Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,031

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

James Hart:
Why didn't you tell me you were Kingsfield's daughter?

Susan Fields:
Well, I'm not his daughter very much. Why didn't you call me?

James Hart:
Wait a minute. You were the one who left me in the park. Why didn't you call me?

Susan Fields:
I knew I'd see you here today.

James Hart:
You lied to me, Susan. You said that your last name was Fields.

Susan Fields:
My last name is Fields. I'm married.

The Paper Chase  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Hotel manager:
Oh my God. What have you been doing in this room? I just had this room decorated. I'm calling the police.

Franklin Ford III:
If you kick us out, I swear to God I'll sue your Goddamn hotel for a million dollars. I'll burn it to the ground!

James Hart:
Look, I know that the piece of paper we signed down there allows you to kick us out. But if you do that, I'm going to go to the newspapers. And I'm going to tell them that we're a dope ring running through this hotel. Yeah, I'm going to tell them that, and you're not going to get any more business. Now shut up, and get out!

The Paper Chase  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

James Hart:
When I was in college, I had three roommates. One was genius, and one was crazy, and one was inconsequential, kept to himself. It was genius who told me about Kingsfield; first guy to tell me all about Kingsfield. He read an article by him in Life or Time or something called "Contracts in Our Daily Lives". Make a long story short, genius took the law school admissions test, but didn't score high enough to get into Harvard. Genius.

The Paper Chase  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Professor Kingsfield:
The study of law is something new and unfamiliar to most of you — unlike any other schooling you have ever known before... You teach yourselves the law, but I train your minds. You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a lawyer.

The Paper Chase  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Elahi, Elahi lema sabachthani?("My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" Traditionally untranslated in the Gospels)

The Passion of the Christ  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Gabriel Martin:
But I considerate myself fortunate to be serving the cause of Liberty. And though I fear death, each day in prayer I reaffirm my willingness, if necessary, to give my life in its service. Pray for me, but above all, pray for the cause. (from a letter written to his brother Thomas)

The Patriot  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Benjamin Martin:
Mr. Howard... why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away, for 3000 tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can.

The Patriot  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Anne Howard:
Half the men in this church, including you, father... and you reverend, are as ardent patriots as I. Will you now, when you are needed most, stop at only words?. Is that the sort of men you are?. I ask only that you act upon the beliefs of which you have so strongly spoken, and in which you so strongly believe. [after men were asked to join the militia, but no one initially seemed to be interested]

The Patriot  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis:
[Forced to surrender at Yorktown] How could it come to this? A bunch of rabble... peasants. Everything will change...Everything has changed.

The Patriot  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Reverend Oliver:
[Joining the militia, to the surprise of his congregation] A shepherd must tend his flock. And at times... fight off the wolves.

The Patriot  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

{to a villain] Hey You, Scuba-dooby-doo! [sends a scuba tank into a villain, knocking him out]

Paul Blart: Mall Cop  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You will not take action without authorization.

What do you think I am? Some gung-ho, stupid son of a bitch?

No, I don't think you're stupid. I think you're a talented solider with sloppy impulse control. And I don't want you provoking an international incident because of a personal agenda.

My personal agenda is my business. Now, you're not in Washington anymore. You are in the real world. And in the real world there are nuclear arms heading for Iran. So whether you agree with me or not, get me authorized!

The Peacemaker  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[first lines; Zeus and Poseidon meet at the top of the Empire State Building]



It's been many years.

What do you see?


But no lightning. Stolen.

What, you think I took it? Omnipotence has blinded you, brother. We are forbidden from stealing each other's powers.

But our children aren't.

You're accusing my son? I haven't seen him since he was a baby. He doesn't know me; he doesn't even know who he is because of you.

If your son is the thief, I will send him to the depths of Tartarus.

[grabs Zeus in rage] If you touch him, you will have the fight of your life!

[breaks free] He must return the bolt to me in 14 days, by midnight on the summer solstice... or there will be war.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[seeing the daughters of Aphrodite] Ooh. The daughters of Aphrodite. Okay. All right, guys. You guys got a lot of catching up to do. Their mother is the goddess of love, so you know where that leads.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Let's go be psychos together.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

You can't just sit there and put everyone's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Robert Anderson:
[at dinner] What the hell happened to you?

Dale Denton:
Nothing, I'm supposed to be here right now, so I'm here!

Robert Anderson:
You're all dirty and bleeding.

Dale Denton:
No I'm not, I'm here for dinner.

Shannon Anderson:
You have scratches on your forehead...

Robert Anderson:
Dude, you smell like shit.

Angie Anderson:
Dale, what happened to you?

Dale Denton:
I was in the woods!

Shannon Anderson:
In the woods?

Dale Denton:
Yeah, isn't that weird? I was... I was in the woods!

Shannon Anderson:
What were you doing in the woods?

Dale Denton:
I bird... watch... I don't. No, I don't. Look, I'm gonna come clean. I witnessed a murder. Ok? I saw someone murder... someone else, and I think they've been following me. and there's a good chance they went to my apartment where Angie has a lot of things. She is her yearbooks, report cards, her cell number is written, and it's on my fridge. so they could then find this house. They could come here.

Shannon Anderson:
We should call the police right away.

Dale Denton:
We can't call the police. The police were the murderers. that's what so flip and scary.

Robert Anderson:
We can't call the police. They were the murderers.

Dale Denton:
They were the murderers. don't?

Robert Anderson:
[at dinner, after Dale told everyone he witnessed a murder] Angie, I swear, you do something or I'm gonna...

Angie Anderson:
So fucked up.

Dale Denton:
What? No! No, don't let him gonna! No, don't wanna! Look, we gotta get the F out of here. Let's go. We need to begin to prematurely evacuate.

Robert Anderson:
Are you high?

Dale Denton:
What? No. I'm not high. Why?

Shannon Anderson:
You are high as a fucking kite!

Dale Denton:
I'm not high. Let's go.

Robert Anderson:
We're not going anywhere. I'm coming back in a minute. You know what I'm coming back with?

Dale Denton:

Robert Anderson:
I'm coming back with a gun. You better be out of here.

Shannon Anderson:
Robert don't.

Robert Anderson:
I'm not fucking with you.

Dale Denton:
Your gun? His gun? Why do you? Don't get a gun. Why would he bear arms? Look, no, we need to go. Everyone, I'm leading the parade.

Pineapple Express  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Dale Denton:
Don't let him gonna, don't wunna!

Pineapple Express  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Holy Cock!

Pineapple Express  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Lord Beckett:
Remarkable. The last I saw of that ship, it was on fire. A blackened hull, sinking beneath the waves. [Jack starts quietly looking in several containers.] We had a deal, Jack. I contracted you to deliver cargo on my behalf. You chose to liberate it.

Jack Sparrow:
[Camera focuses on Jack's "P" brand, which marks him as a pirate.] People aren't cargo, mate.

Lord Beckett:
And you incurred a heavy debt to raise her up again, didn't you? [Jack continues to look through containers.] It's not here, Jack. [Jack stops and turns to look at Beckett.]

[Feigning confusion.] What? What isn't?

The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the the good captain.

By my reckoning, that account has been settled.

By your death. And yet, here you are.

Close your eyes, and pretend it's all a bad dream, that's how I get by.

Your 'good deed' cost me, Jack.

And you have spared me any possibility of ending up as anything other than what I am. For that, I truly thank you.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Jack Sparrow:
My peanut.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Jack Sparrow:
Up is down. Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Jack Sparrow:
[After Barbossa asks for his plan]] Cuttlefish! Ay? Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish... flippin' glorious little sausages. Pen them up together and they will devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, in'it? Ooor... fish nature. So yes! We could hold up here, well-provisioned and well-armed, and half of us would be dead within the month! Which seems grim to me any way you slice it! Or! ... ahh... as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful-I rather doubt it. Can we, in fact, pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury Hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth ... Captain Swann. We must fight!

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain Hector Barbossa:
Dying is the day worth living for!

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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