South Park, Season 5

South Park (1997–present) is an adult animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Distributed by and airing on Comedy Central, it follows the surreal adventures of four young boys who live in the small town of South Park, Colorado.

Yes, I'm afraid this isn't your chili, Scott. I switched it with Chef's. [Chef looks like he's been used] It's delicious, Chef- I hadn't planned on that. What I did plan on, however, was that my friends, Stan and Kyle, would betray me and warn you that the Chili Con Carnival was a trap. [Stan and Kyle are stunned] I assumed that they would tell you that I had trained Denkins's pony to bite off your wiener. What they didn't tell you was that Denkins is a crazy redneck who shoots trespassers on sight. Knowing that you would try and do something to the pony, I warned Mr. Denkins that violent pony killers were in the area. [a shot of Cartman talking to Denkins, who is armed] I also know that you wouldn't go yourself, for fear of having your wiener bitten off. You would most likely send your parents. [a shot of Scott talking with his parents] And, I'm afraid that when Mr. Denkins spotted them on his property, he shot and killed both your parents. [the Tenormans are in the corral to rescue the "starving" pony. Seeing Mr. Tenorman's lit flashlight, Mr. Denkins fires at them; they go down]

Mr. Denkins:
[looks of horror surround him] Well, they was trespassing and I was protecting myself. I-I have my rights.

Scott: and dad are...dead? [a shot of Officer Barbrady taking a report from Denkins]

I came just in time to see Mr. Denkins giving his report to Officer Barbrady. And of course, to steal the bodies... [a shot of Cartman arriving, seeing Denkins and Barbrady, and pulling the bodies away] After a night with the hacksaw, I was all ready to put on my Chili Con Carnival, so that I could personally tell you about your parents' demise! And of course, feed you your chili. [more faces of horror behind Cartman] Do you like it? Do you like it, Scott? [a gleefully evil look comes over Cartman] I call it... "Mr. & Mrs. Tenorman Chili."

[looks at Cartman for a while, realizing what's just happened] Oh my God! [gagging, he fishes through the plate and finds his mom's wedding ring, still on her finger; he tosses it away] Oh my God! [vomits off to the side]

[leaping up on the table and sings] Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah, I made you eat your par-ents! Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah! [Stan and Kyle are horrified]

Jesus Christ, dude!

[grief-stricken, he buries his face on the table] My mom and dad are dead! [pounds the table] No! Nooo! [Radiohead, not knowing what has just happened, arrives and stands behind Scott. Stan notices]

Um, excuse me?

Who are you?

We're that band, Radiohead.

[to Scott] Jeez, what a little crybaby!

Are you gonna cry all day, crybaby?

You know, everyone has problems. It doesn't mean you have to be a little crybaby about it.

Come on, guys, let's go. This kid is totally not cool. [the members of the band start leaving]

Yeah, that's the most uncool kid I've ever met.

Little crybaby.

[gathers himself and looks] No, wait! Waaiit! Oh my God, Oh my Gooood! [buries his face in the table and bawls again.] Nooo!

[walks over to Scott's end of the table] Yes! Yeees! Oh, let me taste your tears, Scott! [starts licking Scott's tears off his face] Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet.

...Dude, I think it might be best for us to never piss Cartman off again.

Good call.

Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Mm-yummy. [licks the tears off the table and off Scott's face] Mm-yummy, you guys! [fade out, then quickly back in to Looney Tunes-style iris] a-Be-de-be-de, that's all, folks!

[a mummy pops out of a casket to his right] Whoa! Heheh. [a skeleton pops out to his right] Whoa! [a ghost pops on from his left] Whoa! Heheheheheh. [he exits the ride and ambles back to the road] Aw, man, that was awesohome! That one part, with the-uum, with the spider that dropped on ya? Oho, man, that totally got me. That was sweet! Heheh.

[in the distance, while Cartman speaks] Ah! Ow! Hey, it hurts! [the sound of chain-link is heard] Owie-ow! Help! Ow, that hurts!

[lifts his hand to his ear to hear better] What the hell?

Hohohooho! Oowwww!

YOU SONS OF BITCHES! [goes towards the source of the sound]

[Cartmanland, perimeter fence. Stan is in the park waiting for Kyle to come down, but Kyle is stranded on top of the fence. The view is from the park towards the parking lot.]

Come on, dude!

Hoh Gohod, I popped it!! Oh it hu-hurts!!

[arriving] What the hell are you doing?!

Aw, crap.

Oh God, get me off of here!! [falls off, but outside the park]

Dude! [rushes out of the park to Kyle]

[now standing, rubbing his ass] Stan, I have to go home!! I need my cream!! I need my creeheam!!

Alright, let's go.

[reaches the scene, but stays inside the park] That's right! You stay out!

You can't keep us out forever, you fucking fat ass! We'll be back as soon as Kyle's hemorrhoid is better!

My life can't get any worse!

You'll see! We'll get in! [walks off with Kyle as Cartman glares after them.]

If you see anyone on my property, especially Stan or Kyle, you are to shoot on sight!

Agh! [the nurse moves the pincers one way] Agghh! [then another]

Just a little more. [one twist more] There we go. [withdraws the pincers. Gerald and Sheila enter Kyle's room with the Bible]

Hello, Kyle. How's the hemorrhoid today?

[the nurse leaves] Awesome. [Gerald and Sheila take their seats near Kyle]

Kyle, we wanna tell you about the Book of Job. It's a story from the Bible.

I've had enough of the Bible. What has it gotten me?

Oh, I think you'll see differently after hearing this. Sit down, Kyle. [Kyle gets cross, and Gerald corrects himself] Uh, okay. [begins the story. A Middle Eastern scene appears] You see, Job lived in the east of Jordan, a long, long time ago. [camera pans across the landscape and rests behind a man in a red robe and long gray hair] Job was a great man. He was blessed with ten lovely children [they come out of a building with their mother], a wonderful wife, and many friends. [his friends show up to join the family behind Job, a proud and happy man]

[a shot of Job petting a bull] He was godly, and a good man, and fed the poor. [Job brings a bag of food to a woman with three kids next to her. One of them, a girl, walks up, and her mother hands her a loaf of bread]

He was the most upright and honorable of men, and every day he praised God. [Job falls to his knees in praise, as his shepherds look on]

But one day, Satan went up to Heaven and talked to God.

[still mad] Satan talked to God?

Yes, in the Book of Job, Satan talks to God. And God says to Satan, "Have you seen Job? He is a great man, and he praises me every day."

But Satan said, "Oh yeah? He only praises you because you gave him so much. If you didn't give him those things, he would curse your name."

To which God said, "Oh yeah? I'll show you, Satan! I'll take those things away from Job and he will still praise my name."

And so, God had a bunch of barbarians come in and slaughter Job's oxen and donkeys, and murder all his workers. [that scene is shown]

Then God sent his fireballs from the sky and killed his sheep and the rest of his employees. [meteorites rain down and destroy the fields and workers there, as well as the sheep]

And then, as Job's sons and daughters were eating, God sent a mighty wind to collapse the house and crush and kill them all. [the palm trees bend low as the winds pick up, then the two-story house collapses as the palm trees are swept away by the winds, and Job's family dies]

Job was terribly sad, but he fell to his knees and said, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away," and praised God's name. [Job falls to his knees and prays to God.]

So then, Job got painful sores all over his body. [shown, with the burning fields behind him]

He was in terrible, miserable pain all day, every day. But he still kept his faith. [another shot of Job among the dead, then a close-up of Job with his sores]

God said to Satan, "See? I told you. Job still praises me." [all that is heard after that is the sound of the heart monitor attached to Kyle.]

[a few seconds later] And that's it? That's the end?


That's the most horrible story I've ever heard. Why would God do such a horrible thing to a good person just to prove a point to Satan?

Oh. Uh, I don't know.

Then I was right. Job has all his children killed, and Michael Bay gets to keep making movies. There isn't a God.

[Interior scene, synagogue. Stan finds Kyle sitting alone in the empty pews. Sad music plays.]

Dude, what are you doing here? Everybody's looking for you! [beat] Kyle?

Do you know what happened to me this morning, Stan? This morning... I-I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my ass. I felt down there a-and found this.. big sore lump. On my ass, Stan. I couldn't even sit down, so... I-I had to tell my mother, w-which was humiliating. She took me to the doctor, which was more humiliating, a-and he told me... I-I have a hemorrhoid. It's like an infected blood vessel on your ass. I'm nine years old, and I have a hemorrhoid, Stan. I have a hemorrhoid, and Cartman has his own theme park.

...Kyle, I-I understand what you mean, but—

(in tears) Do you?! Do you, Stan?! Because all my life I was raised to believe in Jehovah! To believe that we should all behave a certain way and good things will come to us. I make mistakes, but every week I try to better myself! I'm always saying, "Y'know, I learned something today", and what does this so-called God give me in return?! A hemorrhoid! It doesn't make sense! WHAT IS YOUR LOGIC!?!? Ow!...

Look, Cartman...he thinks he's gonna be happy because he has his own amusement park, but he's gonna find out that without other people, the rides are totally lame. I mean, who could really have fun by themselves at a theme park?

Cut to a montage of Cartman riding various rides at his park, laughing and cheering in euphoria all the way.

Welcome to Cartmanland.

[Hells Pass Hospital, day. The doctor has been in to see Kyle's recovery progress and is now talking to the parents.]

Isn't he getting any better, doctor?

I don't understand it. He's not fighting the infected hemorrhoid at all. It's like he... like he's lost all hope. Well if you'll excuse me, I've got more tests to run. [leaves. The TV monitor is seen, with a picture of a financial program]

And now back to Money Quest, on HBC.

Host 1:
[Camera zooms in on the two hosts] Welcome back to Money Quest. [Kyle looks at the show] In just over two weeks, young financial genius Eric Cartman [his picture appears on the screen behind the hosts] has managed to turn a theme park that was seeing less than a hundred attendees a day into a thriving park with attendance in the thousands.

Host 2:
And the way he did it is with the brilliant "You Can't Come" technique. For the first several days, the young businessman saturated the market with the claim that nobody could get into his park. It made the public crazy. So then, weeks later, when he opened the doors, they were lining up around the block. Simply amazing.

Host 1:
Well, ahah, I think we should point out that this technique is already being applied by businesses all over the country.

[At a restaurant where all the tables are empty and everyone is waiting in line...]

I'm sorry, we're no longer taking reservations. Nobody can eat here. You'll have to leave now.

[At the Bijou, where everyone is waiting outside....]

No, I'm sorry. You can't see this movie. Nobody can see this movie. I can't even go in.

[At Gracy's clothing store, a sales associates barks orders...]

[the shoppers rush out of there] Out! Nobody is allowed into Gracy's anymore! Get out of here! [kicks the last shopper out]

[Back to Money Quest...]

Host 1:
Amazing. Eric Cartman is surely the financial genius of our time.

[Back to Kyle's room at Hells Pass Hospital...]

Oh... Oohh—Ohuhughughhh... [passes out. A flatline appears on the heart monitor]

[approaches] Kyle? Kyle? [turns to Gerald] Get the doctor!

Isn't he responding at all, doctor?

[turns around to face them] I'm sorry. Your son appears to be losing the battle. I'm afraid that the hemorrhoid has spread to his lungs. Normally, the body would fight the infection, but he's... he's just... given up on life.

But then... are you saying...?

There's nothing I can do. Little fella's just... lost his will to live.

[walks up to Kyle] Oh Kyle! Kyle, you've got to fight!

[North Park Funland, day. The old North Park Funland sign is being restored, as are many of the rides Cartman replaced. The ticket booths are missing. A bulldozer sits outside the park ready to clear out anything else that needs removal. Cartman exits with the million dollars he originally paid for the park. The money is back on the Radio Flyer.]

Good riddance, you stupid park! You can all kiss my ass! [three men in suits approach Cartman]

Excuse me? Eric Cartman?

[turns to face them] Yeah?

I'm Frank Garrett with the IRS. You haven't kept records of your income or payout, and there's a five hundred-thousand-dollar discrepancy. [to the two other men] Seize the assets. [the men grab the discrepancy]

Hey. Hey, that's my money!

Mr. Garrett:
There's also the lawsuit of the little boy who died in your park. The family's entitled to the rest of this. [takes the wagon with the other half million]

What?! Kenny?! He dies all the time!

Mr. Garrett:
You still owe thirteen thousand dollars more than this, Mr. Cartman. We'll see you in court. [the men walk away with the million]

Ye-You can't take my money, Goddamnit!

Mr. Garrett:
We know how well your park is doing; you'll make it back in no time.

Ah! But I-I-I... [sees Mr. Fun through a fence and rushes to talk to him] Hey! Hey Mr. Fun, I changed my mind. I need the park to make my money back.

Mr. Fun:
Nohoho way, José!

But I'm getting sued now. If I don't have the park, I lose everything!

Mr. Fun:
"I don't care," said Pierre. "I'm from France." [turns around and disappears into the crowd]

This can't be happening! AGGGHH!!

[Hell's Pass Hospital, day. Stan bursts into Kyle's room.]

Kyle, you gotta see!! [the doctor looks at him. Sheila and Gerald turn around]

[sadly] Kyle's not going to make it, Stanley. Oh, Gerald! [weeps into Gerald's chest]

Doctor, can we wheel Kyle out of here on his bed with the machines attached?

Well, I s-supposed it could be rigged, but I--

Then damnit man, do it!

[North Park Funland, day. The ticket booths are back, and business is as strong now as it was when the park was Cartmanland. Off to the side, Cartman is throwing stones at one of the park walls.]

It isn't fair! [throws another stone] You goddamned assholes, it isn't fair! [throws another. Stan arrives with the doctor, the nurse, Kyle, and Kyle's parents]

Look, Kyle. Look. [smiles]

[opens his eyes] Huh?

You just build me up to chop me down, didn't you?! What about my dream?! What about my money?! [throws another stone]

[more alert] Huh?

I'M SO PISSED OFF! [the security guard arrives, ready to spray Cartman]

Security Guard:
Move along, sir! You are vandalizing private property!

Ey! You used to work for me! [the guard sprays Cartman in the face] Ut Ut aw! Aw, Goddamnit, you son of a bitch! [coughs and wheezes. Stan grins and Kyle's vital stats get stronger. Kyle sighs]


He's coming back.

That's it, baby. That's it.

Oho, Goddamnit, this sucks!

Wait a minute. Yes! The hemorrhoid is going into remission!

[receding into the colon] Oh, shit!

Look, Kyle, Cartman is totally miserable. [a shot of Cartman on his knees, sobbing] Even more miserable than he was before because he's had his dream and lost it.

It's not fair! It's not fair; I wanna die! I wanna daaahahie! [Kyle looks at Cartman, then up at the sky, then sits up and removes the oxygen mask]

You are up there! [smiles]

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