birdie's. That's where you're all headed today, right? All right. So, both of you have a great meal. It's chicken-fried steak and green beans, and it's all perfect. Here comes the check. "Hey, wait a doggone..." Twenty-four bucks for a side of buttermilk biscuits? "That doesn't sound right, now, does it?" No, it does not. It sounds like something got added up wrong. Well, naturally, you send your nephew Steve to talk to the manager, and naturally, the manager corrects the mistake. And what's more, he gives you a coupon for a free meal next time you come in. How about that? Good. Well, same kind of thing is what happened at Sandpiper Crossing. And nothing makes me sadder than to see people of the Greatest Generation... people like my own Nana and Bobo... gettin' overcharged by some great, big company. Even if it was an accident. Now, I know that the good people at Sandpiper want to make this right sooner or later, but you know what? Well, sometimes, it's just easier if you get your nephew Steve to go take care of it for you. And that's how I want you to think of me.

[Jimmy is distracted by Chuck's presence at a meeting at HHM]

How about we move on to client outreach?

Jimmy? You still with us?

I'm gonna save you from having to brag: Over two hundred new Sandpiper clients signed over the past three weeks. Well done, Jimmy.

Thank you. Thanks, Cliff. Right now, we're in the process of mapping out the entire Southwest, targeting the largest Sandpiper facilities first: Phoenix, Colorado Springs, Fort Worth, Provo. Ideally, my goal–another two hundred by the end of the month. With this many folks, we have an excellent shot at a solid batch of plaintiffs for the classes in each district.

Excellent! Looking forward to the next report. Onto a stickier wicket, coordinating actions–

Sorry, before we move on, I'd like to go back to client outreach just for a moment. Looking over these numbers here, really astonishing results, Jimmy. Incredible. Your last trip to Amarillo, you came back with twenty-two new clients.


Twenty-four! I'm confused. Um, how many people out there actually responded to our direct mailer?


Oh, right, yeah. A Mrs. Alma May Urbano... but you got twenty four new clients from this one response? That is... wow.

Well, you're welcome. I mean, what, is there a problem?

Well, might not some parties—the opposing counsel, for example—see this differential and conclude that there may have been some solicitation involved?

I did not solicit.

I'm just wondering how you account for your success, because it will definitely raise eyebrows over at Schweikart & Cokely. [to the room] I'm sorry, but it will. Particularly in a case involving seniors, for whom the ethical guidelines on solicitation were virtually created by the ABA.

Chuck, I'm sure that— [Chuck hushes him] Jimmy, if you could clear this up, that would be helpful.

I went to Amarillo to confer with a client, and to make sure that we had a solid, good-faith basis for our case there, overall. As many of you are aware, I've visited more than my share of retirement homes. These are close-knit communities, let me tell ya: word gets around real fast. If Dorothy in Phase 2 gets a new Rascal scooter, it's big news.

So these other twenty-three residents, they approached you?

Cliff, they heard the scuttlebutt before I crossed state lines, and I certainly didn't have to go knocking on any doors. And is it any surprise that they wanna speak with a guy who was there to show them they may have money coming their way? I gotta tell ya, with all that in mind: I shoulda done better.

Makes sense. Howard?

Chuck? We good to move on?

[Jimmy and Chuck stare at each other; Chuck shrugs]

And Chuck, not incidentally, it is absolutely vital that we dot our I's and cross our T's here—invaluable. So, thank you.

Well, the price of excellence is eternal vigilance.

[Jimmy takes a phone call from Cliff after the broadcast of the commercial.]

It's the boss.

At this hour?

It's never too late for a congratulations. [picks up phone] Cliff! Jesus, you're still at the office.

You ran a commercial?

Yeah. And oh my God, let me tell you, the response has been–

You ran a commercial without ever showing it to me, without first consulting me and my partners! Did you actually think that was going to fly?!

I was planning on telling you in the morning.

The day after it aired?!

I only ran it once, just in one small market. It was kind of an experiment, all right? Kind of under the radar. And in all fairness, you did tell me client outreach was my department.

Don't be disingenuous. This commercial, I take it my firm's name is mentioned?

Yes, uh... Yeah.

Jesus. Howard said you were a little eccentric. He didn't tell me you were a goddamn arsonist!

Cliff, to be fair, I don't think... I apologize if there was any misreading of the situation on my part, but there's a very positive headline here. We got 103 phone calls today, off a measly $700 ad buy. Now, that kind of return on investment you can't get–

Tomorrow morning. Eight o'clock, my office, with the partners, and we want to see this thing!

Cliff, when you see this, I know you–

[Cliff hangs up on Jimmy. Jimmy pretends he's still on the phone with Cliff as he walks back into the living room.]

Yeah, Cliff. Thank you... Yeah, you too... Okay, see ya.

Golden boy.

That's me.

[Nacho is discussing his plan to have Mike kill Tuco]

You got a better plan? Go on, tell me. I'm all ears.

You sure about this? Killing your partner, heh... that's a bell you don't unring.

[Nacho pauses, then pulls back his shirt to reveal something lodged in his shoulder]

You see this? You know how I got this? Back in '96, '97, Tuco and I were working with these bikers out of Riverside County. They were selling this peanut-butter crank; real shit, y'know, but cheap, we could sell it as fast as we got it. Anyway... Tuco develops a taste for it, and crank does not bring out the best in people - made Tuco erratic. Our connect was a guy called Dog Paulson. One day, Tuco's settling up with Dog. He decides to put on his lie detector. Dog's like, "What the hell," you know; Tuco just keeps staring at him, then he goes real quiet. "You think I'm an idiot, Dog?" He thinks Dog is supplying his competitor, trying to cut Tuco out. Dog, he denies it, "no way, not me." Tuco doesn't even raise his voice, but suddenly he's got a sawed-off and... right in Dog's face. I was behind him. Sickest thing I ever saw to this day, and this? [pulls back his shirt again] A piece of Dog's skull under the skin, a little piece of him. I tried digging it out, but it's in there pretty good. Y'know, not the kind of thing you go to the doctor's for. The thing about it was... Tuco really liked Dog. Kinda felt bad about it afterwards, but when he's using: [popping sound] Loco, crazy. There's no other way to put it. And he's using again: Crystal, much bigger kick. [shrugs] So... it's like you said. If Tuco finds out about my, y'know, independent ventures... it's gonna be Dog all over again. It's him or me.

You have to admit that shows a lack of judgment on [Kim's] part. She knows you. She should have known better.

You are such an asshole!

Why? For pointing out that her one mistake was believing in you?

For Christ's sake, could we get some perspective here? It was a simple little commercial, it aired once, that's all. And can I remind you it worked—it worked like a dream?

See, that's your problem, Jimmy. Thinking that the ends justify the means. And you're forever shocked when it all blows up in your face.

What did I do that was so wrong?

You broke the rules. [Jimmy scoffs] You turned Kim into your accessory. You embarrassed Howard who, God help him, inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff Main. You made Cliff and his partners look like schmucks. Shall I go on? How he hasn't fired you for this positively mystifies me. "Perspective." You want perspective? I'll give you mine. You're my brother, and I love you, but you're like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he's got a problem. Now someone's given you the keys to the school bus and I am not going to let you drive it off a cliff.

C-Can we get down to brass tacks here? What can I do to put Kim back where she belongs, huh? Wha- you want me to quit Davis and Main? That's fine! I never wanted that job in the first place!

[exasperated] I-I can't get through to you. Life is not one big game of Let's Make a Deal!

Yes, it is! I'm Monty Hall, what's behind door number two? What'll it take, huh?! [pause] You want me to quit being a lawyer? [Chuck scoffs] Yuh, "a chimp with a machine gun," that's me, right?! Huh? So, what do you say? You help Kim, I quit the law. Is that a deal?

I didn't say that.

You didn't say it, but that's what you want, right?! That's why you put the screws to Kim in the first place, to squeeze me!

I didn't say that, and I would never say that.

Why not?!

Because if I were impeding the career of one of my employees, for the purpose of compelling you to do something against your will, that would be extortion.

[chuckles] Yeah, it would. So? You gonna extort me, Chuck? It's a lead-pipe cinch: You get away with it, I'm not gonna tell anyone. It's real easy—You just set things right with Kim, you get her back in her office out of doc review, everything back to normal, and I quit the law... for good. No more Jimmy McGill Esquire. Poof, like he never even existed.

Wow. Wow!

But I need to hear the words come out of your mouth, okay? You're a man of your word, you're an upstanding man, right?!

For God's sake. Jimmy—

Come on, Chuck! Extort me! Say "quit" and I will quit, but I need to hear it from your mouth.

You want me to commit a felony... because that's what you'd do, right?! Because you want to believe that deep down, I'm some hypocrite!

Let's find out. Come on down, Chuck, roll around in the dirt with me! All your dreams will come true! Go on, do it! Go on!

[Chuck stares at Jimmy]

I am not the bad guy here. You don't want to be a lawyer, that's between you and the New Mexico State Bar. You want to quit Davis & Main, be my guest! You clearly don't need any help from me to tank your career; you're doing just fine on your own.

[In a flashback, Jimmy has dinner with Chuck and his wife, Rebecca. He pipes up after an awkward silence]

Alright, what's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle? The vacuum cleaner has the dirtbag on the inside. Ha!

Heh... lawyer jokes.

I've only been in the mailroom a week and I've heard maybe a hundred! It all comes from a place of affection.

Sure. Of course.

What do you get when you cross The Godfather with a lawyer? An offer you can't understand.

Very clever.

Never heard that one.

And believe me, I have nothing but the utmost respect for your profession. I mean, it's a pillar of— oh, why do they bury lawyers under twenty feet of dirt? Because deep down, they're really good people. [Chuck gets uncomfortable] What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 60? Your Honor. What's the difference between a tick and a lawyer?

[amused] Oh, no.

The tick falls off when you're dead! [Rebecca laughs] Bam! Love that one. You like that? [to Chuck] Just joking. I want you to know how seriously I take my job. I—Grateful for the–oh! How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb? Classic setup here. Three: one to climb the ladder, one to shake it and one to sue the ladder company. [he and Rebecca laugh]

Comedy gold.

I'm here all night!

More! Go, go.

Okay, okay, okay-

[gets up] Dessert, anyone? We have a homemade blueberry crumble with vanilla ice cream.

Yeah, blueberry crumble, sounds terrific. I love a fruit based—

Wait, I think I have one!

Oh, bring it on.

Yeah, yeah. What do lawyers and sperm have in common? Um, three million—No, wait. One in three million have...

[in unison with Rebecca] ...A chance of becoming a human being!

[Both laugh as Chuck awkwardly leaves. Later, he and Rebecca are lying in bed]

Well, that went well.

Sure. Thanks again.

I don't know what you were worried about, Jimmy's great.

Yeah. No, he's... yeah.

[Jimmy visits Kim in the basement of HHM, where she has been demoted to document review again.]

Wexler v. Hamlin Hamlin McGill. You want me to sue my own firm?

Filing's all typed up, it's ready to go. This is not my area of expertise, alright? So, first order of business: we get a great employment law attorney, show 'em we mean business. [Kim rubs her face in frustration] Come on! Hey, look at you, okay? You're here at midnight in this glorified cellblock, busting your ass, for what? It has nothing to do with your performance. You're being mistreated. Chuck is punishing you to get to me! This is extortion, pure and simple.

No, that's Howard, who has an image to uphold. He did the same thing after the Kettleman fiasco, and Chuck was nowhere in sight.

...I'm telling you, Chuck is behind this.

No, you are behind this. I told you this would happen, and now I'm paying the price. I should have known better. So now, I'm keeping my head down and I'm getting through this, and I'm most certainly not suing HHM.


Even if I won, who would hire me? That would be career suicide.

All right. Then I quit Davis & Main.

What does that accomplish?

It's the only way to get you out of dutch. Because this is about Chuck, whether you want to believe it or not. I give him what he wants, he lets up on you.

Wow, my knight in shining armor. That is some sacrifice, quitting a job that you've been trying to tank since day one.

That's not true.

I dig myself out of this hole. You do your job, Jimmy. Prove you can go one week— hell, one day without breaking the rules of the New Mexico Bar Association or pissing off your boss, and don't insult my intelligence by saying you are doing any of this for me. You don't save me. I save me.

Do I have a future at this firm?

We have a lot in common, you and I. My brother left you holding the bag. If it makes you feel any better, you're not the first person to go out on a limb for him. I made the same mistake, over and over again... and now Howard has, and he blames you. A damn mess. Jimmy ever tell you anything about our father?

Not much, no.

My dad—our dad—he was... well, the personification of good. I'm not sure he could even see sin, in any form. Like he was born without the gene. He ran a little corner store in Cicero. Cigarettes behind the counter, penny candy. Nothing special, but it kept food on the table, and the neighborhood loved Dad. He knew everybody's name, what was going on in their lives. Just a little corner. He made it better. I was named after him. Before that, he worked for a lot of people over the years and his dream was to be his own boss. Put everything he had into that place. I was away at college when he put Jimmy to work there. Jimmy grew up in that store, watching our father... but Dad was not the world's greatest businessman, and eventually he ran into money troubles. I had a clerkship at the time, but I came home to help him get his books in order. Set the ship straight. Now, I'm no accountant, but I discovered $14,000 was just gone. Vanished over the years. Turns out Jimmy had pilfered it in dribs and drabs, just took it out of the till. My dad wouldn't hear it. Nope, not his Jimmy. He ended up having to sell. Six months later, he was dead. At the funeral, no one cried harder than Jimmy. My brother is not a bad person. He has a good heart. It's just he can't help himself... and everyone's left picking up the pieces.

[Mike is sitting at a diner when Hector Salamanca walks in and approaches his booth.]

Mind if I join you?

[Hector sits across from Mike. Fran, the waitress, comes to the booth.]

Hi. What can I get you?

Coffee, black.

It's coming right up.

[Fran leaves. Hector observes the bruises on Mike's face left by Tuco.]

Mmm. He really did a number on you.

Sorry, I know you?

The young man who did that to you is my nephew. Hothead, always has been. He thinks he's a boxer. He should have shown you respect. I apologize to you on behalf of my family.

Apology accepted.

And you know what? He should go to jail. Best thing for him, teach him respect for his elders. But not for eight years. Less, much less.

[Fran comes back to pour Hector's coffee.]

You see where I'm getting at?

Not really.

The gun charge, that's eight years he's going away, maybe ten. Aggravated assault, the gun, plus he got your wallet.

That's right.

I would like for you to tell the police that the gun was yours.

Would you?

Eh, you're both a little hot under the collar about whether you bump his car or not, but there was a scuffle and uh, he got your gun.

My gun?

Your gun from your pocket, he got it and that's how his prints got on it.

Then I'd be subject to the gun charge.

You're an ex-cop. They go easy on you.

So, you're a psychic.

I even twist Tuco's ear, make him apologize, and he serves for battery, nothing else. [beat] I'm looking for the best possible outcome for everybody... and, for your trouble, you take home $5,000.

[Hector rises from his seat, leaves a tip, and begins to walk away]

Think about it.

[Rich Schweikart invites Kim for lunch after seeing her argue an unwinnable motion in court]

I have to say, watching you in court today. It sure did bring back some old memories for me. One in particular, anyway.


I was a year out of law school at this firm in Boston, and I was finally out on my first big case: this huge employment discrimination suit, that thing kept us in billing for a decade. Anyway, we landed this monster, and I find out I'm second chair to one of the partners on the preliminary hearing. And I think, "This is it. This is what will define the rest of my career." So, the hearing's getting closer and closer - I even get this new suit that I can't afford, I split it over three credit cards. I'm probably still paying it off to this day. So, I go in bright and early. I'm wearing my new suit, prepping my table, and in walks the opposing counsel. There's four of them: one senior partner and three high-level associates. These guys have been litigating longer than I've been alive, but I think: "Ehhh, I'm good. I got my boss coming, it'll be fine." So I'm sitting alone at my table, waiting for my boss to show, and I'm waiting... and I'm waiting... and then suddenly, they're calling us to order, and I realize that no one from my firm is coming—it's just me. So I think, "Alright then, this is the moment!", and I get up there and I argue like my life depended on it. I'm sweating, and I'm arguing statutes left and right, and I'm doing okay, respectable. But I'm just a BB gun to these four howitzers... and I lose, of course. It was inevitable... but later it hit me... that my boss never intended to show. And they laughed about it; they patted me on the back, said it was my trial by fire, and I laughed with them, but y'know, it never really sat well with me. You want them to have your back. Because at the end of the day, it wasn't about proving my mettle - my boss had a tee time he didn't want to miss. I wasn't there long.

...Could I ask why we are here?

You know, I've had my eye on you for a while. Since that Kettleman thing. It was an excellent deal you got for them, and I'm wondering... why someone who can put together a deal like that is arguing a losing position with no backup.

I have no complaints about HHM.

That's great. However, if on the off chance that you're pondering a change, Schweikart & Cokely would be more than happy to put your talents to good use.


Of course, we'd have to have a more formal meeting, work out specifics, but we think you would be a great fit.

Well, I'm flattered, but there's clearly an ethical issue here.

Well, of course, we'd take you off Sandpiper, and rest assured - we wouldn't be expecting any information about HHM's strategy. Look, we're a large, diversified firm; just think what you could do with our resources, and the freedom to really spread your wings.

[beat] That's... I owe a lot to HHM.

Your tuition debt? We can take care of that.

That's very generous.

Well, give it some time to think about it. You give me a call and we'll set up a meeting with the rest of the senior partners, and to be clear... we're talking partner track.

[Jimmy represents Mike at the DA's office when he goes to change his testimony]

I regret to inform you that, with the benefit of hindsight, Mr. Ehrmantraut will be amending his original statement a tad.

ADA Assistant:
"A tad"?

A wee bit. He's decided that he can no longer, in good conscience, claim that the gun found at the crime scene belonged to Tuco Salamanca.

ADA Ericsen:
So, whose gun was it?

Who's to say? You know how many guns there are in Albuquerque? Somewhere between the number of rattlesnakes and grains of sand, so, a lot.

ADA Ericsen:
Was it your gun, Mr. Ehrmantraut?

No, he's not saying that-

ADA Assistant:
Can we hear it from Mr. Ehrmantraut?

The gun wasn't Salamanca's, that's all I can tell you.

ADA Ericsen:
You told us it was. You said Salamanca pulled it and pointed it at you.

...Well, he didn't.

ADA Assistant:
Why are you changing your story?

Good citizenship.

ADA Ericsen:
Look, there was only one set of prints on the gun: Salamanca's. How's that gonna happen if it wasn't his?

That's not really for my client to say, now is it? He's not a forensics expert. Who knows, maybe it, uh... fell from a passing bird's beak and Mr. Salamanca caught it, tried to throw it away. [Mike rolls his eyes] I mean, the possibilities are endless.

ADA Assistant:
Did Salamanca threaten you, Mr. Ehrmantraut?


ADA Assistant:
We wanna put this guy away for years. The gun makes all the difference, you know that. You gonna let this person victimize you twice?

Forget about the gun, alright? The gun was not Salamanca's. If you try to introduce it in evidence, Mr. Ehrmantraut will make himself available to the defense and he will set the record straight, categorically and unequivocally.

ADA Ericsen:
...Did he threaten you or pay you off?

[acting offended] Whoa! Okay, that's it! We're done.

[Jimmy gets up and holds the door for Mike. They stand in front of the elevator]

You're doing the right thing. This Salamanca character? Maniac. I had my own... thing with him. I didn't wanna say anything before because conflict of interest, yadda yadda, but yeah, he's nuts. [whispers] I'm talking, he had me hogtied in the desert with a gun to my head, broke two guys' legs right in front of me. If I hadn't talked him down, he probably would've... I'll spare you the gory details, but it was a deal and a half, not something you forget.

And you're telling me this, why?

Don't be too tough on yourself; like they say, discretion is the better part of valor. I would've done the same thing. Hey, today? It's on me, no charge.

[The elevator opens, but Mike pushes Jimmy away before he gets on]

You take the next one, and bill me.

You win.

What do I win?

You're fired.

What? Cliff, if this is about the bagpipes-

It's not about the bagpipes! Well, of course it's the bagpipes. It's the bagpipes and the not flushing and this-this optical migraine you call a business suit. It's about... [sighs] It's about keeping your bonus, that's what this is about. Been brushing up on your contract law, haven't you? You want out of here, clearly, but you can't just up and quit and expect to keep your bonus, and if I fire you for cause, like I should've done for the TV commercial, no bonus. However, if I fire you not for cause, but for being an all-around jackass...yeah, hooray for you.

If you think there's been some malfeasance here...

Oh, save it. I could fight you on this, but you're not worth my time. I'd rather have you gone.

...Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'll just uh, pack up.

First, do me the favor of not treating me like a fool for once. Tell me, how exactly did we mistreat you? What did I do to deserve this kind of behavior? We gave you opportunities, encouraged you to excel, got you a car, an apartment. Hell, that cocobolo desk? Do you see a desk like that in here? You never gave this a chance. Why?

I tried to make it work. Really, I did. I'm just... a square peg.

If you knew that, why did you take the job?!

[beat] I'm sorry. [turns to leave Cliff's office] How much was the desk?

Seven thousand dollars.

I'll write you a check.

Fine, for whatever good that does. Take your desk and get out.

...Hey, Cliff. For what's it's worth, I think you're a good guy.

For what it's worth, I think you're an asshole.

[Kim meets with Howard to resign from HHM]

Again, thanks for taking the time-

You can just go ahead and rip off the Band-Aid. I have a pretty good idea why you're here.

[Kim nods and hands Howard her resignation letter. Howard glances at it before putting it down]

So, you're going with Schweikart & Cokely?

I'm sorry?

I heard through the grapevine.

I'm not going to another firm. I'm starting my own. I figured I'd try giving it a go as a solo practitioner.

[relaxes] Well, I, uh... wow!

I realized it was something I needed to do.

The week Jimmy exits Davis & Main, you decide to leave us? That can't just be happenstance.

...It's not. We're gonna be sharing expenses; one office, but two separate practices.

Smart. On several counts.

Howard... I want you to know that I appreciate my time here. I'm grateful for everything you and the firm have done for me, especially the financial help with my schooling, and I'm ready to write a check for the remainder of the loan. I just need accounting to get me that figure.

No need. Our gift to you.

...I don't know what to say. Um, thank you.

You earned it. Tell you the truth, I'm kind of envious.

Really? Why?

Something about a fresh start. Back in the day, right out of law school, I thought long and hard about hanging up my own shingle.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. Oh, I was ready to take on the world, make a difference. (pause, smiles) Dad talked me out of it - wanted me to join the ranks here, throw another H in the firm's logo. [pause with smile frozen on his face] Things work out the way they're supposed to, I guess.

[Howard gets up to let Kim out of his office. Kim follows suit]

Kim, I want you to know that I always pushed you harder because I knew that I could expect more from you. Good luck to you.

[pause, shakes Howard's hand] Thank you.

[Kim steps out of Howard's office and hears Howard's voice through the door]

Get me Kevin Wachtell at Mesa Verde, cancel everything I have lined up this morning.

[Kim takes off sprinting for her cell phone]

Hi, Paige! It's Kim. Yeah, hi, just checking to see that we're still on for lunch on Monday. Great, and Kevin too? Good. Well, before we meet, there's some news you need to know about.

Well, I expected a round of documents an hour ago. You know we've got a filing coming up.

I know, Chuck. It's very possible... it's likely that we're losing Mesa Verde.

Losing them?! We just got them! Why, where are they going?

They're going with Kim Wexler. She left the firm.

Kim left? Oh, Howard... well, where is she going? Is it Rich Schweikart? Or did Reeves and Green get her?

No, not another firm. She's going into private practice.

What?! Well, that's completely... how is she going out on her own? Why is she going out on her own?

Well, the "why" is the why. The "how" is that she's pooling her resources... with Jimmy.

...Kim and my brother, partners at law. [shakes head] He's Svengali. The man is Svengali.

At any rate, back to Mesa Verde: I'm gonna try one last Hail Mary. Chuck? Mesa Verde?

Yes, listening.

I managed to get a meeting with Kevin Wachtell. He's coming in this afternoon, but compliance law is not my strong suit. So, if you have any details, any arguments, bullet-point them for me now, because I've got about an hour before I have to get back. [Chuck starts walking away] Chuck? I really need your help here!

[Chuck goes through his Mylar-lined suits before picking a regular one]

Chuck? Are you okay?

I'm going to that meeting.

Chuck, I don't know if that's a good idea.

I can do it! Force of will, and I've been getting better.

I know you have, but the message that we want to send-

I know the message! That we appear professional and not crazy! I'm going to the meeting, and the lights stay on. Everyone keeps their phones. Everything stays, for lack of a better word, normal. I will make it through.

[Chuck goes with Howard to negotiate keeping Mesa Verde with HHM]

Don't worry. I'm not here to extol the virtues of HHM. I'm guessing you've already had to suffer through Howard's hard sell first time around. So you've done your time, as far as I'm concerned.

What hard sell? It was enthusiasm. I gave them cookies.

Cookies were good, as I recall.

No, I'm here to put your minds at ease. Kim Wexler is, indeed, the right choice to handle Mesa Verde. She's the obvious choice. She's young, she's brilliant, she's going places. Let's face it, Howard. She's the future. Two old guys like us, we're the past.

Well, that's a sad thought.

Sad but true. [sighs] Banking law... needs to be exciting. It needs the next generation to come along and give it a big, old kick in the seat of the pants. Really wake it up. Let me tell you how boring I am: I read FEC and ISO reports for entertainment.

He does. I can attest to that.

Well, I try to stay up on things. The rules are changing all the time. With everything that's happened with Enron and WorldCom, the government is extra vigilant. These days, the penalties for even the most honest of errors can be devastating. You need a sharp, young eye to catch that stuff. I mean, when you've specialized in this kind of work for decades on end, you tend to get kinda...


Stale. You get stale. You forget about things like, oh, I don't know, the Community Reinvestment Act. Any bank such as Mesa Verde looking to open a de novo branch is definitely going to need to show a healthy portfolio of CRA compliance. Duh. [chuckles] Obviously, you guys have all that covered, I'm sure. Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act... there's another mouthful, huh? Boring! Still, if you were to run afoul of it, it could hold you up in court for years. And by the way, uh, if that were to happen to you folks as you go forward without us – which it will not – um, Howard has contacts at the Fed who could help sort things out.

[breezy] One or two.

Mm-hmm. And then there's the SEC's interpretation of Section 302 of Sarbox. Blah, blah, blah! [chuckles]

Well, navigating that correctly could mean savings of several hundred thousand dollars.

They know that, Howard. [Howard chuckles] Oh, I apologize. When you reach your golden years, you tend to get a little long-winded, ramble on and on about details. My point being... your bank is in excellent hands.

Look, I take your point. I do. But I have to say, I have complete confidence in Ms. Wexler.

You should. She was part of our team. She learned from us. You won't find better than Kim Wexler. But no matter how talented one individual may be, the needs of Mesa Verde are too big to handle alone. I wouldn't handle your coming expansion alone... which is why you should consider, once again, enlisting a team of professionals.

[Jimmy, his camera crew, and what appears to be an elderly veteran in a wheelchair meet with an Air Force captain in front of the "FIFI" B-29 Superfortress]

Major Theodore "Fudge" Talbot. His mom used to deliver him care packages of fudge during the war and then share them with his friends. So that's the story, right guys?

Camera Guy:

Sound Guy:

Captain Bauer:
Well sir, this must certainly bring back some memories for you.

["Fudge" mumbles]

Too many to count, he says.

Captain Bauer:
I got to say, Major Talbot, it's a privilege. So thank you for your service.

["Fudge" mumbles again]

He says you're welcome.

Captain Bauer:
Oh. Well, um, boy. [to camera crew] I envy you guys. I mean, the stories you must have heard. You remember any good ones?

Camera Guy:
Uh, bombing stuff.

Sound Guy:
Bombing stuff.

Camera Guy:
Bombing stuff.

Sound Guy:
Like, like the war.

Captain Bauer:
Did he fly over the Hump, or did he take off out of India?

[Jimmy grabs Fudge's shoulder and makes him feign a cough]

Doing okay? You need some water? [Fudge nods] Yes. Yes, sir. Nuts, I forgot his water.

Captain Bauer:
Oh, hey. I can run back to the office, get him a bottle.

You could? Fudge, the captain's going to run back to his office, get you some water. Okay, sir? ["Fudge" mumbles] Alright, that's great. There's no rush, he'll be fine.

Captain Bauer:
I'll be back ASAP.

[Captain Bauer runs across the airfield. After he's gone, Jimmy and the camera crew begin removing Fudge's breathing apparatus.]

[to "Fudge"] I thought I told you not to say anything. Go stand by the front...nose, whatever.

[Jimmy and Fudge stand in front of "FIFI" while the camera crew sets up their equipment to shoot Jimmy's commercial]

Camera Guy:
Where the hell did you find this guy? You couldn't get a real war hero?

Yeah, like they grow on trees. So this guy owes me. I defended him a while back when he couldn't pay.

Camera Guy:
Defend him for what?

What, you want to be a lawyer when you grow up? Just fix—

Public masturbation. Total bullshit.

Alright, keep your voice down. You do not possess the power of speech. [to his film crew] Okay, let's go! Let's go! Chop, chop! [to Fudge] Alright, hands on hips. Alright, looking strong, looking proud. Alright? See the bomber, okay? The bomber's the main point, so see it.

Camera Guy:
[sitting in the wheelchair] I see the freakin' bomber. You couldn't just plop the dude in front of a flag? Why's we have to come here?

Production value, showmanship. You rolling?

Camera Guy:
Yeah, rolling.

Okay, start the dolly. [Sound Guy pushes the wheelchair] Action. [to Fudge] You're part of the Greatest Generation. You fought the Nazis.

Fought the Japanese.

[makes cutting gesture to stop filming] What?

Fought Japanese. I fought the Japanese. This machine was used in the Pacific, where the Japanese are.

Why don't you shut up and learn to take some direction?

[indignant] ...Japanese.

All right, fine. You fought all the... dirty... Axis Powers.

[Chuck, Howard, Kevin, and Paige are appearing before the Banking Board to get approval to open Mesa Verde's new bank]

Mr. Commissioner? Is there something we can clarify?

Mr. Ughetta's Assistant:
Uh, yes. Could you give us the address of the proposed Scottsdale branch again?

Certainly. It's 1216 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85262.

Mr. Ughetta:
1216? Okay, because the application I'm looking at today clearly gives the address as 1216.

1216. That's correct, sir.

Mr. Ughetta:
But in the original submission, we're seeing 1261 Rosella Drive.

[to Chuck] It is 1261.


[ignoring them] I think if you double-check, you'll see that 1216 is correct.

Mr. Ughetta's Assistant:
There seem to be two different addresses here.

Mr. Commissioner, I have a copy of our notice of intent, which was published in newspapers in Arizona and New Mexico. It clearly states the address is 1261 Rosella Drive—

Mr.–Mr. Commissioner, it-it—

Mr. Ughetta:
1261 Rosella Drive. Yes, I have a copy of the notice of intent too. But on the actual filing, the address reads 1216. So, which is it?

[beat] Mr. Commissioner, if I may confer with my clients?

Mr. Ughetta:
Certainly, please.

[to Chuck] It's absolutely 1261.

You are mistaken. And with all due respect, you're muddying the waters here.

Muddying the wat—?! [hands documents to Chuck] Look. Just look!

Well, this is clearly an error.

It's 1261. I know where my own damn bank is.

Now, let's just all calm down. I'm sure we can straighten this out—

I've got a building remodeled at 1261 Rosella. I don't know where the hell 1216 is.

I–I don't quite unders... [realizes] 1261?


Is this going to be a problem?

No, I'm sure it won't be.

Um, Mr. Commissioner, I apologize. Unaccountably, there appears to be a discrepancy in our filing.

Mr. Ughetta:
So the correct address is the one that appeared in the notice of intent, the 1261?

It would seem so. Uh, it-it-it—We'd like to request an–an adjournment of just a few minutes so that we can amend the filing to reflect the correct address.

Mr. Ughetta:
Well, I-I can give you an adjournment, uh, but... I don't think we can get you back in today.

If I may, when do you think you might be able to schedule us?

Mr. Ughetta:
I'm being told by staff that they've already done the research for 1216 Rosella Drive. Our folks are going to have to go back to square one on the new address.

If we could obtain a provisional agreement today, to allow the branch to open—

Mr. Ughetta:
No, no. With all due respect, it's up to you folks to submit accurate paperwork. Maybe next time, double-check.

[Chuck is sitting in the living room when Jimmy and Kim come by to pick up the Mesa Verde files]

So Chuck, what's the deal with the locks?

Kim, I was hoping to have this conversation with you and you alone. However, I guess it's time to clear the air once and for all.

Clear the air about what?

[looks at Jimmy] He sabotaged me.

[feigning ignorance] Why, what are you—

Please. Don't bother. You and I both know exactly what I'm talking about.

I don't.

Yesterday morning was the worst professional humiliation of my life. A single transpositional error cost my client time and money, and permanently damaged my reputation. Then I realized, it wasn't an error. Not at all. A week ago last night, I was right there on that couch, barely conscious. And Jimmy showed up... [stands up from his chair] ...and he sent Ernesto away. My brother was going to take care of me. And in the dead of night, he went through my Mesa Verde files.

All right, you know what? We don't have to listen to this—

She does! [to Kim] You do, for your own good. [taps his hand on the Mesa Verde file boxes] And in these files are thirteen documents containing the address of Mesa Verde's proposed branch: 1261 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona. Jimmy pulled each and every one. And he left me here, sweating and delirious, while he went off to doctor them. You'd need a photocopier for that. Where'd you go, some all-night copy shop? [Jimmy scoffs] With a little careful cutting and pasting he created duplicates, virtually identical to my originals but with one key change: 1261 Rosella Drive became 1216 Rosella Drive.

This is sounding like a lot of work.

No one ever accused you of being lazy. Every other sin in the book, but not that one. [to Kim] And if you're wondering if Jimmy's up to a little casual forgery, you should know in high school, he had a thriving business making fake IDs so his buddies could buy beer.

You're gonna go all the way back to high school, huh?

Hey, you and Mozart, huh? You both started young. He came back here and put his new versions in my files. And then, the next day, my caring brother took his leave. He knew that I would use his modified documents to write Mesa Verde's submission to the state regulator. And so I did, over and over. I typed "1216" instead of "1261". I remember thinking, "1216 Rosella Drive. That's just one year after 1215, the year the Magna Carta was signed."

Jesus, Chuck, you are unbelievable. So you're saying, if we look in here, all the addresses will be wrong?

Well of course you weren't gonna leave evidence behind. I'm guessing yesterday morning you waited until I left, then used your key to let yourself in and returned the originals. No crime is complete without the cover-up.

Oh, come on! I did this, what, for some business?

[to Kim] He did it for you. [long pause] Oh, I'm sure you didn't know anything about it. I believe he went off on his own and did this as some kind of twisted romantic gesture.

Chuck, I think you need to lie down with a cold washcloth on your head.

[to Kim; continued] And now that you know, you have no choice. This is about a client. A client who has been defrauded. As a sworn officer of the court, as Mesa Verde's attorney of record, you have no recourse but to go to Kevin Wachtell and make a full disclosure.

This—this whole song and dance is all about getting his client back. That's all this is.

Not in the least. If knowing the truth, they still go with you—

You can't stand the fact that they chose her over you.

[exasperated] I can't stand the fact that my own brother stabbed me in the back! I can't stand the fact that you've deceived and ruined this fine young woman!

Ruined?! What is this, the 1840s? What are you talking about? She's not ruined!

Jimmy. [beat; Chuck and Jimmy look at Kim] If what you're saying is true, Jimmy could be charged with forgery. Fraud. Falsifying evidence. Even breaking and entering.

Frankly, I am sick about this. But facts are facts.

...And what is your evidence?

My evidence? My evidence is knowing my brother for his entire life.

Chuck, I think there is another explanation. It's a simpler one: you made a mistake.

I did not.

You're working by lantern light, squinting over ten-point type for hour after hour. Mistakenly changing "1261" to "1216" would be the most natural thing in the world. It could certainly happen to me.

I did not make a mistake!

I believe you did.

Look, I understand that you have great affection for Jimmy! A great many people do! But please open your eyes here!

You made a mistake. And instead of just facing up to it, you accuse your brother of plotting against you. You come up with this elaborate scheme–

He's capable of this! You know he is!

I know he's not perfect. And I know he cuts corners. But you're the one who made him this way. He idolizes you, he accepts you, he takes care of you, and all he ever wanted was your love and support. But all you've ever done is judge him. You never believed in him, you never wanted him to succeed. [beat] And you know what? I feel sorry for him. [beat] And I feel sorry for you.

[Mike meets with Nacho at their usual place]

I've got something I need to know, and I need to know it fast.

What's that?

We got hit the other day. A truck headed south got hijacked. Someone stole a quarter of a million. Now Hector's flippin' out, lookin' for who did it. Thing is... I think it was you. They left the driver hog-tied, not a mark on him. Anyone in the game would've capped him without a second thought. But this driver? He's still breathin'. I thought to myself, "Who's the guy who'll rip off a couple hundred thousand in drug money and leave a witness? Who's the guy ‭who won't pull the trigger? You." I'm not here to squeeze you. You wanna rip off the cartel, that's your business. But here's the thing. I'm picking up that driver, Hector's orders. We're gonna see what he knows, and if he knows you, that's bad for both of us.

That shouldn't concern you.

But he was in on it, right?

The driver ‭had nothing to do with it.

Then who?

Just me.

You're telling me you did this without someone on the inside? Not possible. How did you know about the truck? How do you know about the tires?

All I can tell you is, you guys aren't half as smart as you think you are.

So the driver doesn't know anything?

Not a thing.

He hear your voice?‭

No. ‭

Right now, Hector's looking at the competition, but he hears the driver say it was some old gringo...

He didn't hear me. He saw a guy with a ski mask, that's it.

And you're sure of that?


You better be right. [starts to walk away]

Why wasn't it in the papers?


The truck robbery, the cops keeping it out of the papers?

The cops? The cops don't know shit about it.

How's that?

Is that... what this is about? You wanted to put the cops onto Hector? Why?! You are nothing to him! He forgot all about you!

I haven't forgotten him.

You put me in the shit... just 'cause you got it in for Hector Salamanca? [reaches for his gun] Listen, you put the cops on him, you put them on me. Doing it for the money, I get it, but this shit? That's insane.

You need to calm yourself down... and you need to take your hand out of that pocket.

[Nacho moves his hand away and rubs his head in frustration]

And just so you know, it's over. I'm done with your boss.

[sighs] Whatever. [starts walking away]

Why wasn't it in the papers?

[stops] 'Cause we cleaned it up.

How's that?

We got lucky. After you left, a good samaritan came along and said "Oh my god, oh my god." He cut the driver loose. The driver calls us, we came out, got the truck... made it like it never happened.

...And that good samaritan?

Hector shot him in the face. We buried the guy out in the desert. Like I said, we cleaned it up.

[Chuck and Ernesto visit the copy shop where Jimmy forged the Mesa Verde documents. Lance, the night clerk, has just been bribed by Jimmy to deny that he was there]

When the guy [Ernesto] showed me the picture, I thought maybe. But now that I'm seeing it again... ah, sorry, don't know what to tell you. Guess I was wrong.

Son, listen carefully. I am an officer of the court investigating a felony.

So you're a cop.

No, no I'm not. I—I—I'm a...

Mr. McGill, maybe we better get you home.

Ernesto, do not speak to me as if I were a child. I'm fine.

[Chuck begins to be affected by his electromagnetic hypersensitivity]

[to Lance] I am not a police officer. I am an attorney. And I have a moral and legal obligation to get to the bottom of this matter.

The bottom of what?

Forgery. Fraud. Falsifying evidence...

[Chuck's electromagnetic hypersensitivity becomes worse]

...breaking and entering.

[to Ernie] This guy, is he okay?

There's nothing wrong with me!

Mr. McGill, maybe we should just take a break and—

Ernie, shut up! [to Lance] You think about the choice you're making!

I already told you he wasn't here. What do you want me to say?

I want you to speak the truth! I know he was here! I know what he did! Tell me what you told Ernesto! Stop trying to change your story!

Excuse me, sorry. How do we get this to do 11x14?

[to customer] No, excuse me, we are having a conversation here!

[to customer] You have to switch it to tray four, it's easier if I show you. [to Chuck] Look... Dude, okay. I-I don't want any problems here, so just... [Lance leaves the counter; to Ernie] Get him out of here or I'm going to call the cops, okay?

Do not walk away from me! We are not finished here!

I am done talking to you, man!

[Chuck tries to walk after Lance, but is overcome by the electromagnetic fields. He passes out and falls down, hitting his head on the counter.]

[Jimmy visits Chuck in his hospital room to tell him about his temporary emergency guardianship]

Hey buddy, how's it going? [beat] Chuck.

Well, if it isn't Johnny-on-the-Spot.

What? What does that mean?

Is Ernesto out there?

Yeah? Can I get you something-

Ernesto, come in here, please!

Just take it easy.


[Jimmy allows Ernie in]

Just put your stuff in there. [Ernie does so] I got him.

How are you feeling, Mr. McGill?

Ernesto, how long was I unconscious in that print shop?

I'm not sure.

Thirty seconds? A minute? Two minutes?

I'd say maybe... about a minute? You were kinda in and out.

And how long was I lying on the floor before the ambulance arrived?

About ten minutes, I think, but I didn't look at the clock.

[to Jimmy] And yet you were there.

Chuck, can we, uh—

There's only one way you could've gotten there so quickly... you never left!

I think you're getting all wound-up. Can you take a few deep breaths-

You bribed him! The kid behind the counter!


Between the time Ernesto left and I arrived, you paid that halfwit to swear he never laid eyes on you...

Mr. McGill—

...and then you stuck around to watch! Why?! Just wanted to see me suffer?

Mr. McGill.

Just wanted to have a laugh at my expense?

I called him.


I called Jimmy earlier before I picked you up. He showed up when he did because I called him. I was worried about you, and I just... I called him. I'm sorry.

[hatefully] Get out. Both of you.

[Ernie leaves, but Jimmy sticks around]

Chuck, there's something that I have to do, and I'm really sorry. I'm really, truly sorry, but I gotta do it, and it's for you.

You're trying to have me committed.

No. It's a temporary—

Temporary emergency guardianship, tomato, tomahto. You finally got me where you want me.

[Jimmy sits with Chuck in his living room, which has been covered in Mylar tarps and duct tape]

Howard tells me you quit HHM.

I didn't quit. I retired.

That's not what it sounded like. Regardless, it's kinda out of the blue, don't you think? He's worried about you!

He should be relieved.

Relieved? Why would he be relieved? You're his number one guy; without you, that whole place goes down the drain. [beat] So, you—you retired, not just from HHM, but the law? That's not good, Chuck. The- the law needs you.

Just stop it.

And you need it. What brought this on exactly, Chuck? Huh? Because I don't know what you are, if you're not a lawyer. [Chuck looks distraught] Hey, how are you gonna retire before you get me disbarred, before you run me out of town on a rail? I'll be the only McGill carrying the family name, you can't have that! Heh, is this because you lost Mesa Verde? So what? Who cares? And hey, if you truly do think that I ratfucked you on that thing—which I did not, but whatever—well, you know what? You get mad! Take action! Don't just hide out in your Faraday whatever, your cage thing here. No, no retirement for you! When you're 99, you can drop dead giving closing arguments to Judgebot 3000—which will run on electricity, by the way—that's your future, okay? So—

[distressed] I—I can't do the job anymore.

What do you mean? Of course you can do the job.

I made a mistake.

What mistake?

A simple, nothing, little bank address! 1216 instead of 1261! I screwed it up, I hurt the client! I blew it, completely and utterly... and then I blamed- and then I blamed you. It's this goddamn electricity! It's wearing me down, it's wearing down my faculties! My brain, my mind, it used to be- you know, it used to work, and now it doesn't anymore! People got hurt because of me. Time to end it.

[beat] What if I told you you didn't make a mistake?

For Christ's sakes, Jimmy. Stop humoring me. Stop trying to talk everything right.

Mmm... I ratfucked you. It was me. I would have made Nixon proud. I changed 1261 to 1216. It was me. It all went down exactly like you said. I mean, exactly. I doctored the copies, I paid the kid at the shop to lie for me. It is insane how you got every detail exactly right. So you can relax, okay? 'Cause that brain of yours is chugging along at a thousand percent efficiency.

Are you telling the truth? Or are you just trying to make me feel better?

I am saying it to make you feel better, sure as shit wouldn't be telling you otherwise! But yes, it's the truth.

[angry] You'd go to such lengths to humiliate me?

I did it for Kim! Wha—She worked her butt off to get Mesa Verde while you and Howard sat around sipping scotch and chortling! Hamlin Hamlin McGill? More like Scrooge and Marley! Kim deserves Mesa Verde, not you, not HHM! She earned it and she needs it! I did it to help her. But I honestly didn't think it would hurt you so bad. I thought you'd just say, "Oh crap, I made a mistake," and go on with your life like a normal person! But oh no, wishful thinking! [long pause] So can I, uh, tell Howard you're not quitting or retiring or whatever? [Chuck nods] And can we take all this shit down off the walls?

[Chuck doesn't respond. Jimmy starts to leave.]

I'm going to go call Howard.

Jimmy. [Jimmy stops] You do realize you just confessed to a felony?

I guess. But you feel better, right? Besides, it's your word against mine.

[Jimmy leaves the room, after which Chuck uses a pair of tongs to uncover and shut off an audiotape recorder.]

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