Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,029

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Detective P.K. Highsmith:
(while flying in a car through the air towards several drug runners who are firing machine guns at him as he returns fire with a pistol in each hand) You have the remain...SILENT...but I wanna hear you SCREAM!

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

David Ershon:
Gentlemen, I can get you obstructed-view tickets for Rock of Ages. Even I admit that's not very temping, but I'm not made of tickets goddammit!

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Katherine Of Aragon:
You want me to creep away and become a nun? Well, I shall not. You want me to lie before God and admit my first marriage was consummated? Well, it was not. You want me to retire and give up my daughter's claim as sole rightful heir to the throne? Well, I shall not. Not in a thousand years. Not if you rack me to within an inch of my life. I am Katherine, Queen of England, the King's one true wife and mother of the heir to the throne. Beloved of the people, and beloved of a King you have bewitched.

The Other Boleyn Girl  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[asked by Henry why she's trying to save Anne] Because she's my sister. And therefore, one half of me.

The Other Boleyn Girl  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Would you stop that? A con man couldn’t have done all this. You’re much more than that.

Then I’ve got you fooled too.

The only person you’ve got fooled is yourself.

Oz the Great and Powerful  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

For the record, I knew you’d had it in you all along.


Much better than that: Goodness.

Oz the Great and Powerful  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Shane Wolfe:
[first lines] Atten-hut! Here's our man. Professor Howard Plummer. He's been kidnapped by a group of Serbian rebels. Yeah, I know we've been up for 72 hours, but I expect perfection. Nothing else. They enemy has a boat, 4 jet skis and a chopper.

The Pacifier  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lulu Plummer:
Shane! You can't do this! Yon can't leave a man behind!

Seth Plummer:
Hold on, I got it.

[open bottle with milk awake Shane]

Zoe and Lulu Plummer:

Zoe Plummmer:
Where's Mom?

Shane Wolfe':
Mom? I'll find her. You guys run and get help! [kids running in the Julie's car.] Hurry!

Lulu Plummer:
Are you sure you're gonna be okay?

Shane Wolfe:
Yes, Lulu. Go, get help.

The Pacifier  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Zoe Plummer:
Oh, my God! What do we do?

Seth Plummer:
Find a cop!

The Pacifier  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Zoe Plummer:
He's gaining on us.

Seth Plummer:
I'll handle it.

The Pacifier  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Seth Plummer:
Zoe, you're going too fast! You're not gonna have time to stop!

Zoe Plummer:
Who said anything about stopping? I'm parking.

The Pacifier  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Raleigh leads Stacker inside.]

Raleigh Becket:
Step into my office, marshal.

Stacker Pentecost:
Took me a while to find you. Anchorage. Sheldon Point. Nome–

Raleigh Becket:
Yeah, a man in my position travels with the wall, chasing shifts to make a living. [Sits down next to the structure] What do you want?

Stacker Pentecost:
I've spent the last six months activating everything I can get my hands on. There's an old Jaeger, a Mark 3. You may know it. It needs a pilot.

Raleigh Becket:
I'm guessing I wasn't your first choice.

Stacker Pentecost:
You are my first choice. All the other Mark 3 pilots are dead.

Raleigh Becket:
[Stands up and steps towards Stacker] Look– I can't have anyone else in my head again. I'm done. I was still connected to my brother when he died. I can't go through that again, man, I'm sorry. [Starts to walk away]

Stacker Pentecost:
Haven't you heard, Mr. Becket? [Raleigh stops walking and turns around] The world is coming to an end. So where would you rather die? Here, or in a Jaeger?

[Raleigh stares at Stacker, knowing he has no choice but to go with him to the Shatterdome.]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Raleigh and Mako are waiting outside Stacker's office.]

Chuck Hansen:
[From inside the office] She can't control her Drift, and he went out of phase first!

Stacker Pentecost:
[From inside the office] We all know what happened.

Chuck Hansen:
[From inside the office] We can't afford mistakes. The Kaiju keep evolving, they keep kicking our asses! He's a has-been, she's a rookie. I don't want them protecting my bomb run, sir. [Opens the door and walks out]

Stacker Pentecost:
[From inside the office] You need to watch your tone, Mr. Hansen.

Herc Hansen:
[To his son] Hey. [Chuck turns to him] Stay there. Give me a moment. [Closes the door]

Chuck Hansen:
[To Raleigh and Mako] You two are a goddamn disgrace! You're gonna get us all killed, and here's the thing, Raleigh. I want to come back from this mission, 'cause I quite like my life. So why don't you– [Flicks Raleigh in the chest] –just do us all a favor and disappear? It's the only thing you're good at.

Mako Mori:
[Angrily] Stop! Now! [Raleigh raises his hand to stop her from arguing further with Chuck]

Chuck Hansen:
Yeah, that's right. You just hold back your little girlfriend. One of your bitches needs a leash.

[Enraged, Raleigh punches Chuck twice. Chuck punches him back. The two engage in a fistfight, until Raleigh punches Chuck, causing him to spit out blood.]

Raleigh Becket:
Apologize to her.

Chuck Hansen:
[Wipes his mouth] Screw you.

[Raleigh and Chuck keep fighting, until Raleigh throws Chuck against the pipes on the wall, causing Chuck to scream in pain and glare at Raleigh.]

Raleigh Becket:
I said, apologize to her.

[Chuck attacks Raleigh again, but Raleigh overpowers him and twists his arm.]

Herc Hansen:
[Comes out] Hey, hey! Enough! What's going on? On your feet, both of you!

[Raleigh and Chuck stand up as Stacker comes out.]

Stacker Pentecost:
[To Raleigh and Mako] Becket, Mori, into my office.

Chuck Hansen:
[Starts to storm towards Raleigh] No, we aren't finished!

Herc Hansen:
[Grabs his son] Hey! This is over! You're a ranger for Christ's sake! Why don't you start acting like one?

[Chuck shoves his father off and turns and walks off. Herc turns to look at Stacker.]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Raleigh, Mako, and Stacker are in Stacker's office.]

Raleigh Becket:
I went out of phase first. It was my mistake.

Stacker Pentecost:
No. It was my mistake. [Turns around] I should've never let you two in the same machine.

Raleigh Becket:
So, what? You're grounding us?

Stacker Pentecost:
Not you.

[Stacker looks to his daughter, causing her to stand up.]

Mako Mori:
[Tearing up] Permission to be dismissed, sir.

Stacker Pentecost:
Permission granted, Miss Mori.

[Mako bows to her father, then leaves.]

Raleigh Becket:
[Seeing Mako leaving] Mako.

[Mako glances at Raleigh as she leaves.]

Raleigh Becket:
[To Stacker] Sir, what are you doing? She is the strongest candidate by far. [Angrily stands up] What other options do we have? Huh? Tell me!

Stacker Pentecost:
Do not let my calm demeanor fool you, RANGER! Now is not a good moment for your insubordination! Mako is too inexperienced to reign in her memories during combat. [Starts to leave]

Raleigh Becket:
That's not why you grounded her. [Stacker turns around] I was in her memories. I saw everything.

Stacker Pentecost:
[Steps towards Raleigh] I don't care what you think you saw.

[Flashback shows Mako being rescued as a child by Stacker. Scene returns to present day.]

Raleigh Becket:
I know what she means to you. I saw it, I–

[Stacker leaves the office.]

Raleigh Becket:
[Follows Stacker out of the office] Hey! Hey!

Stacker Pentecost:
This conversation is over.

Raleigh Becket:
Marshal. Marshal! Can we just talk about this for one second? [Grabs Stacker's arm and turns him around] You rescued her. [Stacker presses a button] You raised her. But you're not protecting her now. You are holding her back.

Stacker Pentecost:
One: Don't you ever touch me again. Two: Don't you ever touch me again. Now, you have no idea who the hell I am or where I've come from, and I'm not about to tell you my whole life story. All I need to be to you and everybody on this dome is a fixed point. The last man standing. I do not need your sympathy or your admiration. All I need is your compliance, and your fighting skills. And if I can't get that, then you can go back to the wall that I found you crawling on. Do I make myself clear?

[Raleigh nods in resignation. Stacker turns his head toward him and points to his own ear.]

Raleigh Becket:
Yes, sir.

Stacker Pentecost:
[Takes his finger off his own ear] Good.

[Stacker enters the elevator. He and Raleigh look at each other as the elevator doors close.]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hermann Gottlieb:
They're adapting. This isn't a defense mechanism, it's a weapon!

Stacker Pentecost:
Get me Striker.

Tendo Choi:
Nothing, sir. The Mark 5's digital's fried. It'll take me two hours to reroute the auxliary. All the Jaegers, they're digital!

Raleigh Becket:
[Approaches Stacker along with Mako] Not all of them, marshal. [Stacker turns to him and Mako] Gipsy's analog. Nuclear.

[Stacker stares at his daughter and Raleigh, knowing he has no choice but to send them out in Gipsy Danger to face Leatherback and Otachi.]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Stacker is finishing washing his face when Raleigh enters.]

Raleigh Becket:
How sick are you? And why didn't you tell me?

Stacker Pentecost:
Uh– what's to tell? [Takes a cloth and uses it to wipe his hands] You know, them Mark 1s, we scraped them bad boys together in 14 months. Last thing we were thinking about was radiation shielding. [Uses the cloth to wipe his face, then throws it away] I ran nearly a dozen missions. I stayed under the medical radar for a while, but– [Takes a folded shirt] –the last time I jockeyed was in Tokyo. I finished the fight solo, but for three hours, I burned. They warned me if I ever stepped foot into a Jaeger again, the toll would be too much. You and I are the only two that ever ran solo combat. That's why I brought you here.

[Raleigh and Stacker hear a computer beeping. Stacker gets a call from Tendo.]

Stacker Pentecost:
What is it?

Tendo Choi:
Sir, it's happening. I just got two signatures with unprecedented dilation, 40-meter strikes.

Stacker Pentecost:
What category?

Tendo Choi:
Checking the ratios, Category 4.

Stacker Pentecost:
Where they headed?

Tendo Choi:
That's the thing, they're not heading anywhere. They're hovering just above the Breach. It's– It's like they're protecting it or something.

Stacker Pentecost:
Alright, Gipsy, Striker on deck.

Tendo Choi:
Sir, Herc cannot ride. His arm–

Stacker Pentecost:
You heard me. [Heads out]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Mako swims towards and climbs Raleigh's pod. She opens the hatch to find Raleigh unconscious. Mako removes Raleigh's helmet and checks his pulse.]

Mako Mori:
I can't find his pulse. I don't think he's breathing.

Herc Hansen:
Can you read his pulse?

Mako Mori:

Herc Hansen:
Does he have a pulse?

Mako Mori:

Tendo Choi:
Mako, listen to me. I think it could be the sensors not working. We can't be sure.

[Mako pulls Raleigh up. She hugs him while crying.]

Mako Mori:
[Crying] No. No. Don't go. Please.

Tendo Choi:

Mako Mori:
Don't go.

Tendo Choi:

Mako Mori:
No. Don't go, please.

[Mako hears Raleigh's voice.]

Raleigh Becket:
You're squeezing me too tight. [Mako lets go of him] I couldn't breathe.

[Mako chuckles. Everyone in the command centre cheers.]

Herc Hansen:
This is Marshal Hercules Hansen. The Breach is sealed. Stop the clock!

[Everyone cheers as the war clock is set back to zero.]

Tendo Choi:
Mako, Raleigh, we have your position. The choppers are on their way. Just– just hang on. Are you okay? Do you copy?

[Raleigh and Mako touch their heads intimately.]

Tendo Choi:
Uh, guys?

[Raleigh and Mako embrace as choppers fly above them.]

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Mid-credits scene:
Hannibal cuts his way out of the baby Kaiju's stomach.]

Hannibal Chau:
Where is my goddamn shoe?

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Raleigh Becket:
[To Chuck] Apologize to her. I said Apologize to her.

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Raleigh Becket:
Empty the clip, EMPTY THE CLIP!!

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stacker Pentecost:
[To Hermann Gottlieb] YOU! SHUT UP! [To Newton Geiszler] You. Keep talking.

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stacker Pentecost:
That Kajiu is still alive!

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stacker Pentecost:
Do not let my calm demeanor fool you, RANGER! Now is not a good moment for your insubordination! Mako is too inexperienced to reign in her memories during combat.

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Stacker Pentecost:
This conversation is over.

Pacific Rim  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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A C.S. Lewis
B G.K. Chesterton
C Christopher Reeve
D Desmond Tutu