SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

[Mr. Krabs knocks on the front door to SpongeBob's house.]

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob! SpongeBob? SpongeBob? Are you okay in there? You catch the flu or something? Ugh. Are you at death's door? Because you know darn well they ain't valid excuses to miss work! [peeks through the window and finds to his shocking surprise that SpongeBob is slithering on the floor with his tongue like a snail; SpongeBob eats some food from Gary's food bowl] Ah! SpongeBob has gone full raving loony. [hears something] Uh-oh! [hides underground as Gary appears]

♪Meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow. Meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow.♪ [enters the house]

[Mr. Krabs peeks through the window again. He sees SpongeBob rubbing his head against the chair while Gary's reading the paper. Gary pets SpongeBob and holds out a snail toy for him to play. SpongeBob plays the toy with his eye. Mr. Krabs gasps and drills himself inside through the floor.]


Mr. Krabs:
What in the name of Neptune's nostrils is going on in here?! SpongeBob, you're acting like you're the pet and that darn snail is the owner!

[hits Mr. Krabs with the toy] Meow! Meow—meow—meow.

Mr. Krabs:
[grabs the toy] Bad snail! Down boy! [gets attacked by SpongeBob] SpongeBob, what are you— [gets licked and pummeled by SpongeBob until he pushes him off and shakes him violently] Oh, snap out of it, SpongeBob!

[SpongeBob doesn't respond. Mr. Krabs pulls out a Krabby Patty, breaks it in half and puts it under SpongeBob's nose. SpongeBob smells the patty's scent and shakes himself back to normal, snapping himself out of the strange trance.]

[dazed] Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Have you completely lost your mind, boy-o? Snails ain't supposed to have arms and legs.

Aww, but Gary is so happy with his new limbs.

[Gary files his new arms.]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, is he? Well, it's time to cut this nonsense! [growls and goes to fight Gary] Ay! [growls at Gary viciously] Huh-hah! [leaps over to Gary and cuts the arms and legs, returning Gary back to his normal self]

[sniffs the severed limbs] Meow. [slithers over to his food bowl, removes SpongeBob's name and goes to eat his food]

[sighs as he walks into a kelp forest] Why won't anyone watch my trick?! [falls onto the ground while the word "trick" flies into the air, causing the leaves on the kelp trees to fall down onto SpongeBob] [SpongeBob gets up, covered with leaves. He slightly pulls his kelp mustache, and then sees two pieces of wood and a rock. A lightbulb appears on top of SpongeBob] Hey, that gives me an idea! [scene cuts to SpongeBob putting the final touches on his rock people] There. Good evening, folks, I am the Great Spongedini! Now watch closely, [reveals his cards] the hand is quicker than the eye. Pick a card. Any card. [SpongeBob inhales all the magic playing cards into his mouth, and then starts his magic trick.]

[The magic trick starts when the kelp forest turns into a white screen as SpongeBob turns into magic playing cards, which then transform into a buzzsaw and cut a copy of SpongeBob in-half, and then a rainbow appears. Then ten cut in half/rainbow-colored SpongeBobs, two green, two yellow, two pink, two red, and two blue, each holding one magic playing card start running out as the rainbow disappears. Then, two other SpongeBobs, one on the bottom of the screen, and the other on top of the screen being upside down, start leading a bunch of card people from the top, and the bottom of the screen. Then, two other card people start going over and under each other five times, becoming SpongeBob, and back to a playing card. Then the camera zooms out to see lots of card people on the screen, which then fade to SpongeBob. wearing a magician's outfit, a magic hat on top of his head, and a magic wand for a nose, which automatically makes some flowers come out of it, The Great Spongedini then takes the magic wand out of his nose and turns it into three metal rings, that are linked to each other. Then, The Great Spongedini puts himself through the rings, and then, the rings transform into a cannon that shoots out three colorful fireworks. One pink, one yellow, and one blue. Then, The Great Spongedini appears on the screen again, and then notices a red ribbon stuck through his left sleeve.]

The Great Spongedini:
Huh? [The Great Spongedini pulls the ribbon out of his left sleeve, but then reveals a red, blue, pink, green, and orange ribbon that covers the whole screen. Then the scene becomes spirally and gets put into a magic hat. Then, the white screen turns back to the kelp forest and SpongeBob pulls himself out of the magic hat in a pink bunny suit, ending his magic trick.]

Ta-dah! [notices that the audience he made was fake and didn't respond to his magic trick.] Oh... I still wish Patrick was here to see it. [then he notices Patrick sitting on a mushroom, hanging onto another mushroom]

[off-screen] I saw it, SpongeBob! [on-screen] It was astonishable! [Patrick falls of the mushroom and falls flat onto the ground, and pulls himself off the ground]

[hugging Patrick] Oh, Patrick! You showed up just in time! What was your favorite part?

Uh... My favorite part was... uh..."Ta-dah!" I missed everything before that.

Oh, then you haven't seen seen anything yet! [he grabs a hold of Patrick's hand. The two spin around and then they disappear into a magic hat. Some confetti and a card come out of the hat as the two laugh. Fireworks also start coming out of the hat, while the rock creatures stand inanimate]

Hee-hee-hee! You married a genius, Karen. Using the DNA of Krabs' hair and my own DNA from my antennae— [his right antenna gets snipped off by Karen] Ouch! [his antenna is placed in the machine] I will create a combo-clone of me and Krabs to finally steal the secret formula! [pulls up the lever and cackles]

[The machine turns itself on and fuses the hair sample and antenna sample together. The cloning machine turns on and creates a single being with Mr. Krabs' and Plankton's DNA together. The being turns into a blob and the machine turns off.]

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Behold PlanKrab! [The machine opens the door and the being steps out]


[The smoke clears to reveal the being. It appears to be a clone with Mr. Krabs' body and Plankton's head.]


How is this a good thing?

Wake up, Karen! The Plankton side will know everything the Krabs side knows! It'll be easier than taking candy from a baby.

Mm, and we know how successful that was. [turns on the screen to show Plankton trying to steal a lollipop from a baby, but ends up getting sucked on]

This is different! Isn't it, PlanKrab, my pretty? Now, here's my plan.

Don't waste your breath, Plankteron. I already mapped out the perfect plot to swipe that formuler-ererer! [gives Plankton a high-five before leaving for the Krusty Krab]

Great! See you soon, P.K.! [sighs] I love that guy. Well, half of him anyway. [laughs until he coughs] Still got a hair in there.

[The Dirty Bubble goes to the Goo Lagoon]

Dirty Bubble:
I think, for dessert, I'll eat more dirt! [laughs evilly]

Not Goo Lagoon! [The Dirty Bubble sucks up Goo Lagoon. SpongeBob grabs out paper and pencil to write quickly his last words] Thank you, my beloved pet Gary, thank you, my big pineapple, and my toolshed, and my mailbox, and Patrick! [Sobs as the dirt level increasingly gets higher and higher. Starts absorbing all the dirt.] Uh, what? Wow. Sometimes I just forget how absorbent I am. [proceeds to spin around inside like clothes in a side-loader washing machine]

Dirty Bubble:
Wait, what? Ow, just... stop spinning, you sponge! You're stealing my grunge! [slowly shrinks, stammering] Stop that rhyme! [screams as he is absorbed by SpongeBob] [SpongeBob falls into Goo Lagoon's seabed. Burps out an shrunken version of the Dirty Bubble.] [high pitched] I may be a squirt, but I'm still full of dirt! [evil laughs]

Aww, little mini DB is so cute! [Dirty Bubble spits dirt onto SpongeBob's eyelid. Officer Johnson catches Dirty Bubble and puts him into a jar held by lady officer]

Lady officer:
We got him!

Every time I wash dishes, I will think of you.

Dirty Bubble:
Hmph. Every time I have nightmares, I'll think of you, too! [complaining noises]

Lady officer:
Thank you, citizen. We'll take it from here.

[Pretends to be the Dirty Bubble] It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it. [evil laugh] [Police officers gasp] Just kidding! [laughs] [Police officers laugh with him. SpongeBob suddenly feels the urge to sneeze, splattering goo all over the place.]

Police officers:
[angrily] Gesundheit.

Thank you! [looks at lady officer] You got some schmutz under there. [Wipes off goo from her face. Grabs out a tissue and laughs.]

[The episode starts with Patchy the Pirate struggling to start his boat on someone's driveway.]

Oh, hi, kids! Patchy The Pirate here on a glorious day. I'm going to deliver this here very special present to SpongeBob on his birthday. That is, if I can get this blasted boat to start. [turns :the ignition with his key] And start! [chuckles]

[Patchy's boat wouldn't start and Potty comes out of the trunk.]

Maybe if you remembered to fill the tank with gas...

Oh, Potty, you're full of gas! Get outta here!

[flies onto the hood] I see the problem! [bangs on the hood with the hammer]

[The hood sent Patchy flying backwards and smashing into the garage door via airbag.]

[groaning] Walking is better than driving anyway. I've been meaning to work on me land legs. [pulls up his pants and reveals his wavy legs]

Squawk, squawk!

[takes the present from the trunk and happily laughs] Now to see which way the wind is blowing. [sticks his finger in his mouth, holds out his hand with a sail on it and the with blows the other direction] This way! [the wind blows Patchy down the street] Whoa!

[follows Patchy while squawking] Hard to port!

[Meanwhile, at the brink of dawn, SpongeBob is sleeping in his bed. Gary is holding a birthday present for SpongeBob while sleeping. Moments later, the alarm clock goes off.]

SpongeBob's alarm clock:
Wake up!

[meows "Happy Birthday"]

What? Today? My birthday? Oh, Gary, you know I never pay attention to those sorts of things.

[SpongeBob hops out of his bed and streamers and confetti fly out. He blows the noise maker a couple times and laughs. He opens Gary's present, which reveals to be a jellyfish net made out of slime.]

[gasps] Oh, wow, Gary! Did you make me this jellyfishing net yourself?

[gives SpongeBob a thumb's up with his slime] Meow!

[SpongeBob swings the slime jellyfish net around, but splashes slime all over his bedroom. Some slime flew out his window and landed in Squidward's coffee as he's getting the newspaper. Squidward sips some of his coffee, unaware of the slime being in it. SpongeBob swings the net until it is gone.]

Best present ever! [hugs Gary and laughs]

[Scene cuts to Larry's Gym, where Mr. Krabs arm-wrestles and defeats other tough fish like Reg and the Popeye fish. Plankton hops onto the table, in front of Mr. Krabs.]

I want a rematch, Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
[dismisses Plankton] Boring. [shrugs] But whatevs.

[pretends to be in pain, clutching his hand] Oh no, not a hand cramp! Not now! [smugly] Luckily I have a last-minute substitution, standing by. [takes a deep breath and blows a whistle]

[The ground rumbles and the Chum Bucket glove punches a hole into Larry's Gym. The glove then flicks the tough fish away with his fingers and makes its way to the wrestling table, about to wrestle with Mr. Krabs. Scene cuts to Larry the Lobster holding the mallet to ring the bell, but he faints onto the bell causing it to ring. The match between Mr. Krabs and the glove begins, and he struggles to defeat the glove.]

Mr. Krabs:
[groaning in pain] Eeeh – oh, oh – oh — [Plankton is seen with an evil grin on his face, while Mr. Krabs continues to struggle] Any... last... words?

[blows the whistle and the glove hoists Mr. Krabs up in the air] Just one... Sucker! [laughs maniacally while Mr. Krabs trembles in fear]

[The glove spins Mr. Krabs in the air and whacks him on the floor, causing a hole to form.]

Mr. Krabs:
[regains consciousness] Huh –? [shadow forms above him] No, no, no, no, no, no —

[The other tough fish fall above Mr. Krabs as the glove gathers them all into the hole on the floor. Plankton hops on top of the glove.]

[raises arms in victory] Ta-daah! Let's give a big hand to the new champion! [applauds; then takes a deep breath and blows the whistle] Okay, move it, filthy fingers! [rides glove like a horse straight to the Krusty Krab]

[Plankton floats into Squidward's bed and possesses it like a puppet. The bed turns green and the box spring turns into Plankton's head. Plankton's eye appears about Squidward. Plankton shakes the bed and chuckles evilly as Squidward begins to wake up.]

[screams] Who's there? Ohh, is that you, SpongeBob? [gets up and gets drenched on by green ectoplasm]

[Squidward removes his blindfold and becomes freaked out by the ectoplasm. Suddenly, the box spring forms into a giant mouth and makes an evil laugh. Squidward becomes so scared that his skin turned white. He tries to escape, but Plankton pulled him under the covers. Squidward releases himself from the covers and hides in the drawers.]

The Flying Dutchman:
[writing down on his clipboard] Oooh. Monster mouth with a bucket of ghost goo—very good marks. [chuckles] Nice haunt, swabby!

[comes out of the drawer with his clarinet and pants heavily] Oh, what a terrible nightmare. Oh, thanks for being here, Clarry. You'll keep the monsters away. [inhales and blows horrible music out through his clarinet]

[Squidward's clarinet playing drives Plankton and the Flying Dutchman crazy. Plankton floats over to Squidward and grabs the clarinet.]'

Give me that!


[Squidward and Plankton get into a tug-o-war with the clarinet. Plankton turns into a ghostly SpongeBob and scares Squidward, whose eyes pop out and scream. Squidward runs out of the drawers and gets hit in the head when he crashed into the ceiling. Squidward falls down to the floor and is knocked out unconscious. Plankton throws the clarinet away and changes back.]

Hey, I picked something up! I can pick things up! [picks up a vase and drops it]

The Flying Dutchman:
Look at you. You skipped ahead to the last lesson! [pulls out a mallet]

It's okay. You don't have to— [gets hit by the mallet]

[amazed by the reflection] Whoa, those dudes are huge! I wonder what they lift. [hits Bubble Bass slightly with his elbow]

Bubble Bass:
[notices the reflection and drops his drink in fear] Those aren't dudes. They're giant monsters! [screaming] EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!! [the three start panicking and run around in circles, Louie is biting SpongeBob, and their ruckus causes the lighthouse to start rocking. At the same time, Mrs. Puff is still listening and rocking to the rock music, unaware of what's going on outside. The lighthouse tips over and rolls out of the boating school. Larry, Bubble Bass, and the small fish are still panicking until they see that the reflection is gone]

[happy] Those buff monsters have vanished! [hugs the other two] We're saved! [he and the other two hear some noise, and realize the lighthouse is coming their way]

Bubble Bass:
We're doomed! [gets out his drink and starts walking across the sidewalk away from the lighthouse, while the other two runoff in a different direction. The lighthouse runs over him, causing him to get submerged into the sidewalk with his posterior sticking out] My cheeks!

[Bikini Bottom News plays, showing Perch Perkins having an interview with Fred about the lighthouse.]

Perch Perkins:
Can you please tell our viewers the cause of this destruction?

[frightened] It was a lighthouse. It rolled through town, destroying everything in its path! [pants] A lighthouse! [goes on his knees and starts crying]

Perchy Perkins:
[shocked] My goodness. Were you or YOUR LEGS injured by this insane lighthouse?

[sad and kicks a rock] No.

So, let me get this straight. [cut to inside of an igloo] Nobody in this freezer is actually sick?

[speaking at the same time] Never felt better.

[speaking at the same time] Healthy.

Mrs. Puff:
[speaking at the same time] Not me.

Ice cream!

Mrs. Puff:
Well, if no one is sick in here, then the sick person must be...

[gasps] Daddy! Oh, no! [starts crying tears which turn into ice cubes]

Mrs. Puff:
There, there. [gets hit by the ice cubes, grunting slightly]

I say we bust out of here, grab Krabs, and lock him away!

Mrs. Puff:
Oh, yeah!


Who's this now? [eats some ice cream]

Well, I don't know. Mr. Krabs didn't tell us to question his orders. I'll just wait for him to let me out.

[smiling] You can't cook Krabby Patties if you're locked in the freezer.

[shocked of hearing what Squidward said, and now changes his mind] All right. [puts on sunglasses] Let's put this crab on ice. [everyone busts out of the freezer, with Mr. Krabs noticing.]

Mr. Krabs:
[screams] You sickos are supposed to be in the freezer!

You're the sicko! [jumps towards Mr. Krabs, but he flattens himself to get out of the way, so he crashes into a table instead]

Mr. Krabs:
Stay away from me, you sickos! [crawls under the grill, to where SpongeBob also flattens himself and crawls under in pursuit. Both of them getting covered in the grime there in the process]

For the good of all of us, you have to go into the freezer!

Mr. Krabs:
Keep your filthy hands off me, you infected ingrate! [notices the opening leading to the grease trap] Oh, look. Freedom! [drains himself into the grease trap. SpongeBob then crawls out from under the grill, now covered in the grime present of being infected]

He's in the grease trap!

Well, someone's gonna have to fish him out before he gets to the sewer and infects the whole town!

Hey, I can help! [pries the grill out of the way and begins shoving Squidward into the opening to the grease trap]

Patrick, Patrick!


There's a full-sized hatch over here. [begins scratching himself]

Well, what do you know? [finishes shoving Squidward into the grease trap]

[falls into the grease] Eugene? Are you in here? [Mr. Krabs surfaces behind him, catching him off-guard, making him scream and get some of the grease that was on him onto him.]

Mr. Krabs:
Ah! Sicko germs! [leaves the grease trap through the full sized hatch, catching SpongeBob by surprise] You can't catch me! I'm too healthy for all you, sickos! [laughs as he leaves through the service window]

Daddy, stop! [follows him through the service window, prying it off the wall due to her massive size]

[The others head to the dining area to see Pearl with the service window around her neck and Mr. Krabs stuck in her blowhole. She sniffs him up and and sneezes him out, with him missing his shirt. Mr. Krabs lands near a corner and Patrick confronts him.]

There's nowhere left to run!

Mr. Krabs:
I'm not licked yet! [snaps his claws]

[boxing bell ringing] Oh, yeah? [uses his tongue to try and grab Mr. Krabs, but he dodges and grabs his tongue and begins swinging him around] Hey, hey! SpongeBob!

Mr. Krabs:
You'll never get me! [swings Patrick into the broom closet, getting him covered in dust, but he yanks on the tongue, yanking him into the closet, getting him covered in dust as well]

[Patrick then regains control of his tongue and begins swinging Mr. Krabs around, catching Squidward and making him crash into SpongeBob. Mr. Krabs eventually lets go and is sent flying towards Pearl, who is shown to now have a stuffy blowhole, and she dodges him, making him land in a trash can held by Mrs. Puff.]

Mrs. Puff:
I got him! I got- [suddenly inflates sending the trash can flying with Mr. Krabs inside. He lands on a window, and the trash and the trash can lands on Mrs. Puff's head]

[The battle continues until nighttime, when the health inspector returns and unlocks the chains and enters.]

Health inspector:
Hello? Anyone here? Ha, funny story, um... [holds out his detector] I was holding my equipment [flips his detector 180 degrees] upside down yesterday. Nobody was actually sick! Oh, what a goof. [hears some moaning and turns on his flashlight to investigate, and notices Squidward, whose feet are noticeably swollen] Oh, my Neptune! Grease Gout. [notices SpongeBob looking all moldy as he scratches himself] Moldy Measles! [notices a pile of trash shifting, and out emerges Mrs. Puff, coughing up a tin can] Trash Trichinosis! [notices Patrick lying down with his tongue all stretched out, as he coughs up three literal dust bunnies who scurry away] Dust Bunny Bronchitis?! [notices Pearl, still with her stuffy blowhole, as she sneezes out Mr. Krabs' shirt covered in boogers] Polyester Plague?! [something drips on his arm and he notices the source. He gasps. It is Mr. Krabs, showing symptoms for all of the diseases, even coughing up a literal dust bunny] The whole shebang?! [everyone crawls towards him and he quickly escapes] They're all sick! Ultra-Mega Quarantine!

You heard him! Get this disease-ridden cesspit out of here!

[More HAZMAT Units board up the Krusty Krab in a huge wooden crate.]

Drop it somewhere safe. [a helicopter shows up and deploys a hook, and a HAZMAT Unit applies it to a lifting ring]

Somewhere no one ever goes. [the helicopter lifts the Krusty Krab and drops it on the Chum Bucket]

[off-screen] What the...?! [the sickos attack Plankton off-screen] No! I don't wanna get sick too! Stay away! NO! [sneezes of his clam flu] Ah, barnacles.

[The episode begins at the Chum Bucket where Plankton struggles to build his new invention.]

Karen, can you give me a hand with my new Dodanatron?

Sorry Sheldon, I'm off to visit my Motherboard. [leaves the Chum Bucket]

[gasps, runs after Karen] Wait! How am I supposed to get anything done without you?

Don't worry, I put up Help Wanted flyers for an intern. See? [throws intern flyer, and it flies until it hits Plankton's eye]

[sees flyer] Ooh. "INTERN WANTED." Apply today at Chum Bucket Labs? [crumbles flyer] I'm a mad scientist! If getting help was that easy, I wouldn't have built a computer wife!

Is this where I apply for the intern job?

[Plankton sees the newly-formed line for his new intern job and gets an exhausted look on his face. Bubble transition to inside the Chum Bucket.]

Ahem. Hello and welcome to Chum Bucket Labs. As an intern, you will gain valuable work experience and a sub-minimum wage. [the crowd sighs and leaves, leaving only Patrick] Well that narrowed it down.

I wanna do the science!

[quietly] Oh boy. [bubble transition] Okay, let's see how ya handle scientific equipment. This is my Duplo Maker! It's very, very simple.

Oh, like me!

[takes out a coin] Just put this coin in the chamber-

Gotcha! [grabs the coin and squishes Plankton]

Ow! No! Just the coin, you idiot! [gasps as Patrick steps inside the machine]

[The Duplo Maker creates a ton of Patrick doubles. It is no longer duplicating, as the door opens and many Patrick clones appear. Plankton then screams and runs as a Patrick double tries to land on him, but fails.]


Patrick clones:
Do we get the job?

I'll tell ya what ya get. [takes out a remote] You get out! [pushes the button on the remote, and a robot hand with a glove smacks the Patrick clones out of the Chum Bucket]

Patrick clone #1:
Hi, I'm Patrick.

Patrick clone #2:
No, I'm Patrick.

Patrick clone #3:
Who's Patrick?

Well, great. Not a single applicant left.

Hello? I'm still here.

[shouting as his iris turns into a whale] Whale! [Pearl steps closer to him as he climbs up to his desk] No! Not you! Whales eat Plankton!

I don't eat Plankton. That's baby food. I'm just here for the job.

Really? You're not gonna eat me?

Eww, no! I just need money, but my dad's such a skinflint with my allowance.

Alright, you're hired. Whatever.

[Bubble transition to SpongeBob walking to the Krusty Krab, exhausted.]

[tired] For my buddy Patrick. [Patrick is shown eating a poster, holding a winner trophy] I did it, pal. I silenced every bell in town so that you will no longer have a tantrum, buddy.

Aww. [picks up SpongeBob] Thank you, best friend. [hugs SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
[injured, holding money] I don't care about bells ringing or conditioning customers anymore, 'cause I've got a million dollars! [laughs as he puts the money in the register. He then presses a button on the register in slow motion, causing it to ring; in slow motion] Uh-oh.

[Patrick drops SpongeBob and starts to have another tantrum, breaking the trophy, and kicking the tables and chairs. Mr. Krabs holds SpongeBob in front of him. Patrick bangs the register open, and starts ripping the money to shreds.]

Mr. Krabs:
No no no no no no no!

[he and Margie appear] Hello, son. We saw you fighting today.

On the TV. We're so proud.

Oh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Star. I know you are loving parents, but you really messed up your kids by ringing a bell whenever it was time for his bath.

Bell? We never rang a bell.

Yeah, never.

[stops having a tantrum] You never rang a bell?

No, don't you remember? We would squeeze your rubber duck.

[gasps] My rubber duck.

Yes. [holds up the rubber duck] This one.

[takes the rubber duck and holds it]

Aw, kinda gets you right in your heart's kitchen, doesn't it, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Well, I think I can tape it all back together. [close-up of a taped-up dollar bill]

Ducky. I wonder if it still quacks. [squeezes the duck, and it quacks, triggering another tantrum, breaking stuff off-screen]

[holding a jar of jellyfish jelly] Oh, here we go again! [laughs and runs after Patrick]

[The kid on the tricycle with the chimpanzee TV appears outside, and the camera irises out as the episode ends.]

I don't know what a pink plonker is, but I don't like it! [punches Animatronic Hieronymus with his tongue, knocking his head off]

Animatronic Hieronymus Glove:

[attaches himself to Animatronic Hieronymus's body] Ooh! Hey! I like this body better than mine... it comes with pockets!

Animatronic Hieronymus Glove:
I like my new body too! [walks up using Patrick's body which he struggles to control] But I still want that head! [tries to fight Patrick]

I said I was sorry, you weirdo! [they continue fighting, and knock each other's heads off. The heads keep fighting on the ground and SpongeBob jumps to avoid them while the toddler laughs and claps]

Hieronymus Glove:
Enough! [the heads stop fighting, and the real Hieronymus Glove, stuck in a block of ice, rolls up to them while a pair of servants sweep the ground in front of him] No, no, this won't do at all! Put those heads back on their bodies post-haste! [the servants toss their brooms aside and walk towards the group] Splendid!

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Wow! [the servants put Patrick's head back on his body] Are you the real Hieronymus Glove?

Animatronic Hieronymus Glove:
[the servants put Animatronic Hieronymus's head back on his body] No, he's not, I'm the real Hieronymus Glove!

Hieronymus Glove:
Hahahaha, splendid! Do wipe that one's memory bank before he does more damage to my park. Thank you! [one of the servants whacks Patrick's head with a giant wrench] Not him, the other one!

Animatronic Hieronymus Glove:
Hmm? [the servant whacks Animatronic Hieronymus's head with the wrench] Ow! Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-- and that's why we wear gloves on our hands and not our knees! Haha... [powers down and falls over. The servants catch him and carry him away]

Hieronymus Glove:
Splendid! I'm afraid I'm the real Hieronymus Glove, and I'm at your service.

SpongeBob and Patrick:
We love your gloves!

Hieronymus Glove:
Splendid! And since being terrorized by our robots has never been Glove World policy, you are all hereby released from Glove Jail!

SpongeBob and Patrick:
We've been pardoned! Splendid!

Hieronymus Glove:
Splendid! And for proving yourselves to be unselfish and kind, I'm going to give all of Glove World to the both of you!

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Ahhhhhh! [the servants weld crowns to SpongeBob and Patrick's heads] Really?

Hieronymus Glove:
Of course not! Hahahahaha! I may be cryogenically frozen, but I'm not a loony! [they all laugh, and the floor rises up to take them back to Glove World as Hieronymus begins singing] ♪Well, that concludes our show and as you can see, there still is nothing quite like gloves!

Until we meet again for a shopping spree, where I hope you buy all kinds of gloves to love!

With the handy help of SpongeBob and Patrick, we defeated my crazy robot head!

Now that the twit is gone...♪

Animatronic Hieronymus Glove:
[singing] ♪Glove World can carry on!♪

Hieronymus Glove:
[singing] ♪And the toddler can go to bed. Goodnight!♪

[SpongeBob and Patrick fall asleep as the curtains go down. The toddler jumps out of their arms and runs off, waking them up.]

Hey! [they go running after him]

Come back here, little guy!

I saved you a Ham Fist! [the second act, and the entire episode, ends with a cut to black]

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    "SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12 Quotes." Quotes.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 9 Mar. 2025. <https://www.quotes.net/show/spongebob_squarepants,_season_12_quotes_3808>.

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