Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,336

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Robert Graham:
Pat, if these monsters got started as a result of the first atomic bomb in 1945, what about all the others that have been exploded since then?

Dr. Patricia 'Pat' Medford:
I don't know.

Dr. Harold Medford:
Nobody knows, Robert. When Man entered the atomic age, he opened a door into a new world. What we'll eventually find in that new world, nobody can predict.

Them!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Graham:
And I thought today was the end of them.

Dr. Harold Medford:
No. We haven't seen the end of them. We've only had a close view of the beginning of what may be the end of us.

Them!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Patricia 'Pat' Medford:
[observing the tunnel walls] Look! Held together with saliva!

Police Sgt. Ben Peterson:
Yeah! Spit's all that's holding me together right now, too.

Them!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Have you seen my baseball?...Have you seen my baseball?

Hey buddy! I think I know where your ball is!

You seen my baseball?

Yeah, you see that girl over there? She's got it. Only she doesn't call it a baseball, she's got another name for it. [Whispers in Warren's ear]

[Walks up to a couple kissing] Have you seen my....wiener?


Have you seen my wiener?!

What the hell did you just say buddy?!


Get your hand off my car, I'm gonna fuckin' kick your ass!

There's Something About Mary  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is it the frank or the beans?

I don't know, both I guess.

[from outside] Franks and Beans! Franks and Beans!


Oh man! How'd you get the beans above the frank?

There's Something About Mary  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Look, I didn't solicit any sex, OK? This is a huge misunderstanding. I was really going out to pee, I was walking to the bushes, I tripped over this guy - and suddenly all those cops and their helicopters...

Detective Stabler:
Ted, Ted, it's OK, we believe you. [about the dead body in the trunk] The problem is we found your friend in the car.

[smiles] Oh, the hitchhiker? That's what this is about, the hitchhiker? Oh, oh, great. This is my luck - I get caught for everything.

Detective Krevoy:
[pats Ted's shoulder] So... you admit it?

Ah, yeah, guilty as charged. Look, I know you guys got a job to do, alright? And I'm really sorry. I did it, I admit it. You know, the guy even told me, the hitchhiker told me it was illegal.

Detective Krevoy:
Well, uh, can you tell us his name?

Ah... no, I didn't catch it. Can we cut to the chase, I mean, am I like in a lot of trouble here?

Detective Stabler:
[nods] First tell us why you did it.

Why I did it? Ah... I don't know. Boredom? The guy turned to be a blubber mouth who just would not shut up.

Detective Krevoy:
[trying to control himself] Ted, this wasn't your first time, was it?


Detective Krevoy:
How many are we talking here?

[confused] Hitchhikers? My whole life? Ah... I don't know - twenty-five, fifty... I mean, who keeps track? Hey, you know, I know this is the Bible Belt and everything, but where I come from this is not that big deal, I mean...

Detective Krevoy:
You son of a bitch! You're gonna fry! [slams Ted's head against the desk]

Detective Stabler:
Take it easy! Calm down! Are you OK?

[to Krevoy] What the hell is wrong with you?

There's Something About Mary  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You choke the chicken before any big date, don't you? Tell me you spank the monkey before any big date. Oh my God, he doesn't flog the dolphin before a big date. Are you crazy? That's like going out there with a loaded gun! Of course that's why you're nervous. Oh my dear friend, please sit, please. Look, um, after you've had sex with a girl, and you're lying in bed with her, are you nervous? No, you're not, why?

Cause I'm tired...

Wrong! It's 'cause you ain't got the baby batter on the brain anymore! Jesus, that stuff will fuck your head up! Look, the most honest moment in a man's life are the few minutes after he's blown his load - now that is a medical fact. And the reason for it is that you're no longer trying to get laid, you're actually... you're thinking like a girl, and girls love that.

There's Something About Mary  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[When Ted gets his genitals stuck in his zipper]

Is it the frank or the beans?

I don't know, both I guess.

[from outside] Franks and Beans! Franks and Beans!

Oh man! How'd you get the beans above the frank?

There's Something About Mary  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

H. M. Tilford:
Build a pipeline. Make a deal with Union Oil. Be my guest, but if you can't pull it off, you've got an ocean of oil under your feet with nowhere to go. Why not turn it over to us? We'll make you rich. You spend time with your boy. It's a great discovery. Now let us help you.

Daniel Plainview:
[after long pause] Did you just tell me how to run my family?

It might be more important now that you've proven the field and we're offering to buy you out.

One night, I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm going to cut your throat.

There Will Be Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Eli Sunday:
Daniel, I'm asking if you'd like to have business with the Church of the Third Revelation in developing this lease on young Bandy's thousand acre tract. I'm offering you to drill on one of the great undeveloped fields of Little Boston!

Daniel Plainview:
I'd be happy to work with you.

You would? Yes, yes, of course. That’s wonderful.

Daniel :
But there is one condition for this work.

All right.

Daniel :
I'd like you to tell me that you are a false prophet. I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet, and that God is a superstition.

There Will Be Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daniel Plainview:
You're not the chosen brother, Eli. 'Twas Paul who was chosen. See, he found me and told me about your land. You're just a fool!

Eli Sunday:
Why are you talking about Paul? Don't say this to me.

I did what your brother couldn't. I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul who told me about you. He's the prophet. He's the smart one. He knew what was there. He found me to take it out of the ground. You know what the funny thing is? Listen, listen, listen! I paid him $10,000 cash in hand, just like that. He has his own company now — prosperous little business — three wells producing $5000 a week. Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense! You're just the afterbirth, Eli —


— that slithered out in your mother's filth. They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantelpiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at his mother's teat, eh? Where were you? Who was nursing you, poor Eli? One of Bandy's sows? That land has been had. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s gone, had.

If you would just —

You lose.

— take this lease, Daniel!

[almost whispers] Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy! Drained dry. I’m so sorry. Here: if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw — There it is. That's a straw, see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room, [walks a few steps away with his arm over his head, indicating the length of the straw] and [he walks back to Eli and puts his hand, with his index finger pointing downward still representing the straw, right in his face] starts to drink your milkshake. I. Drink. Your! Milkshake! [makes a loud slurping noise] I DRINK IT UP!

Don't bully me, Daniel!

[angrily grabs Eli and throws him to the floor] Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Eli?! I am the Third Revelation. I am whom the Lord has chosen. [throws bowling balls at Eli]

[dodging the bowling balls] Daniel!

Because I'm smarter than you! I'm older!

I'm your old friend, Daniel! Help me! Help me, please!

I'm not a false prophet, you sniveling boy! I am the Third Revelation! I am the Third Revelation! I told you I would eat you!

We're family!

I told you I would eat you up!

There Will Be Blood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She got a real house.

Why not? We're real people.

They Live by Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I don't know. Thousands of years ago it crashes, and this thing... gets thrown out, or crawls out, and it ends up freezing in the ice.

I just cannot believe any of this voodoo bullshit.

Childs, happens all the time, man. They're falling out of the skies like flies. Government knows all about it, right, Mac?

You believe any of this voodoo bullshit, Blair?

Childs, Childs... Chariots of the Gods, man. They practically own South America. I mean, they taught the Incas everything they know.

So, come on now, MacReady, Norwegians get ahold of this... and they dig it up out of the ice.

Yes, Garry, they dig it up, they cart it back, it gets thawed out, wakes up - probably not the best of moods - I don't know, I wasn't there!

[skates in with ripped long johns] Which one of you disrespectful men been tossing his dirty drawers in the kitchen trash can, huh? From now, I want my kitchen clean, all right? Germ free!

So how's this motherfucker wake up after thousands of years in the ice?

And how can it look like a dog?

I don't know how. 'Cause it's different than us, see? 'Cause it's from outer space. What do you want from me? Ask him! [motions to Blair]

You buy any of this Blair?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[showing the remains of the dog-thing to the entire camp] You see, what we're talkin' about here is an organism that imitates other life-forms, and it imitates 'em perfectly. When this thing attacked our dogs it tried to digest them... absorb them, and in the process shape its own cells to imitate them. This for instance. That's not dog. It's imitation. We got to it before it had time to finish.

Finish what?

Finish imitating these dogs.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By Spring, it could be all of us.

So, how do we know who's human? If I was an imitation, a perfect imitation, how would you know if it was really me?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How you doin', old boy?

I don't know who to trust.

I know what you mean, Blair. Trust's a tough thing to come by these days. Tell you what - why don't you just trust in the Lord?

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[throwing a fit in the radio room] Nobody gets in and out of here! NOBODY! You guys think I'M crazy! Well, that's fine! Most of ya don't know what's goin' on around here, but I'm damn well sure SOME of you do!


He got most of the chopper and the tractor. And he's killed the rest of the dogs.

[as Garry advances with his gun] Garry, wait a minute, wait a minute. Now, Childs, go around to the map room door. Talk to him.


[Childs exits]

Norris, get a table from the lab.

[still smashing up the radio room with an axe while yelling] D'ya think that thing wanted to be an animal?! No dogs make it a thousand miles through the cold! No, you don't understand! That thing wanted to be US! If a cell gets out, it could imitate everything on the FACE OF THE EARTH! AND NOTHING CAN STOP IT!

[appearing in the map room doorway] Okay, Blair. Come on, man, you don't wanna hurt anybody.

[Blair whips a pistol out and shoots at Childs but misses]


The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blair... he got back inside and blew the generator. In six hours, it'll be 100 below in here!

Well, that's suicide!

Not for that Thing. It wants to freeze now. It's got no way out of here. It just wants to go to sleep in the cold until the rescue team finds it.

What can we do? What can we do?

Whether we make it or not, we can't let the Thing freeze again. Maybe we'll just warm things up a little around here. We're not gettin' outta here alive. But neither is that Thing.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You the only one who made it?.

Not the only one.

Did you kill it?

Where were you, Childs?

Thought I saw Blair. I went out after him and got lost in the storm. Fire's got the temperature up all over the camp. Won't last long, though.

Neither will we.

How will we make it?

Maybe we shouldn't.

If you're worried about me...

If we've got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do anything about it.

Well...What do we do?

[slumping back] Why don't we just...Wait here for a little while? See what happens.

The Thing  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy is following Evie after lunch]

Evie Zamora:
Cute shirt.

Tracy Freeland:
Thanks. Cute belt.

[the girls analyze each others' clothing]

Evie Zamora:
Call me after school. We can go shopping at Melrose.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Hey, Mason. Just out of curiosity, who do you think is the hottest girl in school?

Mason Freeland:
Guess, um... Evie Zamora.

Tracy Freeland:
[laughs] Guess who I hung out with today?

Mason Freeland:

Tracy Freeland:
[shows Mason her new earrings] Melrose Avenue. [Mason stares at Tracy, dumbfounded] What? It's not hard to believe.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, why are there four places tonight? Mom?

Melanie Freeland:
Honey, he just got back. He's only coming for dinner.

Tracy Freeland:
Yeah. Tomorrow he's just gonna tune up your car, right?

Melanie Freeland:
It needs it.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[during family dinner]

Tracy Freeland:
So Brady, how was the half way house?


Same as the last one, Trace.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy finds Brady in the bathroom, learning that he spent the night]

Tracy Freeland:

Melanie Freeland:
What? I'm making your fave!

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, I have to go to the bathroom now!

Melaine Freeland:
Well, can't you hold it a minute?

Tracy Freeland:
That's how you get a bladder infection, you child abuser!

Melanie Freeland:
Well, that's dramatic.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Which film is the following quote from: "The Frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick."?
A Romans
B Gladiator
C The Three Musketeers
D Spartacus