[Wolf and Twitchy are following the cable car up the mountain from the woods below]
Those sheep made me hungry. After this, we're grabbing a bite.
Sounds good, sounds good.
[Wolf pulls out a radar gun, and starts scanning his surroundings. He picks up random wildlife noises - a bleating mountain goat, some croaking frogs, and also some German yodeling. Then...]
Voice 1:
I don't know what to do. I mean, should I call her? Should I-
Voice 2:
Well she's keeping her options open. Seeing other people probably, you should do the same.
Voice 1:
Shh. Up there.
[The camera angle changes to show the tip of the Wolf's dish hovering over two caterpillars on a leaf]
Do you mind?
[embarrassed] Ooh. Sorry. [He aims his radar gun back at the cable car's cabin and continues walking, eventually picking up voices]
Boingo's voice:
Hey, you deliver up this far?
Red's voice:
[unintelligible due to static] ...but I was thinking of.....the Muffin Man.....Granny's recipes.....an evil plan.....to shut down everyone in the forest. [Wolf lowers his radar]
I knew it. She's working for the old lady. Twitchy?
[Twitchy climbs onto a tree branch, at which point Red falls out of the car. He starts taking pictures of her up until she crashes through his branch, hits several more branches, and lands on the ground]
[deadpan, into tape recorder] Ouch. [As Red discovers a footprint, Twitchy swallows his camera. The extra weight causes him to fall from his branch and snap a through-the-mouth flash photo of Red]
[facepalms] Ugh. [Steps out from his hiding place. Red gasps] Afternoon.
So, you're the little girl in the red hood? That was quite a bit of falling you did just now. [Twitchy hides behind his boss and coughs up his camera] Yep, gravity's working.....So what are you doing out here in the big bad forest? Are you taking the goodies to someone in particular? [Twitchy disassembles the camera and starts checking individual parts for damage]
Uhhh... my granny. [Twitchy sprays a small amount of cleaning solution under his armpits]
Ah, you don't have anything else in that basket?
You ask a lot of questions, mister! [Twitchy winds up the camera]
Well, I'm a curious guy. Let me have a look.
I'd rather you didn't. [At that precise moment, Wolf's tail gets caught in the camera and he screams in pain. Red screams and she runs away. He looks at his tail, embarrassed]
I mean, please! Come back here! [turns to Twitchy] What are you doing?!
Sorry! I was just winding! I didn't- Your tail was-
Come on! We're gonna lose her!