Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,607

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Hud Bannon:
...Where's my Jack Daniels?

Alma Brown:
I'd say you already drank it.

[Hud nuzzles one side of her neck from behind]

Alma Brown:
I don't like sudden passes.

Hud Bannon:
Well, there's another coming up on your right.

[He nuzzles the other side of her neck]

Alma Brown:
Don't you ever ask?

Hud Bannon:
The only question I ever ask any woman is, "What time is your husband coming home?" Now come on, let's get our shoelaces untied.

Alma Brown:
I've been asked with more finesse in my day.

[Hud backs off at last]

Hud Bannon:
I wouldn't want to come off crude. Want some perfume?

Alma Brown:
Sure; how about some colored beads and wampum, while you're at it?

Hud Bannon:
Whatever I need to make you trade.

Alma Brown:
Thanks, but I've done my time with one cold-blooded bastard; I'm not looking for another.

Hud Bannon:
It's too late, honey. You've already found him.

Hud  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hud has just parked his car in Alma's flower bed...again]

Alma Brown:
Why do you ALWAYS park that thing in my flowers!?

Hud Bannon:
Because you keep planting them where I park, that's why.

Hud  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alma Brown:
You and your car smell like Chanel #5. You weren't riding the range this afternoon, were you?

Hud Bannon:
I sure wasn't.

Alma Brown:
How does Truman Peters's wife make time for you, in the middle of the day?

Hud Bannon:
She just drops everything for me, honey.

Alma Brown:
I guess it beats housework, doesn't it?

Hud  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hud sits with Alma on her bed]

Hud Bannon:
You're a fine housekeeper, a fine cook, and a fine laundress. What else are you good at?

Alma Brown:
Taking care of myself.

Hud Bannon:
A piece of corn-silk like you shouldn't need to.

Alma Brown:
That's what my first husband used to tell me. Then he took my wallet and my gasoline card, left me stranded at a hotel in downtown Albuquerque.

Hud Bannon:
What did you do, wear your curlers to bed? Is that why he made for the hills?

Alma Brown:
He was a gambler. He's probably up at Vegas right now, dealing all night and losing it back in the daytime.

Hud Bannon:
Man like that sounds no better than a heel.

Alma Brown:
Aren't you all?

Hud Bannon:
Honey, don't go shooting all the dogs just because one of them's got fleas.

Alma Brown:
I was married to Ed for six years. Only thing he was ever good for was scratching my back where I couldn't reach it.

Hud Bannon:
You still got that itch?

Alma Brown:
Off and on.

Hud Bannon:
Well, let me know when it gets to bothering you.

Hud  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hud Bannon:
Give me a clean white shirt.

Alma Brown:
Boy, you're real big with the "please" and "thank you," aren't you?

Hud Bannon:
Please get up off your lazy butt and get me a clean white shirt. Thank you.

Hud  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Scientist on TV:
Ze dingus is quite simple, really. It operates on ze same principle zat keeps ze Earth in orbit around ze sun, and which keeps you from flying off ze Earth into ze cold reaches of space where you would die like a miserable swine. Yes, ze principle is the same... except for ze piece of grit zey put inside to make ze experience... more pleasant.

The Hudsucker Proxy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Papa Georges/Georges Méliès:
Back from the dead.

Hugo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mama Jeanne/Jeanne d'Alcy:
Stop it, Georges! Stop it! This is your work!

Papa Georges/Georges Méliès:
MY WORK?! What am I? Nothing but a penniless merchant, a broken windup toy!

Hugo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Papa Georges/Georges Georges Méliès:
I trusted you. This is how you thank me. You're cruel. Cruel.

Hugo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I should get back.


Hugo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thank you... for the movie today. It... It was a gift.

Hugo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Betty Ross:
We're buried out here in the middle of nowhere. How long are you going to keep him sedated?

General Ross:
For the rest of his natural life, if I have to.

Betty Ross:
You said I could trust you.

General Ross:
I'm your father. You can trust me to do what I think is right, not what you think you want.

Betty Ross:
He is a human being.

General Ross:
Well, he is also something else. Suppose he gets out, has one of his little mood swings in a populated area.

Betty Ross:
Yes, I'm aware of the potential danger. I'm also aware that he saved my life.

General Ross:
Yeah, from a mutant French poodle. I'm indebted to him for that. He also put three men in a hospital and Talbot's barely walking! I mean, what do you want me to do?!

Betty Ross:
I want you to help him! Why is he such a threat to you?

General Ross:
Because I know what he comes from! He is his father's son, every last molecule of him! He says he doesn't know his father, but he's working in the same exact goddamn field his father did! So, either he's lying or it's something worse, that he's-

Betty Ross:
What? Predestined to follow on his father's footsteps?

General Ross:
I was going to say "damned".

Betty Ross:
Of course you were, but I'm a scientist. As a scientist, I believe we can figure this out and he can be helped.

General Ross:
I know you do. Whether you know or care, I've got a lot of pride in what you've done, but this is too big for you.

Betty Ross:
Look, I know the government thinks they have a weapon on their hands, otherwise he'd be dead by now. They can probe and prod all they want. In the meanwhile, just let me try to help him. Nobody knows him better than I do. What did David Banner do to him?

Hulk  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

David Banner:
My dear Miss Ross. Welcome back.

Betty Ross:
There are two guards right outside.

David Banner:
You don't have to worry. I'm not angry with you. Not anymore.

Betty Ross:
What do you want?

David Banner:
It's over for me now. I know that. And soon, it'll be over for Bruce. That's why I've come to you. To ask you if you could persuade your father, as a man, as a father himself, that if I turn myself in now, peacefully and before he puts me away forever, that he would let me see my son for one last time. Could you do that for me?

Betty Ross:
It's out of my father's hands now.

David Banner:
I understand. He's a puppet now. I don't blame him.

Betty Ross:
You shouldn't. You should blame yourself for what you've done to your son.

David Banner:
And what have I done to my son, Miss Ross? Nothing. I tried to improve on the limits in myself. Myself, not him! Can you understand? To improve on nature, my nature, knowledge of oneself! It's the only path to the truth, that give men the power to go beyond God's boundaries!

Betty Ross:
You know what's beyond your boundaries? Other people. All you've given Bruce is fear. Fear of life.

Hulk  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bruce Banner:
I should have killed you.

David Banner:
Yeah? I should have killed you.

Bruce Banner:
I wish you had. I saw her last night. Saw her face. Brown hair, brown eyes. She smiled at me. She reached down and kissed my cheek. I can almost remember a smell. It was like desert flowers.

David Banner:
Her favorite perfume.

Bruce Banner:
It was my mother, and I don't even know her name.

David Banner:
It's alright, son. Go ahead and cry. Go ahead and cry. Cry. Crying will do you good.

Bruce Banner:
Don't touch me! Maybe, once, you're my father. But, you're not now and you never will be.

David Banner:
Oh, is that so? Well, I've got news for you. I didn't come here to see you. I came here to see my son. My real son. The one inside of you. You're nothing but a superficial shell, a husk of flimsy consciousness ready to be torn off at a moment's notice.

Bruce Banner:
You can think what you like! I don't care, just go!

David Banner:
No, son. Listen to me. I found a cure... for me. My cells can transform, too. Absorb enormous amounts of energy. But, unlike you, they're unstable. Son, I need your strength. I gave you life, now you must give it back to me! Only a million times more radiant, more powerful!

Bruce Banner:

David Banner:
"STOP" WHAT? "STOP" WHAT?! Think about all those men out there, in their uniforms! Barking and swallowing orders! Inflicting their petty rule over the entire globe! Think of all the harm they've done! To you! To me! To humanity! And know this, that we can make them, and their flags, and their anthems, and their governments disappear! In a flash! You and me!

Bruce Banner:
I'd rather die!

David Banner:
Oh, that's your answer. And indeed you shall die. And be reborn a hero! Of the kind that walked the Earth long before the pale religions of civilization infected humanity's soul!

Bruce Banner:

David Banner:
Stop your bawling, you weak little speck of human trash. [David stands up and grabs the cable] I'll go! You just watch me go!

General Ross:
Hit it!

Hulk  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

Bruce Banner:
[in Spanish] We need these medicines for the people who live here.

[in Spanish] Who are you to decide what the people need? These people are helping our enemies. And maybe you are too. Take all this. It is the property of the government!

Bruce Banner:
[in Spanish; threateningly] You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when l'm angry.

[camera zooms out from Bruce's green eyes, fades to green as Hulk's roar is heard, then the screen fades to black, and the credits roll.]

Hulk  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How many times have I told ya, get your own fucking flat. Get your own flat man, you need your own flat. It's a piece of piss, you can get it on the social.

[sighs] Where am I gonna go for fuck's sake?

I dunno. What the fuck do you care? As long as it's got a fucking phone line you're all right ain't ya?

[laughs] Fuck off you cunt.

Human Traffic  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Who is this creature?


What is he?


How did he come to be there?


[hits the puppet with a stick] Hush!


[to children] Clopin will tell you a tale. A tale of a man...and a monster.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, the real war, Captain, is what you see before you. For twenty years, I have been taking care of the gypsies, [On each of the last three words, Frollo crushes one of three ants on a tile. He flips the tile over, revealing scores of ants scurrying around underneath.] And yet, for all of my success, they have thrived. I believe they have a safe haven, within the walls of this very city. A nest, if you will. They call it the Court of Miracles.

What are we going to do about it, sir? [Frollo slams the tile back down upside down, crushing the remainder of the ants.] You make your point perfectly clear, sir.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oafish Guard:
You think he's ugly now? Watch this! [Throws a tomato at Quasimodo's face, everyone gasps] Now that's ugly!!!! Simply disgusting thing to say people can be evil Quasi proves he's a hero in the end his song Heavens light show's us how much God loves us love will conquer over evil

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Points at Esmeralda] You! Gypsy girl! Get down at once!

Yes, your honor. Just as soon as I free this poor creature.

Which you know is forbidden! [Esmeralda pulls out a knife and cuts the rope tying Quasimodo to the wheel] How dare you defy me!

Esmeralda You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people! You speak of justice that you were called You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help!



[Everyone gasps]

Mark my words, gypsy. You will pay for this insolence.

Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool. [picks up King of Fools' crown] The only fool I see is you!

[throws it at Frollo's feet; Djali raspberries Frollo]


The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[takes Phoebus' sword] You!

Easy! Easy! I-I just shaved this morning.

[points Phoebus' sword at his goatee] Oh, really? You missed a spot.

Alright, alright, just-just-just calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize.

For what?

[takes back his sword, and side-sweeps Esmeralda] That, for example.

[angrily] You sneaky son-of-a--

[interrupting] Ah-ah-ah, watch it. We're in a church.

Are you always this charming, or am I just lucky? [uses candle-staff]

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Candlelight, privacy, music. Can't think of a better place for hand-to-hand combat. You fight almost as well as a man!

Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you!

That's hitting a little below the belt, don't you think?

No. This is.

[Phoebus avoids getting hit in the groin, but gets hit in the mouth by the candle-staff]

[blubbers] Touché. [gets rammed in the stomach by Djali] Oof! I didn't know you had a kid.

Well, he doesn't take to kindly to soldiers.

[painfully] Eh! I noticed. [normally] Permit me. I'm Phoebus. It means "Sun god." [Esmeralda and Djali look at each other, incredulously] And you are?

Is this an interrogation?

I believe it's called an introduction.

You're not arresting me?

Not as long as you're in here. I can't.

Huh. You're not at all like the other soldiers. [puts down the candle staff]

Thank you.

So, if you're not going to arrest me, what do you want?

I'd settle for your name.

[smiling] Esmeralda.

Beautiful. Much better than Phoebus, anyway.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Paris was about to explode into flames while Frollo and the guards were searching for Esmeralda. In the bell tower, Victor and Laverne were upset, looking out.]

Oh, it doesn't look good.

It's hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.

[playing cards with a pigeon, not paying attention] You're telling me! I'm losing to a bird!

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[stopping Clopin as he is about to hang Quasimodo and Phoebus, thinking they're Frollo's spies] STOP!

Quasimodo and Phoebus:
[muffled] Esmeralda!

[untying Quasimodo and Pheobus] These men aren't spies, they're our friends!

[confused] Why didn't they say so?

Quasimodo and Phoebus:
We did say so!

This is the soldier who saved the miller's family, and Quasimodo helped me escape the cathedral.

We came to warn you! Frollo's coming! He says he know where you're hiding, and he's attacking at dawn with a thousand men!

Then let's waste no time. We must leave immediately. [the gypsies hurry to escape] You took a terrible risk coming here. It may not exactly show, but we're grateful.

[Phoebus sees Quasimodo sad seeing Esmeralda hug Phoebus]

[to Esmeralda] Don't thank me, thank Quasimodo. Without his help, I would never have found my way here.

[off-screen] Nor would I.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Quasimodo is chained up, and the gargoyles are trying to snap him out of his depression]

Come on, Quasi, snap out of it!

Your friends are down there!

It's all my fault.

Ya gotta break these chains!

I can't. I tried. What difference would it make?

But you can't let Frollo win!

He already has.

So you're-- You're givin' up? That's it?

These chains aren't what's holdin' you back, Quasimodo.

Leave me alone.

[All the gargoyles are shocked, and they slowly begin to stone-walk away]

Okay. Okay, Quasi. We'll leave ya alone.

After all, we're only made out of stone.

We just thought maybe you were made of something stronger.

[The gargoyles then turn to stone, leaving Quasimodo with the line "Made of something stronger."]

For justice, for Paris, and for her own salvation, it is my sacred duty to send this unholy demon back where she belongs! [lights the fuse]

[crowd yells in protest against having the bomb go off and Esmeralda die in fire]

[bellowing] No!

The Hunchback of Notre Dame  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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