Wikidude's Quotes Page #217

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Captain Marvel:
Seriously, the Atom? How useful could he be at that size?

It's the size that makes him useful.

Absolutely. Still, we could always use more raw power, and Earth has a third Green Lantern, Guy Gardener.

Hal Jordan and John Stewart:

But we could really...

Hal Jordan and John Stewart:

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Superboy and Wolf hear an ultrasonic message]

Lex Luthor:
With Superman off-world, only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency, Superboy, and that's you. Meet me in Washington, DC. East Potomac Park. Come alone. I promise, it'll be worth the trip.

[Superboy gets up to leave with Wolf]

M'gann M'orzz:

Conner Kent:
[with a dull affect] Figured you don't want my help in the kitchen. Remember the last time?

M'gann M'orzz:
Uh, yeah. But...

Conner Kent:
Just walking Wolf. No big.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Martian Manhunter:
Another expansion of the League could generate another escalation of hostilities from our enemies. No-one needs, or wants, another Injustice League.

Point taken, but the option remains to vote no on all candidates, so I nominate Icon for League membership.

Green Arrow:
Why? 'Cause you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel:
You thought I was Kryptonian? Cool!

Wonder Woman:
Icon interests me also, as does his protege, Rocket. Athena knows the League could use more Female members.

Black Canary:

Here here!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wonder Woman:
Times like these, one feels the very weight of the world upon us.

Everyone is here. (The League gathers in a large room) Our agenda is clear. What's at stake should not be underestimated.

The Decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come.

Wonder Woman:
And influence whether or not the world continues to put their trust in the Justice League.

Please, take your seats. We have work to do.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Queen Bee:
Now, your performance. a bit over the top, I think. But, then, you haven't practiced me the way you've perfected the role of M'gann. (Miss Martian looks terrified) That's right, poor Psimon's not the only one who knows your true form. and if you don't cooperate, I'll make sure everyone knows what you really are.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kid Flash:
Gee, Bruce Wayne got here fast, almost like he knew...

[elbows him to shut him up] Don't you have a souvenir to collect or something?

Kid Flash:
Hello Megan!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Off our game, are we? Let's dig a little deeper, find out what you're really afraid of, hmm? (Miss Martian sees the Team in horror)

Kid Flash:
Get back!

Well, of course. Friends and teammates shrink from you in fear. (Giant versions of Batman, Black Canary, and Red Tornado appear)

Black Canary:
You should've told us the truth.

I don't see how we can trust you anymore. (All three leave)

Then you're kicked off the pep squad. (A giant version of Martian Manhunter's head appears)

Martian Manhunter:
I am sorry M'gann, but there is no place for you on Earth anymore. (A desert landscape is shown)

Oh, and banished to Mars, too? Yet even that's not the worst, is it? (The Mars landscape is blown away to reveal Superboy)

Miss Martian:
No, please, stop.

Love you? I can't even LOOK at you. (Superboy leaves, Miss Martian falls to her knees, and Psimon appears)

Oh, what you wouldn't do to prevent that now, right?

Miss Martian:
That's right. (The entire floor shakes and brightens)

Now, now, my pretty, I know you do want to do anything you'll regret.

Miss Martian:
You don't know me at all! (She shoots a beam at Psimon and enlarges it, erasing his consciousness)

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Psimon says, smartly done. Brain blasting your own team. i had no idea you'd go to such lengths to hide your true self from your good friends. Well, actually I did. But you needn't have bothered. It's being recorded for posterity

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tsk, tsk. Am I the only one to learn anything from our previous encounter? You didn't think that, maybe, if you could sense me I could sense you too? Or that this time, I'd be ready to use your greatest fear against you? Psimon says: Show me who, or rather what, you really are.

Miss Martian:
No, no, no! This is who I am! (Changes into her white martian form)

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Marie Logan:
Where's my son?

I ordered him to stay inside.

Marie Logan:
He's 8. He doesn't do orders.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian.

Kid Flash:
Sure, any friend of Bruce Wayne's...

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Count Vertigo:
Well played, children. Admittedly, well-played. This round goes to you. And please, by all means, allow the victory to go to your heads.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Count Vertigo:
It's called "regicide."

Kid Flash:
It's're busted, jerk-face!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Throwing Martian Manhunter into the Boom Tube] They need you more than me!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Miss Martian has been shocked back into the real world after taking telepathic control of an exercise which Batman and Martian Manhunter are discussing)

As bad as all that?

Martian Manhunter:
Perhaps worse.

Red Tornado:
Yet this is not what troubles you.

Martian Manhunter:
Make no mistake. My niece is untrained and cannot be held responsible for this - for our debacle.

No one blames her. But clearly we underestimated her abilities.

Martian Manhunter:
You understate it. In terms of raw power, she has the strongest telepathic mind I have ever encountered. Stronger, by far, than mine.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[as the mother ship is blowing up with Kid Flash and Robin inside]

Miss Martian:
Don't. Don't tell me the mission was a success. The price was too high.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[telepathically] 16 seconds and counting. Manhunter take Miss Martian and go!

Miss Martian:
NO! We won't leave you.

That's an order! We'll follow as soon as we blow those doors.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Martian Manhunter:
No, my mind is clearer now. The disintegration beam is exactly that. There is no detention facility. No prisoners to rescue. Our mission holds no purpose.

Kid Flash:
NO! You're wrong. The Zeta radiation proves she's alive. She's...

Stop it, KF. I've been scanning for League and team signals since we got inside. They're not here. Artemis is gone. But our mission still holds purpose - to destroy this mother ship.

(as Robin is planting bombs in the alien mothership)

'Kid Flash:
You knew. You knew from the beginning why we were really here.

Four minutes. Let's go.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Superboy, you'll create a distraction.

Miss Martian:
NO! He's offering you as a sacrifice. Aqualad would never do that.

You're right. Aqualad would sacrifice himself. A mistake that just cost us our leader. Superboy is the most likely to be perceived as a threat. Motivating the aliens to deploy.

Kid Flash:
Worst case - he's teleported inside and we set him free along with Artemis - and, uh, Aqualad, and everyone.

[telepathically to M'Gann] It's okay, M'Gann. It's what Superman would do.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Martian:
And though we know all seems lost, the one thing the aliens cannot destroy is hope.

Hope survives because the battle is not over, not as long as even one of us is willing to fight.

Kid Flash:
It doesn't matter how many fall, for new heroes will always rise to carry on, bringing all the resources, their skills, their talents to defeat the enemy.

The people of Earth will survive this. We will rebuild and we will thrive. Never doubt and never forget, the earth will never surrender!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Martian:
Back to the Cave?

The Hall of Justice. The human race must know that there are still heroes defending them - there is still hope.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Gen. Wade Eiling:
I don't know who you are, son, and I don't care. But you wear the S, and you got the job done.

I'm not Superman.

Gen. Wade Eiling:
Tell that to the enemy. General Wade Eiling. United States Air Force.

Aqualad. Justice League. We'll help you salvage as many of the alien cannons as possible. Then we start taking back what is ours!

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

How are they?

Martian Manhunter:
I am still shaken by what you and I have wrought. One can only imagine what these youths fair.

I know our virtual reality training simulation went badly, but I'd hoped the team would've rallied by now.

Martian Manhunter:
Trauma tends to linger, as I know you know, my friend.

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[as they're about to use the Boom Tubes to escape] Send the soldiers first.

General Wade Eiling:
Belay that! You six are assets we cannot afford to lose

Young Justice, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "Everybody lies."?
A Fargo
B The West Wing
C Grey's Anatomy
D House