Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,603

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I've tried so hard to keep it within these walls - in my own house. Now, because you would go out tonight, the whole of London knows it. If I could only get inside that brain of yours and understand what makes you do these crazy, twisted things.

Gregory, are you trying to tell me I'm insane?

It's what I'm trying NOT to tell myself.

But that's what you think, isn't it? That's what you've been hinting and suggesting for months now, ever since...the day I lost your brooch. That's when it all began. No, no, no, it began before that. The first day here when I found that letter. :[Gregory stops and abruptly turns]

What letter?

That one I found among the music from that man...

Yes, you're right. That's when it began...I can see you still, standing there and saying, 'Look. Look at this letter.' And staring at nothing.


You had NOTHING in your hand.


I was staggered, but I didn't know then how much reason I had to be...

I don't know. What dream?

I didn't know that about your mother.

What about my mother?

Your mother was mad.


She died in an asylum when you were a year old.

That's not true!

It began with her imagining things, that she heard noises, footsteps, voices, and then the voices began to speak to her. And in the end, she died in an asylum with no brain at all.

Gaslight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your husband and Sergis Bauer are one and the same person. And this letter from Sergis Bauer to Alice Alquist was written two days before her murder.

But he said there wasn't any letter. He said I was going out of my mind.

You're not going out of your mind. You're slowly and systematically being driven out of your mind.

But why? WHY?

Perhaps because you found this letter and know too much. [He looks up] Or because then he would have control of your property, of this house, and could search in the open instead of the dark like this.

Why search? What is there to search for?

For the things for which Alice Alquist was murdered. Her jewels.

But I have her jewels.

Not the jewels you didn't know she had. Famous jewels, jewels for which he was searching that night. When he was frightened away by hearing someone come down the stairs. Someone he never saw. A little girl.

Me. Me. But he - if he was here that night, but he never - he never knew her. You're wrong...You're making a mistake. I know him. He's my husband. I've lived in the same house with him. You're talking about the man I'm married to.

Mrs. Anton. There's not a detail of the Alquist case that I don't know and unless I'm more mistaken than I've ever been in my life, the man called Sergis Bauer has a wife living in Prague now. So you see, Mrs. Anton, he must have planned the whole thing step by step from that night.

Oh, if that were true, then from the beginning there would have been nothing. Nothing real from the beginning.

I'm sorry to take everything away from you like this, but you must believe me. Your whole life depends on what you're going to do now, nothing less than your whole life. Don't you see the way everything fits in?

Gaslight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to me.

I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to her.

Gaslight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

For the last time, what do you want of me?

The jewels - and justice. How does it feel, Bauer, to have planned and killed and tortured for something and then to know it's been for nothing?

For nothing?

Gaslight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This night will be a long night.

But it will end. It's starting to clear. In the morning when the sun rises, sometimes it's hard to believe there ever was a night. You'll find that, too. Let me come here and see you and talk to you. Perhaps I can help somehow.

[gratefully] You're very kind.

Gaslight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Floyd McClure:
And this is the part of the inspiration of getting our little tits... into a cemetery. Something that we could be proud of, of saying, 'My little pet did his chore here - that God has sent him to us to do a chore - love and be loved and serve his master.' And, boy, these little pets that did that... Like I said before - death is for the living and not for the dead.

Gates of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Florence Rasmussen:
I'm raised on a farm, we had chickens and pigs and cows and sheep and everything. But down here I've been lost. Now they've taken them all away from here up to that - What's the name of that place? Up above here a little ways? That town? Commences with a 'B.' Blue. It's - Blue Hill Cemetery, I think the name of it is. Not too far, I guess, about maybe twenty miles from here. A little town there, a little place. You know where it's at. But I was really surprised when I heard they were getting rid of the cemetery over here. Gonna put in buildings or something over there. Ah well, I know people been very good to me, you know. Well, they see my condition, I guess, must of felt sorry for me. But it's real, my condition is. It's not put on. That's for sure! Boy, if I could only walk. If I could only get out. Drive my car. I'd get another car. Ya... and my son, if he was only better to me. After I bought him that car. He's got a nice car. I bought it myself just a short time ago. I don't know. These kids - the more you do for them... He' s my grandson, but I raised him from two years old... I don't see him very often. And he just got the car. I didn't pay for all of it. I gave him four hundred dollars. Pretty good! His boss knows it. Well, he's not working for that outfit now. He's changed. He's gone back on his old job - hauling sand. No, not hauling sand; he's working in the office. That's right. He took over the office job. His boss told me that on the phone. But, you know, he should help me more. He's all I got. He's the one who brought me up here. And then put me here by myself among strangers. It's terrible, you stop and think of it. I've been without so much, when I first come up here. Ya. It's what half of my trouble is from - him not being home with me. Didn't cost him nothing to stay here. Every time he need money, he'd always come, 'Mom, can I have this? Can I have that?' But he never pays back. Too good, too easy - that's what everybody tells me. I quit now. I quit. Now he's got the office job, I'm going after him. I'm going after him good, too - if I have to go in... in a different way. He's going to pay that money. He's got the office job now. And he makes good money anyway. And he has no kids. He has not married. Never get married, he says. He was married once - they're divorced. Well, she tried to take him for the kid, but she didn't. They went to court. It was somebody else's kid. She was nothing but a tramp in the first place. I told him that. He wouldn't listen to me. I says, 'I know what she is.' I said, 'Richard, please, listen to me.' He wouldn't listen. He knew all, he knew everything. Big shot! But he soon found out. Now that's all over with. I've been through so much I don't know how I'm staying alive. Really, for my age... if you're young, it's different. But I've always said I'm never going to grow old. I've always had that, and the people that I tell how old I am, they don't believe me, because people my age as a rule don't get around like I do.

Gates of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Phil Harbert:
I have to say to myself: What does it mean to me? What does this mean to me? What is it going to mean to me? I recognize this and - A couple of things when I was instructing motivation back in Salt Lake City is that if we don't stop and ask ourselves a question once in a while to probe our subconscious or to probe our conscious... I used to teach it. It's a plain, simple formula. We reduced everything to a formula, memorized it, and therefore we were able to repeat it constantly. I used to call it the R2-A2 formula: Recognize, Relate, Assimilate, and put into Action! Like, I could be driving down the freeway and see a 450 SL. I could say, 'Hey, I like that. What does that mean to me? What would I have to do to get it? How can I do it?' And then go to work for it. And strive for it. It kind of makes life easy. I think that's why a lot of people don't - They get frustrated. They have emotional problems, it's that they don't know how to cope with their - mind. There are three things that I've got to do and that if anybody wants to do to be successful, to have the desire, the want-to. Why do you go to work in the morning? Gee, why am I here? Because you want to. But that's obvious. And then the next very important ingredient is something that a lot of people and a lot of businesses fail to delge into. It's the activity knowledge. It would be the equation to a mathematical problem. It would be equal to the chemist's ability to emulsify chemicals - you know, properly, the valences. But the knowledge of it, the whole scope. Everything in detail. And then the third element would be, of course, the know-how or the experience. I have the inspiration to action. I don't have the activity knowledge, but I'm getting the know-how before I'm getting the activity knowledge. As a matter of fact, I'm getting more know-how than I'm getting activity knowledge. But they can be correlated together. They can be overlapped.

Gates of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vincent's parents are planning a second child, and are shown four candidate embryos]

You have specified hazel eyes, dark hair and fair skin. I've taken the liberty of eradicating any potentially prejudicial conditions. Premature baldness, myopia... alcoholism and addictive susceptibility... propensity for violence, obesity, etc.

Marie Freeman:
We didn't want... Diseases, yes, but-- [looks at Antonio]

Antonio Freeman:
We were just wondering if it's good to leave a few things to chance?

We want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built in already. Your child doesn't need any more additional burdens. Keep in mind, this child is still you. Simply the best of you. You could conceive naturally a thousand times and never get such a result.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vincent is looking at a picture of a 12-fingered pianist]

You didn't know?

Oh, yes. Yeah.

Wonderful, wasn't it?

Twelve fingers, or one, it's how you play.

That piece can only be played with twelve.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vincent Freeman finds his brother Anton poring over the details of his Titan mission at his classroom station]

Anton Freeman:
Vincent. [turns around and looks at him. Stands] My God you have changed. Has it been so long, you don't recognize your own brother?

Vincent Freeman:
Are we brothers?

Our parents both died thinking they'd outlived you. [Pause] I had my doubts.

What are you doing here Anton?

I should ask you that question. I have a right to be here. You don't.

You almost sound as if you believe that. I committed no murder. You must be disappointed.

You committed fraud. [Pause] Listen, you're in a lot of trouble Vincent. I can get you out of here-

Do you have any idea what it took to get IN here?!

You've gone as far as you can go. You come with me now!

There is still a few million miles left to go..

It's over..

Is it the only way you can succeed is to see me fail?

I'm telling you.....

MY GOD, EVEN YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO NOW!? In case you haven't noticed, I don't need any rescuing, but you did once. Well.. you've got all the answers, how do you explain that?

You didn't beat me that day. I beat myself.

Who are you trying to convince?

Do you want me to prove it to you?

It's not important Anton. It's forgotten.


I do.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vincent takes up Anton's dare on their old challenge of swimming to see who will chicken out first]

Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We have to go back.

It's too late for that. We're closer to the other side.

What other side? You wanna drown us both?

You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Vincent visits his and Eugene's flat one more time, with all the equipment in mothballs]

Jerome Eugene Morrow:
You're flying today, aren't you? Look at what a mess you're in. Come on. I have your samples ready.

Vincent Freeman:
I don't need any samples where I'm going.

You might when you get back. [shows freezer with a large stockpile of his specimen samples] Everything you need to last you two lifetimes.

Vincent Freeman:
Why have you done all this?

So Jerome will always be here when you need him.

Where are you going?

I'm traveling too.

I don't know how to thank you.

I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body. You lent me your dream. [gives Vincent a folded piece of paper] Not until you're upstairs.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Prior to launch, Vincent is confronted with an unexpected urine test without one of Jerome's samples]

What's this?

Dr. Lamar:
[gives specimen cup] New policy. What's the matter? Flight got you nervous?

Well, there's a problem Lamar...

Dr. Lamar:
I never did tell you about my son, did I? He's a big fan of yours.

Just remember that I was as good as any, and better than most...

Dr. Lamar:
He wants to apply here.

I could've gone up and back and nobody would've been the wiser.

Dr. Lamar:
Unfortunately, my son's not all that they promised. But then, who knows what he could do. Right? [test reveals Vincent as an invalid] For future reference, right-handed men don't hold it with their left. It's just one of those things. [Lamar overrides the results with Jerome's valid ID] You don't want to miss your flight, Vincent.

Gattaca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chief Warrant Officer Paul Brenner is undercover as First Sergeant Frank White, pretending to oversee a black-market arms deal from his armory on an Army base. He speaks with a pronounced Southern accent.]

CW4 Brenner:
There you go. Genuine and made in the U.S.A. All you gotta do is give me and Dalbert $100,000 each and you'll see them guns come Sunday.

You'll get your money. Same time I get the guns.

CW4 Brenner:
Now, you listen to me, funny boy. How do I know you ain't one o'them- them Army cops?

Hey, I'm a freedom fighter.

CW4 Brenner:
Well! Check it out, Dalbert! We got ourselves Che-fucking-Guevera there. Woop-dee-doo, a freedom fighter! Well, where's your kooky red hat, boy? Ain't been a freedom fighter worth a damn ain't got him a kooky red hat.

[Visibly angered] You listen to me, stupid.

CW4 Brenner:
Dalbert, I think it's one o' them Freudian-

[The 'freedom fighter' approaches Brenner; as he does, Brenner instantly grabs him, spins him around, and pins a knife to his back.]

CW4 Brenner:
Hey, Dalbert, Dalbert!

SSG Dalbert Elkins:

CW4 Brenner:
Wanna hear a joke?

SSG Elkins:

CW4 Brenner:
How many freedom fighters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

SSG Elkins:
I don't know!

Hey, come on, man. Relax, huh?

CW4 Brenner:
Well, you don't sound like no criminal investigator to me.

SSG Elkins:

CW4 Brenner:

SSG Elkins:

CW4 Brenner:
[Releases the man, slapping him on the back] Well, you're all right, pal! I'm sorry about that, but we get a little jumpy around here before an exchange. So we'll see you Sunday, then!

[Quietly furious] I'll be there.

CW4 Brenner:
Yeah, you be there! [After the man leaves, he turns to Dalbert] Aw, unclench your ass-cheeks, Dalbert! The scary part is over!

The General's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

LTG Campbell:
First, I want you to know that you have my full cooperation, and the cooperation of everyone on this base.

CW4 Brenner:
Thank you, sir.

LTG Campbell:
You understand the time element?

CW4 Brenner:
The time element? No, sir.

COL Fowler:
After thirty-six hours the FBI will send in a task force to investigate. But we'd prefer to keep this an Army matter. The General can keep a lid on it through tomorrow.

LTG Campbell:
Once the FBI moves in, the media will be all over this base. And my daughter's... Captain Campbell's death... they'll turn it into a goddamn circus.

CW4 Brenner:
We'll do everything we can, sir.

LTG Campbell:
I'm sure you will. Look, let me be blunt. You're going to have to decide on this one, Paul- are you a soldier, or a policeman?

CW4 Brenner:
I'm a soldier, sir.

LTG Campbell:
I'm counting on it.

CW4 Brenner:
Sir, I met your daughter.

LTG Campbell:
Really? When was that?

CW4 Brenner:
Well, it was just a coincidence, but she helped me change a tire.

LTG Campbell:
That she could do. She could do almost anything. Her mother was the same way. Fix a tire. Bake a hell of a key lime pie. Speak five languages. Extraordinary woman. Two extraordinary women... goddamn waste.

CW2 Sunhill:
Again, our deepest sympathies, sir. And if there's anything else we can do for you at this time...

LTG Campbell:
Just... just find the son of a bitch.

The General's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Brenner is questioning Colonel Robert Moore, Captain Elisabeth Campbell's commander at Psychological Operations]

CW4 Brenner:
Did you work together on a daily basis?

COL Moore:

CW4 Brenner:
Did you, uh, play together?

COL Moore:
What a truly excellent question. You see, here at Psy Ops, that's one of the things that we teach. Threatening quietly. Think of the echoes inherent in those four simple words: "Did you play together?" Did you go out with her? Did you fuck her? Did you love her? If you did, did you love her so much that you murdered her?

CW4 Brenner:
I meant did you play golf, or tennis, or checkers, or something.

COL Moore:
No, you didn't.

CW4 Brenner:
No, I didn't.

COL Moore:
So now we both know we're smart guys. Do you think I'm involved in this?

CW4 Brenner:
One way or another, yes, I do.

COL Moore:
Then wouldn't it behoove me to retain the services of an attorney? I know a good one.

CW4 Brenner:
Two problems there. First, the obvious: there are no good ones. Second, you're not a civilian, Colonel. You're in the Army. You have no right to an attorney, you have no right to remain silent. And if you don't cooperate I may have to put you in jail, and that would make me feel bad.

COL Moore:
You see what you're doing here?

CW4 Brenner:
Looking for answers?

COL Moore:
Of course, that. But how? How? You're trying to make me like you. And you know what? It's working; I do. But you see what I'm doing now? I'm trying to make you like me, too.

The General's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

CW4 Brenner:
Is Colonel Fowler coming?

LTG Campbell:
No, he's taking some much-needed R&R. He's a good man, George. A good man and a good soldier. Sometimes the lines get a little blurred, but when push comes to shove, he'll do what needs to be done.

CW4 Brenner:
And what is that, sir?

LTG Brenner:
Why, say Moore called him, of course. And that I was never out there. He'll do that for me, even if it means his career. Like a good soldier. Nothing is gained by my involvement. A letter of commendation will be inserted into your file, in recognition of your exemplary work on this case. Remember when you asked you if you were a cop or a soldier?

CW4 Brenner:
Yes, sir.

LTG Campbell:
Well, you're a soldier, Paul. And a damn fine one. [Salutes Brenner and starts to walk away.]

CW4 Brenner:
[Follows Campbell] General Campbell! You're wrong, sir. I'm a rotten soldier.

LTG Campbell:
Oh? And why is that?

CW4 Brenner:
You really don't get it, do you? The only mind that Elisabeth wanted to fuck with was yours. And you still don't get it.

LTG Campbell:
I've done nothing wrong.

CW4 Brenner:
You killed her.

LTG Campbell:
What did you say?

CW4 Brenner:
Seven years ago in that hospital room, when you told her to just forget about it, you killed her.

LTG Campbell:
Kent killed her.

CW4 Brenner:
No. He just put her out of her misery. I once asked Moore what was worse than rape. Now I know; betrayal.

LTG Campbell:
I loved Elisabeth. But there were larger issues to consider.

CW4 Brennner:
You traded her trust for your career. You made a deal, didn't you? You kept silent and they gave you another star.

LTG Campbell:
You watch your mouth, Brenner.

CW4 Brenner:
I'm gonna say that in my report. That you went out there, talked to her, and left her there to die.

LTG Campbell:
[Laughs coldly] You don't have the balls.

CW4 Brenner:
Oh, you're wrong, sir. Because that's just about all I have left.

LTG Campbell:
You do that, and you can kiss your career goodbye.

CW4 Brenner:
I'm gonna have you court-martialed, General! Under Article 32 for conspiracy to conceal a crime!

[The doors to the hangar open, and a bagpipe begins to play as CPT Cambell's casket is carried out of the plane that has landed. General Campbell and Brenner put on their dress uniform hats and turn to watch, standing at attention.]

CW4 Brenner:
When this all started I told you we would find the son of a bitch, sir. I never expected that the son of a bitch would be you.

The General's Daughter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gus Esmond:
[looking at Dorothy who is admiring some athletes] Dorothy Shaw, you're supposed to be the chaperone on the trip!

Dorothy Shaw:
Now let's get one thing straight, Gus: The chaperone's job is to make sure nobody else has any fun. But nobody chaperones the chaperone. That's why I'm so right for this job.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dorothy Shaw:
Oh no, you're not one of those, are you?

Ernie Malone:
One of what?

Dorothy Shaw:
The kind who thinks he has to tell a girl how much money he has.

Ernie Malone:
What's the matter with having money?

Dorothy Shaw:
Yes, I'm afraid you are. Do me a favor, will you Malone? Go whistle up a rope.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lorelei Lee:
Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?

Mr. Esmond Sr.:
Say, they told me you were stupid! You certainly don't seem stupid to me!

Lorelei Lee:
I can be smart when it's important, but most men don't like it.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

"You know, I've personally flown over 194 missions and I was shot down every one of them. Come to think of it, I've never landed a plane in my life."

Hot Shots!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Briefing men before takeoff)

"Gentlemen, we've waited a long time to hear this. In exactly 5 hours and 17 minutes we hit the enemy toast"

"Err... I think that's enemy coast sir"

"Huh? Coast? That'll take a bit more planning. But it doesn't matter..."

Hot Shots!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

"Call down to the galley and order some soup."

"Yes, sir."

"Ah, I love soup. At least I think I do. It's either soup or duck. Which one do you shoot?"

"Duck, sir"

(Admiral Benson ducks and bangs head on desk)

"Are you alright, sir?"

"Of course I'm alright! Why, what have you heard?"

Hot Shots!  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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