Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,609

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Wolf is visiting Woolworth, his informant]

I wanna know about the girl in the red hood.

Don't know a thing. Never heard of her. [Wolf slips him some money] Little Red? Processing. Oh, yeah, it's coming back to me now. Sweet gal. Not like that Bo Peep. That brat put up an invisible fence, I tasted metal fillings for a week!

Focus! The girl in the hood. You get around the mountain. Who does she work for?

How should I know? I ain't that curious! [Wolf slips him some more money] It's the family business. Ain't you ever heard of Granny Puckett?


That's her grandma.

The Granny Puckett? You pullin' the wool over my eyes?

[sarcastically] Ha ha, hilarious. You come up with that yourself? That's funny.

[gives a cold glare to Woolworth] You're looking pretty tasty.

Why do you have to be like that? All I know is that the old lady lives up high in the hills. Not a lot of visitors.

Except the little girl.

The word in the herd is that she's been known to take the cable car up the mountain.

Cable car?

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolf and Twitchy are following the cable car up the mountain from the woods below]

Those sheep made me hungry. After this, we're grabbing a bite.

Sounds good, sounds good.

[Wolf pulls out a radar gun, and starts scanning his surroundings. He picks up random wildlife noises - a bleating mountain goat, some croaking frogs, and also some German yodeling. Then...]

Voice 1:
I don't know what to do. I mean, should I call her? Should I-

Voice 2:
Well she's keeping her options open. Seeing other people probably, you should do the same.

Voice 1:
Shh. Up there.

[The camera angle changes to show the tip of the Wolf's dish hovering over two caterpillars on a leaf]

Do you mind?

[embarrassed] Ooh. Sorry. [He aims his radar gun back at the cable car's cabin and continues walking, eventually picking up voices]

Boingo's voice:
Hey, you deliver up this far?

Red's voice:
[unintelligible due to static] ...but I was thinking of.....the Muffin Man.....Granny's evil shut down everyone in the forest. [Wolf lowers his radar]

I knew it. She's working for the old lady. Twitchy?

[Twitchy climbs onto a tree branch, at which point Red falls out of the car. He starts taking pictures of her up until she crashes through his branch, hits several more branches, and lands on the ground]

[deadpan, into tape recorder] Ouch. [As Red discovers a footprint, Twitchy swallows his camera. The extra weight causes him to fall from his branch and snap a through-the-mouth flash photo of Red]

[facepalms] Ugh. [Steps out from his hiding place. Red gasps] Afternoon.


So, you're the little girl in the red hood? That was quite a bit of falling you did just now. [Twitchy hides behind his boss and coughs up his camera] Yep, gravity's working.....So what are you doing out here in the big bad forest? Are you taking the goodies to someone in particular? [Twitchy disassembles the camera and starts checking individual parts for damage]

Uhhh... my granny. [Twitchy sprays a small amount of cleaning solution under his armpits]

Ah, you don't have anything else in that basket?

You ask a lot of questions, mister! [Twitchy winds up the camera]

Well, I'm a curious guy. Let me have a look.

I'd rather you didn't. [At that precise moment, Wolf's tail gets caught in the camera and he screams in pain. Red screams and she runs away. He looks at his tail, embarrassed]

I mean, please! Come back here! [turns to Twitchy] What are you doing?!

Sorry! I was just winding! I didn't- Your tail was-

Come on! We're gonna lose her!

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolf has overtaken Red by taking a taxi cab]

[into his tape recorder] Suspect is approaching on foot, stolen recipes in basket. I'm about to catch her red-handed. [steps out from behind the tree he is using as cover when Red gets close; she gasps and freezes] Hand over the basket!

[Red raises a pepper spray can and sprays him in the eyes]

Hi-yah! [She starts kicking and punching him. Midway through, we cut back to Wolf's present day interview]

[incredulous] So, you really took a beating, from a little girl?


[Cuts to Red, standing next to a photo of herself in her martial arts uniform, with the caption "Red Puckett:
Forest Regional Karate Champion". Meanwhile....]

HIIII-YAH!! [spin-kicks Wolf, causing him to fall on his back, then takes off]

Come back here, you little brat! [As Twitchy runs, trying to catch up, the Wolf chases Red's cape, not noticing that it is actually being flown by hummingbirds. When he grabs it, he finds it empty, and the camera whips back to reveal him frozen in mid-air past the edge of a cliff] Okay. Not cool.

[Falls and screams into the freezing water below]

[floating away, and noticing Red standing on the cliff above him] You can't hold onto those recipes forever! I'll get you and you little granny too! [He sees a fisherman on the river bank looking at him intently]

Hmm. That's fishy.

What?! They're evil! I'll prove it!

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolf is drying off on a log when Twitchy hobbles up, panting, and collapses]

So can we eat?

Sure! You hungry for failure? Maybe a side of unemployment? 'Cause that's what's for lunch.

Well, what do we do?

We go right to the source. We've gotta get to Granny's before the kid does. [Boingo appears]

Is it a surprise?

Excuse me?

You're going over to Granny's house to surprise Red. I mean, is it her birthday, or what is it? Is there some kind of shim dig, 'cause I'm great at parties! Watch me pull myself out of a hat! [forcefully scratches his right ear against his head]

Yeah. Big surprise party. You know how to get there?

Oh, yeah! Yeah! In fact, I know a shortcut.

[to Twitchy, incredulous] You hear that? He knows a shortcut.

You go over the woods and through the river... no, you don't wanna go through the river. You'll get all wet.

You see, Twitchy, you get lemons, you make lemonade.

[Cuts to Wolf and Twitchy walking in ankle-deep water through a dark tunnel; Twitchy turns on his camera light]

And then that lemonade goes bitter, and ferments, and turns to pig-swill. Never trust a bunny with directions, Twitchy.

Sure thing, boss! Never trust a bunny!

Well the bright side is at least I finally dried off. [immediately falls into a small hole, soaking his hoodie and bringing the water up to his waist] Why couldn't I write movie reviews? We are in a pickle, and I blame myself. That bunny was worthless. Not to mention he wrote the directions on an Easter Egg... [holds up a brightly colored Easter Egg with illegible handwriting and a tiny map scribbled on the side] ...which is very hard to read.

Oh, we're gonna die in here!

Come on, that's what they said at the Alamo!

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolf and Twitchy have boarded a mine cart]

Now this is a shortcut! [A loud rumble is heard as their cart runs along the mountainside]

What's that? Sounds like an avalanche!

Well Twitchy, that's natural. It's just Old Man Mountain showing us who's boss.

[The cart enters a tunnel]

Hey lookie-lookie, I found this box of candles! A big box!

Box of candles? Light 'em up! [Twitchy lights one, and holds up.... a stick of dynamite with a sparking fuse] Wow that's nice and bright. What kind of candles are those?

[looks at the print on the side] Uh, DEE-NA-MEE-TAY. Hmm, must be Italian.

AH! Lose the candle! [wrestles with Twitchy for the stick, which falls, rolls, and ignites every single stick of dynamite stored in the back. The Wolf yelps and starts rapidly throwing sticks behind the cart as they exit the tunnel onto a trestle. The sticks hit the track and explode, and Wolf pulls the emergency brake, bringing the cart to a stop at the bottom. As they come to their senses, another cart goes off the truncated track end behind them with a loud scream]

You hear something?


Huh. Come on, let's get to Granny's.

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wolf and Twitchy arrive at Granny's cottage]

[knocks on door] Hello! Paper boy. Publishers. Uh, candygram! [He opens the door, finding it unlocked]

Huh, whadda we do, boss? [Wolf sees a cardboard cutout of Granny and is repulsed]

[narrating] Lucky for me, Granny keeps a lot of her merchandise around the cottage. Disguise was the only way of catching this girl in the act of smuggling. [He dons a plastic face mask and apron]

[falsetto voice] Sweetie pie. [Outtake beeps, cut to take 2] Sugar plum! [take 3] Uh, hug your granny, little puddin' pop!

[bored] Oh....

[lifts up the mask] Ooh! Boy, that's hot. OK, change of plans, you can be Granny.

[There is a loud knock on the door]

She's coming! [The Wolf throws him in a side closet, where Granny is bound and gagged]

Red's voice:
[coming from the foyer] Granny? It's me, Red. Is everything okay?

[pulls down the mask] Oh, oh, yeah, sure thing. Come on in.

Chief Grizzly:
Pretty thin, Wolf! [Cut back to the present day] You say the old lady was already tied up! How did that happen?!

I don't know, maybe to make herself look innocent. I just write the news, Chief! I don't make it.

For a reporter, you sure have a strange way of doing your job. [rolls her eyes]

: What can I say? I was raised by wolves. [Cuts to a picture of the Wolf's family portrait]

Chief Grizzly:
You got a way to back this up? [Twitchy appears]

I got these pictures developed, Mr. Flippers!

That so? Let's have a look... [examines the photos] Hmmm... these are good... Ha... [shows picture of Wolf mounted in a fish costume] Here's a nice one of you, Wolf.

I wanna do an expose' sometime; a gallery show. And maybe a coffee table book, 'course, I don't drink coffee. Maybe a chi tea/latte book.

Photos don't lie, Chief. [Grizzly growls in frustration]

Good work, Twitchy.

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Flippers has Kirk brought in to be interviewed; Kirk hits his head on the doorway coming into the room]

My, my. You're a big fellow. Shop at the Big and Tall store?

Kirk Kirkendall:
This is a big and tall mistake! I would not hurt a butterfly!

Det. Stork:
[slams Kirk's pick axe down in front of him] Then what's this?! A letter opener?!

Chief Grizzly:
Yeah that's a funny accent you got there, choppy.

I can do the Cowboy accent. [cowboy accent] "Howdy, partner!"

Indeed you can. Say, before you ride off into the sunset, you think you could rustle us up some information?

Hoodwinked!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

Nicky Flippers:
[narrating] Once upon a time, there were four unlikely heroes. Red Riding Hood, her granny, the not so Big Bad Wolf and an over-caffeinated squirrel called Twitchy. Together, they defeated the evil plans of a very bad little bunny, and came to work for me. My name is Nicky, and I run the Happily Ever After Agency, an organization dedicated to making happy endings for everyone. As we say in the HEA, "It's not just a fairy tale, it's an adventure Recently, Red took a leave of absence to train at a secret location with the legendary Sisters of the Hood. This left the team in a bit of disarray, just as we were about to meet a terrible threat, not only to the HEA, but to happy endings everywhere. It started one night when we received an anonymous tip that two children were being held in a gingerbread house by a witch with a wicked appetite.

Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Banning:
What's the deal? Where's the real food?

If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan, you won't be Peter Pan, now eat up.

Peter Banning:
Eat what? There's nothing here. Gandhi ate more than this.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[the Bannings have arrived at Wendy's house. They knock on the door, and are answered by a senile old man, Tootles]

Peter Banning:
Uncle Tootles...

[completely ignoring the Bannings] It's snowing!

[he slams the door in their faces, Jack laughs hysterically and chokes on his gum]

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Hook:
You bet against me bringing Pan back here, didn't ya?


Captain Hook:
Aw, tell your captain the truth. [pirate starts to cry] Aww, say it. Say it.

I did.

Captain Hook:
Yes, you made a boo-boo.

[nods] I did. I did!

Captain Hook:
The Boo Box.

Not that! Not the Boo Box! NOO!! [he is then locked into a chest filled with scorpions.]

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thud Butt:
I remember Tootles.

Peter Pan:
How could you remember Tootles?

Thud Butt:
He was a lost boy. These are his marbles. [hands Peter a bag] These are his happy thoughts.

Peter Pan:
[laughs] He really did lose his marbles, didn't he?

Thud Butt:
[laughs with Peter] Yeah, he lost them good.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I want to speak to a grown-up!

All grown-ups are pirates.

Excuse me?

We kill pirates.

Peter Pan:
I'm not a pirate. It so happens, I'm a lawyer.

Kill the lawyer!

Lost Boys:
Kill the lawyer!

Peter Pan:
I'm not that kind of lawyer!

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

No-no! Please stop! Why are you doing this to me?! [falls in the flower garden]

Tinker Bell:
Rufio, you're the best with a sword. Please teach him. We gotta make him remember.

[A daffodil sniffs at Peter's face. Other sunflowers are now sniffing at Peter. More daffodils sniff at his crotch.] Excuse me! [Hits the daffodil, it sneezes.]

Peter and Lost Boys:
Help me!

Peter and Lost Boys:
Not you! [Peter Pan with arrow shot by rear end]

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[he and Rufio are having an insult fight] Substitute chemistry teacher!

Lost Boy:
C'mon Rufio, hit him back!

Mung tongue!

Math tutor.


Prison Barber.

Mother lover!

Nearsighted gynecologist.

In your face, camel cake!

In your rear, cow derriere!

Lying, crying, spying, prying ultra-pig!

You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food, dude!

Bangerang, Peter!!! [the rest of the Lost Boys cheer for Peter]

[losing confidence] You-- You man! Stupid, stupid man!

Hey, Rufio, if I'm a maggot burger, why don't you just EAT ME!? You two-toned, zebra headed, slime-coated, pimple-farming, paramecium brain, munching-on-your-own-mucus, suffering from PETER PAN? ENVY!!!

Lost Boy:
What's a paramecium brain?

I'll tell you what a paramecium is! [points at Rufio] THAT'S a paramecium! It's a one-celled critter WITH NO BRAIN THAT CAN'T FLY! [to Rufio] Don't mess with me, man! I'M A LAWYER!!!

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Banning:
[climbing up a rope ladder] Someone give me a hand.

Captain Hook:
I already have.

Pirate Crew:

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Pan:
[to the lost boys] Let's get ready to show them the white light we're made of, boys.

Captain Hook:
[to the pirates] Remember the fires of hell that forged you, charge!

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[dying after being stabbed by Hook] Do you know what I wish?


I wish I had a dad... like you.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain James Hook:
Hear me, men. For reasons of good form, I have decided that this so-called Pan will return in three days to commence the arbitrament of the sword. Smee, translate.

In three days, we're gonna have a war! A battle between good and evil to the death!

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've forgotten how to fly.

Inspector Good:
Yes, well... one does.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Banning:
Uh... [whispers in Hook's ear]

Captain Hook:
I beg your pardon?

[whispers again]

Captain Hook:
You must be joking. [to other pirates; laughs] Peter Pan has a real problem with heights.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

Wendy Moira Angela Darling/ Granny Wendy:
So... your adventures are over.

Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I want to die.

Oh, captain...

There's no adventure here.

(Motioning to Hook's flintlock pistol) You call THIS no adventure?

Death is the only great adventure I have left.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Hook:
Prepare to die Peter.

Peter Pan:
To die will be a great adventure.

Captain Hook:
Death is the only adventure you have left.

Hook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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