SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that airs on Nickelodeon. The show follows the adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city, and being pursued by the evil Plankton. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.

Heh heh heh... What's this? Do I find myself on this dark and scary street, yet again? We'll just see what happens! [walks down further into the alley] This time!

Hey! You! [starts walking toward Squidward]

Let me give him a taste! A mere morsel of what's in store! [karate chops] Hi-yah! [kicks] Hi-yah! [flips] Hi-yah! That one was called Washing Sandy's Windows! [the man walks closer] Stay back or you're gonna get it! I am warning you! [the man continues to walk closer breathing heavily] Okay buddy, I warned ya! [near a trash can] I like to call this one Taking Out Sandy's Trash! Hi-yah! [kicks the trash can toward the man]

What? [gets hit on the head by the trash can] Ow!

[laughs] How do you like them apples? Wah! [punches a crate at the man]

Oh! Ow!

[holding two wooden planks] Hah! Feel my wrath! [throws them] How's your uncle?!

[gets hit on the head by one of the planks] Ow! [the other hits him on the stomach] Ow!

And as my finishing move! I give you Watering Sandy's Lawn! He-yah! [spin kicks a dumpster at the man. Then pushes it off of him]

Oh... hey, man! Wha-what was that for? [holding Squidward's groceries] I was just trying to give you back your groceries you dropped!

[takes the groceries] Uh, oh.

Sandy! I found him! He's over here! [holding the belt] You forgot your belt silly! [looks at the man and gasps]

Gosh! What happened to you?

This guy's been... ka-rah-tayed!

After all I said about never using karate for revenge?

For shame, Squidward. For shame.

Looks like he's not worthy of this belt after all. [takes the belt] Thanks for dishonoring our trust in you, Squidward. [walks off with SpongeBob]

Whatever! I'm still a karate master!

Officer John:
Wow, really? You are? [walks Squidward to the police car]

Yes I am!

Officer John:
Hey watch your head. [Squidward gets into the police car. Then John gets into it] Oh, I'd never guess it.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Officer John:
Oh, uh... nothing. Just with the rubbery arms and the doughiness in the midsection...

Okay, already! I get it! [notices the handcuffs on him] What? Wait a second. Am I under arrest?

Officer John:
You sure are! And you have the right to remain silent... [Squidward screams loudly] ...or not silent. [drives off as the episode ends]

Hey, Mr. Krabs. What's the good word?

Mr. Krabs:
Well, actually, SpongeBob, uh, there's two words. And they're not very good: You're fired.

[chuckles] Oh, Mr.- [realizes what he said] WHAT?!


Mr. Krabs:
Well, you see, I've been doing some calculating and, you know, crunching the old numbers. And it turns out that I'll save a whole nickel if I cut your salary. Completely.

Bu-bu-bu-but how about if I work for free?

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, I looked into that. Apparently, it's "illegal." And I'll lose my "vendor's license." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Uh, excuse me. Is that mine?

I don't know. Maybe. [Drops the plate and sniffs] Take it.

Mr. Krabs:
You know, I love you like a son. But you can't argue with a nickel.


Hey, what about me? Can I get fired too?

Mr. Krabs:
I'm afraid not, Squidward. You've got seniority.

Oh, yeah.

Mr. Krabs:
No. It's gonna be you, Son. [Give Spongebob a can] You're canned. Here's your pink slip, and I'm givin' ou an ax. [SpongeBob holds the ax but it splits him to half and turn him back to normal] You're fired!

[gasps and bursts into tears] No! Not that! Anything but that! [starts crying]

Mr. Krabs:
So, uh, if you could just hand over your spatula. Um...I'll just take that. [grunts as he tries to take spatula out of SpongeBob's hand]

[stops crying] Here. I'll get that for you. [takes his arm off and resumes crying]

Mr. Krabs:
I'll also need the hat. Allow me. [tries to take off SpongeBob's hat but it's connected. He succeeds with heavy resistence] Go ahead; take a moment to collect yourself. Long as you need. [walks away]

[SpongeBob's tears start to flood the Krusty Krab. Squidward's register boat floats away]

Old Man Walker:
[swims by sitting on a barrel] I'm not a very strong swimmer.

[comes over with a cranking hole maker and makes a hole in the floor and the tears drain through the hole. Walks away and comes back with a box carrier. He picks up SpongeBob with it] Okay, that's enough. It's closing time. [moves SpongeBob out of the Krusty Krab] You know, it just won't be the same around here without you. You'll have to visit sometime...[pushes SpongeBob off the box carrier and backs up through the Krusty Krab doors with it and Spongebob's cry stops] as a customer. [SpongeBob realizes that Squidward said and resumes crying. Squidward talks to him from the front door' '] Buh-bye now. Sayonara. Good riddance. [he closes the door and walks past a window] Man, it's going to be sweet without that pest around! [he stops as he sees SpongeBob looking through the window while whimpering and Squidward lowers a "Krabby Patty" ad to hide him] This day couldn't get any better. [turns around and see Mr. Krabs] Well, Eugene, let me commend you on a terrific business decision. But now that SpongeBob's gone, who will be running the grill?

Mr. Krabs:
Squidward, I'll have you know, [puts SpongeBob's hat on the top of his eye stalks] I was 5 times "golden spatula" in the navy, [holds up the spatula, still attached to SpongeBob's hand] so I'll be running the grill. [it catches on fire] Ooh!

I can smell the grease fires already.

[someone knocks on the door. Goes towards the front door and opens it to see that nobody is there.] Hello. Hmm. That's odd. I could've sworn I heard a knock at the door. [Two fish dressed in hot dog costumes puts him between two big buns. SpongeBob yells while being muffled]

[The Hot Dog Minions takes him to "Weenie Hut" where Mr. Weiner handcuffs SpongeBob's right hand to pipe and SpongeBob's left hand to hot dog tongs]

[confused] Mr. Weenie?

Mr. Weiner:
Congratulations, SpongeBob, you've been promoted.

But you just fired me.

Mr. Weiner:
That's mustard under the bun, my boy. The important thing is my customers love your little sliders. [shows "Weenie Patty"] Now get to work!

[raises handcuffed hand] I'm pretty sure this is illegal. What am I gonna do now?

Pizza Pete:
[from the background] Pst! [shows him in the shadow] Hey, kid. You need help out of here? [leans out of the shadow]

Pizza Pete! Yes, please. That wiener has me chained to the grill, [Pizza Pete approaches him] and he really seems to be relishing it.

Pizza Pete:
I have something to free you. [yakes pizza sauce out]

Pizza sauce? [Pizza Pete puts the pizza sauce on both handcuffs and he slips them off] I'm free!

Pizza Pete:
Great! Now you can get to my grill. [takes bread stick out]

What? [Pizza Pete ties his hands with the breadstick] Parmesan-crusted breadstick?! [Pizza Pete takes him] Whoa!

Mr. Weiner:
[from the kitchen door] Hey! Where are you going with my fry cook?!

[Cuts SpongeBob being carried by Pizza Pete and screaming]

[swipes SpongeBob with a pair of giant chopsticks and laughs while being on a roof] I'll take one fry-cook to go! [jumps off the roof and laughs again after landing. Señor Taco opens the door next to him and sends him away]

[lands] Oh, thank you, Señor Tac-! [Señor Taco grabs him with his suit] Oh, no! Not you too! [screams while Señor Taco carries him]

Pizza Pete, Mr. Weiner, and Noodleman:
[Señor Taco runs into them] Get him! [they jump on Señor Taco]

[Fight starts and smoke covers the screen that soon disappears to show all four of them stretching SpongeBob by pulling each of his limbs]


Let go!

Mr. Weiner:
He's mine!

Senor Taco:
I was here first!

Pizza Pete:
No, I was!

[Scene expands to show someone in a Krabby Patty costume on the roof.]

Krabby Patty Man:
Stop! Unhand that sponge! [Jumps on Pizza Pete and punches him away. Takes Señor Taco and destroys his costume by gobbling it. Señor Taco runs away embarrassed.]

[drops SpongeBob] It's the Killer Patty! [gets noodles squeezed out of his costume by Krabby Patty Man]

Mr. Weiner:
[Krabby Patty Man walks towards him and he drops SpongeBob before he gets to him] Here, take him! Just don't hurt me. [Whimpers with eyes closed. Opens eyes to see that Krabby Patty Man is gone and sighs. Starts humming while crossing the street and is hit by a bus] Aah!

[The scene changes to show SpongeBob waking up]

[opens eyes] Krabby Patty! You saved me! [Krabby Patty Man starts carrying him] Well, here we go again.

[Krabby Patty Man carries him to the Krusty Krab and walks past John, Blue Fred, and Thaddeus exiting it. Smokes comes out of the Krusty Krab when John opens the front door]

Ugh! This place is terrible!

Blue Fred:
The Krusty Krab has really gone downhill.

[As they get inside, Krabby Patty Man puts SpongeBob down. Krusty Krab is a mess and there is smoke coming through the order window]

Nat Peterson:
[holding burned Krabby Patty] How can you serve this slop? [Throws it on the floor] I'm never eating here again! [Leaves]

Mr. Krabs:
[holding spatula in his hand and exiting the kitchen with one burnt eyebrow.] Wait! Come back! [drops spatula] That was me last customer. [SpongeBob and Krabby Patty Man approach] SpongeBob? [takes SpongeBob and lifts him.] Squidward, you found him!

[gasps] Squidward?

[takes Krabby Patty costume off] I'm afraid so. [kicks costume and leans hand towards SpongeBob] SpongeBob?


You know I hate you, right?

Yes, I do.

Well, I hate the smell of burning Krabby Patties more. [he gets down on one pair of knees and takes SpongeBob's hand to propose... that he come back to the Krusty Krab] Please come back and be the fry cook again.

[turns to Mr. Krabs] Well, if it's okay with you, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, laddy. [takes SpongeBob] I shoulda never let you go. The Krusty Krab has fallen apart without you. You're rehired, boy.

[turns to Squidward who is still on knees] All right! Now my life has purpose again! [turns away] Let's get this place cleaned up. [jumps on the beam where bucket and mop are prepared and his hat already tied to the rope. Does the victory screech, jumps of the beam and cleans everything while swinging; including giving Mr. Krabs brand new suit and Squidward a brand new pink dress and crown.]

Hmm. [examines dress] Not exactly my color.

[cuts the rope tied to his hat, flies back to the kitchen through order window, takes patty off the grill and exits through the kitchen door with the Krabby Patty on the plate.] The Krusty Krab is back in business!

[The pen is hurling towards Simmy. SpongeBob, in slow motion, runs to Simmy.]

[in slow motion] Simmy! Look out! There's a candied pen heading straight for your eye due to my act of swatting it away without first considering the trajectory! Oh, I wish I could give my words out faster, but everything's in slow motion! [The pen is about to hit Simmy.] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[However, instead of hitting Simmy, it went through the robot. The pen lands on the ground and rolls to a projector. SpongeBob bangs on the projector, revealing that Simmy and Tally was just a trash can and a ball wash post.]

Simmy and Tally are holograms? Then that means... [The projector reveals that the world's most exciting roller coaster was actually a rotting corpse of a sea monster.]

I was riding that? What about those delicacies I was eating?

[The projector reveals that the food Squidward ate was just rotten chum. The projector also revealed that the pen he was sucking on was a caterpillar. Squidward freaks out and rubs his tongue in disgust. The projector reveals that the van Plankton drove on was an old broken down van. Mr. Krabs gasps in wonder what the stuffed walruses were. But nothing happens.]

Mr. Krabs:
Whew! That was a clo... [The projector reveals that the stuffed walruses were actually fish skeletons. Mr. Krabs screams in terror and the skeletons crumble to dust.] You saved me, boy. How did you do it?

I guess my mind was all sharp from the relaxing fun I had at your company picnic, Mr. Krabs.

[Plankton walks up to them.]

Unbelievable! [Mr. Krabs picks up Plankton.] Uh oh. [Mr. Krabs puts Plankton on the disk-shaped paper with mustard and throws him out in the distance. Once it landed, there was an explosion.]

[jumps up as a rainbow appears and jellyfish fly around] The greatest company picnic ever!

Mr. Krabs:
Alright, enough relaxing. Back to work! [laughs as he leaves]

[The episode ends with SpongeBob still being in the air and an angry Squidward gets stung in the head by a jellyfish.]

[The scene changes to Squidward at the Krusty Krab, then Patrick comes in.]

I invented a game! I invented a game!

[doesn't want to know what the game is] Whoopee. Do tell.

Well, you know how hard "Tic-Tac-Toe" is and how it always takes so long to play?


Yeah! Well, I made it easier and faster!

[sighs] I know I'm gonna hate myself for saying this, but what do you got?

It's called... [holds out a notebook] "Tic-Tac"! You start with two lines that are crossed. And then the first person puts an X. And then the next person puts an, uh... [thinks]


Oh, yeah! An O! And the first person to get two in a row draws a line through them and says, "Tic-Tac"!. [rips off the paper and laughs] You start!

[Squidward draws an X then Patrick draws an O. Squidward draws another X and draws a line through them.]


Uh... [rips off another paper] Best two out of four?

French Narrator:
[narrating time card] Many Tic-Tacs later...

[Squidward and Patrick had been playing "Tic-Tac" for a while. As they played one more time, Patrick becomes worried as Squidward draws in the notebook.]

Tic and Tac.

I should've gone with my first idea: "Tic."

[The X's, O's, and the writing of the Galley Grub starts disappearing before the scene changes to Squidward riding his recumbent bicycle. Patrick runs up to him.]

Squidward, I got a new game! It's called "Rock, Paper, Butter"! [holds out a stick of butter melting in his hand]

Butter invent a different game! [laughs]

[Squidward rides away as Patrick eats the stick of butter and sulks sadly back home. The scene changes to Squidward watering his garden. Patrick shows up with two ropes. A long one and a short one.]

Squidward, I got it! [throws the ropes on the ground] Whose Rope Is Longer? You... [Squidward picks up the long rope before Patrick finishes] You played this before!

Hey, Squidward, you finally understand the rules!

Oh, I get the rules alright. The rules are that it doesn't matter what anybody rolls! You can just make up whatever it means! [takes the dice and rolls them] So I could just roll the dice and say, "Automatic Winner!"

Good job, Squidward! You've won!

Nice play, Squidward!

Huh? Oh, you know what, you're right. That was a good play.

Not so fast! [writes on his rule card] No player may declare himself "Automatic Winner."

You did it again. [becomes furious] You made up another rule! THIS GAME IS THE WORST! STUPID GAME!

[Infuriated with Patrick's constant rules, Squidward attacks Patrick. SpongeBob and Sandy run off while Squidward grabs Patrick's game board and shakes it off of Patrick. Then he throws Patrick in the air and when Patrick landed, the game breaks in half. Squidward then puts a piece of the game board in his mouth and shakes his head like a dog. He stomps on it with both feet out of insane anger. However, the police arrives at the scene.]

Highway Speed Patrol:
Destruction to private property.

[Patrick, who's visibly enraged at Squidward for destroying his game, writes on his rule card and gives it to the police. Squidward tries to walk away but Nancy O'Malley and the Highway Speed Patrol follow him.]

Highway Speed Patrol:
Oh, and I see here you are a repeat offender. You're going to real jail. [he and Nancy O'Malley grab Squidward and throw him in the police car]

Anything to get out of this game! Thanks, Officers! [however, the blue cellmate comes back inside the box]

Blue Cellmate:
Welcome back!

Somebody say my name! [the police car drives away as the episode ends with Patrick appearing on a game board box]

[to the viewers] GAME OVER!

[awkward] Good evening, ladies and... the other ones. I know you're all excited to see the 400th commercial, but before we see it, I just want to say... [Patrick looks at SpongeBob, who gives him a thumbs up. Then he turns to the audience.] That... [looks at Don and Mr. Krabs] that... Frozen Krabby Patties are...

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

[determining] ...Made with sand! [The audience gasps in shock.]

Mr. Krabs:
[shocked] Oh, no! [Mr. Krabs faints in Don's arms again.]

Don Grouper:
That was cute when you were rich. [drops Mr. Krabs and surrenders with his hands up guiltily] I'm out of here. [Don leaves the stage as the audience vomit out sand. In doing so, their butts shrink down to their normal size. The scene changes to a graph of the Frozen Krabby Patty sales going down.]

Perch Perkins:
And in shocking news today, it has been revealed that Frozen Krabby Patties are made with sand.

[As everyone is watching the news, various people vomit out sand and their butts shrink back to normal. One of which vomits out palm trees. Another vomits out patty-shaped sand. Another vomits out sand shaped like a rectangular box. Another vomits sand through his eye sockets. Another vomits out sand with a snail in it. Then their butts begins to shrivel up afterwards. Not wanting to take this anymore, the customers decided once and for all to throw away all of the frozen patties they bought. Mr. Krabs is seen near a trashcan, depressed. The Krusty Factory is being closed down and pushed away by construction workers.]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, it's gone. Everything I spent me life building is all gone. I'm ruined. [sobs]

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