SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

No! No, I didn't! It was SpongeBob! He's infected the entire Krusty Krab!

[Everybody growls and screams]

Unknown Fish:
Let us apprehend that careless contaminator!

[All the fish attack SpongeBob, who starts crying, making a huge puddle in his bubble. Outside the Krusty Krab, Gary slithers into the dumpster and eats a can, which he coughs up. His stomach growls as he slithers out]

Meow. [sees SpongeBob inside getting attacked by the Krusty Krab fish]

[crying] Ohhhh, noo! [the fish body slam SpongeBob's bubble, which make holes that the Ick leaks through] Stop! You're pushing out more of the Ick! [the unknown fish the other fish make a final body slam] NOOOOOOO!

[All the fish slam into it, and it pops, splattering Fungus all over the Krusty Krab]

Mr. Krabs:
[laughing] Oh, stop it! You're tickling me, Squidward!

It's not me, Mr. Krabs!

Gary B. Snail! Don't you know it's impolite to feed off of other people without permission?

[We see Gary clean the Ick off of Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
He's just doing his job, SpongeBob! He's a bottomfeeder, remember? See? The little feller licked me clean! I'm cured and he'll clean the Ick off any surface...even Squid!

[Gary sucks the fungi off Squidward, next]

Nat Peterson:
Whoa! Me next!

Martha Smith:
Where are your manners? It's ladies first!

I believe the expression is starfish first.

Unknown Fish:
I supersede all of you! For I have an exotic accent.

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, hey, hey! There's no need to fight! Cause I have a solution I'll be happy with. [later...] Step up to be de-Icked! Only $5! [the first fish steps up, and Gary cleans him] Now can I get you a Krabby Patty?

Unknown Fish:
[whacks Mr. Krabs with his glove] In the light of today's events, that notion is crass and offensive. [pulls out money] I'll take 2, please.

Mr. Krabs:

[gives Mr. Krabs the money] Here you go, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
Another $5 for another de-Icking.

[Gary cleans SpongeBob off]

Look, Gary! You made me all sparkly! You're the best bottom feeder a sponge could ever have!

Mr. Krabs:
Aye, and a great money maker ya are, too. Now, back to work!

[burps loudly then he realizes is full, and then smiles] Meow.

Hey, Eugene, where's that little fry cook of yours?

Mr. Krabs:
He thinks you're taking his job, so he's run off!

Hey, great idea! And you can give me a raise! [both laugh it off]

[watching from the freezer] Look at them. Mr. Krabs is probably offering Jim my job right now.

Mr. Krabs:
Well, I better go find him. [SpongeBob comes out] SPONGEBOB!

Don't worry, Mr. Krabs. I was just leaving. I'm not fit to inhabit the same kitchen as Jim. So it is with a heavy heart that I relinquish my position as fry cook.

What are you thinking, SpongeBob? I'm not taking your job!

But you're the greatest fry cook in the world! The Krusty Krab deserves better than me.

Both those statements are true, SpongeBob, but there's a reason I left the Krusty Krab. It all started on a warm summer evening. Business was slow, so Squidward and I were having one of our famous bull sessions...

[Flashback to the day Jim left the Krusty Krab]

We should open our own restaurant and stop relying on old man K's pockets.

No, thanks. I'm just doing this until my clarinet career takes off.

What if it never does? Don't you wanna have something to fall back on?

Yeah! Ha! I could lose my beautiful, flowing hair, too, but I'm not buying a wig yet. [his hair suddenly falls out]

Well, while you go wig shopping, I'm gonna go talk to Mr. Krabs. [Walks into Mr. Krabs' office] Hey, Mr. Krabs, you gotta second?

Mr. Krabs:
Anything for you, Jimmy, me boy. Cop a squat and lay your wreck and tell me what's on your wig, Jim.

Cut the gas, Krabs, and dig this: I've been bustin' my conk for you. You better lay on some extra gravy, or I'm going to agitate the gravel.

Mr. Krabs:
What now?

You know, lay a patch.

Mr. Krabs:
'Scuse me?

Give me a raise, or I'm quitting!

Mr. Krabs:
A raise? That's not in my "Hiptionary." Help me get with it, Jack.

Stop talking like that!

Mr. Krabs:
These sideburns aren't real. [rips them off]

I need more money in my paycheck at the end of every week! Capiche?!?

[Mr. Krabs laughs hysterically; Jim leaves in a huff]

My hair! My beautiful hair! My hair! My hair!

[Flashback ends; Mr. Krabs is still laughing]

Mr. Krabs:
Aye, it's still as funny today as it was then. [sighs]

[Squidward is outside still crying over his hair loss]

Mr. Krabs:
You see, SpongeBob, you've got one quality Jim will never have: You're cheap!

Wow! I never thought about it that way!

[We see a live traffic jam on a busy expressway. Patchy is in one of the cars in it. He is also wearing sunglasses.]

Let's go! [honks his horn] Hey, kids. Rush hour traffic here in Encino is a real bringdown. [grumbles in frustration] A little music should soothe me jangled nerves. At least my in-dash hi-fi still works. [Patchy puts a cassette tape in the radio, which breaks and the music stops. Patchy shows the broken cassette tape.] Oh! Me ultra-rare "Frampton Comes Alive" 8-track destroyed! [Tosses it into the car] And I'm gonna miss the new SpongeBob cartoon if this traffic doesn't move soon! [Patchy growls and cries while he moans. Patchy's cell phone rings. The ringtone is SpongeBob's piccolo from the theme song] Who's calling? [answers the phone] Yes, Patchy here. Start squawkin'.

[squawks] Hey, Patchy, the new SpongeBob cartoon's about to start. Where are you, brawk?

Stuck on the 101. Be a dear and record it for me, would you?

Oh, I threw out that old Betamax machine in the garbage. [squawks]

You what?!

Oh, calm down. beardy.

Potty, you know how important this cartoon is to me! [someone honks his horn at him] Do you mind?! I'm trying to talk to my parrot! [the man looks at Patchy in shock as he gets back on his phone to talk to Potty] Sorry, Potty. Just some landlubber. [Potty hangs up] Potty? Hello, hello, hello, hello!? [looks at his phone's screen. It says "call dropped" with a Jolly Roger symbol; groans] Dropped again. [closes his phone] Curse this traffic! [the traffic starts moving again] Ooh! [pulls up his anchor, much to the man's confusion. He drives into a desert-like area] Arrgh! Home at last! What the--? [his eyes pop out from behind his pair of sunglasses, breaking them] Encino...it's gone. NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! [sobs] You know, kids, this kinda reminds Patchy of an old story. Another story of a...lost city. Why don't you check it out? Oh, Encino.

[Patchy reappears]

[realizes that there is no water left] This is the end of Patchy. No water, no food, and still no Encino. And here come the vultures to pick me bones! [Potty flies up] Shiver me timbers! It's Potty! I wonder what parrot tastes like... Come back here! Uh-oh. Here come the hallucinations.

[laughs] Patchy, it's me. SpongeBob SquarePants. [Patchy is excited and laughs weakly] Don't lose hope. Everything will be all right when you get to Encino.

But, Encino is gone.

It's not gone, if you believe.

Believe, believe. [falls asleep. Wakes up and reads the sign] Welcome to Encino! It's back! [hugs the sign] SpongeBob was right! All I had to do was believe! [laughs cheerfully]

♪You got to believe. It was out of sight. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. The sky above, and the ground below. Bring me back into Encino. It was lost, some time ago, I'm just glad to be back home. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right.♪

[Patchy is shown playing an instrumental by a man and woman at a bench, annoying them and making the latter's baby cry. They walk away as the chorus joins back in]

♪You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got--♪

[drops his ice-cream scoop and we hear strange sounds. Potty squawks, and then pokes Patchy] Ow! Ow! It was all a hallucination. Encino's still... gone! [Patchy groans] Ooh, a sandwich. Potty, you're a lifesaver. [opens a sandwich] Oh! Oh, Potty, you know I don't like mayo! [sees a vulture] Here, you want some? Go on. Uh... take it. I don't like the mayonnaise, you know. Once it gets up above 130, 135, the mayonnaise gets kind of... grody, you know.

[starts chopping vegetables] I'm sure with all my years in the kitchen, I can make something other than... [chops vegetables into a Krabby Patty then laughs nervously] Just warming up. [Mr. Crustacean gets angry, he then screams than gets a tray of stuff and puts in in the oven] Come on, SpongeBob! [whistles and then takes out a Krabby Patty and throws it on the ground, Mr. Crustacean gets angry again, he then cracks an egg into a pan] Just one egg then... [egg turns into a Krabby Patty and SpongeBob gets mad and throws it on the ground along with many other Krabby Patties] No, that's not it either...

Mr. Crustacean:
YOU ARE MAKING A MOCKERY OF MY--! [Krabby Patty accidentally lands in his mouth and he eats it] This taste is... is fantastic! What do you call it? [he then eats another one]

A Krabby Patty.

Mr. Crustacean:
[eats more Krabby Patties] The whole world must taste this!

French Narrator:
Meanwhile, at the Krusty Krab... [We see that the Krusty Krab is all decorated fancy]

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, Squidward, look at this! [holds up a plate with a small fruit on it] We're charging 52 smackeroos for this little guy. [laughs and then Squidward smells its horrible odor]

Oh! What is that?!

Mr. Krabs:
I don't know! Some kind of bean paste or something.

Le Schnook:
Wrong, monsieur! It is ze Rare Fruit of ze Kazook Tree.

Mr. Krabs:
So it's supposed to smell like a rotten gym socks?

Le Schnook:
Its naturally rancid odor can only be neutralized by shredded gold.

Mr. Krabs:
Shredded... [gulps] gold? [Le Schnook then starts shredding gold with a cheese grater. Mr. Krabs screams and takes it away from him] Couldn't we use less expensive ingredients?

Le Schnook:
Price can be no object when it comes to dealing with exquisite food like zis. It must be prepared with only the finest ingredients, and eaten with only the finest silverware, while sitting on the finest furniture! [Le Schnook tries to sit in one of the chair, but it is just a billboard] Zis... is not ze chair I ordered.

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, well you see those were out of stock.

Le Schnook:
And zis fork of plastic... Spray painted to look silver, is it not? [Mr. Krabs starts to sweat, chuckling nervously. Le Schnook gets back up, dusting himself] I cannot prepare food UNDER ZESE CONDITIONS!

[The scene switches to the Krusty Krab and it has a sign that reads “out of business” because it went bankrupt. Inside the restaurant, repo men are seen hauling away the fancy furniture. We then see Mr. Krabs crying in his office]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm ruined! Busted! [phone then rings and Mr. Krabs answers it] Hello?

[on phone] Daddy, the house is full of burglars.

Mr. Krabs:
[laughs] No, those aren't burglars, Pearl. Those are just friendly repo men. [Mr. Krabs hangs up and notices Squidward being held on to by his arms by two other repo men]

Mr. Krabs, tell these guys to let go of me!

Mr. Krabs:
Uh, well, you know, until I come up with the money I owe, I'm afraid you'll be staying with these nice gents.

You sold me?!?

Mr. Krabs:
No! Bartered is more like it. They keep you, I keep my kneecaps.

Man who's holding Squidward:
Come on, mac! [takes him away]

You're pathetic! [Le Schnook then walks in]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, Mr. Le Schnook... I lost everything! I'm bankrupt! You and your fancy eats are all I got left now.

Le Schnook:
Not quite. My time in the chef's exchange program has expired. So my "eats" and I are leaving. [hands Mr. Krabs a bill] This is for you.

Mr. Krabs:
Is it money?

Le Schnook:
It is the bill for my services.

[Mr. Krabs unfolds the bill. His eyes become bloodshot, and he is unable to move as Le Schnook leaves]

Repo Man:
One side, please.

[The repo men take Mr. Krabs’ desk and chair away while he is sitting in it, a repo man brings Mr. Krabs back into the restaurant lobby. He is set down on the floor. Mr. Krabs starts crying]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, I've been such a fool! I turned away SpongeBob, the best fry cook I ever had, and it cost me everything!

[offscreen] Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, I can still hear his sweet little voice.

[offscreen, high pitched] Mr. Kra-a-abs?!

Mr. Krabs:
Okay, now I'm scared.

[offscreen] MR. KRABS!!!

Mr. Krabs:
Darn his cursed mocking voice! I... [notices SpongeBob] SpongeBob?

Ahoy, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob, me boy. [hugs SpongeBob] You came back! [notices the customers on SpongeBob's leg] And you brought customers!

That video will show me stealing SpongeBob's donut..! Oh, oh, oh, eee, eee! I gotta hide this thing. [tries hiding it under a picture of him and SpongeBob but it slips out. Patrick gasps and took it, Patrick tries to hide the donut in the lamp but the light on the ceiling shows the donut's reflection. Patrick takes it out, SpongeBob leaves his house and heads towards Patrick's, Patrick runs around it before putting it under the rug] Whew... [falls backwards onto a chair] Oh... [imagines SpongeBob walking in and stepping on the donut]

Hey, Patrick, I- [squish. He looks down and gasps] Donut! You monster...! You monster!

[Patrick gasps and screams, gets up and takes the donut and puts it in the toaster, but then imagines SpongeBob again]

Nothing goes with a video like toast! Let's pop some toast in the toaster and watch this bad boy!

[screams and takes it out of the toaster] Ow, hot, hot, hot, ow! [throws it in the toilet, then imagines SpongeBob again]

Get out of the way, Patrick, I gotta go!

[worries in fear and takes it out of the toilet] The attic! [cut to SpongeBob as he walked closer to Patrick's house, Patrick runs up imaginary steps, panting] Wait... I don't have an attic! [notices he's in mid-air, and then falls into his hole while he's screaming; Patrick lands on the floor and gets up] Oh... Ooh! I know! The attic. [goes up the imaginary steps again, falls and screams again; Patrick lands and gets up again]

Hey, Patrick!

Ah! [hides the donut] H-hey, SpongeBob.

Are you ready to-

I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BEHIND MY BACK, SO DON'T LOOK THERE! [looks both ways; the donut is in the back of his pants]

Okay... No problem. Ready to see this? [takes out the tape, Patrick's eyes shrink in horror] The official testament of how heartily we party... hardly? [puts the tape in the VCR and pushes play, but Patrick stops him]

NO! [sobs] I took it, SpongeBob! I took your donut! I'm sorry!

[looks confused then smiles] Oh, Patrick! You really need to see this video.

[He plays the video of the party from last night.]

Video SpongeBob:
I wanna give you this, because you're my buddy and... A donut this nice could really make a guy happy.

You mean... This is mine?!

Of course! It was your birthday.


Last night, silly!

Oh... Thanks, buddy! Hey, Wanna share it?

Sure, pal!

[The two each eat one half of the donut; SpongeBob stops and shudders because of how disgusting it is]

Yeah, pretty good, huh?

[SpongeBob shudders again; episode ends]

[Act 2 starts as it cuts to the desert, and SpongeBuck is riding the coffin like a horse]

Whoa, gal, whoa! Whoa! [trips on a rock] Looks like the end of the trail. We're out of food, [shows his arm, with no hand] water, and lip balm! [lip balm turns to dust, SpongeBuck's lips crack and break off] I'm sorry, old Paint! Guess I have to put you out your misery! So long, old friend! [is about to saw coffin in half]

Buffalo Skull #1:
Hey, buddy, you better be careful. Heat does funny things to your head.

It does?

Buffalo Skull #2:
Oh, don't listen to that guy, kid! He's looney! [both laugh, SpongeBuck laughs, Pecos Patrick laughs]

Pecos Patrick:
Oh, hey SpongeBuck! Those guys are a barrel of laughs, huh? But lazy! Anyway, you've got to get back and save the town, sheriff!

I ain't no sheriff. Or fry cook or even coffin jockey, and I'm no match for Dead Eye Plankton! I'm nothing.

Pecos Patrick:
[slaps SpongeBuck]Out west, a man gets right back up on his coffin and faces his problems with the help of his idiot sidekick friend! That's me! [shows a badly drawn picture of himself] Duhhh...

I don't know. [Pecos Patrick slaps him again] Okay, okay! I'll do it! Just stop hurtin' me! Besides, you're right! It's time I stepped up and looked him in the eye! So, I'll go back to Dead Eye Gulch, whip Plankton, and save the town at high noon!

Pecos Patrick:
Hop on, buddy!

Thanks, idiot friend! But I don't know how we'll ever get back to Dead Eye Gulch by high noon.

Pecos Patrick:
Don't worry. I got a short-cut. He-ya! [starts riding coffin, rides over a cliff, both land on a cactus, both start flying toward Dead Eye Gulch]

[An epilogue scene cuts to the Krusty Kantina where SpongeBuck is on stage]

Hey, everybody! It's good to be here at the Krusty Kantina! We got a real special show for y'all tonight! Featuring my new best pal, this guy! [Pecos Patrick gets on stage] He's an idiot! [everyone cheers]

Pecos Patrick:
So, what are we gonna sing about, SpongeBuck?

We're gonna sing a song about friends!

Pecos Patrick:
What kind of friends, SpongeBuck?

Well, listen up and I'll tell you! ♪Who's there for you when you are sad and down?♪

Buffalo skulls:
♪Idiot Friends!♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪Who picks you up and slaps you all around?♪

♪Idiot Friends!♪

♪Who puts thorns in you so you can save the town?♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪Idiot Friends, Idiot Friends--♪

SpongeBuck and Pecos Patrick:
♪--Idiot Friends!♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪Duh, duh duh duh du duh duh do.♪

SpongeBuck and Pecos Patrick:
♪Idiot Friends!♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪Dah de da da da da da do.♪

SpongeBuck and Pecos Patrick:
♪Idiot Friends!♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪De da da da-doodle, duh do.♪ You know, SpongeBuck, all we've been singing about is what I've done for you. Well, what have you done for me? [Dead Eye pulls his pants down and laughs]

♪Who helps you pick your pants up off the ground?♪

Pecos Patrick:
Thanks, buddy!

Dead Eye Plankton:

Pecos Patrick:
Only an idiot friend would do that!

Let's bring it home, idiot friend!

Pecos Patrick:

♪Who lets you ride on his coffin?♪

Pecos Patrick:
♪Who slaps you hard and often?♪

♪What do you and me have in common?♪

SpongeBuck and Pecos Patrick:
♪We're idiot friends!♪ [everyone cheers]

Thank you, thank you very much. [the epilogue and the episode ends]

Isn't life great, Gary? Oh, what a beautiful day. I have the best friends...

[Cut to Squidward's house]

Ah, stay away! Oh, another SpongeBob nightmare.

The best job...

[At the Krusty Krab]

Mr. Krabs:
He's already 10 seconds late. I'm docking him a month's pay for this.

...And, of course, the bestest pet.


[squeezes Gary in a hug, which causes Gary's shell to break. SpongeBob runs out of his house] I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!! [runs into Patrick]

Hi, SpongeBob.

Hey, Patrick! How goes it?

Well, it was going great until you showed up. [turns around and shows a cake splattered on his belly]

What's that?

Oh, just a birthday cake for my mom [in an angry tone and throws the ruined cake on the ground] that I spent all day baking! [angrily walks back inside] Idiot boy. [angrily closes the rock over him again]

[confused by his best friend's behavior towards him] Oh, that's the first time someone's called me that. Wait, I know who will enjoy my company. [goes to the door of Squidward's house; singing] Squidward!

[angrily gets in SpongeBob's face, annoyed] Don't you ever wake me from my beauty sleep! Do you understand?! Idiot boy! [violently shuts the door, causing SpongeBob to frown]

[The scene cuts to the Treedome, where Sandy has invented a new robot]

It's all done! My greatest invention yet!

[The robot starts to dance]

Sandy! What a neat robot! [accidentally trips on a log. Some of the water from his helmet goes onto Sandy's robot]

No...! [her robot blows up]

Let me explain. You see...I was passing by the tree, and I thought it'd be funny if I gave you a surprise.

Oh, you gave me a surprise, alright. Look at the surprise I got! Get out of here, idiot boy! [angrily shuts her door]

[sniffles] I guess that means there's only one place left to go--a place where I am wanted wherever they like it or not! [at the Krusty Krab] SpongeBob WorkPants reporting for duty, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs:
Hurry up and get in there, boy! Patties need flipping.

No worries, captain! [trips on some frying pans] Oops, well, all in a day's work. Now, back to doing what I do best! No way I can mess this up... [slides on a puddle of water and starts screaming]

Mr. Krabs:
Mr. Dollar, allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Dollar. [hears SpongeBob's screaming] What the barnacles is going on?

Mr. Krabs! [slides and hits Mr. Krabs, who falls in the fryer and gets out immediately] Mr. Krabs, are you okay?

Mr. Krabs:
I'm fine...as long as me money's okay.

[SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs notice both dollars in the fryer]

Mr. Dollar:
Although we've only known each other a short time, I want you to know...I love you. [both dollars disintegrate as they cry and they explode to nothingness. SpongeBob laughs nervously and Mr. Krabs angrily growls at him. Outside the Krusty Krab the double doors swing open. SpongeBob lands across the street and Mr. Krabs holds onto the double doors extremely enraged after kicking SpongeBob out]

Mr. Krabs:
If I were you, I'd get as far away from me as possible, IDIOT BOY!!! [after he angrily slams the restaurant's doors, he furiously turns away, as dramatic music cues in the background SpongeBob is shocked and alarmed]

[curls up into a little ball and his eyes well up with tears] I guess that's it, then. If Mr. Krabs is calling me "idiot boy," it must be true, I know what must be done! [starts crying, his tears creating a river that leads him to his house. At his house, he is still sad and he packs his clothes in a bindle] I somehow managed to make everyone mad at me. At least you still like me, right, Gare? [we see Gary chewing on a bandage on his back. He angrily hisses at him; sighs] I'll miss you too, buddy. There's a year's supply of snail food for you. [walks out of his house and turns around] Goodbye, pineapple. [the chimney blows him up in the sky] Goodbye, Squidward. Goodbye, Patrick. Goodbye, Sandy. Goodbye, Bikini Bottom. Goodbye, life as I know it. [he lands on the road next to the sign] Welcome to Bikini Bottom. Population 538. [crosses out the "8" with a chalk and puts a "7" next to it] Minus 1. [SpongeBob feels disappointed and he leaves Bikini Bottom down the road muttering the same words his friends said to him] Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy, Idiot Boy... [that night (SpongeBob's still disappointing), he's scared by a bunch of very weird people. In the deleted scene, a scallop is crowing while he sees the weird people. He runs for his life, but falls off the cliff upside down, causing him to hit his head on a bunch of rocks until he reaches the bottom of the cliff. Now he's got a long bump on his head] Oooh, boy, that's quite a lump! [his hobo stick, containing the things that he packed, hits him on the head, causing him to faint]

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